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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.275 - Released: 2025-02-25T16:05:29 - Machines: 47951 - rom: 358656 - disk: 1371 - Lists: 719 - Software: 139138 - rom: 235544 - disk: 11325

MAME Software lists are sets of software that can be run on a particular machine. Separate from ROMs and CHDs they are not required for the machine to run but can used on a machine. Machines can have many software lists and software lists can run on many machines, the machine details page will show the software lists supported. The software in the lists can be a dump from audio cassette, ROM (cartridge), hard disk, optical disk, or any kind of storage.

list name & description  
software name & description  
139138 Softwares, page 1 / 557

32x 36great36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples (Europe)1994Segano 
32x 36greatju36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples (Japan, USA)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp36 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (Europe, prototype, 19941221-B)1994Segapartial36great
32x 36greatp136 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941221)1994Segapartial36great
32x 36greatp1036 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941128-B)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp1136 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941128)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp1236 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941127)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp1336 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941126)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp1436 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941123)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp1536 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941122-B)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp1636 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941122)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp1736 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941121)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp1836 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941119-B)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp1936 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941119)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp236 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941219)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp2036 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941118)1994Segapartial36great
32x 36greatp2136 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941116)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp2236 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941110)1994Segapartial36great
32x 36greatp2336 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941108)1994Segapartial36great
32x 36greatp2436 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941107)1994Segapartial36great
32x 36greatp2536 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941105)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp2636 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941103)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp2736 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941101)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp2836 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941026)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp2936 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941024)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp336 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (Europe, prototype, 19941214)1994Segapartial36great
