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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.265 - Released: 2024-04-23T21:34:29 - Machines: 46750 - rom: 351491 - disk: 1325 - Lists: 714 - Software: 137832 - rom: 233686 - disk: 11065

list name & description  
software name & description  
12 Softwares, page 1 / 1

c128_cart c128dg40C128/40 Diagnostic (Rev 588121)198?Commodoreyes 
c128_cart c128dg40aC128/40 Diagnostic (Rev 789010)198?Commodoreyesc128dg40
c128_cart c128diagC-128 Diagnostic (v1.1)1987Commodoreyes 
c128_cart c128diagaC-128 Diagnostic (v1.4)198?Commodoreyesc128diag
c128_cart c128diagbC128/C128D Diagnostic (Rev 785260)198?Commodoreyesc128diag
c128_cart c128diagdcrC-128DCR Integral Diag 1.0198?Commodoreyesc128diag
c128_cart comal128COMAL 801985Commodoreno 
c128_cart mach128MACH 128 (v.1A)1985Access Softwareyes 
c128_cart mach128_2aMACH 128 (v.2A)1985Access Softwareyesmach128
c128_cart partn128PARTNER 1281985Timeworksyes 
c128_cart vstar128VizaStar 128: The Information Processor1984Vizayes 
c128_cart vwrit128VizaWrite 1281985Vizayes 

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