Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom | Clone | Sample |
spectrum_melodik | Didaktik Melodik | | | | | |
spectrum_mface1 | Multiface One | | | | | |
spectrum_mface128 | Multiface 128 | | | | | |
spectrum_mface128v1 | Multiface 128 v1 | | | | | |
spectrum_mface1v1 | Multiface One v1 | | | | | |
spectrum_mface1v2 | Multiface One v2 | | | | | |
spectrum_mface1v3 | Multiface One v3 | | | | | |
spectrum_mface3 | Multiface 3 | | | | | |
spectrum_mikroplus | Mikro-Plus - Shadow of the Unicorn | | | | | |
spectrum_mpoker | MICRO-POKEer | | | | | |
spectrum_mprint | MultiPrint | | | | | |
spectrum_opus | Opus Discovery | | | | | |
spectrum_plus2test | Spectrum +2 Test Software | | | | | |
spectrum_plusd | MGT +D | | | | | |
spectrum_proceed | Logitek Proceed 1 Interface | | | | | |
spectrum_protek | Protek Joystick Interface | | | | | |
spectrum_sdi | SDI Interface | | | | | |
spectrum_spdos | Watford SP-DOS Interface | | | | | |
spectrum_speccydos | Speccy-DOS Interface | | | | | |
spectrum_specdrum | SpecDrum | | | | | |
spectrum_specmate | AT&Y Spec-Mate | | | | | |
spectrum_swiftdisc | Swift Disc Interface | | | | | |
spectrum_swiftdisc2 | Swift Disc II Interface | | | | | |
spectrum_uslot | Spectrum Currah µSlot | | | | | |
spectrum_usource | Spectrum Currah µSource | | | | | |
spectrum_uspeech | Spectrum Currah µSpeech | | | | | |
spectrum_vtx5000 | Prism VTX 5000 Modem | | | | | |
spectrum_wafa | Rotronics Wafadrive | | | | | |
spectrummusic | The Music Machine (ZX) | | | | | |
speechp | Speech+ | 1976 | Telesensory Systems, Inc. | | | |
speechrom | TI Speech ROM | | | | | |
speedatk | Speed Attack! (Japan) | 1984 | Seta Kikaku | | | |
speedbal | Speed Ball (set 1) | 1987 | Tecfri / Desystem S.A. | | | |
speedbala | Speed Ball (set 2) | 1987 | Tecfri / Desystem S.A. | speedbal | speedbal | |
speedbsk | Speed Basketball | 1992 | Sega | | | |
speeddrp | Speed Drop (Ver. 1.06, Sep 3 2003) | 2003 | Astro Corp. | | | |
speeddrv | Speed Driver | 2004 | IGS | | | |
speedfrk | Speed Freak | 1979 | Vectorbeam | | | |
speedfrk_audio | Speed Freak Sound Board | | | | | |
speedmst | Speed Master (Ver. V1.0, Apr 29 2004) | 2004 | D2 Enterprises | | | |
speedmsta | Speed Master (Ver. V1.0, May 23 2003) | 2003 | D2 Enterprises | speedmst | speedmst | |
speedmstb | Speed Master (Ver. V1.0, Apr 28 2004) | 2003 | D2 Enterprises | speedmst | speedmst | |
speedrcr | Speed Racer | 1995 | Namco | | | |
speedrs | Speed Race (Seletron / Olympia) | 1980 | Seletron / Olympia | | | |
speedspn | Speed Spin | 1994 | TCH | | | |
speedup | Speed Up (version 2.20) | 1996 | Gaelco | | | |
speedup10 | Speed Up (version 1.00) | 1996 | Gaelco | speedup | speedup | |
speedup12 | Speed Up (version 1.20) | 1996 | Gaelco | speedup | speedup | |
speedway | Speedway (set 1) | 199? | hack (Drivers) | | | |
speedwaya | Speedway (set 2) | 199? | hack | speedway | speedway | |
speglsht | Super Eagle Shot | 1994 | Seta | | | |
spektr01 | Spektr-001 | 1986 | <unknown> | radio86 | radio86 | |
