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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.265 - Released: 2024-04-23T21:34:29 - Machines: 46750 - rom: 351491 - disk: 1325 - Lists: 714 - Software: 137832 - rom: 233686 - disk: 11065

list name & description  
software name & description  
12 Softwares, page 1 / 1

pcfx amateurAmateur Teikyou CD-ROM1994NECno 
pcfx angeliqFushigi no Kuni no Angelique1996Koeino 
pcfx batlheatBattle Heat1994Hudson Softno 
pcfx cancandxCan Can Bunny Extra DX1996Cocktail Softno 
pcfx carrotPia Carrot e Youkuso!! - We've Been Waiting for You1997Cocktail Softno 
pcfx dknight4Dragon Knight IV1997NECno 
pcfx doukyuu2Doukyuusei 21996ELFno 
pcfx farlandFarland Story FX1996NECno 
pcfx firewomnFire Woman Matoigumi1996Tokuma Shotenno 
pcfx langrissDer Langrisser FX1996NCSno 
pcfx megamip2Megami Paradise II1996NECno 
pcfx sotsugy2Sotsugyou II FX - Neo Generation1994Riverhill Softno 

Try MAME-AO. Easiest way to use MAME. Automatically download and place all required files on the fly.

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