Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom of | Clone of |
brkthru | Break Thru (US) | 1986 | Data East USA | | |
brkthrubl | Break Thru (bootleg) | 1986 | bootleg | brkthru | brkthru |
brkthruj | Kyohkoh-Toppa (Japan) | 1986 | Data East Corporation | brkthru | brkthru |
brkthrut | Break Thru (Tecfri license) | 1986 | Data East Corporation (Tecfri license) | brkthru | brkthru |
forcebrk | Force Break (bootleg) | 1986 | bootleg | brkthru | brkthru |
minefld | Minefield | 1983 | Stern Electronics | | |
minefldfe | Minefield (The Logicshop, bootleg) | 1983 | bootleg (The Logicshop) | minefld | minefld |
mpatrol | Moon Patrol | 1982 | Irem | | |
mpatrolw | Moon Patrol (Williams) | 1982 | Irem (Williams license) | mpatrol | mpatrol |
mranger | Moon Ranger (bootleg of Moon Patrol) | 1982 | bootleg | mpatrol | mpatrol |
porky | Porky | 1985 | Shinkai Inc. (Magic Electronics Inc. license) | | |
sbdk | Super Bike (DK conversion) | 1984 | Century Electronics | superbik | superbik |
sectrzon | Sector Zone (set 1) | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | seicross | seicross |
sectrzona | Sector Zone (set 3) | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | seicross | seicross |
sectrzont | Sector Zone (set 2, Tecfri hardware) | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | seicross | seicross |
seicross | Seicross (set 1) | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | | |
seicrossa | Seicross (set 2) | 1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | seicross | seicross |