spektrbk | Spektr BK-001 | 1990 | <unknown> | spectrum | spectrum | |
spellabc | Spelling ABC (Germany) | 1980 | Texas Instruments | spellb | spellb | |
spellb | Spelling B (US, 1980 version) | 1980 | Texas Instruments | | | |
spellba | Spelling B (US, 1978 version) | 1978 | Texas Instruments | spellb | spellb | |
spellbnd | Spellbound | 1981? | ACE | | | |
spelunk2 | Spelunker II - 23 no Kagi (Japan) | 1986 | Irem (licensed from Broderbund) | | | |
spelunkr | Spelunker | 1985 | Irem (licensed from Broderbund) | | | |
spelunkrj | Spelunker (Japan) | 1985 | Irem (licensed from Broderbund) | spelunkr | spelunkr | |
spetrix | Super Petrix (ver. 1P) | 199? | <unknown> | | | |
spf2t | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Europe 960529) | 1996 | Capcom | | | |
spf2ta | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Asia 960529) | 1996 | Capcom | spf2t | spf2t | |
spf2td | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (USA 960620 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg) | 1996 | bootleg | spf2t | spf2t | |
spf2th | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Hispanic 960531) | 1996 | Capcom | spf2t | spf2t | |
spf2tu | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (USA 960620) | 1996 | Capcom | spf2t | spf2t | |
spf2xj | Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Japan 960531) | 1996 | Capcom | spf2t | spf2t | |
spf2xjd | Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Japan 960531 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg) | 1996 | bootleg | spf2t | spf2t | |
spfghmk2 | Space Fighter Mark II (set 1) | 1979 | Data East | | | |
spfghmk22 | Space Fighter Mark II (set 2) | 1979 | Data East | spfghmk2 | spfghmk2 | |
spg_renderer | SunPlus / GeneralPlus video rendering | | | | | |
spg110 | SPG110 System-on-a-Chip | | | | | |
spg110_audio | SPG110-series System-on-a-Chip Audio | | | | | |
spg110_video | SPG110 System-on-a-Chip (Video) | | | | | |
spg24x | SPG240-series System-on-a-Chip | | | | | |
spg24x_io | SPG240-series System-on-a-Chip I/O | | | | | |
spg24x_video | SPG240-series System-on-a-Chip (Video) | | | | | |
spg28x | SPG280-series System-on-a-Chip | | | | | |
spg28x_io | SPG280-series System-on-a-Chip I/O | | | | | |
spg290_cdservo | SPG290 CDServo HLE | | | | | |
spg290_i2c | SPG290 I2C | | | | | |
spg290_ppu | SPG290 PPU | | | | | |
spg290_timer | SPG290 Timer | | | | | |
spg2xx_128 | SPG2xx-series System-on-a-Chip (128 sprites) | | | | | |
spg2xx_audio | SPG2xx-series System-on-a-Chip Audio | | | | | |
spg2xx_sysdma | SPG240-series System-on-a-Chip System DMA | | | | | |
spgcarn | Spring Carnival (10000311, NSW/ACT) | 1999 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
spgcarnjc | Spring Carnival - Jackpot Carnival (10032721, Queensland) | 2003 | Aristocrat | spgcarn | spgcarn | |
spgcarnq | Spring Carnival (10008011, Queensland) | 2001 | Aristocrat | spgcarn | spgcarn | |
spgfest | Spring Festival (20262311, Queensland) | 2008 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
