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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.264 - Released: 2024-03-25T16:22:50 - Machines: 46695 - rom: 351237 - disk: 1324 - Lists: 713 - Software: 137489 - rom: 233279 - disk: 11064

list name & description  
software name & description  
8 Softwares, page 1 / 1

aim65_cart assemblrAIM 65 Assembler1979Rockwellyes 
aim65_cart basic11AIM 65 BASIC v1.11978Rockwell/Microsoftyes 
aim65_cart extbas21AIM 65/PC100 Extended BASIC v2.11980GWKyes 
aim65_cart extbas23AIM 65/PC100 Extended BASIC v2.31980GWKyes 
aim65_cart forth13AIM 65 FORTH v1.31981Rockwellyes 
aim65_cart mathpackAIM 65 FORTH v1.3 w/ Mathpack198?Rockwellyesforth13
aim65_cart pascal10AIM 65 Instant Pascal v1.01981Rockwellyes 
aim65_cart pl65AIM 65 PL/65 v1.01980Rockwellyes 

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