32x 36greatp3036 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941018)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp3136 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941017)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp3236 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941011)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp3336 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, v1.x prototype, 19940706)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp436 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (Europe, prototype, 19941213)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp536 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941206)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp636 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941203)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp736 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941202)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp836 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941130)1994Segano36great
32x 36greatp936 Great Holes starring Fred Couples (USA, prototype, 19941129)1994Segano36great
32x aburnerAfter Burner Complete (Europe)1994Segayes 
32x aburnerjuAfter Burner (USA) ~ After Burner Complete (Japan)1994Segayesaburner
32x bcracersBC Racers (USA)1995Front Street Publishingyes 
32x blackthrBlackthorne (USA)1994Segayes 
32x brutalBrutal Unleashed - Above the Claw (USA)1995GameTekyes 
32x cf2Clay Fighter 2 (Europe, USA, Japan, prototype 19950429)1995Segayes 
32x chaotixChaotix (Europe)1995Segayes 
32x chaotixjuChaotix (Japan, USA)1995Segayeschaotix
32x chaotixjupChaotix (Japan, USA, prototype 214, 19950214, 06.46)1995Segayeschaotix
32x chaotixjup1Chaotix (Japan, USA, prototype 0213, 19950213, 07.30)1995Segayeschaotix
32x chaotixjup10Chaotix (Japan, USA, prototype 1227, 19941227, 10.28)1995Seganochaotix
32x chaotixjup11Chaotix (Japan, USA, prototype 1229, 19941230, 15.31)1995Seganochaotix
32x chaotixjup2Chaotix (Japan, USA, prototype 213B, 19950213, 06.46)1995Segayeschaotix
32x chaotixjup3Chaotix (Japan, USA, prototype 210, 19950210, 06.28)1995Segayeschaotix
32x chaotixjup4Chaotix (Japan, USA, prototype 209, 19950209, 08.25)1995Segayeschaotix
32x chaotixjup5Chaotix (Japan, USA, prototype 208, 19950208, 11.17)1995Segayeschaotix
32x chaotixjup6Chaotix (Japan, USA, prototype 0202, 19950207, 15.25)1995Seganochaotix
32x chaotixjup7Chaotix (Japan, USA, prototype 119, 19950119, 07.04)1995Seganochaotix
32x chaotixjup8Chaotix (Japan, USA, prototype 0111, 19950112, 09.36)1995Seganochaotix
32x chaotixjup9Chaotix (Japan, USA, prototype 1207, 19941207, 07.15)1995Seganochaotix
32x cosmiccCosmic Carnage (Europe)1994Segayes 
32x cosmiccpCyber Brawl (Japan) ~ Cosmic Carnage (USA) (prototype, 19941011)1994Segayescosmicc
32x cosmiccp1Cyber Brawl (Japan) ~ Cosmic Carnage (USA) (prototype, 19941007)1994Segayescosmicc
32x cosmiccp2Cyber Brawl (Japan) ~ Cosmic Carnage (USA) (prototype, 19941005)1994Segayescosmicc
32x cosmiccp3Cyber Brawl (Japan) ~ Cosmic Carnage (USA) (prototype, 19941004)1994Segayescosmicc
32x cosmiccp4Cyber Brawl (Japan) ~ Cosmic Carnage (USA) (prototype, 19940928)1994Segayescosmicc
32x cosmiccp5Cyber Brawl (Japan) ~ Cosmic Carnage (USA) (prototype, 19940926)1994Segayescosmicc
32x cosmiccp6Cyber Brawl (Japan) ~ Cosmic Carnage (USA) (prototype, 19940921)1994Segayescosmicc
32x cosmiccp7Cyber Brawl (Japan) ~ Cosmic Carnage (USA) (prototype, 19940906)1994Segayescosmicc
32x cyberbCyber Brawl (Japan) ~ Cosmic Carnage (USA)1994Segayescosmicc
32x darxideDarxide (Europe)1995Segayes 
32x doomDoom (Europe)1994Segayes 
32x doomjuDoom (Japan, USA)1994Segayesdoom
32x doompDoom (prototype, 19941201)1994Segayesdoom
32x doomp1Doom (Europe, prototype, 19941002)1994Segayesdoom
32x doomp2Doom (USA, prototype, 19940928)1994Segayesdoom
32x doomp3Doom (prototype, 19940925)1994Segayesdoom
32x doomp4Doom (prototype, 19940923)1994Segayesdoom
32x doomp5Doom (prototype, 19940921)1994Segapartialdoom
32x doomp6Doom (prototype, 19940916)1994Segapartialdoom
32x doomp7Doom (prototype, 19940914)1994Segapartialdoom
32x doomp8Doom (prototype, 19940909)1994Segapartialdoom
32x doomp9Doom (prototype, 19940906)1994Segapartialdoom
32x doomrrDoom RR (USA, prototype, 19950307)1995Segayesdoom
32x doomrr1Doom RR (USA, prototype, 19950221)1995Segayesdoom
32x doomrr2Doom RR (USA, prototype, 19950215)1995Segayesdoom
32x eccodemoEcco the Dolphin CinePak Demo (Japan, USA, developer cart)199?<unknown>no 