spgfestnz | Spring Festival (20267211, New Zealand) | 2008 | Aristocrat | spgfest | spgfest | |
sphinx40 | Sphinx 40 | 1987 | CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology / Intelligent Chess Software | | | |
spi | S.P.I. SAM Parallel Interface | | | | | |
spi_psram | Generic SPI/QPI Pseudo-SRAM | | | | | |
spi_ram | Generic SPI RAM | | | | | |
spi_sdcard | SD Card (SPI interface) | | | | | |
spi7000 | ExpertPad PI-7000 | 1993 | Sharp | | | |
spicaadv | Spica Adventure (v2.03J) | 2005 | Taito Corporation | | | |
spiceup | Spice It Up (Konami Endeavour, Russia) | 200? | Konami | konendev | | |
spider | Spider (Buena Vision, without nudity) | 1994 | Buena Vision | | | |
spidermn | The Amazing Spider-Man | 1980 | Gottlieb | | | genpin |
spidern | Spider (Buena Vision, with nudity) | 1994 | Buena Vision | spider | spider | |
spiders | Spiders (set 1) | 1981 | Sigma Enterprises Inc. | | | |
spiders2 | Spiders (set 2) | 1981 | Sigma Enterprises Inc. | spiders | spiders | |
spiders3 | Spiders (set 3) | 1981 | Sigma Enterprises Inc. | spiders | spiders | |
spidman | Spider-Man: The Videogame (World) | 1991 | Sega | | | |
spidmanj | Spider-Man: The Videogame (Japan) | 1991 | Sega | spidman | spidman | |
spidmanu | Spider-Man: The Videogame (US, Rev A) | 1991 | Sega | spidman | spidman | |
spidtt | Interactive M.A.G. Motion Activated Gear: Spider-Man - Triple Threat | 200? | Thinkway Toys | | | |
spielbud | Spiel Bude (German) | 1985 | ADP | | | |
spielmast | Spiel Master (German) | 1986 | Yuvo | learnwin | learnwin | |
spiero | Super Pierrot (Japan) | 1987 | Universal | dorunrun | dorunrun | |
spifi3 | HP 1TV3-0302 SPIFI3 SCSI-2 Protocol Controller | | | | | |
spikeofe | Spikeout Final Edition (Export) | 1999 | Sega | | | |
spikeout | Spikeout (Export, Revision C) | 1998 | Sega | | | |
spiker | Spiker (6/9/86) | 1986 | Bally/Sente | | | |
spikera | Spiker (5/5/86) | 1986 | Bally/Sente | spiker | spiker | |
spikerb | Spiker (earliest?) | 1986 | Bally/Sente | spiker | spiker | |
spikes91 | 1991 Spikes (Italian bootleg, set 1) | 1991 | bootleg | pspikes | pspikes | |
spikes91b | 1991 Spikes (Italian bootleg, set 2) | 1991 | bootleg | pspikes | pspikes | |
spinfev | Spin Fever | 2008 | Konami | | | |
spinkick | Hec's Spinkick | 1988 | Haesung/Seojin | sfkick | sfkick | |
spinlbrk | Spinal Breakers (World) | 1990 | V-System Co. | | | |
spinlbrkj | Spinal Breakers (Japan) | 1990 | V-System Co. | spinlbrk | spinlbrk | |
spinlbrku | Spinal Breakers (US) | 1990 | V-System Co. | spinlbrk | spinlbrk | |
spinlbrkup | Spinal Breakers (US, prototype) | 1990 | V-System Co. | spinlbrk | spinlbrk | |
spinmast | Spin Master / Miracle Adventure | 1993 | Data East Corporation | neogeo | | |
spinner | Spinner | 1981 | bootleg | spiders | spiders | |
spinveti | Space Invasion (ETI) | 1980 | Tangerine/ETI | | | |
spirit | Spirit | 1982 | Gottlieb | | | genpin |
spirit76 | Spirit of 76 | 1975 | Mirco | | | genpin |
spirulo | Super Pirulo | 1988 | Oper Coin | | | |
spitboss | Super Pit Boss (9221-02A) | 1988 | Merit | | | |
