name | sourcefile | sampleof | isbios | isdevice | ismechanical | runnable | description | year | manufacturer | romof | cloneof | MachineGenreId |
z90 | heathzenith/h89.cpp | | no | no | no | yes | Z-90 | 1981 | Zenith Data Systems | h89 | h89 | Computer / Business - Terminal |
name | size | crc | sha1 | region | offset | status | optional | merge | bios |
2732_444-142_mtr90.u518 | 4096 | c4ff47c5 | d6f3d71ff270a663003ec18a3ed1fa49f627123a | maincpu | 0 | good | no | 2732_444-142_mtr90.u518 | mtr90 |
2732_444_84b_mms.u518 | 4096 | 7e75d6f4 | baf34e036388d1a191197e31f8a93209f04fc58b | maincpu | 0 | good | no | 2732_444_84b_mms.u518 | mms84b |
2732_kmr100_v3_a_02.u518 | 4096 | fd491592 | 3d5803f95c38b237b07cd230353cd9ddc9858c13 | maincpu | 0 | good | no | 2732_kmr100_v3_a_02.u518 | kmr-100 |
2732_mtrhex_4k.u518 | 4096 | e26b29a9 | ba13d6c9deef682a9a8262bc910d46b577929a13 | maincpu | 0 | good | no | 2732_mtrhex_4k.u518 | mtrhex_4k |
2732_444-84_mtr90.u518 | 4096 | f10fca03 | c4a978153af0f2dfcc9ba05be4c1033d33fee30b | maincpu | 0 | good | no | 2732_444-84_mtr90.u518 | mtr90-84 |
2732_444_84a_mms.u518 | 4096 | 0e541a7e | b1deb620fc89c1068e2e663e14be69d1f337a4b9 | maincpu | 0 | good | no | 2732_444_84a_mms.u518 | mms84a |
2732_sigma_rom_v_1.3.bin | 4096 | c5c6b799 | f55e141a63cde8e1481480b8da9ba50569e08546 | maincpu | 0 | good | no | 2732_sigma_rom_v_1.3.bin | sigmarom |
2732_sigma_rom_v_1.2.bin | 4096 | c4ff47c5 | d6f3d71ff270a663003ec18a3ed1fa49f627123a | maincpu | 0 | good | no | 2732_444-142_mtr90.u518 | sigmarom_v1_2 |
2716_444-19_h17.u520 | 2048 | 26e80ae3 | 0c0ee95d7cb1a760f924769e10c0db1678f2435c | maincpu | 1800 | good | no | 2716_444-19_h17.u520 | |
name | description | default |
mtr90 | Zenith Data Systems MTR-90 (444-142) | yes |
mms84b | Magnolia MicroSystems 444-84B | no |
kmr-100 | Kres KMR-100 V3.a.02 | no |
mtrhex_4k | Ultimeth 4k ROM | no |
mtr90-84 | Zenith Data Systems MTR-90 (444-84 - Superseded by 444-142) | no |
mms84a | Magnolia MicroSystems 444-84A (Superseded by MMS 444-84B) | no |
sigmarom | SigmaROM v1.3 | no |
sigmarom_v1_2 | SigmaROM v1.2 | no |
type | tag | name | clock |
cpu | maincpu | Zilog Z80 | 2048000 |
cpu | tlbc:heath:maincpu | Zilog Z80 | 2048000 |
audio | tlbc:heath:mono | Speaker | |
audio | tlbc:heath:beeper | Beep | 1000 |
audio | p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:0:qd:flopsndout | Speaker | |
audio | p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:0:qd:floppysound | Floppy sound | 44100 |
audio | p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:1:qd:flopsndout | Speaker | |
audio | p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:1:qd:floppysound | Floppy sound | 44100 |
audio | p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:2:qd:flopsndout | Speaker | |
audio | p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:2:qd:floppysound | Floppy sound | 44100 |
name | tag | mask |
CPU Clock Speed Upgrade | CONFIG | 3 |
Switch SW501 Definitions | CONFIG | 60 |
AUX - DCE (320 octal) Enabled | p505:ha_88_3:CFG_AUX | 1 |
AUX - DCE (320 octal) Interrupt level | p505:ha_88_3:CFG_AUX | 6 |
LP - DCE (340 octal) Enabled | p505:ha_88_3:CFG_LP | 1 |
LP - DCE (340 octal) Interrupt level | p505:ha_88_3:CFG_LP | 6 |
MODEM - DTE (330 octal) Enabled | p505:ha_88_3:CFG_MODEM | 1 |
MODEM - DTE (330 octal) Interrupt level | p505:ha_88_3:CFG_MODEM | 6 |
Data Bits | p505:ha_88_3:dce1:printer:RS232_DATABITS | 255 |
Parity | p505:ha_88_3:dce1:printer:RS232_PARITY | 255 |
RX Baud | p505:ha_88_3:dce1:printer:RS232_RXBAUD | 255 |
Stop Bits | p505:ha_88_3:dce1:printer:RS232_STOPBITS | 255 |
CPU Clock | tlbc:heath:CONFIG | 3 |
CRT Color | tlbc:heath:CONFIG | 12 |
type | player | buttons | ways | reverse | minimum | maximum | sensitivity | keydelta | ways2 | ways3 | reqbuttons |
keyboard | | 86 | | no | | | | | | | |
type | tag | interface | fixed_image | mandatory |
floppydisk | p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:0:qd | floppy_5_25 | | |
floppydisk | p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:1:qd | floppy_5_25 | | |
