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Machine Genre - Platform / Run Jump

MAME: 0.272 - Released: 2024-11-29T19:06:23 - Machines: 47515 - rom: 355153 - disk: 1357 - Lists: 718 - Software: 138591 - rom: 234761 - disk: 11192

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Status: good

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
ablastHong Tian Lei (A-Blast) (Japan)2000Subsinopenbrospenbros
arabianArabian1983Sun Electronics  
arabianaArabian (Atari)1983Sun Electronics (Atari license)arabianarabian
b2bBang Bang Busters (2010 NCI release)2000Visconeogeo 
bagmanBagman1982Valadon Automation  
bagmanjBagman (Taito)1982Valadon Automation (Taito license)bagmanbagman
bagmansBagman (Stern Electronics, revision A5)1982Valadon Automation (Stern Electronics license)bagmanbagman
bagmans4Bagman (Stern Electronics, revision A4)1982Valadon Automation (Stern Electronics license)bagmanbagman
bagnardLe Bagnard (set 1)1982Valadon Automationbagmanbagman
bagnardaLe Bagnard (set 2)1982Valadon Automationbagmanbagman
bagnardiLe Bagnard (Itisa, Spain)1983Valadon Automation (Itisa license)bagmanbagman
bagnardioLe Bagnard (Itisa, Spain, older)1982Valadon Automation (Itisa license)bagmanbagman
balonfgtVs. Balloon Fight (set BF4 A-3)1984Nintendo  
balubaBaluba-louk no Densetsu (Japan)1986Able Corp, Ltd.  
bbreduxBubble Bobble ('bootleg redux' hack for Bobble Bobble PCB)2013bootleg (Punji)bublboblbublbobl
beastfBeastie Feastie1984Epos Corporationsuprglobsuprglob
beastfpBeastie Feastie (Pac-Man conversion)1984Epos Corporationsuprglobsuprglob
beatheadBeatHead (prototype)1993Atari Games  
berlwallThe Berlin Wall1991Kaneko  
berlwallkThe Berlin Wall (Korea)1991Kaneko (Inter license)berlwallberlwall
berlwalltThe Berlin Wall (bootleg?)1991Kanekoberlwallberlwall
bigkongBig Kong1981bootlegckongckong
bigkonggxBig Kong (bootleg of Crazy Kong on Galaxian hardware)1981bootlegckongckong
bjtwinBombjack Twin (set 1)1993NMK  
bjtwinaBombjack Twin (set 2)1993NMKbjtwinbjtwin
bjtwinpBombjack Twin (prototype? with adult pictures, set 1)1993NMKbjtwinbjtwin
boblboblBobble Bobble (bootleg of Bubble Bobble)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl
boblcaveBubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2 (for Bobble Bobble PCB)2013hack (Bisboch and Aladar)bublboblbublbobl
boggy84Boggy '841983Kaneko  
boggy84bBoggy '84 (bootleg, set 1)1983bootleg (Eddie's Games)boggy84boggy84
bombjackBomb Jack1984Tehkan  
bombjack2Bomb Jack (earlier)1984Tehkanbombjackbombjack
bombjackblBomb Jack (bootleg)1985bootlegbombjackbombjack
bombjacktBomb Jack (Tecfri, Spain)1984Tehkan (Tecfri license)bombjackbombjack
btimeBurger Time (Data East set 1)1982Data East Corporation  
btime2Burger Time (Data East set 2)1982Data East Corporationbtimebtime
btime3Burger Time (Data East USA)1982Data East USA Inc.btimebtime
btimemBurger Time (Midway)1982Data East (Bally Midway license)btimebtime
bub68705Bubble Bobble (bootleg with 68705)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl
bublboblBubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1)1986Taito Corporation  
bublbobl1Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0)1986Taito Corporationbublboblbublbobl
bublboblbBubble Bobble (for Bobble Bobble PCB)2013bootleg (Aladar)bublboblbublbobl
bublboblpBubble Bobble (prototype on Tokio hardware)1986Taito Corporationbublboblbublbobl
bublboblrBubble Bobble (US, Ver 5.1)1986Taito America Corporation (Romstar license)bublboblbublbobl
bublboblr1Bubble Bobble (US, Ver 1.0)1986Taito America Corporation (Romstar license)bublboblbublbobl
bublcaveBubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.22013hack (Bisboch and Aladar)bublboblbublbobl
bublcave10Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.02012hack (Bisboch and Aladar)bublboblbublbobl