spjoy | The Serial Port/Vertical Twist Joystick Interface | | | | | |
spk100 | Super Poker (v100) | 1996 | IGS | spk306us | spk306us | |
spk102ua | Super Poker (v102UA) | 1996 | IGS | spk306us | spk306us | |
spk114it | Super Poker (v114IT) | 1993? | IGS | spk306us | spk306us | |
spk115it | Super Poker (v115IT) | 1993? | IGS | spk306us | spk306us | |
spk116it | Super Poker (v116IT) | 1993? | IGS | spk306us | spk306us | |
spk116itmx | Super Poker (v116IT-MX) | 1993? | IGS | spk306us | spk306us | |
spk200ua | Super Poker (v200UA) | 1996 | IGS | spk306us | spk306us | |
spk201ua | Super Poker (v201UA) | 1996 | IGS | spk306us | spk306us | |
spk203us | Super Poker (v203US) | 1996 | IGS | spk306us | spk306us | |
spk205us | Super Poker (v205US) | 1996 | IGS | spk306us | spk306us | |
spk306us | Super Poker (v306US) | 1996 | IGS | | | |
spkrbtl | Spikers Battle (GDS-0005) | 2001 | Sega | naomigd | | |
spkrform | Super Poker (V100xD03) / Formosa | 2000? | IGS | spk306us | spk306us | |
splasfgt | Space Laser Fight | 1980 | Bambino | | | |
splash | Splash! (Ver. 1.2 World) | 1992 | Gaelco / OMK Software | | | |
splash10 | Splash! (Ver. 1.0 World) | 1992 | Gaelco / OMK Software | splash | splash | |
splashms | Splash (Modular System) | 1992 | Gaelco | splash | splash | |
splat | Splat! | 1982 | Williams | | | |
splatter | Splatter House (World, new version (SH3)) | 1988 | Namco | | | |
splatter2 | Splatter House (World, old version (SH2)) | 1988 | Namco | splatter | splatter | |
splatterj | Splatter House (Japan, SH1) | 1988 | Namco | splatter | splatter | |
splitsec | Split Second | 1980 | Parker Brothers | | | |
splmastr | Spell Master (Russia) (Atronic) | 2002 | Atronic | | | |
splndrbt | Splendor Blast (set 1) | 1985 | Alpha Denshi Co. | | | equites |
splndrbt2 | Splendor Blast II | 1985 | Alpha Denshi Co. | | | equites |
splndrbta | Splendor Blast (set 2) | 1985 | Alpha Denshi Co. | splndrbt | splndrbt | equites |
splndrbtb | Splendor Blast (set 3) | 1985 | Alpha Denshi Co. | splndrbt | splndrbt | equites |
spltsecp | Split Second (Pinball) | 1981 | Stern | | | genpin |
spnchout | Super Punch-Out!! (Rev B) | 1984 | Nintendo | | | |
spnchouta | Super Punch-Out!! (Rev A) | 1984 | Nintendo | spnchout | spnchout | |
spnchoutj | Super Punch-Out!! (Japan) | 1984 | Nintendo | spnchout | spnchout | |
spongbob | SpongeBob SquarePants Ticket Boom | 200? | Sega | | | |
spooky | Spooky Night 2nd Edition (Version 2.0.4) | 200? | Amcoe | | | |
spookyi | Spooky (Italian speech) | 1987 | Zaccaria | spookyp | spookyp | genpin |
spookyo | Spooky Night (Version 1.0.1) | 200? | Amcoe | spooky | spooky | |
spookyp | Spooky | 1987 | Zaccaria | | | genpin |
spool3 | Super Pool III (English) | 1989 | Data East Corporation | pcktgal | pcktgal | |
spool3i | Super Pool III (I-Vics) | 1990 | Data East Corporation (I-Vics license) | pcktgal | pcktgal | |
spool99 | Super Pool 99 (Version 0.36) | 1998 | Electronic Projects | | | |
spool99a | Super Pool 99 (Version 0.33) | 1998 | Electronic Projects | spool99 | spool99 | |
