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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.274 - Released: 2025-01-29T18:38:09 - Machines: 47853 - rom: 358079 - disk: 1360 - Lists: 719 - Software: 138973 - rom: 235320 - disk: 11309

list name & description  
software name & description  
21 Softwares, page 1 / 1

amigaecs_flop cmang2upChampionship Manager 2 - Including Special Season 96/97 Updates (Europe, v1.57)1997Eidos Interactiveno 
amigaecs_flop coalaCOALA (Europe)1995Empire Interactiveno 
amigaecs_flop epicEpic (Europe, A600 HD)1992Oceanno 
amigaecs_flop f1wceF1 World Championship Edition (Europe)1995Domarkno 
amigaecs_flop fatmanFatman - The Caped Consumer (Europe)1994Black Legendpartial 
amigaecs_flop gloomdxGloom Deluxe (Europe)1996Guildhallno 
amigaecs_flop his1418Historyline - 1914-1918 (Europe)1993Blue Byteno 
amigaecs_flop his1418fHistoryline - 1914-1918 (France)1993Blue Bytenohis1418
amigaecs_flop his1418gHistoryline - 1914-1918 (Germany)1993Blue Bytenohis1418
amigaecs_flop ishar3Ishar III - The Seven Gates of Infinity (Europe)1994Silmarilsno 
amigaecs_flop ishar3fIshar III - The Seven Gates of Infinity (France, Equipe Speciale)1994Silmarilsnoishar3
amigaecs_flop mandoublManchester United - The Double (Europe)1995Krisalispartial 
amigaecs_flop produzenDer Produzent - Die Welt des Films (Germany)1996Games 4 Europepartial 
amigaecs_flop rallycRally Championships (Europe)1994Flair Softwareno 
amigaecs_flop reunionReunion (Germany)1994Grandslampartial 
amigaecs_flop rotrRise of the Robots (Europe)1994Mirageno 
amigaecs_flop silputtySilly Putty (Europe)1992System 3no 
amigaecs_flop snapperSnapperazzi (Europe)1993Alternative Softwareyes 
amigaecs_flop trivlleTrivial Pursuit - The Language Laboratory Edition (Europe, A600 HD)1992Domarkno 
amigaecs_flop turbotrxTurbo Trax (Europe)1995Arcane Entertainmentno 
amigaecs_flop whizzWhizz (Europe)1995Flair Softwareno 

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