bublcave11Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.12012hack (Bisboch and Aladar)bublboblbublbobl
cactusCactus (bootleg of Saboten Bombers)1992bootlegsabotenbsabotenb
candoryCandory (Ponpoko bootleg with Mario)1982bootlegponpokoponpoko
cbtimeBurger Time (DECO Cassette) (US)1983Data East Corporationdecocass 
chaknpopChack'n Pop1983Taito Corporation  
chamburgerHamburger (DECO Cassette) (Japan)1982Data East Corporationcbtimecbtime
cityconCity Connection (set 1)1985Jaleco  
cityconaCity Connection (set 2)1985Jalecocityconcitycon
ckongCrazy Kong1981Kyoei / Falcon  
ckongalcCrazy Kong (Alca bootleg)1981bootleg (Alca)ckongckong
ckongdksDonkey Kong (Spanish bootleg of Crazy Kong)1981bootlegckongckong
ckonggCrazy Kong (bootleg on Galaxian hardware)1981bootlegckongckong
ckonggxCrazy Kong (bootleg on Galaxian hardware, encrypted, set 1)1981bootlegckongckong
ckongmcCrazy Kong (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 1)1981bootlegckongckong
ckongoCrazy Kong (Orca bootleg)1981bootleg (Orca)ckongckong
ckongpt2Crazy Kong Part II (set 1)1981Falcon  
ckongpt2aCrazy Kong Part II (set 2)1981Falconckongpt2ckongpt2
ckongpt2bCrazy Kong Part II (alternative levels)1981bootlegckongpt2ckongpt2
ckongpt2jCrazy Kong Part II (Japan)1981Falconckongpt2ckongpt2
ckongpt2jeuCrazy Kong Part II (Jeutel bootleg)1981bootleg (Jeutel)ckongpt2ckongpt2
ckongpt2ssCrazy Kong (SegaSA / Sonic bootleg)1982bootleg (SegaSA / Sonic)ckongpt2ckongpt2
ckongsCrazy Kong (bootleg on Scramble hardware)1981bootlegckongckong
cliffhgrCliff Hanger (set 1)1983Stern Electronics  
cliffhgraCliff Hanger (set 2)1983Stern Electronicscliffhgrcliffhgr
cookraceCook Race1982bootlegbtimebtime
cppicfPeter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 1)1984Data East Corporationdecocass 
cppicf2Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 2)1984Data East Corporationcppicfcppicf
cruisinCruisin1985Jaleco (Kitkorp license)cityconcitycon
darktowrDark Tower1992The Game Room  
diverboyDiver Boy1992Gamart (Electronic Devices Italy license)  
dkingDonkey King1981bootlegckongckong
dkingjrDonkey King Jr. (bootleg of Donkey Kong Jr.)1982bootlegdkongjrdkongjr
dkongDonkey Kong (US set 1)1981Nintendo of America  
dkongfDonkey Kong Foundry (hack)2004hack (Jeff Kulczycki)dkongdkong
dkonghrdDonkey Kong (hard kit)1981Nintendo of Americadkongdkong
dkonghsDonkey Kong High Score Kit (hack,V1.2)2001hack (Braze Technologies)dkongdkong
dkongikeDonkey Kong/DK (Japan) (hack,V1.1 IKE)2001hack (Braze Technologies)dkongdkong
dkongjDonkey Kong (Japan set 1)1981Nintendodkongdkong
dkongjnrjDonkey Kong Junior (Japan set F-1)1982Nintendodkongjrdkongjr
dkongjoDonkey Kong (Japan set 2)1981Nintendodkongdkong
dkongjo1Donkey Kong (Japan set 3)1981Nintendodkongdkong
dkongjrDonkey Kong Junior (US set F-2)1982Nintendo of America  
dkongjr2Donkey Kong Junior (US, bootleg?)1982Nintendo of Americadkongjrdkongjr
dkongjrbDonkey Kong Jr. (bootleg)1982bootlegdkongjrdkongjr
dkongjreDonkey Kong Junior (E kit)1982Nintendo of Americadkongjrdkongjr
dkongjrhsDonkey Junior High Score Kit (hack,V1.2)2001hack (Braze Technologies)dkongjrdkongjr
dkongjrjDonkey Kong Jr. (Japan)1982Nintendodkongjrdkongjr
dkongjrpbDonkey Kong Junior (P kit, bootleg)1982bootlegdkongjrdkongjr
dkongoDonkey Kong (US set 2)1981Nintendodkongdkong
dkongpeDonkey Kong: Pauline Edition Rev 5 (2013-04-22)2013hack (Clay Cowgill and Mike Mika)dkongdkong
dkongxDonkey Kong II: Jumpman Returns (hack, V1.2)2006hack (Braze Technologies)dkongdkong
dkongx11Donkey Kong II: Jumpman Returns (hack, V1.1)2006hack (Braze Technologies)dkongdkong
dlairDragon's Lair (US Rev. F2)1983Cinematronics  
dlairdDragon's Lair (US Rev. D, Pioneer LD-V1000)1983Cinematronicsdlairdlair
dlaireDragon's Lair (US Rev. E)1983Cinematronicsdlairdlair
dlairfDragon's Lair (US Rev. F)1983Cinematronicsdlairdlair
