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Machine Genre - Electromechanical / Misc.

MAME: 0.272 - Released: 2024-11-29T19:06:23 - Machines: 47515 - rom: 355153 - disk: 1357 - Lists: 718 - Software: 138591 - rom: 234761 - disk: 11192

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Status: good

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
30test30 Test (remake)1997Namco  

Status: preliminary

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
18w18 Wheeler (set 1)1979Midway  
18w218 Wheeler (set 2)1979Midway18w18w
2mindrilTwo Minute Drill (Ver 2.93A 1994/02/16)1993Taito America Corporation  
2mindrilaTwo Minute Drill (Ver 2.2A 1993/10/18)1993Taito America Corporation2mindril2mindril
3lilpigs3 Lil' Pigs199?Doyle & Assoc.  
acommandAlien Command (v2.1)1994Jaleco  
aftrshokAftershock (Lazer-Tron, set 1)19??Lazer-Tron  
aftrshokaAftershock (Lazer-Tron, set 2)19??Lazer-Tronaftrshokaftrshok
alcat_l7Alley Cats (Shuffle) (L-7)1985Williams  
arac6k27Super Six Plus II English Mark Darts (v2.7)1990Arachnidarac6k33arac6k33
arac6k28spSuper Six Plus II English Mark Darts (v2.8, Spanish)1990Arachnidarac6k33arac6k33
arac6k33Super Six Plus II English Mark Darts (v3.3)1994Arachnid  
arist_l1Aristocrat (Shuffle) (L-1)1978Williams/United  
awetossAwesome Toss 'Em (Lazer-Tron)19??Lazer-Tron  
babypacBaby Pac-Man (set 1)1982Dave Nutting Associates / Bally  
babypac2Baby Pac-Man (set 2)1982Dave Nutting Associates / Ballybabypacbabypac
bbbowlinBig Ball Bowling (Bowler)1988United  
blbeautyBlack Beauty (Shuffle)1984Stern  
bstrk_l1Big Strike (Shuffle) (L-1)1983Williams/United  
cavemanCaveman (Pinball/Video Combo, set 1)1981Gottlieb  
cavemanaCaveman (Pinball/Video Combo, set 2)1981Gottliebcavemancaveman
chexx83Chexx (EM Bubble Hockey, 1983 1.1)1983ICE  
clowndwnClown Roll Down (Elwood)1987Elwood Electronics  
cpzodiacCaptain Zodiac (World)1993Taito Corporation  
cpzodiacjCaptain Zodiac (Japan)1993Taito Corporationcpzodiaccpzodiac
ctcheeseCut The Cheese (Redemption)1996Sega  
ctchzdlxCut The Cheese Deluxe (redemption, CPU 1.00, display A1.00)1998Segactcheesectcheese
dumpumpDump The Ump199?Doyle & Assoc.  
dynamoahAir Hockey (6.12?, encrypted)199?Dynamo  
dynamoahaAir Hockey (6.03, encrypted)199?Dynamodynamoahdynamoah
dynobopDyno Bop (V1.1)1990Grand Products / Incredible Technologies  
faceoffhFace-Off (EM Bubble Hockey)1983SoftLogic (Entertainment Enterprises, Ltd. license)chexx83chexx83
fidlstixFiddle Stix (1st Rev)1995Quick $ilver Development Co.  
ganbaremoGanbare Momotarou Oni Taiji1992?Shoken  
gmine_l2Gold Mine (Shuffle) (L-2)1987Williams  
grannyGranny and the Gators1984Bally  
gwinnerGolden Winner1983Reben SA  
hclimberHill Climber1992Irem  
hoopitupHoop it Up World Tour - 3 on 3 (Rev 23)1995Atari Games  
hoopitup21Hoop it Up World Tour - 3 on 3 (Rev 21)1995Atari Gameshoopituphoopitup
hoopshotHoop Shot (version 05.22)1992Doyle & Assoc.  
houseballHouse Ball1989Olakoa  
icecoldIce Cold Beer (set 1)1983Taito  
