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Machine Genre - Handheld / Plug n' Play TV Game / Soccer

MAME: 0.272 - Released: 2024-11-29T19:06:23 - Machines: 47515 - rom: 355153 - disk: 1357 - Lists: 718 - Software: 138591 - rom: 234761 - disk: 11192

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Status: good

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
rad_ssocSensible Soccer plus [Cannon Fodder, Mega lo Mania] (Radica, Arcade Legends) (UK)2004Radica / Sensible Software / Sega  

Status: preliminary

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
epo_es2jCard Scan! Excite Stage Soccer Nippon Daihyou Team (Japan)2006Epoch / SSD Company LTD  
epo_strkGoal Kimeruze! Excite Striker (Japan)2001Epoch / SSD Company LTD  
rad_socrPlay TV Soccer2002Radica / Epoch / SSD Company LTDepo_strkepo_strk
shtscoreShoot n' Score200?Halsall / time4toys.com / Electronic Games  
vfootbalVirtual Football (with 3 bonus games)200?<unknown>  
vtvsocrVirtual TV Soccer200?<unknown>  

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