dlandDream Land / Super Dream Land (bootleg of Bubble Bobble)1987bootlegbublboblbublbobl
docastleMr. Do's Castle (set 1)1983Universal  
docastle2Mr. Do's Castle (set 2)1983Universaldocastledocastle
docastleoMr. Do's Castle (older)1983Universaldocastledocastle
dockmanDock Man (set 1)1982Taito Corporation  
dockmanbDock Man (set 2)1982Taito Corporationdockmandockman
dokidokiDoki Doki Penguin Land1985Sega  
dondokodDon Doko Don (World, rev 1)1989Taito Corporation Japan  
dondokodjDon Doko Don (Japan, rev 1)1989Taito Corporationdondokoddondokod
dondokoduDon Doko Don (US, rev 1)1989Taito America Corporationdondokoddondokod
douniMr. Do! vs. Unicorns (Japan)1983Universaldocastledocastle
dowildMr. Do's Wild Ride1984Universal  
dreamwldDream World2000SemiCom  
drmicroDr. Micro1983Sanritsu  
eeekkEeekk!1983Epos Corporation  
eeekkpEeekk! (Pac-Man conversion)1984Epos Corporationeeekkeeekk
flickyFlicky (128k Version, 315-5051)1984Sega  
flickyaFlicky (128k Version, 315-5051, larger ROMs)1984Segaflickyflicky
flickybFlicky (128k Version, 315-5051, larger ROMs, newer)1984Segaflickyflicky
flickyoFlicky (64k Version, 315-5051, set 1)1984Segaflickyflicky
flickys1Flicky (64k Version, 315-5051, set 2)1984Segaflickyflicky
flickys2Flicky (128k Version, not encrypted)1984Segaflickyflicky
flickyupFlicky (64k Version, on Up'n Down boardset, set 1)1984Segaflickyflicky
flickyupaFlicky (64k Version, on Up'n Down boardset, set 2)1984bootlegflickyflicky
fncywldFancy World - Earth of Crisis1996Unico  
funnymouFunny Mouse (Japan)1982Taito Corporation (Chuo Co. Ltd license)suprmoussuprmous
hedpanicHead Panic (ver. 0117, 17/01/2000)2000ESD  
hedpanicaHead Panic (ver. 0702, 02/07/1999)1999ESDhedpanichedpanic
hedpanicfHead Panic (ver. 0315, 15/03/2000)2000ESD / Fuukihedpanichedpanic
hedpanicoHead Panic (ver. 0615, 15/06/1999)1999ESDhedpanichedpanic
hopmappyHopping Mappy1986Namco  
hopproboHopper Robo1983Sega  
iceclimbVs. Ice Climber (set IC4-4 B-1)1984Nintendo  
iceclimbaVs. Ice Climber (set IC4-4 ?)1984Nintendoiceclimbiceclimb
iceclmrdVs. Ice Climber Dual (set IC4-4 A-1)1984Nintendo  
jjackJumping Jack1984Universal  
joemacrJoe & Mac Returns (World, Version 1.1, 1994.05.27)1994Data East Corporation  
joemacraJoe & Mac Returns (World, Version 1.0, 1994.05.19)1994Data East Corporationjoemacrjoemacr
joemacrjJoe & Mac Returns (Japan, Version 1.2, 1994.06.06)1994Data East Corporationjoemacrjoemacr
joustJoust (Green label)1982Williams  
joust2Joust 2 - Survival of the Fittest (revision 2)1986Williams  
joust2r1Joust 2 - Survival of the Fittest (revision 1)1986Williamsjoust2joust2
joustrJoust (Red label)1982Williamsjoustjoust
joustyJoust (Yellow label)1982Williamsjoustjoust
jrkingJunior King (bootleg of Donkey Kong Jr.)1982bootlegdkongjrdkongjr
jumpcoasJump Coaster (World)1983Kaneko Elc. Co.  
jumpcoasaJump Coaster1983Kanekojumpcoasjumpcoas
jumpcoastJump Coaster (Taito)1983Kaneko (Taito license)jumpcoasjumpcoas
jumpingJumping (set 1)1989bootlegrbislandrbisland
jumpingaJumping (set 2)1988bootleg (Seyutu)rbislandrbisland
jumpingiJumping (set 3, Imnoe PCB)1988bootleg (Seyutu)rbislandrbisland
jumpkidsJump Kids1993Comad  
jumppopJumping Pop (set 1)2001ESD  
jumppopeJumping Pop (set 2)2001Emag Softjumppopjumppop
kangarooKangaroo1982Sun Electronics  
kangarooaKangaroo (Atari)1982Sun Electronics (Atari license)kangarookangaroo
kangaroobKangaroo (bootleg)1982bootlegkangarookangaroo
kangaroolKangaroo (Loewen-Automaten)1982Sun Electronics (Loewen-Automaten license)kangarookangaroo
kaosKaos1981Pacific Polytechnical Corp. (Game Plan license)  
keroppiKero Kero Keroppi's Let's Play Together (USA, Version 2.0)1995American Sammy  
keroppijKero Kero Keroppi no Isshoni Asobou (Japan)1993Sammy Industrieskeroppikeroppi
leprechnLeprechaun (set 1)1982Pacific Polytechnical Corp.  