32x fifa96FIFA Soccer 96 (Europe)1995Electronic Artsyes 
32x kolibriKolibri (Europe, USA)1995Segayes 
32x marschMars Check Program Version 1.0 (Japan, USA, SDK build set 1)199?<unknown>yes 
32x marsch1Mars Check Program Version 1.0 (Japan, USA, SDK build set 2)199?<unknown>yesmarsch
32x marssaMars Sample Program - Gnu Sierra (Japan, USA, SDK build)199?<unknown>yes 
32x marssa1Mars Sample Program - Pharaoh (Japan, USA, SDK build)199?<unknown>yesmarssa
32x marssa2Mars Sample Program - Runlength Mode Test (Japan, USA, SDK build)199?<unknown>yesmarssa
32x marssa3Mars Sample Program - Texture Test (Japan, USA, SDK build)199?<unknown>yesmarssa
32x metalhdMetal Head (Europe)1995Segayes 
32x metalhdjuMetal Head (Japan, USA)1995Segayesmetalhd
32x metalhdpMetal Head (Japan, USA, prototype, 19941220)1995Segayesmetalhd
32x metalhdp1Metal Head (Japan, USA, prototype, 19941213)1995Segayesmetalhd
32x metalhdp2Metal Head (Japan, USA, prototype, 19941209)1995Segayesmetalhd
32x metalhdp3Metal Head (Japan, USA, prototype, 19941207-B)1995Segayesmetalhd
32x metalhdp4Metal Head (Japan, USA, prototype, 19941207)1995Segayesmetalhd
32x metalhdp5Metal Head (Japan, USA, prototype, 19941202)1995Segayesmetalhd
32x metalhdp6Metal Head (Japan, USA, prototype, 19941121)1995Segayesmetalhd
32x metalhdp7Metal Head (Japan, USA, prototype, 19941118)1995Segayesmetalhd
32x metalhdp8Metal Head (Japan, USA, prototype, 19941114)1995Segayesmetalhd
32x mk2Mortal Kombat II (Europe)1994Acclaim Entertainmentyes 
32x mk2juMortal Kombat II - Kyuukyoku Shinken (Japan) ~ Mortal Kombat II (USA)1994Acclaim Entertainmentyesmk2
32x motoxMotocross Championship (Europe)1994Segayes 
32x motoxpMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941111)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxpaMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941108)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxpbMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941107)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxpcMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941104)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxpdMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941103)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxpeMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941102-B)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxpfMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941102)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxpgMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941101)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxphMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941028)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxpiMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941024)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxpjMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941020)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxpkMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941019)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxplMotocross Championship (USA, prototype, 19941018)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxpmMotocross Championship (prototype, 19941017)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxpnMotocross Championship (prototype, 19941012)1994Segayesmotox
32x motoxuMotocross Championship (USA)1994Segayesmotox
32x nbajamteNBA Jam T.E. - Tournament Edition (World)1995Acclaim Entertainmentno 
32x nflqbNFL Quarterback Club ~ NFL Quarterback '95 (World)1995Acclaim Entertainmentno 
32x pinochioPinocchio (Europe, prototype 19951206)1995Virginyes 
32x pitfallPitfall - The Mayan Adventure (USA)1995Activisionyes 
32x primalPrimal Rage (Europe, USA)1996Segayes 
32x rbibb95R.B.I. Baseball '95 (USA)1995Time Warner Interactiveyes 
32x sangoku4Sangokushi IV (Japan)1994Koeino 
32x sharrierSpace Harrier (Europe)1994Segayes 
32x sharrierjuSpace Harrier (Japan, USA)1994Segayessharrier
32x sharrierpSpace Harrier (prototype, 19940920)1994Segayessharrier
32x soulstarSoulStar X (USA, prototype)1995Segano 
32x spidwebfThe Amazing Spider-Man - Web of Fire (USA)1996Segayes 
32x spotgoSpot Goes to Hollywood (prototype)199?Segayes 
