name | sourcefile | sampleof | isbios | isdevice | ismechanical | runnable | description | year | manufacturer | romof | cloneof | MachineGenreId |
nc96 | igs/goldstar.cpp | | no | no | no | yes | New Cherry '96 Special Edition (v3.63, C1 PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | | | Slot Machine / Video Slot |
name | size | crc | sha1 | region | offset | status | optional | merge | bios |
ch363c1.prom | 65536 | e566cea3 | be81b21267ae2ff64c4dbc58e99a9ff4bf1d21aa | maincpu | 0 | good | no | | |
ch96seh.bin | 65536 | 65dee6ba | 77f5769ed0b745a4735576e9f0ce90dcdd9b5410 | graphics | 0 | good | no | | |
ch96sel.bin | 65536 | c21cc114 | f7b6ff5ac34dc1a7332e8c1b9cc40f3b65deac05 | graphics | 10000 | good | no | | |
82s129a.u84 | 256 | fafc43ad | e94592b83f19e5f9b6205473c1e06b36405ebfc2 | proms | 0 | good | no | | |
82s129a.u79 | 256 | 05224f73 | 051c3ee9c63f5436e4f6c355fc308f37910a88ef | proms | 100 | good | no | | |
type | tag | name | clock |
cpu | maincpu | Zilog Z80 | 3000000 |
audio | mono | Speaker | |
audio | aysnd | AY-3-8910A PSG | 1500000 |
type | player | buttons | ways | reverse | minimum | maximum | sensitivity | keydelta | ways2 | ways3 | reqbuttons |
gambling | | 9 | | no | | | | | | | |
name |
z80 |
i8255 |
i8255 |
screen |
gfxdecode |
palette |
nvram |
speaker |
ay8910 |
name | tag | mask |
Game Level (Difficulty) | DSW1 | 7 |
Maximum Play | DSW1 | 56 |
Minimum Play for Bonus | DSW1 | 192 |
Double Up Game | DSW2 | 1 |
Skill Spinning | DSW2 | 2 |
Coin In | DSW2 | 28 |
Note In Value | DSW2 | 96 |
WARNING: Always Off | DSW2 | 128 |
Minimum Play to Start | DSW3 | 3 |
Max Coin In & Note In Points | DSW3 | 12 |
Clear / Ticket Unit | DSW3 | 240 |
Check Account | DSW4 | 1 |
Show In Confirm Screen | DSW4 | 2 |
Initial Bonus Settings After Reset | DSW4 | 4 |
Bonus Accumulation | DSW4 | 8 |
Auto Ticket Dispense | DSW4 | 16 |
Ticket Dispense Mode | DSW4 | 224 |
Unused | DSW5 | 1 |
Limit Score of Each Game to Max 10x Bet or $5.00 | DSW5 | 2 |
Use Printer | DSW5 | 4 |
Show Game Name & Odds Table | DSW5 | 8 |
Min-Max Bet Type | DSW5 | 16 |
Play Score when no point left | DSW5 | 32 |
Reset Remaining Score when Game Over | DSW5 | 64 |
Advanced Count Game | DSW5 | 128 |
tag | type | rotate | width | height | refresh | pixclock | htotal | hbend | hbstart | vtotal | vbend | vbstart | flipx |
screen | raster | 0 | 512 | 224 | 60.000000 | 7864320 | 512 | 0 | 512 | 256 | 16 | 240 | no |
status | emulation | savestate | requiresartwork | unofficial | nosoundhardware | incomplete | cocktail |
good | good | unsupported | no | no | no | no | |
players | coins | service | tilt |
1 | 2 | no | no |
tag |
:DSW1 |
:DSW2 |
:DSW3 |
:DSW4 |
:DSW5 |
:IN0 |
:IN1 |
:IN2 |