leprechnaLeprechaun (set 2)1982Pacific Polytechnical Corp. (Tong Electronic license)leprechnleprechn
loderndfLode Runner - The Dig Fight (ver. B)2000Psikyo  
loderndfaLode Runner - The Dig Fight (ver. A)2000Psikyoloderndfloderndf
magipurMagic Purple1996Unico  
maguilaUp Maguila (bootleg of Donkey Kong Jr.)1982bootleg (Aguipa)dkongjrdkongjr
mappyMappy (US)1983Namco  
mappyjMappy (Japan)1983Namcomappymappy
marioMario Bros. (US, Revision G)1983Nintendo of America  
marioblMario Bros. (bootleg on Ambush Hardware, set 1)1983bootlegmariomario
marioblaMario Bros. (bootleg on Ambush Hardware, set 2)1983bootlegmariomario
marioeMario Bros. (US, Revision E)1983Nintendo of Americamariomario
mariofMario Bros. (US, Revision F)1983Nintendo of Americamariomario
mariojMario Bros. (Japan, Revision C)1983Nintendomariomario
metlsavrMetal Saver1994First Amusement  
mf_bristBristles (Max-A-Flex)1983Exidy / First Star Softwaremaxaflex 
mf_flipFlip & Flop (Max-A-Flex)1983Exidy / First Star Softwaremaxaflex 
momokoMomoko 120% (Japanese text)1986Jaleco  
momokobMomoko 120% (bootleg)1986bootlegmomokomomoko
momokoeMomoko 120% (English text)1986Jalecomomokomomoko
monkeydMonkey Donkey1981bootlegckongckong
mousercMouser (Cosmos)1983UPL (Cosmos license)mousermouser
mrfleaThe Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea1982Pacific Novelty  
mrkougarMr. Kougar1984ATW  
mrkougar2Mr. Kougar (earlier)1983ATWmrkougarmrkougar
mrkougbMr. Kougar (German bootleg)1984bootleg (Gross)mrkougarmrkougar
mrkougb2Mr. Kougar (bootleg)1983bootlegmrkougarmrkougar
nitdNightmare in the Dark2000Eleven / Gavakingneogeo 
nitdblNightmare in the Dark (bootleg)2001bootlegnitdnitd
nmouseNaughty Mouse (set 1)1981Amenip (Palcom Queen River)  
nmousebNaughty Mouse (set 2)1981Amenip Nova Games Ltd.nmousenmouse
numcrashNumber Crash1983Hanshin Goraku / Peni  
pandorasPandora's Palace1984Konami / Interlogic  
pangpomsPang Pom's1992Metro  
pangpomsmPang Pom's (Mitchell)1992Metro (Mitchell license)pangpomspangpoms
pangpomsnPang Pom's (Nova)1992Novapangpomspangpoms
pc_bfghtBalloon Fight (PlayChoice-10)1984Nintendoplaych10 
pc_marioMario Bros. (PlayChoice-10)1983Nintendoplaych10 
penbrosPenguin Brothers (Japan)2000Subsino  
peterpakPeter Pack Rat1984Atari Gamesatarisy1 
pigoutPig Out: Dine Like a Swine! (rev 2?)1990Leland Corporation  
pigoutaPig Out: Dine Like a Swine! (rev 1)1990Leland Corporationpigoutpigout
ponpokoPonpoko1982Sigma Enterprises Inc.  
ponpokovPonpoko (Venture Line)1982Sigma Enterprises Inc. (Venture Line license)ponpokoponpoko
popeyePopeye (revision D)1982Nintendo  
popeyeb2Popeye (bootleg set 2)1982bootlegpopeyepopeye
popeyeb3Popeye (bootleg set 3)1982bootlegpopeyepopeye
popeyeblPopeye (bootleg set 1)1982bootlegpopeyepopeye
popeyefPopeye (revision F)1982Nintendopopeyepopeye
popeyehsPopeye (Braze High Score Kit P1.00D)1982hack (Braze Technologies)popeyepopeye
popeyejPopeye (Japan)1982Nintendopopeyepopeye
popeyejoPopeye (Japan, Older)1982Nintendopopeyepopeye
popeyeuPopeye (revision D not protected)1982Nintendopopeyepopeye
popperPopper1983Omori Electric Co., Ltd.  