spool99b | Super Pool 99 (Version 0.31) | 1998 | Electronic Projects | spool99 | spool99 | |
spool99c | Super Pool 99 (Version 0.26) | 1998 | Electronic Projects | spool99 | spool99 | |
sport2k | Sport 2000 | 1988 | Cirsa | | | genpin |
sportmem | Sport Memory | 200? | Nova Desitec | | | |
sporzbx | Game Sporz Wireless Boxing | 2004 | Macro Winners | | | |
sporzbxa | Wireless Boxing (PAL, Play Vision) | 2004 | Macro Winners (Play Vision license) | sporzbx | sporzbx | |
sporzpp | Game Sporz Wireless Duet Play Ping-Pong | 2004 | Macro Winners | | | |
sporztn | Wireless Tennis (PAL, Play Vision) | 2004 | Macro Winners (Play Vision license) | | | |
spotty | Spotty (Ver. 2.0.2) | 2001 | Prince Co. | | | |
sprachmg | Gerät 32620 (Sprach/Morsegenerator) | 1985 | Institut für Kosmosforschung | | | |
sprbreak | Spring Break | 1987 | Gottlieb | | | genpin |
sprbreaka | Spring Break (alternate set) | 1987 | Gottlieb | sprbreak | sprbreak | genpin |
sprbreakf | Spring Break (French) | 1987 | Gottlieb | sprbreak | sprbreak | genpin |
sprbreakg | Spring Break (German) | 1987 | Gottlieb | sprbreak | sprbreak | genpin |
sprbreaks | Spring Break (single ball game) | 1987 | Gottlieb | sprbreak | sprbreak | genpin |
sprcros2 | Super Cross II (Japan, set 1) | 1986 | GM Shoji | | | |
sprcros2a | Super Cross II (Japan, set 2) | 1986 | GM Shoji | sprcros2 | sprcros2 | |
sprglbpg | Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware, German bootleg) | 1984 | bootleg (Software Labor) | suprglob | suprglob | |
sprglobp | Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) | 1983 | Epos Corporation | suprglob | suprglob | |
sprglobp2 | Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware, bootleg) | 1985 | bootleg (Elsys Software) | suprglob | suprglob | |
springbd | Springboard (bootleg of Circus) | 1977 | bootleg (Sub-Electro) | circus | circus | circus |
springer | Springer | 1982 | Orca | | | |
sprint1 | Sprint 1 | 1978 | Atari (Kee Games) | | | |
sprint2 | Sprint 2 (set 1) | 1976 | Atari (Kee Games) | sprint1 | sprint1 | |
sprint2a | Sprint 2 (set 2) | 1976 | Atari (Kee Games) | sprint1 | sprint1 | |
sprint2h | Sprint 2 (color kit, Italy) | 1976 | hack | sprint1 | sprint1 | |
sprint4 | Sprint 4 (Rev 03) | 1977 | Atari | | | |
sprint4a | Sprint 4 (Rev 02, set 1) | 1977 | Atari | sprint4 | sprint4 | |
sprint4b | Sprint 4 (Rev 02, set 2) | 1977 | Atari | sprint4 | sprint4 | |
sprint8 | Sprint 8 | 1977 | Atari | | | |
sprint8a | Sprint 8 (play tag & chase) | 1977 | Atari | sprint8 | sprint8 | |
sprinter | Sprinter Sp2000 | 2000 | Peters Plus, Ivan Mak | spec128 | spec128 | |
sprites | Spectrum Next Sprites | | | | | |
sprk_090 | South Park (CPU 0.90, display A0.90) | 1999 | Sega | sprk_103 | sprk_103 | genpin |
sprk_096 | South Park (CPU 0.96, display A1.01) | 1999 | Sega | sprk_103 | sprk_103 | genpin |
sprk_103 | South Park (CPU 1.03, display A1.01) | 1999 | Sega | | | genpin |
sprpuzzle | Super Puzzle (Sang Ho Soft) | 1991 | Sang Ho Soft | sexyboom | sexyboom | |
