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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.273 - Released: 2024-12-29T23:03:45 - Machines: 47683 - rom: 357211 - disk: 1358 - Lists: 719 - Software: 138836 - rom: 235184 - disk: 11250

list name & description  
software name & description  
35 Softwares, page 1 / 1

alphasmart_kapps accreader_uk_1_2Accelerated Reader (1.2, English (UK))2010Renaissance Learning, Inc.noaccreader_uk_1_3
alphasmart_kapps accreader_uk_1_3Accelerated Reader (1.3, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps alphaquiz_uk_3_1AlphaQuiz (3.1, English (UK))2006Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps alpwrdp_uk_3_4AlphaWord Plus (3.4, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps beamer_uk_1_01Beamer (1.01, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps calc_uk_3_02Calculator (3.02, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps cpanel_uk_1_04Control Panel (1.04, English (UK))2009Renaissance Learning, Inc.nocpanel_uk_1_07
alphasmart_kapps cpanel_uk_1_07Control Panel (1.07, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps keywords_uk_3_6KeyWords (3.6, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps keywordsw_uk_4_2KeyWords Wireless (4.2, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps mathfacts_uk_1_0MathFacts in a Flash (offline) (1.0, English (UK))2010Renaissance Learning, Inc.nomathfacts_uk_1_2
alphasmart_kapps mathfacts_uk_1_1MathFacts in a Flash RP (1.1, English (UK))2010Renaissance Learning, Inc.nomathfacts_uk_1_3
alphasmart_kapps mathfacts_uk_1_2MathFacts in a Flash (offline) (1.2, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps mathfacts_uk_1_3MathFacts in a Flash RP (1.3, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps neofntsm_uk_1_0Neo Font - Small (6 lines) (1.0, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps neofntvlg_uk_1_0Neo Font - Very Large (3 lines) (1.0, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps neofntxlg_uk_1_0Neo Font - Extra Large (2 lines) (1.0, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps neofontlg_uk_1_0Neo Font - Large (4 lines) (1.0, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps neofontmd_uk_1_0Neo Font - Medium (5 lines) (1.0, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps responder_uk_1_2Responder (1.2, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps sp_lg_us_uk_1_02SpellCheck Large USA (1.02, English (UK))2010Renaissance Learning, Inc.nosp_lg_us_uk_1_03
alphasmart_kapps sp_lg_us_uk_1_03SpellCheck Large USA (1.03, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps sp_sm_us_uk_1_02SpellCheck Small USA (1.02, English (UK))2010Renaissance Learning, Inc.nosp_sm_us_uk_1_03
alphasmart_kapps sp_sm_us_uk_1_03SpellCheck Small USA (1.03, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps sp_spa_uk_1_0SpellCheck Spanish (1.0, Dutch)2006Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps th_lg_usa_uk_1_0Thesaurus Large USA (1.0, English (UK))2005AlphaSmart, LLCnoth_lg_usa_uk_1_1
alphasmart_kapps th_lg_usa_uk_1_1Thesaurus Large USA (1.1, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps th_sm_usa_uk_1_0Thesaurus Small USA (1.0, English (UK))2005AlphaSmart, LLCnoth_sm_usa_uk_1_1
alphasmart_kapps th_sm_usa_uk_1_1Thesaurus Small USA (1.1, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps th_sp2eng_uk_1_1Thesaurus Spanish to English (1.1, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps ttsupdate_uk_1_3Text2Speech Updater (1.3, English (UK))2010Renaissance Learning, Inc.nottsupdate_uk_1_4
alphasmart_kapps ttsupdate_uk_1_4Text2Speech Updater (1.4, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps wrlstr_uk_1_1Wireless File Transfer (1.1, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 
alphasmart_kapps wrlsupdt_uk_1_3Wireless Updater (1.3, English (UK))2008Renaissance Learning, Inc.nowrlsupdt_uk_2_0
alphasmart_kapps wrlsupdt_uk_2_0Wireless Updater (2.0, English (UK))2012Renaissance Learning, Inc.no 

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