Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom of | Clone of |
aliensyn | Alien Syndrome (set 4, System 16B, unprotected) | 1987 | Sega | | |
aliensyn2 | Alien Syndrome (set 2, System 16A, FD1089A 317-0033) | 1987 | Sega | aliensyn | aliensyn |
aliensyn3 | Alien Syndrome (set 3, System 16B, FD1089A 317-0033) | 1987 | Sega | aliensyn | aliensyn |
aliensyn5 | Alien Syndrome (set 5, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0037) | 1987 | Sega | aliensyn | aliensyn |
aliensyn7 | Alien Syndrome (set 7, System 16B, MC-8123B 317-00xx) | 1987 | Sega | aliensyn | aliensyn |
aliensynj | Alien Syndrome (set 6, Japan, new, System 16B, FD1089A 317-0033) | 1987 | Sega | aliensyn | aliensyn |
aliensynjo | Alien Syndrome (set 1, Japan, old, System 16A, FD1089A 317-0033) | 1987 | Sega | aliensyn | aliensyn |
breywood | Breywood (Japan revision 2) | 1986 | Data East Corporation | shackled | shackled |
cavelon | Cavelon | 1983 | Jetsoft | | |
csweetht | Sweet Heart (DECO Cassette) (US) | 1982 | Data East Corporation | cdiscon1 | cdiscon1 |
eprom | Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (set 1) | 1989 | Atari Games | | |
eprom2 | Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (set 2) | 1989 | Atari Games | eprom | eprom |
freeze | Freeze | 1984 | Cinematronics | | |
gaunt2 | Gauntlet II | 1986 | Atari Games | | |
gaunt22p | Gauntlet II (2 Players, rev 2) | 1986 | Atari Games | gaunt2 | gaunt2 |
gaunt22p1 | Gauntlet II (2 Players, rev 1) | 1986 | Atari Games | gaunt2 | gaunt2 |
gaunt22pg | Gauntlet II (2 Players, German) | 1986 | Atari Games | gaunt2 | gaunt2 |
gaunt2g | Gauntlet II (German) | 1986 | Atari Games | gaunt2 | gaunt2 |
gauntdl | Gauntlet Dark Legacy (version DL 2.52) | 1999 | Midway Games | | |
gauntdl24 | Gauntlet Dark Legacy (version DL 2.4) | 1999 | Midway Games | gauntdl | gauntdl |
gauntleg | Gauntlet Legends (version 1.6) | 1998 | Atari Games | | |
gauntleg12 | Gauntlet Legends (version 1.2) | 1998 | Atari Games | gauntleg | gauntleg |
gauntlet | Gauntlet (rev 14) | 1985 | Atari Games | | |
gauntlet2p | Gauntlet (2 Players, rev 6) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntlet2pg | Gauntlet (2 Players, German, rev 4) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntlet2pg1 | Gauntlet (2 Players, German, rev 1) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntlet2pj | Gauntlet (2 Players, Japanese, rev 5) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntlet2pj2 | Gauntlet (2 Players, Japanese, rev 2) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntlet2pr3 | Gauntlet (2 Players, rev 3) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntletg | Gauntlet (German, rev 10) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntletgr3 | Gauntlet (German, rev 3) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntletgr6 | Gauntlet (German, rev 6) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntletgr8 | Gauntlet (German, rev 8) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntletj | Gauntlet (Japanese, rev 13) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntletj12 | Gauntlet (Japanese, rev 12) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntletr1 | Gauntlet (rev 1) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntletr2 | Gauntlet (rev 2) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntletr4 | Gauntlet (rev 4) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntletr5 | Gauntlet (rev 5) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntletr7 | Gauntlet (rev 7) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntletr9 | Gauntlet (rev 9) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
gauntlets | Gauntlet (Spanish, rev 15) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | gauntlet |
mgcrystl | Magical Crystals (World, 92/01/10) | 1991 | Kaneko | | |
mgcrystlj | Magical Crystals (Japan, 92/01/13) | 1991 | Kaneko (Atlus license) | mgcrystl | mgcrystl |
mgcrystlo | Magical Crystals (World, 91/12/10) | 1991 | Kaneko | mgcrystl | mgcrystl |
mmaze | Marchen Maze (Japan) | 1988 | Namco | | |
mmaze2 | Marchen Maze (Japan, hack?) | 1988 | Namco | mmaze | mmaze |
mystston | Mysterious Stones - Dr. John's Adventure | 1984 | Technos Japan | | |
myststono | Mysterious Stones - Dr. Kick in Adventure | 1984 | Technos Japan | mystston | mystston |
myststonoi | Mysterious Stones - Dr. Kick in Adventure (Itisa PCB) | 1984 | Technos Japan | mystston | mystston |
naughtyb | Naughty Boy | 1982 | Jaleco | | |
naughtyba | Naughty Boy (bootleg, set 1) | 1982 | bootleg | naughtyb | naughtyb |
naughtybb | Naughty Boy (bootleg, set 2) | 1982 | bootleg | naughtyb | naughtyb |
naughtybc | Naughty Boy (Cinematronics) | 1982 | Jaleco (Cinematronics license) | naughtyb | naughtyb |
pc_ftqst | Uncle Fester's Quest: The Addams Family (PlayChoice-10) | 1989 | Sunsoft (Nintendo of America license) | playch10 | |
pc_gntlt | Gauntlet (PlayChoice-10) | 1985 | Atari / Tengen (Nintendo of America license) | playch10 | |
quartet | Quartet (Rev A, 8751 315-5194) | 1986 | Sega | | |
quartet2 | Quartet 2 (8751 317-0010) | 1986 | Sega | quartet | quartet |
quartet2a | Quartet 2 (unprotected) | 1986 | Sega | quartet | quartet |
quarteta | Quartet (8751 315-5194) | 1986 | Sega | quartet | quartet |
raiders5 | Raiders5 | 1985 | UPL | | |
raiders5t | Raiders5 (Japan, set 1) | 1985 | UPL (Taito license) | raiders5 | raiders5 |
raiders5ta | Raiders5 (Japan, set 2, bootleg?) | 1985 | UPL (Taito license) | raiders5 | raiders5 |
shackled | Shackled (US) | 1986 | Data East USA | | |
stlforce | Steel Force | 1994 | Electronic Devices Italy / Ecogames S.L. Spain | | |
tankbust | Tank Busters | 1985 | Valadon Automation | | |
ufosensi | Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan (MC-8123, 317-0064) | 1988 | Sega | | |
ufosensib | Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan (bootleg, not encrypted) | 1988 | bootleg | ufosensi | ufosensi |
xybots | Xybots (rev 2) | 1987 | Atari Games | | |
xybots0 | Xybots (rev 0) | 1987 | Atari Games | xybots | xybots |
xybots1 | Xybots (rev 1) | 1987 | Atari Games | xybots | xybots |
xybotsf | Xybots (French, rev 3) | 1987 | Atari Games | xybots | xybots |
xybotsg | Xybots (German, rev 3) | 1987 | Atari Games | xybots | xybots |