floppydisk | p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:2:qd | floppy_5_25 | | |
printout | p505:ha_88_3:dce1:printer:printer | | | |
name |
z80 |
ram |
heath_intr_socket |
heath_z37_intr_cntrl |
ins8250 |
heath_tlb_connector |
heath_tlb |
z80 |
screen |
gfxdecode |
palette |
mc6845 |
ins8250 |
mm5740 |
speaker |
beep |
clock |
h89bus |
h89bus_lslot |
h89bus_lslot |
h89bus_lslot |
h89bus_rslot |
h89_z37 |
fd1797 |
floppy_connector |
floppy_525_qd |
speaker |
flopsnd |
floppy_connector |
floppy_525_qd |
speaker |
flopsnd |
floppy_connector |
floppy_525_qd |
speaker |
flopsnd |
floppy_connector |
h89bus_rslot |
h89ha_88_3 |
ins8250 |
rs232 |
serial_printer |
printer_image |
ins8250 |
rs232 |
rs232_loopback |
ins8250 |
rs232 |
rs232_loopback |
h89bus_rslot |
h89_we_pullup |
timer |
name | tag | mask |
Switch 0 | SW501 | 1 |
Switch 1 | SW501 | 2 |
Disk I/O #2 | SW501 | 3 |
Disk I/O #2 | SW501 | 3 |
Disk I/O #2 | SW501 | 3 |
Switch 2 | SW501 | 4 |
Switch 3 | SW501 | 8 |
Disk I/O #1 | SW501 | 12 |
Disk I/O #1 | SW501 | 12 |
Disk I/O #1 | SW501 | 12 |
Default Boot Device | SW501 | 15 |
Default Boot Device | SW501 | 15 |
Default Boot Device | SW501 | 3 |
Disk I/O #2 | SW501 | 3 |
Unused | SW501 | 4 |
Unused | SW501 | 8 |
Disk I/O #1 | SW501 | 12 |
Switch 4 | SW501 | 16 |
Primary Boot from | SW501 | 16 |
Primary Boot from | SW501 | 16 |
Map ROM into RAM on boot | SW501 | 16 |
? Map ROM into RAM on boot | SW501 | 16 |
Unused | SW501 | 16 |
Primary Boot from | SW501 | 16 |
Switch 5 | SW501 | 32 |
Perform memory test at start | SW501 | 32 |
Perform memory test at start | SW501 | 32 |
Switch 6 | SW501 | 64 |
Console Baud rate | SW501 | 64 |
Console Baud rate | SW501 | 64 |
Default Boot Device | SW501 | 112 |
Perform memory test at start | SW501 | 32 |
Perform memory test at start | SW501 | 32 |
Perform memory test at start | SW501 | 32 |
Reserved | SW501 | 32 |
Have a LLL controller installed | SW501 | 64 |
? Have a LLL controller installed | SW501 | 64 |
Boot mode | SW501 | 64 |
Console Baud rate | SW501 | 64 |
Switch 7 | SW501 | 128 |
Boot mode | SW501 | 128 |
Boot mode | SW501 | 128 |
Boot mode | SW501 | 128 |
Boot mode | SW501 | 128 |
Boot mode | SW501 | 128 |
Baud Rate | SW501 | 128 |
Boot mode | SW501 | 128 |
Baud Rate | tlbc:heath:SW401 | 15 |
Parity | tlbc:heath:SW401 | 48 |
Parity Type | tlbc:heath:SW401 | 64 |
Duplex | tlbc:heath:SW401 | 128 |
Cursor | tlbc:heath:SW402 | 1 |
Keyclick | tlbc:heath:SW402 | 2 |
Wrap at EOL | tlbc:heath:SW402 | 4 |
Auto LF on CR | tlbc:heath:SW402 | 8 |
Auto CR on LF | tlbc:heath:SW402 | 16 |
Mode | tlbc:heath:SW402 | 32 |
Keypad Shifted | tlbc:heath:SW402 | 64 |
Refresh | tlbc:heath:SW402 | 128 |
tag | type | rotate | width | height | refresh | pixclock | htotal | hbend | hbstart | vtotal | vbend | vbstart | flipx |
tlbc:heath:screen | raster | 0 | 640 | 250 | 59.259259 | 12288000 | 768 | 32 | 672 | 270 | 0 | 250 | no |
status | emulation | savestate | requiresartwork | unofficial | nosoundhardware | incomplete | cocktail |
good | good | supported | no | no | no | no | |
players | coins | service | tilt |
1 | | no | no |
tag |
:SW501 |
:p505:ha_88_3:CFG_AUX |
:p505:ha_88_3:CFG_LP |
:p505:ha_88_3:CFG_MODEM |
:p505:ha_88_3:dce1:printer:RS232_DATABITS |
:p505:ha_88_3:dce1:printer:RS232_PARITY |
:p505:ha_88_3:dce1:printer:RS232_RXBAUD |
:p505:ha_88_3:dce1:printer:RS232_STOPBITS |
:tlbc:heath:CONFIG |
:tlbc:heath:MODIFIERS |
:tlbc:heath:SW401 |
:tlbc:heath:SW402 |
:tlbc:heath:X1 |
:tlbc:heath:X2 |
:tlbc:heath:X3 |
:tlbc:heath:X4 |
:tlbc:heath:X5 |
:tlbc:heath:X6 |
:tlbc:heath:X7 |
:tlbc:heath:X8 |
:tlbc:heath:X9 |
name | ramoptionValue | default |
16K | 16384 | |
32K | 32768 | |
48K | 49152 | |
64K | 65536 | yes |
name |
tlbc |
p501 |
p502 |
p503 |
p504 |
p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:0 |
p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:1 |
p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:2 |
p504:z37fdc:z37_fdc:3 |
p505 |
p505:ha_88_3:dce1 |
p505:ha_88_3:dce2 |
p505:ha_88_3:dte |
p506 |