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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.264 - Released: 2024-03-25T16:22:50 - Machines: 46695 - rom: 351237 - disk: 1324 - Lists: 713 - Software: 137489 - rom: 233279 - disk: 11064

list name & description  
software name & description  
44 Softwares, page 1 / 1

xegs 1on1One-on-One1987Atariyes 
xegs aceofaceAce of Aces1988Atariyes 
xegs airballAirball1988Atariyes 
xegs archonArchon: The Light and the Dark1987Atariyes 
xegs ballblazBallblazer1987Atariyes 
xegs barnblstBarnyard Blaster1987Atarino 
xegs beefdropBeef Drop2005<homebrew>partial 
xegs bluemaxBlue Max1987Atariyes 
xegs bruceleeBruce Lee (Reproduction)1984Video 61 / Datasoftyes 
xegs bughuntBug Hunt1987Atarino 
xegs bzoneBattleZone1987Atariyes 
xegs ccastlesCrystal Castles1988Atariyes 
xegs ccrisisCastle Crisis2003AtariAgeno 
xegs chopliftChoplifter!1987Ataripartial 
xegs commandoCommando (Prototype)1988Atariyes 
xegs crimbstrCrime Buster1988Atarino 
xegs crossbowCrossbow1988Atarino 
xegs darkchamDark Chambers1988Ataripartial 
xegs deflektrDeflektor (Prototype)1988Atariyes 
xegs dsrtflcnDesert Falcon1988Atarino 
xegs eaglnestInto the Eagle's Nest1988Ataripartial 
xegs fightnFight Night1987Ataripartial 
xegs foodfFood Fight1987Atariyes 
xegs fractalRescue on Fractalus!1987Atariyes 
xegs fsim2Flight Simulator 21987Atarino 
xegs fsim2dFlight Simulator 2 (Demo Cartridge)1987Atariyesfsim2
xegs gatoGATO Submarine Simulation1987Atariyes 
xegs hardballHardball!1987Atariyes 
xegs karatekaKarateka1988Atarino 
xegs ldrunLode Runner1987Atariyes 
xegs marioMario Bros.1988Atariyes 
xegs mean18Mean 18 (Prototype)1988Atariyes 
xegs midimazeMIDI Maze (v1.00, reproduction)199?Video 61 / Ataripartial 
xegs midimazepMIDI Maze (Prototype)1988Ataripartialmidimaze
xegs midmagicDavid's Midnight Magic1987Atariyes 
xegs necromanNecromancer1988Atariyes 
xegs sinistarSinistar (Reproduction)199?Video 61 / Atariyes 
xegs starrai2Star Raiders II1987Atariyes 
xegs sumgamesSummer Games1987Atariyes 
xegs tapperTapper (Reproduction)20??Video 61 / Bally Midwayyes 
xegs thundfoxThunderfox1988Ataripartial 
xegs towertopTower Toppler (Prototype)1988Atariyes 
xegs vanguardVanguard (5200 Conversion)199?Video 61 / Atariyes 
xegs xenophobXenophobe (Reproduction)2010Video 61 / Atariyes 

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