Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom of | Clone of |
aponow | Apocaljpse Now (bootleg of Rescue) | 1982 | bootleg | rescue | rescue |
bchopper | Battle Chopper (World) | 1987 | Irem | | |
bnglngby | Vs. Raid on Bungeling Bay (RD4-2 B) | 1985 | Nintendo / Broderbund Software Inc. | | |
cubeqst | Cube Quest (01/04/84) | 1983 | Simutrek | | |
cubeqsta | Cube Quest (12/30/83) | 1983 | Simutrek | cubeqst | cubeqst |
divebomb | Kyuukoukabakugekitai - Dive Bomber Squad (Japan, prototype) | 1989 | Konami | | |
dogfgt | Acrobatic Dog-Fight | 1984 | Technos Japan | | |
dogfgtj | But-ten Ohara's Suit-Cha Luck-a Dog-Fight (Japan) | 1984 | Technos Japan | dogfgt | dogfgt |
dogfgtu | Acrobatic Dog-Fight (USA) | 1985 | Technos Japan (Data East USA, Inc. license) | dogfgt | dogfgt |
dualaslt | Dual Assault | 1984 | Data East USA | liberate | liberate |
galgame | Galaxy Game | 1971 | Computer Recreations, Inc | | |
liberate | Liberation | 1984 | Data East Corporation | | |
liberateb | Liberation (bootleg) | 1984 | bootleg | liberate | liberate |
lifefrce | Lifeforce (US) | 1986 | Konami | salamand | salamand |
lifefrcej | Lifeforce (Japan) | 1987 | Konami | salamand | salamand |
marineb | Marine Boy | 1982 | Orca | | |
metlhawk | Metal Hawk (Rev C) | 1988 | Namco | | |
metlhawkj | Metal Hawk (Japan, Rev F) | 1988 | Namco | metlhawk | metlhawk |
moonwar | Moonwar | 1981 | Stern Electronics | | |
moonwara | Moonwar (older) | 1981 | Stern Electronics | moonwar | moonwar |
moonwarp | Moon War (prototype on Frenzy hardware) | 1981 | Stern Electronics | | |
mrheli | Mr. HELI no Daibouken (Japan) | 1987 | Irem | bchopper | bchopper |
rescue | Rescue | 1982 | Stern Electronics | | |
rescueb | Tuono Blu (bootleg of Rescue) | 1982 | bootleg (Videl Games) | rescue | rescue |
revngr84 | Revenger '84 (newer) | 1984 | Epos Corporation | | |
salamand | Salamander (version D) | 1986 | Konami | | |
salamandj | Salamander (version J) | 1986 | Konami | salamand | salamand |
salamandt | Salamander (Tecfri license) | 1986 | Konami (Tecfri license) | salamand | salamand |
scotrsht | Scooter Shooter | 1985 | Konami | | |
sectionz | Section Z (US) | 1985 | Capcom | | |
sectionza | Section Z (Japan, rev. A) | 1985 | Capcom | sectionz | sectionz |
sfx | SF-X | 1983 | Nihon Game (Nichibutsu license) | | |
skelagon | Skelagon | 1983 | Nihon Game (Nichibutsu USA license) | sfx | sfx |
skydest | Sky Destroyer (Japan) | 1985 | Taito Corporation | | |
skyskipr | Sky Skipper | 1981 | Nintendo | | |
stargate | Stargate | 1981 | Williams / Vid Kidz | | |
strkforc | Strike Force (rev 1 02/25/91) | 1991 | Midway | | |
terraf | Terra Force | 1987 | Nichibutsu | | |
terrafb | Terra Force (Japan, bootleg set 2) | 1987 | bootleg | terraf | terraf |
terrafj | Terra Force (Japan) | 1987 | Nichibutsu Japan | terraf | terraf |
terrafjb | Terra Force (Japan, bootleg with additional Z80) | 1987 | bootleg | terraf | terraf |
terrafu | Terra Force (US) | 1987 | Nichibutsu USA | terraf | terraf |
terrafua | Terra Force (US, alternate sound) | 1987 | Nichibutsu USA | terraf | terraf |
thndrbld | Thunder Blade (upright) (FD1094 317-0056) | 1987 | Sega | | |
thndrbld1 | Thunder Blade (deluxe/standing) (unprotected) | 1987 | Sega | thndrbld | thndrbld |
thndrbldd | Thunder Blade (upright) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0056 set) | 1987 | bootleg | thndrbld | thndrbld |
tomcat | TomCat (prototype) | 1985 | Atari | | |