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MAME Hash Store - MAME ROM Management

MAME: 0.270 - Released: 2024-09-24T22:41:49 - Machines: 47174 - rom: 353575 - disk: 1334 - Lists: 715 - Software: 138385 - rom: 234487 - disk: 11174


MHS Introduction. 1

MHS Software. 1

Installation. 1

Source Code. 1

Building Spludlow MHS from source code. 1

Prerequisites. 1

Other Software. 1

Microsoft .net. 1

Permission to create symbolic links. 1

Recommended Disk Layout scheme. 1

Disable Windows Defender Realtime protection. 1

Initial Configuration. 1

Extract binaries and perform basic configuration. 1

Download the current MAME database. 1

Import Machine ROMs. 1

Import an update. 1

Create Machine ROM links. 1

Importing Machine Disks and Software List ROM & Disks. 1

Performing the monthly MAME update. 1

Notes: MHS Menu Operations. 1

Configuration. 1

Database. 1

Import. 1

Link. 1

Export. 1

Verify. 1

Clean. 1

Reports. 1

Notes: MHS Reports. 1

Notes: Disk space. 1

Notes: Software List Disk total sizes. 1


MHS Introduction

The MAME Hash Store (MHS) is a strategy and piece of software to help you manage MAME ROM and disk (CHD) files for machines and software lists.

Instead of storing your ROM and Disks in the MAME format they are stored and named as the SHA1 hash for the filename in a “hash store”.

There are 4 hash stores, ROM and disk for machine and software lists.

So MAME can find the files symbolic links are used that point to the files in the hash stores. (A symbolic link is a file that takes up no disk space that points to a real file).

This makes it very easy to maintain the hash stores, for each MAME release you instantly know which files you require and what you no longer need.

The hash store doesn’t need indexing or any record keeping of what’s in them, simply the filenames are the SHA1 hashes of what you have.

MHS Software

The UI for MHS is a simple Windows .net console application, you can choose from various options. Some options require input, shown in square brackets.


There is current no installer, you have download and extract the binary archive.

Click here to download the Spludlow MHS binary archive (V 1.14).

Source Code

You can download the source code with VS .net projects here.

Click here to casually browse the source code to see what it does.

Building Spludlow MHS from source code

MHS consists of the following Visual Studio Projects, build them and put everything in same directory.

·         Spludlow.dll – Spludlow class library.

·         Spludlow.Html.dll – Wrapper for HtmlAgilityPack.dll, used for extracting links to download from MAME site.

·         Spludlow.Data.SQLite.dll – Wrapper for System.Data.SQLite.dll, the database used.

·         Spludlow-Proces.exe – A generic console application, process used to host the HMS application.

·         Spludlow.Mame.dll – All the MHS code.

Other bits required in same directory are:

·         DataTypes.txt – Required by the Spludlow DAL (Data access layer)

·         MHS.bat – Launches the application, contains the entry point.

·         MHS.txt – The Configuration for MHS

·         SQLite.Interop.dll – Required by System.Data.SQLite.dll


Other Software

7-Zip is required to be installed.

Microsoft .net

Ensure you are running the latest (V4.8) .net, On window 10 run windows update, for server OS you may need to manually install the latest.

Permission to create symbolic links

Allow on Target Computer

To be able to create symbolic links, used by MHS, you have to grant permission.

Run “gpedit”

Go to “Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Create symbolic links”

Add the required user or group. You will need to re-start for settings to take effect.

NOTE: If you are creating links on a file share on another computer you will have to grant permission on that computer.

Allow on Client Computer

If you using links on a file share (not the local computer) you have to run the following commands on the client computer (Not necessary the computer providing the file share):

Remote to Local: “fsutil behavior set symlinkEvaluation R2L:1”

Remote to Remote: “fsutil behavior set symlinkEvaluation R2R:1”

You can check the settings with “fsutil behavior query symlinkEvaluation”

No reboot is required for this.

