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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.275 - Released: 2025-02-25T16:05:29 - Machines: 47951 - rom: 358656 - disk: 1371 - Lists: 719 - Software: 139138 - rom: 235544 - disk: 11325

list name & description  
software name & description  
20 Softwares, page 1 / 1

apple3 3ezp/// E-Z Pieces1982Haba Systemsyes 
apple3 a2emulApple II Emulation1980Apple Computer, Inc.yes 
apple3 aplchompApple Chomp1984Dan A. Kuneshyes 
apple3 atomicdfAtomic Defense1982Andy Hertzfeldyes 
apple3 basicApple /// Business Basic (1.1)1981Apple Computer, Inc.yes 
apple3 cardmachThe Apple /// Card Machine1985On Three, Inc.yes 
apple3 conftestApple /// Confidence Test Program1981Apple Computer, Inc.yes 
apple3 cpmbootBoot CP/M (applicard in slot 1)1982PCPIyes 
apple3 cpmcffa2Boot CP/M (cffa2 in slot 1, applicard in slot 2)1982PCPIyes 
apple3 diagApple /// Dealer Diagnostics (v2)1981Apple Computer, Inc.yes 
apple3 drawon3Draw On ///1985On Three, Inc.yes 
apple3 getorgGetting Organized1981Apple Computer, Inc.yes 
apple3 magnetoCapt'n Magneto (PD release APPLE-3-WAP-GAM-03)1995Al Evans / WAPyes 
apple3 newbeginApple ///: A New Beginning1982Apple Computer, Inc.yes 
apple3 pascal11Apple Pascal (v1.1)1982Apple Computer, Inc.yes 
apple3 quikfileQuickFile1982Apple Computer, Inc.yes 
apple3 sysdemoSystem Demo1981Apple Computer, Inc.yes 
apple3 sysutilSystem Utilities (v1.3)1983Apple Computer, Inc.yes 
apple3 sysutiloSystem Utiltiies (v1.1)1982Apple Computer, Inc.yes 
apple3 tictacTic-Tac-Toe1988John Lomartireyes 

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