32x stellarStellar Assault (Europe) ~ Shadow Squadron (USA)1995Segayes 
32x stellarjStellar Assault (Japan)1995Segayesstellar
32x stellarpStellar Assault (Europe) ~ Shadow Squadron (USA) (prototype, 19950313-B)1995Segayesstellar
32x stellarp1Stellar Assault (Europe) ~ Shadow Squadron (USA) (prototype, 19950313)1995Segayesstellar
32x stellarp2Stellar Assault (Europe) ~ Shadow Squadron (USA) (prototype, 19950306)1995Segayesstellar
32x stellarp3Stellar Assault (Europe) ~ Shadow Squadron (USA) (prototype, 19950302)1995Segayesstellar
32x stellarp4Stellar Assault (Europe) ~ Shadow Squadron (USA) (prototype, 19950222)1995Segayesstellar
32x stellarp5Stellar Assault (Europe) ~ Shadow Squadron (USA) (prototype, 19950213)1995Segayesstellar
32x stellarp6Stellar Assault (Europe) ~ Shadow Squadron (USA) (prototype, 19950206)1995Segayesstellar
32x stsfleetStar Trek - Starfleet Academy - Starship Bridge Simulator (USA)1995Segayes 
32x swaStar Wars Arcade (Europe)1994Segano 
32x swajStar Wars Arcade (Japan)1994Seganoswa
32x swapStar Wars Arcade (Europe, prototype, 19941007-B)1994Seganoswa
32x swap1Star Wars Arcade (Europe, prototype, 19941006-P)1994Seganoswa
32x swap10Star Wars Arcade (USA, prototype, 19940914-D)1994Seganoswa
32x swap11Star Wars Arcade (USA, prototype, 19940913-B)1994Seganoswa
32x swap12Star Wars Arcade (USA, prototype, 19940912)1994Seganoswa
32x swap13Star Wars Arcade (prototype, 19940909)1994Seganoswa
32x swap14Star Wars Arcade (prototype, 19940907)1994Seganoswa
32x swap15Star Wars Arcade (prototype, 19940906)1994Seganoswa
32x swap16Star Wars Arcade (prototype, 19940901)1994Seganoswa
32x swap17Star Wars Arcade (prototype, 19940830)1994Seganoswa
32x swap2Star Wars Arcade (Japan, prototype, 19941005)1994Seganoswa
32x swap3Star Wars Arcade (Japan, prototype, 19941003)1994Seganoswa
32x swap4Star Wars Arcade (Japan, prototype, 19940930-B)1994Seganoswa
32x swap5Star Wars Arcade (Europe, prototype, 19940929)1994Seganoswa
32x swap6Star Wars Arcade (prototype, 19940923)1994Seganoswa
32x swap7Star Wars Arcade (USA, prototype, 19940918)1994Seganoswa
32x swap8Star Wars Arcade (USA, prototype, 19940916)1994Seganoswa
32x swap9Star Wars Arcade (prototype, 19940915)1994Seganoswa
32x swauStar Wars Arcade (USA)1994Seganoswa
32x tempoTempo (Japan, USA)1995Segayes 
32x tempopTempo (USA, prototype, 19950207)1995Segayestempo
32x tempop1Tempo (USA, prototype, 19950206)1995Segayestempo
32x tempop2Tempo (USA, prototype, 19950206-B)1995Segayestempo
32x tempop3Tempo (USA, prototype, 19950204)1995Segayestempo
32x tempop4Tempo (USA, prototype, 19950126)1995Segayestempo
32x tempop5Tempo (USA, prototype, 19950124)1995Segayestempo
32x tempop6Tempo (prototype, 19950121)1995Segayestempo
32x tempop7Tempo (prototype, 19941229)1995Segayestempo
32x tmekT-Mek (Europe, USA)1995Segayes 
32x toughmanToughman Contest (Europe, USA)1995Electronic Artsyes 
32x twcmdTime Warner 32X CMD Download Cartridge199?Time Warner Interactiveno 
32x vfVirtua Fighter (Europe)1995Segayes 
32x vfjuVirtua Fighter (Japan, USA)1995Segayesvf
32x vfpVirtua Fighter (USA, prototype, 19950725)1995Segayesvf
32x vfp1Virtua Fighter (USA, prototype, 19950724)1995Segayesvf
32x vfp2Virtua Fighter (USA, prototype, 19950721)1995Segayesvf
32x vfp3Virtua Fighter (USA, prototype, 19950717)1995Segayesvf
32x vfp4Virtua Fighter (prototype, 19950630)1995Segayesvf
32x vfp5Virtua Fighter (prototype, 19950615)1995Segayesvf
32x vfp6Virtua Fighter (prototype, 19950530)1995Segayesvf
32x vhamVirtua Hamster (USA, prototype)1994<unknown>yes 
32x vrdxVirtua Racing Deluxe (Europe)1994Segano 
32x vrdxjVirtua Racing Deluxe (Japan)1994Seganovrdx
32x vrdxpVirtua Racing Deluxe (USA, prototype, 19940905)1994Seganovrdx
32x vrdxp1Virtua Racing Deluxe (USA, prototype, 19940829)1994Seganovrdx
32x vrdxp2Virtua Racing Deluxe (prototype, 19940822)1994Segayesvrdx
32x vrdxuVirtua Racing Deluxe (USA)1994Seganovrdx
32x wsbWorld Series Baseball Starring Deion Sanders (USA)1995Segayes 
32x wwfagWWF WrestleMania - The Arcade Game (USA)1995Acclaim Entertainmentno 
32x wwfrawWWF Raw (World)1994Acclaim Entertainmentyes 
32x xmenX-Men (USA, prototype)1995<unknown>no 