Recommended Disk Layout scheme

When dealing if relatively large amounts of data it makes sense to have multiple disks available.

Performing read and write operations at the same time on a single drive will drastically reduce performance.

The recommended layout with MHS is to use 3 sperate disks, with 2 partitions on the MHS store disk.

The partitions:

·         SYSTEM (C:) The system, user temp files, archive downloads (if space available).

·         DATA (D:) Work area to extract archives to. MHS Import and export operations should target this drive.

·         MHS_FRONT (M:) Small (2 – 4 GB) Partition just for links, format and re-create links on each release (fast and keep filesystem clean).

·         MHS_BACK (N:) The 4 MHS hash stores, remainder of disk.

Data should always flow from one drive to another

·         Download archives – network => C: SYSTEM (Downloads/Desktop)

·         Extract archive – C: SYSTEM => D: DATA

·         MHS Import (ROM) – D: DATA => C: SYSTEM Temp => N: MHS Store

·         MHS Import (DISK) – D: DATA => N: MHS Store

Disk drive notes:

·         If your C drive is too small you can download archives to N then delete them after extracting to D.

·         Any archives in the import are extracted to system temp, so ensure there is enough space on C, the biggest ROM I’ve seen is “hapyfsh2” when extracted from the ZIP is 4.12GB.

·         CHD Files are copied directly, they don’t go via temp (provided they are not in archives).

·         Although you can import large single archives containing CHD and ZIPs its recommended you extract them first to the import directory.

·         CHDs in single or multiple part archives should be extracted manually into the import directory, you can leave ROM ZIPS as they are.

Disable Windows Defender Realtime protection

When performing MHS import and export operations it is recommended you disable real time protection.

Realtime protection will slow down file systems operations and some of the PC software lists ROMs contain PC viruses and defender may well delete them, this will mess things up when processing.

In the Windows Task scheduler go to “\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender” and disable all of the actions.

Switch off everything you can in the Windows Defender UI.

NOTE: Windows will automatically switch everything back on at some point, but this should at least keep it off until the next re-boot.

NOTE: As of January 2020 permanently switching off real-time protection in group policy (gpedit) no longer seems to work.

Initial Configuration

The guide assumes you are using the recommended disk schema C, D, M, N if not you will have to substitute the necessary drive letters.

NOTE: The timings are from testing on 2009 hardware, they are worst case, expect current hardware to be significantly quicker.

NOTE: The initial database setup will use around 4GB of RAM, if your host only has 4GB I would recommend rebooting before starting and ensure nothing else is using RAM.

Extract binaries and perform basic configuration

This will need doing once before you can do anything else.

·         Ensure perquisites met: 7-Zip installed and permission for user to create symbolic links.

·         Download the MAME binaries archive https://www.mamedev.org/release.php

·         Extract MAME binaries to D:\MAME_BIN (Ensure path to “D:\MAME_BIN\chdman.exe” i.e. no unwanted subfolders)

·         Download the MHS archive https://mame.spludlow.co.uk/Downloads/Spludlow-MHS-V1.14.7z

·         Extract MHS to D:\MHS (Ensure path to “D:\MHS\MHS.txt” i.e. no unwanted subfolders)

·         Start a command prompt search for “cmd” (You don’t need Administrator) you may want to pin to taskbar.

·         Select the D drive “D:”

·         Change to MAME directory “cd D:\MAME_BIN”

·         Create a fresh MAME configuration file (mame.ini) “mame64.exe -createconfig”

·         Change to MHS directory “cd D:\MHS”

·         Edit the file “D:\MHS\MHS.txt” with notepad and ensure the paths are correct for your disk layout.

·         Start MHS “mhs.bat”

·         Go into the “Configuration” menu

·         Select “Show Configuration”, ensure all the paths look correct.

·         Select “Test Configuration”, ensure no errors displayed, fix “D:\MHS\MHS.txt” if necessary and test again.