sprtauth | Sports Authority Challenge (Rev 3) | 1992 | Classic Games | | | |
sprtauth1 | Sports Authority (Rev 1) | 1992 | Classic Games | sprtauth | sprtauth | |
sprtdart | Sport Darts T.V. | 1993 | Compumatic / Desarrollos y Recambios S.L. | | | |
sprtjam | Sports Jam (GDS-0003) | 2000 | Sega | naomigd | | |
sprtmtch | Sports Match | 1989 | Dynax (Fabtek license) | drgpunch | drgpunch | |
sprtshot | Sports Shooting USA | 2003 | Sammy USA | awbios | | |
spset005 | S-Plus SET005 Set chip | 1993 | IGT - International Game Technology | | | |
spset015 | S-Plus SET015 Set chip | 1993 | IGT - International Game Technology | | | |
spset026 | S-Plus SET026 Set chip | 1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | | | |
spss4240 | S-Plus (SS4240) Coral Reef | 1994 | IGT - International Game Technology | | | |
spstn_l5 | Space Station (L-5) | 1988 | Williams | | | genpin |
spt1500 | SPT 1500 | 19?? | Symbol | pilot1k | pilot1k | |
spt1700 | SPT 1700 | 19?? | Symbol | pilot1k | pilot1k | |
spt1740 | SPT 1740 | 19?? | Symbol | pilot1k | pilot1k | |
spuzbobl | Super Puzzle Bobble (V2.05O 1999/2/24 18:00) | 1999 | Taito | coh3002t | | |
spuzboblj | Super Puzzle Bobble (V2.04J 1999/2/27 02:10) | 1999 | Taito | spuzbobl | spuzbobl | |
spy | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (World ver. N) | 1989 | Konami | | | |
spyhunt | Spy Hunter | 1983 | Bally Midway | | | |
spyhunt2 | Spy Hunter II (rev 2) | 1987 | Bally Midway | | | |
spyhunt2a | Spy Hunter II (rev 1) | 1987 | Bally Midway | spyhunt2 | spyhunt2 | |
spyhuntp | Spy Hunter (Playtronic license) | 1983 | Bally Midway (Playtronic license) | spyhunt | spyhunt | |
spyhuntpr | Spy Hunter (Spain, Recreativos Franco S.A., Tecfri PCB) | 1985 | bootleg (Recreativos Franco S.A. license, Tecfri) | spyhunt | spyhunt | |
spyhuntr | Spy Hunter (Pinball) | 1984 | Bally | | | genpin |
spyhuntsp | Spy Hunter (Spain, Recreativos Franco S.A., Bally Midway license) | 1985 | Recreativos Franco S.A. (Bally Midway license) | spyhunt | spyhunt | |
spyu | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (US ver. M) | 1989 | Konami | spy | spy | |
sq1 | SQ-1 | 1990 | Ensoniq | | | |
sq2 | SQ-2 | 1991 | Ensoniq | | | |
sq80 | SQ-80 Cross Wave Synthesizer | 1988 | Ensoniq | | | |
sqbert | Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert (prototype) | 1983 | Mylstar | | | qbert |
sqix | Super Qix (World/Japan, V1.2) | 1987 | Kaneko / Taito | | | |
sqixb1 | Super Qix (bootleg of V1.0, 8031 MCU) | 1987 | bootleg | sqix | sqix | |
sqixb2 | Super Qix (bootleg, No MCU) | 1987 | bootleg | sqix | sqix | |
sqixr0 | Super Qix (World/Japan, V1.0) | 1987 | Kaneko / Taito | sqix | sqix | |
sqixr1 | Super Qix (World/Japan, V1.1) | 1987 | Kaneko / Taito | sqix | sqix | |
sqixu | Super Qix (US) | 1987 | Kaneko / Taito (Romstar License) | sqix | sqix | |
sqrack | SQ-Rack | 1990 | Ensoniq | sq1 | sq1 | |
squaitsa | Squash (Itisa) | 1984 | Itisa | | | |
squale | Squale | 1984 | Apollo 7 | | | |
squash | Squash (ver. 1.0, checksum 015aef61) | 1992 | Gaelco | | | |