portmanPort Man1982Taito Corporation (Nova Games Ltd. license)dockmandockman
portmanjPort Man (Japan)1982Taito Corporationdockmandockman
potogoldPot of Gold1982Pacific Polytechnical Corp. (Game Plan license)leprechnleprechn
rbislandRainbow Islands (rev 1)1987Taito Corporation  
rbislandeRainbow Islands - Extra Version1988Taito Corporation  
rbislandoRainbow Islands1987Taito Corporationrbislandrbisland
rbtapperTapper (Root Beer)1984Bally Midwaytappertapper
rittamR&T (Rod-Land prototype)1990Jalecorodlandrodland
rocnropeRoc'n Rope1983Konami  
rocnropekRoc'n Rope (Kosuka)1983Konami (Kosuka license)rocnroperocnrope
rodlandRod-Land (World, set 1)1990Jaleco  
rodlandaRod-Land (World, set 2)1990Jalecorodlandrodland
rodlandjRod-Land (Japan)1990Jalecorodlandrodland
rodlandjbRod-Land (Japan bootleg with unencrypted program)1990bootlegrodlandrodland
rodlandjb2Rod-Land (Japan bootleg with unencrypted program and GFX)1990bootlegrodlandrodland
ropemanRopeman (bootleg of Roc'n Rope)1983bootlegrocnroperocnrope
sabotenbSaboten Bombers (set 1)1992NMK / Tecmo  
sabotenbaSaboten Bombers (set 2)1992NMK / Tecmosabotenbsabotenb
sbagmanSuper Bagman (version 5)1984Valadon Automation  
sbagman2Super Bagman (version 3?)1984Valadon Automationsbagmansbagman
sbagmansSuper Bagman (Stern Electronics)1984Valadon Automation (Stern Electronics license)sbagmansbagman
sboblboblSuper Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 1)1986bootleg (Datsu)bublboblbublbobl
sboblboblaSuper Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 2)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl
sboblboblbSuper Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 3)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl
sboblboblcSuper Bubble Bobble (bootleg)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl
sboblbobldSuper Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 4)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl
sboblbobleSuper Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 5)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl
sboblboblfSuper Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 6)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl
sbubsmSuper Bubble Bobble (Sun Mixing, Mega Drive clone hardware)1996Sun Mixing  
sgladiatGladiator 19841984SNK  
snowbro2Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (Hanafram)1994Hanafram  
snowbro2bSnow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 1)1998bootlegsnowbro2snowbro2
snowbro2b2Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 2)1994bootleg (Q Elec)snowbro2snowbro2
snowbro2nySnow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (Nyanko)1994Nyankosnowbro2snowbro2
snowbrosSnow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1)1990Toaplan  
snowbrosaSnow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 2)1990Toaplansnowbrossnowbros
snowbrosbSnow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 3)1990Toaplansnowbrossnowbros
snowbroscSnow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 4)1990Toaplansnowbrossnowbros
snowbrosdSnow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Dooyong license)1990Toaplan (Dooyong license)snowbrossnowbros
snowbrosjSnow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Japan)1990Toaplansnowbrossnowbros
snowbroswbSnow Bros. - Nick & Tom (The Winter Bobble hardware bootleg)1990bootlegsnowbrossnowbros
sprglbpgSuper Glob (Pac-Man hardware, German bootleg)1984bootleg (Software Labor)suprglobsuprglob
sprglobpSuper Glob (Pac-Man hardware)1983Epos Corporationsuprglobsuprglob
suprglobSuper Glob1983Epos Corporation  
suprmousSuper Mouse1982Taito Corporation  
sutapperTapper (Suntory)1983Bally Midwaytappertapper
tangtangTang Tang (ver. 0526, 26/05/2000)2000ESD  
tapperTapper (Budweiser, 1/27/84)1983Bally Midway  
tapperaTapper (Budweiser, 1/12/84)1983Bally Midwaytappertapper
tapperbTapper (Budweiser, 12/9/83)1983Bally Midwaytappertapper
tappergTapper (Budweiser, 1/27/84 - Alternate graphics)1983Bally Midwaytappertapper
theglobThe Glob1983Epos Corporationsuprglobsuprglob
theglob2The Glob (earlier)1983Epos Corporationsuprglobsuprglob
theglob3The Glob (set 3)1983Epos Corporationsuprglobsuprglob