·         Select “Show MAME Rom Path”, copy the line and use notepad to put into “D:\MAME_BIN\mame.ini” rompath (replacing “roms”)

NOTE: Whenever making configuration changes to “MHS.txt” you should completely exit the program and re-start it with “MHS.bat”.

Download the current MAME database

This will need doing initially and then on each MAME release.

There 2 databases (machine & software) are both obtained from the MAME binary archive it will be downloaded from https://www.mamedev.org/release.php. The downloaded archive will be left in the data directory.

Perform the following steps:

·         Go into the “Database” menu.

·         Select “Import Database” may take up to 10 minutes and use 4GB RAM.

·         Select “Import Database” again should show that the 2 databases are on the current MAME version.

·         Select “Report all database” this will dump the 4 main datasets to “D:\MHS\Reports” have a look if you want.

Import Machine ROMs

Here we will import a machine ROM collection from a few releases back so it won’t be 100% complete, until we load updates in the next step.

Archives (ZIP, RAR) files will be extracted to temp directory, if the extension is “.CHD” it will be treated as a disk otherwise it will be treated as a ROM. For ROM files the SHA1 is calculated and if needed it will be imported. For Disk files “chdman info” is run against the file to find the SHA1, if required then “chdman verify” is ran and the file imported.

Perform the following steps:

·         Have a directory on the D drive with a collection of machine Rom ZIPs

·         Go into the “Import” menu.

·         Select “Summary Report”.

·         Open the last html file in “D:\MHS\Reports” it should show everything at 0%.

·         Select “Import files [Import Directory]”

·         Enter the path of the rom collection “D:\INCOMING\MAME ROMs 0.216 2019-11”

·         Wait up to 1 hour 20 minutes

·         Select “Summary Report” again.

·         Open the last html file in “D:\MHS\Reports” it should now show “Machine Rom” at 99.479 %.

Import an update

You would typically perform this step after each MAME release.

·         Download the monthly MAME update ZIP

·         Extract the ZIP to “D:\MHS_IMPORT” (default import directory)

·         Go into the “Import” menu.

·         Select “Summary Report”. For doing a before and after.

·         Select “Import files”

·         Wait up to 30 minutes.

·         Select “Summary Report” again.

·         Compare the before and after reports.

·         You can now clear the import directory.

·         Continue these steps for further updates.

Create Machine ROM links

MAME expects the files to be named correctly. Normally for ROM files they are in a ZIP but here everything is a file in directories.

If you have started with a fairly complete ROM set and imported all updates up to current, you should have 100% Machine ROMs.

Now it is time to create the symbolic links MAME requires that will point to the files in the hash store.

If you’re not at 100% you can still do this it will only create links for the files it has.

NOTE: Creating links expects no existing links in place, its faster to format the link partition and just re-create all of them on each release.

·         Go into the “Links” menu.

·         Select “Link Machine Rom” wait up to 4 minutes.

·         Go and look in “M:\MameFront\MameLink\MachineRom” if you’re interested.

·         Run MAME and try a machine ROM game like “mrdo”

Importing Machine Disks and Software List ROM & Disks


You can perform the same actions for all 4 MHS stores, remember to create the links after importing.

When importing CHD you have the “No Disk Verify” option this will prevent a chdman verify so the import is just a copy rather than SHA1 hashing the file and then copying it. You can verify in the store later if you want.

Performing the monthly MAME update

MAME updates occur monthly, this means ROM and disks can be added, removed, replaced, or have filenames changed.

To update the MHS databases and hash stores perform the following steps:

·         Obtain the monthly update archive containing the new ROMs and disks for the release.

·         Extract the archive to “D:\MHS_IMPORT”, ROMs should remain in ZIPS, disk files as .CHD files (not in archives).

·         Go into the “Database” menu.

·         Select “Import Database”.

