Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom of | Clone of |
detest | Data East Test Chip | 1998 | Data East | | |
j2tst | MPS 1 Test Rom (JPM) (MPS) | 198? | JPM | | |
j5tst1 | JPM System 5 Test Set (JPM) (SYSTEM5, set 1) | 199? | JPM | | |
j5tst2 | JPM System 5 Test Set (JPM) (SYSTEM5, set 2) | 199? | JPM | j5tst1 | j5tst1 |
j5tstal | JPM System 5 Alpha Display Test Utility (JPM) (SYSTEM5) | 199? | JPM | | |
m1tstunt | Test Unit (Maygay) (M1A/B) | 199? | Maygay | | |
m3tst | MPU3 Unit Test (Program 5) (Barcrest) (MPU3) | 198? | Barcrest | | |
m4rltst | MPU4 Reel Test (3.0) | 198? | Barcrest | | |
m4tst | MPU4 Unit Test (Program 4) | 198? | Barcrest | | |
m4tst2 | MPU4 Unit Test (Program 2) | 198? | Barcrest | | |
m5tst | MPU 5 Test Rom (Barcrest) (MPU5) | 199? | Barcrest | | |
s80btest | System 80B Test | 198? | Gottlieb | | |
s80tst | System 80 Test | 1981 | Gottlieb | | |
sc4tst | Scorpion 4 Test Rig (Bellfruit) (Scorpion ?) | 200? | BFM | | |
sys1test | System 1 Test prom | 19?? | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
taitest | Taito Test Fixture | 198? | Taito do Brasil | | |
tf95_12 | WPC 95 Test Fixture (1.2) | 1996 | Bally | | |
tfa_13 | WPC Test Fixture: Alphanumeric (1.3) | 1990 | Bally | | |
tfdmd_l3 | WPC Test Fixture: DMD (L-3) | 1991 | Bally | | |
tfs_12 | WPC Test Fixture: Security (1.2) | 1994 | Bally | | |