theglobmeThe Glob (Pac-Man hardware, Magic Electronics)1983Epos Corporation (Magic Electronics Inc. license)suprglobsuprglob
theglobpThe Glob (Pac-Man hardware, set 1)1983Epos Corporationsuprglobsuprglob
theglobpaThe Glob (Pac-Man hardware, set 2)1983Epos Corporationsuprglobsuprglob
timberTimber1984Bally Midway  
timetrvTime Traveler1991Virtual Image Productions (Sega license)  
timetrv2Time Traveler (Japan)1991Virtual Image Productions (Sega license)timetrvtimetrv
toppyrapToppy & Rappy1996SemiCom  
totoCome Back Toto1996SoftClub  
toylandToy Land Adventure2001SemiCom  
uballoonUltra Balloon1996SunA (Unico license)  
vsgshoeVs. Gumshoe (set GM5)1986Nintendo  
wintbobThe Winter Bobble (bootleg of Snow Bros.)1990bootleg (Sakowa Project Korea)snowbrossnowbros
woodpecaWoodpecker (set 2)1981Amenipwoodpeckwoodpeck
woodpeckWoodpecker (set 1)1981Amenip (Palcom Queen River)  
wreckingVs. Wrecking Crew1984Nintendo  
zookeepZoo Keeper (set 1)1982Taito America Corporation  
zookeep2Zoo Keeper (set 2)1982Taito America Corporationzookeepzookeep
zookeep3Zoo Keeper (set 3)1982Taito America Corporationzookeepzookeep
zookeepblZoo Keeper (bootleg)1982bootlegzookeepzookeep
zwackeryZwackery1984Bally Midway  

Status: imperfect

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
atombjtAtom (bootleg of Bombjack Twin)1993bootleg (Kyon K.)bjtwinbjtwin
bagmanm2Bagman (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 2)1984bootleg (GIB)bagmanbagman
bagmanm3Bagman (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 3)1982bootlegbagmanbagman
bagmanmcBagman (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 1)1982bootlegbagmanbagman
ballboyBall Boy (2 players)2003bootlegsnowbro3snowbro3
ballboy3pBall Boy (3 players)2004bootlegsnowbro3snowbro3
bubblemBubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Ver 2.4O 1996/02/15)1995Taito Corporation Japan  
bubblemjBubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Ver 2.3J 1996/02/07)1995Taito Corporationbubblembubblem
bubblemuBubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Ver 2.5A 1996/02/21)1995Taito America Corporationbubblembubblem
bublbob2Bubble Bobble II (Ver 2.6O 1994/12/16)1994Taito Corporation Japan  
bublbob2oBubble Bobble II (Ver 2.5O 1994/10/05)1994Taito Corporation Japanbublbob2bublbob2
bublbob2pBubble Bobble II (Ver 0.0J 1993/12/13, prototype)1994Taito Corporation Japanbublbob2bublbob2
bubsympheBubble Symphony (Ver 2.5O 1994/10/05)1994Taito Corporation Japanbublbob2bublbob2
bubsymphjBubble Symphony (Ver 2.5J 1994/10/05)1994Taito Corporationbublbob2bublbob2
bubsymphuBubble Symphony (Ver 2.5A 1994/10/05)1994Taito America Corporationbublbob2bublbob2
ckongpt2b2Crazy Kong Part II (bootleg)1981bootlegckongpt2ckongpt2
congoCongo Bongo (Rev C, 2 board stack)1983Sega  
congoaCongo Bongo (Rev C, 3 board stack)1983Segacongocongo
dietgoDiet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 1)1992Data East Corporation  
dietgoeDiet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 2)1992Data East Corporationdietgodietgo
dietgoeaDiet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3)1992Data East Corporationdietgodietgo
dietgoebDiet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.08.04)1992Data East Corporationdietgodietgo
dietgojDiet Go Go (Japan v1.1 1992.09.26)1992Data East Corporationdietgodietgo
dietgouDiet Go Go (USA v1.1 1992.09.26)1992Data East Corporationdietgodietgo
dockmancDock Man (set 3)1982Taito Corporationdockmandockman
dynabombDynamite Bomber (Korea, Rev 1.5)2000Limenko  
flstoryThe FairyLand Story1985Taito  
flstoryoThe FairyLand Story (earlier)1985Taitoflstoryflstory
funkyjetFunky Jet (World, rev 1)1992Mitchell  
funkyjetaFunky Jet (World)1992Mitchellfunkyjetfunkyjet
funkyjeta2Funky Jet (Korea, prototype?)1992Mitchellfunkyjetfunkyjet
funkyjetjFunky Jet (Japan, rev 2)1992Mitchell (Data East Corporation license)funkyjetfunkyjet
jackrabtJack Rabbit (set 1)1984Zaccaria  
jackrabt2Jack Rabbit (set 2)1984Zaccariajackrabtjackrabt
jackrabtsJack Rabbit (special)1984Zaccariajackrabtjackrabt
jumpkunJump Kun (prototype)1984Kaneko  
ldrunLode Runner (set 1)1984Irem (licensed from Broderbund)  
