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Coin Operated Machines using stick Input Type with 2 players

MAME: 0.275 - Released: 2025-02-25T16:05:29 - Machines: 47951 - rom: 358656 - disk: 1371 - Lists: 719 - Software: 139138 - rom: 235544 - disk: 11325

  • Numbers in the control type columns are the number of buttons.
  • If it is zero then no buttons are specified against the control.
  • A machine may have multiple controls of the same type, they will be comma separated.
  • Hover mouse for machine description or column heading.

500gp1nono4, 900
alpinerd1nono00, 0
alpines1nono00, 0
alpinr2b1nono00, 0
bmiidx1yesno90, 7
bmiidx21yesno90, 7
bmiidx31yesno90, 7
bmiidx41yesno90, 7
bmiidx51yesno90, 7
bmiidx61yesno90, 7
bmiidx71yesno90, 7
bmiidx81yesno90, 7
bmiidxc1yesno90, 7
bmiidxc21yesno90, 7
bmiidxs1yesno90, 7
clayshoo1nono4, 4
crgolf1nono6, 60, 0
crgolfhi1nono6, 60, 0
finfurl21nono3, 90
footbpow1yesno2, 20, 0
gunwars1nono1, 90
mastrglf1nono6, 60, 0
motoxgo1nono4, 900
optiger1yesno2, 2
optigersm1yesno2, 2
panicprk1nono1, 90, 0
wildplt1yesno3, 3
11beat2yesno4, 4
alien32yesno2, 2
archrivl2noyes2, 2
basebal22nono0, 6
bel2yesno2, 2
blmbycar2nono02, 20
boxer2noyes0, 00, 0
cadanglr2nono2, 20, 0
castfant2nono2, 20, 0
cbdash2nono2, 20, 0
cbtime2nono2, 20, 0
cburnrub2nono2, 20, 0
cdiscon12nono2, 20, 0
cdsteljn2nono2, 219, 190, 0
cexplore2nono2, 20, 0
cfboy0a12nono2, 20, 0
cfghtice2nono2, 20, 0
cflyball2nono2, 20, 0
cgraplop2nono2, 20, 0
chwy2nono2, 20, 0
clapapa2nono2, 20, 0
clocknch2nono2, 20, 0
cluckypo2nono2, 20, 0
cmanhat2nono2, 20, 0
cmissnx2nono2, 20, 0
cnebula2nono2, 20, 0
cnightst2nono2, 20, 0
cocean1a2nono2, 20, 0
coozumou2nono2, 20, 0
cppicf2nono2, 20, 0
cprobowl2nono2, 20, 0
cprogolf2nono2, 20, 0
cpsoccer2nono2, 20, 0
cptennis2nono2, 20, 0
cscrtry2nono2, 20, 0
csdtenis2nono2, 20, 0
cskater2nono2, 20, 0
csuperas2nono2, 20, 0
cterrani2nono2, 20, 0
ctisland2nono2, 20, 0
ctornado2nono2, 20, 0
ctower2nono0, 00, 0
ctsttape2nono2, 20, 0
cybrcomm2nono0, 3
cybsled2yesno0, 3
czeroize2nono2, 20, 0
dblplay2nono0, 6
decodark2nono2, 20, 0
decomult2nono2, 20, 0
dybb992yesyes0, 02, 2
dybbnao2yesyes0, 02, 2
fbaitmc2yesno6, 700
flyball2nono0, 1
foodf2nono1, 1
gahaha2yesno520, 0
gahaha22yesno520, 0
gunblade2yesno1, 1
hwchamp2yesno0, 0
jpark2yesyes1, 1
mawasunda2yesyes0, 0
mayjin32yesno9, 90, 0
mjleague2yesno5, 50, 0
othunder2nono2, 2
pigskin2noyes30, 3
poolshrk2nono0, 0
quarterb2nono1, 10
rchase22yesno1, 1
sfootbal2nono1, 1
shaktam2yesyes6, 6
shaktamb2yesyes6, 6
shaktmsp2yesyes6, 6
smlg992yesyes0, 02, 2
spacegun2nono3, 3
spclords2noyes2, 5
starsldr2yesno4, 40, 0
steeltal2noyes0, 4
strkzone2nono0, 6
swa2yesno02, 3
tmek2noyes3, 30, 0
twotiger2noyes3, 3
vivdolls2yesno9, 90, 0
wgp2noyes60, 0
wsbbgd2yesyes0, 02, 2
wseries2nono0, 3
zombrvn2yesyes3, 3
eprom3nono3, 3
guts3nono3, 3
mazeinv3noyes2, 2
arescue4yesno2, 2
blitz4yesyes3, 30, 0
mwskins4yesyes3, 3100
term24noyes2, 2
thegrid4yesyes3, 300

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