·         Wait for the process to complete, you can look in “D:\MHS\Data” notice the new MAME binary archive is downloaded, the 2 XML files extracted, and the 2 SQLite databases are re-created.

·         Go into the “Reports Menu”.

·         Select “Summary Report”.

·         You may also want to run the “Software Disk by List” report.

·         Look at the reports in “D:\MHS\Reports” you will notice things have changed you have missing and unused ROMs and disks.

·         You can run any of the “Missing” reports to get details of what exactly is missing.

·         Go into the “Import” menu.

·         Select “Import files” to import the update files extracted previously, wait for the import to complete.

·         You can look at the import report in “D:\MHS\Reports”.

·         Select the “Summary Report” again. Hopefully the update contained everything the release required.

·         If anything is missing run the appropriate “Missing” report and hunt down the required files.

·         You may have noticed in the summary report there are now unused files.

·         Go into the “Clean” menu.

·         Select “Clean All”.

·         Run the “Summary Report” again, the unused files and gone.

To update the MHS symbolic links perform the following steps:

·         Format the M: Drive “MHS_FRONT” partition.

·         Go into the “Link” menu.

·         Select “Link All” and wait for all the links to be created.

Update MAME binaries

·         Delete or move the old MAME binaries folder “D:\MAME_BIN”

·         Create an empty “D:\MAME_BIN” directory

·         Extract the MAME binaries archive in “D:\MHS\Data” to the “D:\MAME_BIN” directory.

·         Configure the MAME rom path as described in the Initial Configuration instructions, in the “Configuration” menu select “Show Mame Rom Path”.

You should now be fully up to date, have a look at the MAME “What’s New” file for the release try some new working machines and software list additions.

Notes: MHS Menu Operations


All configuration, for directory locations, is loaded from the file “MHS.txt” in the current directory, it requires manually editing (see comment in file) before running MHS.

·         Show Configuration – Display the current configuration

·         Test Configuration – Directories will be created if not present, write file and link tests will be performed if required, the binaries directory is checked for the presence of chdman.exe

·         Show MAME Rom Path – Display the rom path to be used in the INI or passed as a parameter for MAME.


There are 2 (machine & software) SQLite databases, populated from files on the official MAME site https://www.mamedev.org/release.html.

·         Import Database – Check the MAME site and download and update the databases if required. You would typically do this on each release.

·         Report All Database – Dump reports of the 4 main data sets; ROM & Disk for Machine & Software.


Files that are required will be imported into the store. Archives (ZIP & RAR) will be extracted recursively, using the user’s temporary directory.

·         Summary Report – Quick glance of how complete the 4 stores are.

·         Import Files – Import files from the directory in Configuration

·         Import Files (No Disk Verify) – Import files from the directory in Configuration (Don’t perform CHD hash validation)

·         Import Files [Import Directory] – Import files from a specified directory

·         Import Files (No Disk Verify) [Import Directory] – Import files from a specified directory (Don’t perform CHD hash validation)


Create the symbolic links from the filenames MAME expects to the ROM and Disk files in the 4 hash stores. On each release you would typically format a small (2 to 4 GB) link partition then re-create all the links, they should take minutes to create.

·         Link All

·         Link Machine Rom

·         Link Machine Disk

·         Link Software Rom

·         Link Software Disk


Write out the MAME normal way of storing files, ROM (all in .ZIPs) and Disk (.CHD).

·         Export Machine Rom All

·         Export Machine Rom [Machine Name]

·         Export Machine Disk All

·         Export Machine Disk [Machine Name]

·         Export Software Rom All

·         Export Software Rom [Software List Name]

·         Export Software Disk All

·         Export Software Disk [Software List Name]


Confirm existing Rom and Disk files in store a valid (SHA1 checks out). If you have any concern about store integrity you may want to run a verify.