32x zaxxon2kMotherbase (Europe)1995Segayes 
32x zaxxon2kjuParasquad (Japan) ~ Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (USA)1995Segayeszaxxon2k
32x zaxxon2kpParasquad (Japan) ~ Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (USA) (prototype, 19950331)1995Segayeszaxxon2k
32x zaxxon2kp1Parasquad (Japan) ~ Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (USA) (prototype, 19950315)1995Segayeszaxxon2k
32x zaxxon2kp2Parasquad (Japan) ~ Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (USA) (prototype, 19950310)1995Segayeszaxxon2k
32x zaxxon2kp3Parasquad (Japan) ~ Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (USA) (prototype, 19950306)1995Segayeszaxxon2k
32x zaxxon2kp4Parasquad (Japan) ~ Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (USA) (prototype, 19950303)1995Seganozaxxon2k
32x zaxxon2kp5Parasquad (Japan) ~ Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (USA) (prototype, 19950227)1995Segayeszaxxon2k
32x zaxxon2kp6Parasquad (Japan) ~ Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (USA) (prototype, 19950223)1995Segayeszaxxon2k
32x zaxxon2kp7Parasquad (Japan) ~ Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (USA) (prototype, 19950221)1995Segayeszaxxon2k
32x zaxxon2kp8Parasquad (Japan) ~ Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (USA) (prototype, 19950210)1995Segayeszaxxon2k
3do_m2 imsarcngIMSA Racing (Unreleased)199?3DOno 
3do_m2 oldsOldsmobile (USA)199?GMno 
3do_m2 shootr2dShooter 2D2008Games That Weren'tno 
a2600 2pakblac2 Pak Special: Challenge + Surfing (PAL)1990HESyes 
a2600 2pakblaca2 Pak Special: Challenge + Surfing (PAL) (alt)1990HESyes2pakblac
a2600 2pakblue2 Pak Special: Dungeon Master + Creature Strike (PAL)1992HESyes 
a2600 2pakdblu2 Pak Special: Planet Patrol + Wall-Defender (PAL)1990HESyes 
a2600 2pakdo2 Pak Special: Dolphin + Oink (PAL)1990HESyes 
a2600 2pakgrne2 Pak Special: Dolphin + Pigs 'N Wolf (PAL)1990HESyes 
a2600 2paklgrn2 Pak Special: Hoppy + Alien Force (PAL)1992HESyes 
a2600 2pakmage2 Pak Special: Cavern Blaster + City War (PAL)1992HESyes 
a2600 2pakoran2 Pak Special: Space Voyage + Fire Alert (PAL)1992HESyes 
a2600 2pakred2 Pak Special: Motocross + Boom Bang (PAL)1990HESyes 
a2600 2pakyelo2 Pak Special: Star Warrior + Frogger1990HESyes 
a2600 32in132 in 1 (PAL)1988Atariyes 
a2600 32in1p32 in 1 Console ROM (PAL) (prototype 19890210)1989Atariyes32in1
a2600 3dgensp3-D Genesis (prototype)1983Amigayes 
a2600 3dghostp3-D Ghost Attack (prototype)1983Amigayes 
a2600 3dhavocp3-D Havoc (prototype)1983Amigayes 
a2600 3dtictac3-D Tic-Tac-Toe1978Atariyes 
a2600 3dtictace3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (PAL)1978Atariyes3dtictac
a2600 3dzapper3-D Zapper (prototype)1983U.S. Games Corporation / Vidtecyes 
a2600 4game14 Game in One - Rodeo Champ + Open Sesame! + Bobby is Going Home + Festival198?Bitcorpyes 
a2600 4game1a4 Game in One - Ice Hockey + Phantom UFO + Spy Vs. Spy + Cosmic Avenger198?Bitcorpyes 
a2600 4in14 in 1 - Canyon Bomber + Home Run + Night Driver + Sky Diver (prototype 19870219)1987Atariyes 
a2600 8in18 in 1 - Asteroids + Centipede + BattleZone + SwordQuest - EarthWorld + SwordQuest - FireWorld + RealSports Soccer + RealSports Tennis + Yars' Revenge (prototype 19920116)1988Atariyes 
a2600 abreteAbre-te, Sesamo!1983CCEyesopsesame
a2600 abwernieAlpha Beam with Ernie1983Atariyes 
a2600 abwernieeAlpha Beam with Ernie (PAL)1983Atariyesabwernie
a2600 abwernieepAlpha Beam with Ernie (PAL) (prototype 19830603)1983Atariyesabwernie
a2600 abwerniepAlpha Beam with Ernie (prototype 19831222)1983Atariyesabwernie
a2600 aciddropAcid Drop1992Saluyes 
a2600 actforceAction Force (PAL)1983Parker Brosyesgijoe
a2600 actnautsActionauts (NTSC)2008Imagicyes 
a2600 advent2Adventure II (Flashback 2)2005Syzygy Companyno 
a2600 adventpAdventure +2003Homebrewyes 
a2600 adventurAdventure1978Atariyes 
a2600 adventureAdventure (PAL)1978Atariyesadventur
a2600 advgx12Adventures on GX-12 (PAL)1989Telegamesyesadvtron
a2600 advtronAdventures of Tron1983Mattel Electronicsyes 
a2600 airlockAirlock1982Data Ageyes 
a2600 airlockpAirlock (prototype)1982Data Ageyesairlock

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