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Machine Genre - Sports / Misc.

MAME: 0.272 - Released: 2024-11-29T19:06:23 - Machines: 47515 - rom: 355153 - disk: 1357 - Lists: 718 - Software: 138591 - rom: 234761 - disk: 11192

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Status: good

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
ar_airhSportTime Table Hockey (Arcadia, set 1, V 2.1)1988Arcadia Systemsar_bios 
ar_airh2SportTime Table Hockey (Arcadia, set 2)1988Arcadia Systemsar_airhar_airh
ar_blastBlastaball (Arcadia, V 2.1)1988Arcadia Systemsar_bios 
bangbeadBang Bead2000Visconeogeo 
dotronDiscs of Tron (Upright, 10/4/83)1983Bally Midway  
dotronaDiscs of Tron (Upright, 9/22/83)1983Bally Midwaydotrondotron
dotroneDiscs of Tron (Environmental)1983Bally Midwaydotrondotron
dotronepDiscs of Tron (Environmental, prototype, 8/9/83)1983Bally Midwaydotrondotron
flipshotBattle Flip Shot1998Visconeogeo 
guinessThe Guiness (Japan)1984Sun Electronicsstrnskilstrnskil
hotsmashVs. Hot Smash1987Kaneko / Taito  
mayhemMayhem 20021985Cinematronics  
paddlemaPaddle Mania1988SNK  
pkunwarPenguin-Kun Wars (US)1985UPL  
pkunwarjPenguin-Kun Wars (Japan, set 1)1985UPLpkunwarpkunwar
pkunwarjaPenguin-Kun Wars (Japan, set 2)1985UPLpkunwarpkunwar
rollergRollergames (US)1991Konami  
rollergjRollergames (Japan)1991Konamirollergrollerg
spdballSpeed Ball - Contest at Neonworld (prototype)1985Williams  
strnskilStrength & Skill1984Sun Electronics  
toobinToobin' (rev 3)1988Atari Games  
toobin1Toobin' (rev 1)1988Atari Gamestoobintoobin
toobin2Toobin' (rev 2)1988Atari Gamestoobintoobin
toobin2eToobin' (Europe, rev 2)1988Atari Gamestoobintoobin
toobineToobin' (Europe, rev 3)1988Atari Gamestoobintoobin
toobingToobin' (German, rev 3)1988Atari Gamestoobintoobin
wjammersWindjammers / Flying Power Disc1994Data East Corporationneogeo 

Status: imperfect

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
gswordGreat Swordsman (World?)1984Allumer / Taito Corporation  
gsword2Great Swordsman (Japan?)1984Allumer / Taito Corporationgswordgsword
mermaidMermaid1982Sanritsu / Rock-Ola  
yachtmnYachtsman1982Sanritsu / Escomermaidmermaid

Status: preliminary

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
carpoloCar Polo1977Exidy  
orbatakOrbatak (prototype)1995American Laser Games3dobios 
pwballPower Ball (prototype)199?TCH  
soulsurfSoul Surfer (Rev A)2002Seganaomi2 

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