·         Verify Machine Rom – Perform SHA1 hash of Rom and compare to store name

·         Verify Machine Disk – Perform SHA1 hash of Disk, using chdman.exe and compare to store name

·         Check (Fast) Machine Disk – Get SHA1 of Disk, using chdman.exe and compare to store name

·         Verify Software Rom – Perform SHA1 hash of Rom and compare to store name

·         Verify Software Disk – Perform SHA1 hash of Disk, using chdman.exe and compare to store name

·         Check (Fast) Software Disk – Get SHA1 of Disk, using chdman.exe and compare to store name


With each MAME release Rom and Disk files get updated / replaced, the old versions can be permanently deleted.

·         Summary Report – Quick glance of how many unrequired files are in the 4 stores.

·         Clean All – Remove all unrequired files from all the 4 stores

·         Clean Machine Rom

·         Clean Machine Disk

·         Clean Software Rom

·         Clean Software Disk


To get a grip on things several reports are available

·         Summary Report

·         Missing Machine Rom

·         Missing Machine Disk

·         Missing Software Rom

·         Missing Software Disk

·         Software Disk by List

·         CHD…

·         Silly Names Report

Notes: MHS Reports

Many MHS operation, including running reports save files to the “Reports” directory in the “MHS”, a HTML file and a text file.

HTML are the easiest to view but sometimes are too big to display in a browser (in this day and age and everything?)

The text files are TAB delimited and can be easily viewed (and searched) in notepad, although column alignment can be a problem viewing.

In notepad you select all CRTL-A, copy CTRL-C, and then paste CTRL-V into Excel you can view easily and sort columns and such.

Notes: Disk space

These are approximate total sizes for MAME ROMs and Disks, these will only go up over time. You should leave some head room.



Approximate Total Size

Machine ROMs

150 GB

Machine Disks

917 GB

Software ROMs

150 GB

Software Disks

2 - 3 TB


< 2 GB


500 MB

ROMs are uncompressed, you get around 50% compression when they are in ZIP archives, like when stored in the traditional way. Disks are all in CHDs that are already compressed.

A simple way of looking at disk allocation is everything except Software Disks would fit in 2 TB. Depending on how many Software Disks you want to collect then allocate accordingly (see table below).

Notes: Software List Disk total sizes

Projected disk space requirements for the various software lists disk collections.


Software List

Projected Size



704 Megabytes (MB)



1.1 Kilobytes (KB)



5.4 Megabytes (MB)



434 Megabytes (MB)



566 Kilobytes (KB)



19 Megabytes (MB)



12 Gigabytes (GB)



171 Gigabytes (GB)



18 Gigabytes (GB)



262 Gigabytes (GB)



137 Gigabytes (GB)



2.1 Gigabytes (GB)



1.3 Gigabytes (GB)



65 Megabytes (MB)



396 Megabytes (MB)



7.5 Megabytes (MB)



71 Gigabytes (GB)



230 Megabytes (MB)



2.0 Gigabytes (GB)



119 Megabytes (MB)



28 Gigabytes (GB)



103 Megabytes (MB)



37 Gigabytes (GB)



28 Gigabytes (GB)



68 Megabytes (MB)



29 Gigabytes (GB)



1.0 Gigabytes (GB)



884 Megabytes (MB)



5.8 Gigabytes (GB)



733 Kilobytes (KB)



705 Kilobytes (KB)



288 Megabytes (MB)



52 Gigabytes (GB)



111 Gigabytes (GB)



4.7 Gigabytes (GB)



12 Kilobytes (KB)



167 Megabytes (MB)



19 Gigabytes (GB)



749 Gigabytes (GB)



451 Gigabytes (GB)



55 Gigabytes (GB)



137 Gigabytes (GB)



1.8 Gigabytes (GB)



78 Megabytes (MB)



10 Kilobytes (KB)



46 Kilobytes (KB)



7.7 Gigabytes (GB)



5.7 Gigabytes (GB)



2.3 Terabytes (TB)



Try MAME-AO. Easiest way to use MAME. Automatically download and place all required files on the fly.

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