ldrun2Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back1984Irem (licensed from Broderbund)  
ldrun3Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth1985Irem (licensed from Broderbund)  
ldrun3jLode Runner III - Majin no Fukkatsu (Japan, rev. A)1985Irem (licensed from Broderbund)ldrun3ldrun3
ldrun4Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu (Japan)1986Irem (licensed from Broderbund)  
ldrunaLode Runner (set 2)1984Irem (licensed from Broderbund, Digital Controls Inc. license)ldrunldrun
littlerbLittle Robin1994TCH  
loggerLogger (Rev.3)1982Century Electronics  
loggerr2Logger (Rev.2)1982Century Electronics (Enter-Tech, Ltd. license)loggerlogger
mfjumpMonster Farm Jump (Japan)2001Tecmocoh1002m 
myqbertMello Yello Q*bert1982Gottliebqbertqbert
panicSpace Panic (version E)1980Universal  
panic2Space Panic (set 2)1980Universalpanicpanic
panic3Space Panic (set 3)1980Universalpanicpanic
panic4Space Panic (set 4)1980Universalpanicpanic
panicgerSpace Panic (German)1980Universal (ADP Automaten license)panicpanic
panichSpace Panic (harder)1980Universalpanicpanic
pignewtPig Newton (version C)1983Sega  
pignewtaPig Newton (version A)1983Segapignewtpignewt
porterPort Man (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware)1982bootlegdockmandockman
porteraEl Estivador (Spanish bootleg of Port Man on Galaxian hardware)1982bootlegdockmandockman
qbertQ*bert (US set 1)1982Gottlieb  
qbertaQ*bert (US set 2)1982Gottliebqbertqbert
qbertjQ*bert (Japan)1982Gottlieb (Konami license)qbertqbert
qbertqubQ*bert's Qubes1983Mylstar  
qberttstQ*bert (early test version)1982Gottliebqbertqbert
sb2003Super Bubble 2003 (World, Ver 1.0)2003Limenko  
sb2003aSuper Bubble 2003 (Asia, Ver 1.0)2003Limenkosb2003sb2003
snowbro2b3Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 3)1994bootlegsnowbro2snowbro2
snowbro3Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure2002Syrmex  
sokonukeSokonuke Taisen Game (Japan)1995Sammy Industries  
sqbertFaster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert (prototype)1983Mylstar  
supbtimeSuper Burger Time (World, set 1)1990Data East Corporation  
supbtimeaSuper Burger Time (World, set 2)1990Data East Corporationsupbtimesupbtime
supbtimejSuper Burger Time (Japan)1990Data East Corporationsupbtimesupbtime
thayersThayer's Quest (set 1)1984RDI Video Systems  
thayersaThayer's Quest (set 2)1984RDI Video Systemsthayersthayers
tiptopTip Top (3 board stack)1983Segacongocongo
troopyTroopy (bootleg of Mr. Kougar)1984bootlegmrkougarmrkougar
tumblebTumble Pop (bootleg)1991bootlegtumbleptumblep
tumbleb2Tumble Pop (bootleg with PIC)1991bootlegtumbleptumblep
tumblepTumble Pop (World)1991Data East Corporation  
tumblepjTumble Pop (Japan)1991Data East Corporationtumbleptumblep
twrshaftTower & Shaft2003Aruzealeck64 
vidvinceVideo Vince and the Game Factory (prototype)1984Mylstar  
yoyospelYoYo Spell (prototype)1992Inderlittlerblittlerb

Status: preliminary

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
ablastbHong Tian Lei (A-Blast) (bootleg)2000bootlegpenbrospenbros
bagmanfLe Bagnard (bootleg on Crazy Kong hardware)1982bootlegbagmanbagman
bagmans3Bagman (Stern Electronics, revision A3)1982Valadon Automation (Stern Electronics license)bagmanbagman
begasBega's Battle (Revision 3)1983Data East  
begas1Bega's Battle (Revision 1)1983Data Eastbegasbegas
blackholBlack Hole (EFG Sanremo)1981?EFG Sanremo  
boggy84b2Boggy '84 (bootleg, set 2)1983bootlegboggy84boggy84
bub8749Bubble Bobble (bootleg of Japan Ver 0.0 with 8749)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl
bubsymphbBubble Symphony (bootleg with OKI6295)1994bootlegbublbob2bublbob2
bubsymphbaSeoul Symphony (Bubble Symphony bootleg with OKI6295)1994bootleg (SOFTV)bublbob2bublbob2
ckongcvCrazy Kong (bootleg on Galaxian hardware, encrypted, set 2)1982bootlegckongckong
ckongisCrazy Kong (bootleg on Galaxian hardware, encrypted, set 3)1982bootlegckongckong
ckongmc2Crazy Kong (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 2)1981bootlegckongckong
cliffhgra2Cliff Hanger (set 3)1983Stern Electronicscliffhgrcliffhgr
dkmbDonkey Kong / Donkey Kong Jr / Mario Bros2003Namco / Nintendo / Cosmodog  
