name | sourcefile | sampleof | isbios | isdevice | ismechanical | runnable | description | year | manufacturer | romof | cloneof | MachineGenreId |
3wondersbi | capcom/cps1.cpp | | no | no | no | yes | Three Wonders (Italian bootleg) | 1991 | bootleg (Impeuropex) | 3wonders | 3wonders | Multiplay / Compilation |
name | size | crc | sha1 | region | offset | status | optional | merge | bios |
3.u11 | 524288 | 65ae8c7e | fd38e9953f10fc6ab4ae681b2644f09482af351f | maincpu | 0 | good | no | | |
4.u8 | 524288 | 67a60fe6 | 3e7d0e6090ccc961d85e460cdefcd069dc851d20 | maincpu | 1 | good | no | | |
5.u140 | 524288 | 156c487b | f6f5cccd0cad48b0e1082c57cea31b933a7244bd | gfx | 0 | good | no | | |
6.u128 | 524288 | b671f752 | 3c766a3456183d7e2276fcdf210aa171ffb6a9ef | gfx | 80000 | good | no | | |
7.u126 | 524288 | 2f835213 | 457ceeb3a970124e5cf588c85a1bf9f32e9c9383 | gfx | 100000 | good | no | | |
8.u139 | 524288 | e9421cba | 171966bb3127d0d860b6e780ba6ad09fe3689345 | gfx | 180000 | good | no | | |
9.u127 | 524288 | 8d08103c | 0878edf5ca09922fbd4361d2e0bf793eccb86b81 | gfx | 200000 | good | no | | |
10.u125 | 524288 | da529062 | e46359d8e6dfb5b75103fc16cda45f75ea8036ce | gfx | 280000 | good | no | | |
11.u138 | 524288 | 2007b45a | 6a55b55f92bd0a02a5c4fbcac8caab915a4de584 | gfx | 300000 | good | no | | |
12.u137 | 524288 | 7dff1790 | f4d83c81eab3ba8a538a9a89995d10c1e8119c54 | gfx | 380000 | good | no | | |
13.u130 | 524288 | 1054d40c | 68145385c01a5d9d94f17f74f36f5939484308e8 | gfx | 400000 | good | no | | |
14.u129 | 524288 | 2e32610b | ff4b351a53a16191dc3ef6e0fce2421191b5312b | gfx | 480000 | good | no | | |
1.u18 | 65536 | 9f4017fb | a4c652c406dd521cc26ef21ad4a2b7091ed9defe | audiocpu | 0 | good | no | | |
2.u24 | 524288 | db01f9fe | b78c77ab29fb667e796b07dc5f3a53b47250e713 | oki | 0 | good | no | | |
type | tag | name | clock |
cpu | maincpu | Motorola MC68000 | 10000000 |
cpu | audiocpu | Zilog Z80 | 3579545 |
audio | mono | Speaker | |
audio | 2151 | YM2151 OPM | 3579545 |
audio | oki | OKI MSM6295 ADPCM | 1000000 |
type | player | buttons | ways | reverse | minimum | maximum | sensitivity | keydelta | ways2 | ways3 | reqbuttons |
joy | 1 | 3 | 8 | no | | | | | | | |
joy | 2 | 3 | 8 | no | | | | | | | |
name |
m68000 |
z80 |
screen |
gfxdecode |
palette |
speaker |
generic_latch_8 |
generic_latch_8 |
ym2151 |
okim6295 |
name | tag | mask |
Coin A | DSWA | 7 |
Coin B | DSWA | 56 |
2 Coins to Start, 1 to Continue | DSWA | 64 |
Free Play | DSWA | 64 |
Freeze | DSWA | 128 |
Lives (Midnight Wanderers) | DSWB | 3 |
Difficulty (Midnight Wanderers) | DSWB | 12 |
Lives (Chariot) | DSWB | 48 |
Difficulty (Chariot) | DSWB | 192 |
Lives (Don't Pull) | DSWC | 3 |
Difficulty (Don't Pull) | DSWC | 12 |
Flip Screen | DSWC | 16 |
Demo Sounds | DSWC | 32 |
Allow Continue | DSWC | 64 |
Game Mode | DSWC | 128 |
tag | type | rotate | width | height | refresh | pixclock | htotal | hbend | hbstart | vtotal | vbend | vbstart | flipx |
screen | raster | 0 | 384 | 224 | 59.637405 | 8000000 | 512 | 64 | 448 | 262 | 16 | 240 | no |
status | emulation | savestate | requiresartwork | unofficial | nosoundhardware | incomplete | cocktail |
preliminary | preliminary | supported | no | no | no | no | |
players | coins | service | tilt |
2 | 2 | yes | no |
tag |
:IN0 |
:IN1 |