icecoldfIce Cold Beer (set 2)1983Taitoicecoldicecold
indunkgamunknown gambling game on Inder pinball hardware1991Inder  
jackbeanJack & The Beanstalk (Doyle & Assoc.?)199?Doyle & Assoc.  
kftgoalKick for the Goal1994Jalecowpksocwpksoc
kingt_l1King Tut (Shuffle) (L-1)1979Williams/United  
kopunchKO Punch1981Sega  
mac_1808unknown game (MAC #1808)19??MAC S.A.  
mdntmrdrMidnight Marauders (Gun game)1984Bally Midway  
monkeyjmpMonkey Jump20??Falgas  
monrobwlStars & Strikes (Bowler)1988Monroe Bowling Co.  
newufoNew UFO Catcher (standard)1991Sega  
newufo_nflNew UFO Catcher (Team NFL)1991Seganewufonewufo
newufo_sonicNew UFO Catcher (Sonic The Hedgehog)1991Seganewufonewufo
newufo_xmasNew UFO Catcher (Christmas season ROM kit)1991Seganewufonewufo
notechanNote Chance1995Banpresto  
omni_l1Omni (Shuffle) (L-1)1980Williams/United  
piggypasPiggy Pass (version 04.40)1992Doyle & Assoc.  
pomp_l1Pompeii (Shuffle) (L-1)1978Williams/United  
realpuncReal Puncher (World, v2.12O)1994Taito Corporation Japan  
realpuncjReal Puncher (Japan, v2.12J)1994Taito Corporation Japanrealpuncrealpunc
rndrndqsRound and Round (Rev 6) (Quick $ilver)1996Quick $ilver Development Co.  
sbmSonic Blast Man (US)1990Taito Corporation  
sbmjSonic Blast Man (Japan)1990Taito Corporationsbmsbm
shfin_l1Shuffle Inn (Shuffle) (L-1)1987Williams  
skc_090Simpsons Kooky Carnival (Redemption) v0.90 New Jersey2006Sternskc_105skc_105
skc_103Simpsons Kooky Carnival (Redemption) v1.032006Sternskc_105skc_105
skc_105Simpsons Kooky Carnival (Redemption) v1.052006Stern  
slikshotSlick Shot (V2.2)1990Grand Products / Incredible Technologies  
slikshot16Slick Shot (V1.6)1990Grand Products / Incredible Technologiesslikshotslikshot
slikshot17Slick Shot (V1.7)1990Grand Products / Incredible Technologiesslikshotslikshot
smartossSmart Toss 'em / Smartball (Ver 2.0)199?Smart Industries / Creative Electronics and Software  
sonicpopSegaSonic Popcorn Shop (Rev B)1993Sega  
srockbwlSuper Rock and Bowl (V1.1)1994Bromley  
sstrikeSuper Strike Bowling (V1)1990Strata / Incredible Technologies  
submarSubmarine (Midway)1979Midway  
szone_l2Strike Zone (Shuffle) (L-2)1984Williams/Unitedszone_l5szone_l5
szone_l5Strike Zone (Shuffle) (L-5)1984Williams/United  
taurs_l1Taurus (Shuffle) (L-1)1979Williams  
tdawg_l1Top Dawg (Shuffle) (L-1)1987Williams  
tenpindxTen Pin Deluxe1983Dave Nutting Associates / Bally Midway  
topaz_l1Topaz (Shuffle) (L-1)1978Williams  
trocanaTrocana1996NTC / NMK  
tstrk_l1Triple Strike (Shuffle) (L-1)1983Williams/United  
tts_l1Tic-Tac-Strike (Shuffle) (L-1)1986Williamstts_l2tts_l2
tts_l2Tic-Tac-Strike (Shuffle) (L-2)1986Williams  
ufo21UFO Catcher 211996Sega  
ufo7UFO Catcher 72001Sega  
ufo800UFO Catcher 8001998Sega  
ufominiUFO Catcher Mini1991Sega  
wackadooWack-A-Doodle-Doo (redemption, CPU 1.00, display A1.01)1998Sega  
wpksocWorld PK Soccer1995Jaleco  
zekepeakZeke's Peak1983Taitoicecoldicecold

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