dkongddkDouble Donkey Kong (hack,V1.2)2001hack (Braze Technologies)dkongjrdkongjr
dkongjrcDonkey Kong/JR (combo) (hack,V1.2)2001hack (Braze Technologies)dkongdkong
dkongjrmDonkey Kong Jr. (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 1)1982bootlegdkongjrdkongjr
dkongjrmcDonkey Kong Jr. (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 2)1982bootleg (Centromatic)dkongjrdkongjr
dlair_1Dragon's Lair (US Beta 1, Pioneer PR-7820)1983Cinematronicsdlairdlair
dlair_2Dragon's Lair (US Beta 2?, Pioneer PR-7820)1983Cinematronicsdlairdlair
dlair2Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (US v3.19)1991Leland Corporation  
dlair2_200Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (US v2.00, AMOA prototype)1991Leland Corporationdlair2dlair2
dlair2_211Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (US v2.11)1991Leland Corporationdlair2dlair2
dlair2_300Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (US v3.00)1991Leland Corporationdlair2dlair2
dlair2_312Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (Europe v3.12)1991Leland Corporationdlair2dlair2
dlair2_314Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (US v3.14)1991Leland Corporationdlair2dlair2
dlair2_315Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (US v3.15)1991Leland Corporationdlair2dlair2
dlair2_315sDragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (Spanish v3.15)1991Leland Corporationdlair2dlair2
dlair2_316eDragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (Europe v3.16)1991Leland Corporationdlair2dlair2
dlair2_317eDragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (Europe v3.17)1991Leland Corporationdlair2dlair2
dlair2_318Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (US v3.18)1991Leland Corporationdlair2dlair2
dlair2_319eDragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (Europe v3.19)1991Leland Corporationdlair2dlair2
dlair2_319sDragon's Lair 2: Time Warp (Spanish v3.19)1991Leland Corporationdlair2dlair2
dlairaDragon's Lair (US Rev. A, Pioneer PR-7820)1983Cinematronicsdlairdlair
dlairbDragon's Lair (US Rev. B, Pioneer PR-7820)1983Cinematronicsdlairdlair
dlaircDragon's Lair (US Rev. C, Pioneer PR-7820)1983Cinematronicsdlairdlair
dleuroDragon's Lair (European)1983Cinematronics (Atari license)dlairdlair
dleuroaltDragon's Lair (European, alternate)1983Cinematronics (Atari license)dlairdlair
dlitalDragon's Lair (Italian)1983Cinematronics (Sidam license?)dlairdlair
doodlejmpDoodle Jump Arcade (v1.16)2013ICE / Raw Thrills (Lima Sky license)  
eshEsh's Aurunmilla (set 1)1983Funai/Gakken  
eshaEsh's Aurunmilla (set 2)1983Funai/Gakkeneshesh
eshbEsh's Aurunmilla (set 3)1983Funai/Gakkeneshesh
franticfFrantic Fred (Release 2)1998ICE  
franticfaFrantic Fred1996ICE / The Game Roomfranticffranticf
funkyjetbFunky Jet (bootleg)1992bootlegfunkyjetfunkyjet
kongKong (Donkey Kong conversion on Galaxian hardware)198?Taito do Brasil  
pestplcePest Place1983bootlegmariomario
raccoonRaccoon World1998Eolith  
sbagmaniSuper Bagman (Itisa, Spain)1984Valadon Automation (Itisa license)sbagmansbagman
shpengSea Hunter Penguin1995WSAC Systems?  
smb3blSuper Mario Bros. 3 (NES bootleg)1987Sang Ho Soft  
spacea91Space Ace (DL2 Conversion) (US v1.3)1991Cinematronics (Leland Corporation license)spaceacespaceace
spacea91_13eSpace Ace (DL2 Conversion) (Europe v1.3)1991Cinematronics (Leland Corporation license)spaceacespaceace
spaceaceSpace Ace (US Rev. A3)1983Cinematronics  
spaceaceaSpace Ace (US Rev. A)1983Cinematronicsspaceacespaceace
spaceacea2Space Ace (US Rev. A2)1983Cinematronicsspaceacespaceace
spaceaceeuroSpace Ace (European)1983Cinematronics (Atari license)spaceacespaceace
sprglobp2Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware, bootleg)1985bootleg (Elsys Software)suprglobsuprglob
superdqSuper Don Quix-ote (Long Scenes)1984Universal  
superdqaSuper Don Quix-ote (Short Scenes, Alt)1984Universalsuperdqsuperdq
superdqsSuper Don Quix-ote (Short Scenes)1984Universalsuperdqsuperdq
theportrThe Porter (bootleg of Port Man)1982bootlegdockmandockman
tumblepbaTumble Pop (Playmark bootleg)1991bootleg (Playmark)tumbleptumblep

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