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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.273 - Released: 2024-12-29T23:03:45 - Machines: 47683 - rom: 357211 - disk: 1358 - Lists: 719 - Software: 138836 - rom: 235184 - disk: 11250

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132 Softwares, page 1 / 1

cdtv 10on10Ten on Ten Compilation (Europe)1995Almatherano 
cdtv 17bit17 Bit - Collection for Amiga CDTV (Europe)1993Almatherano 
cdtv 17bitcon17 Bit - Continuation Disc (Europe)1993Almatherano 
cdtv advmisysAdvanced Military Systems1991Dominion Software & Designno 
cdtv advmisysaAdvanced Military Systems (Europe)1991Dominion Software & Designnoadvmisys
cdtv amerdictAmerican Heritage Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary (USA, 1991a Edition)1991Xïphiasno 
cdtv animotAnimals in Motion1991On-lineno 
cdtv assass1The Assassins Ultimate CD Games Collection19??Weird Scienceno 
cdtv assass2The Assassins Ultimate Games Volume 219??Weird Scienceno 
cdtv assass3The Assassins CD 31997Weird Scienceno 
cdtv assass4The Assassins CD 41999Weird Scienceno 
cdtv asterix1Apprenez l'Anglais Avec Astérix - Asterix and Son1991EuroTalkno 
cdtv asterix1aRead with Asterix - Asterix and Son1991EuroTalknoasterix1
cdtv barneybuA Bun for Barney (USA)1991MultiMedia Corporationno 
cdtv barneycpBarney Bear Goes Camping1990Free Spirit Softwareno 
cdtv barneyscBarney Bear Goes to School (USA)1990Free Spirit Softwareno 
cdtv blkviperBlack Viper (CDTV?)1996Neono 
cdtv btlchessBattle Chess1994Interplayno 
cdtv btlstormBattlestorm1991Titusno 
cdtv casigamsCasino Games1992Saen Softwareno 
cdtv cautcondThe Case of the Cautious Condor1990Tiger Mediano 
cdtv cdremixCD Remix - The D.J. in a Box1991Microdealno 
cdtv cdremix2CD Remix Version II1991Microdealno 
cdtv cdremix2aCD Remix Version II (alt)1991Microdealnocdremix2
cdtv cdtvd1Commodore Amiga CDTV, Amiga 600, Amiga 600HD Demo Disc 11992Commodoreno 
cdtv cdtvd2Commodore Amiga CDTV, Amiga 600, Amiga 600HD Demo Disc 21992Commodoreno 
cdtv cdtvdemoCDTV Demo Disc (Europe)1991Commodoreno 
cdtv cdtvsaleThe CDTV Interactive Point of Sale Compact Disc1991Commodoreno 
cdtv chaosandChaos in Andromeda - Eyes of the Eagle1992On-Lineno 
cdtv chaosandaChaos in Andromeda - Eyes of the Eagle (alt)1992On-linenochaosand
cdtv cinderelCinderella - The Original Fairy Tale (USA)1992Discis Knowledge Researchno 
cdtv clsbgClassic Board Games1991Merit Softwareno 
cdtv connoissThe Connoisseur - Fine Art Collection1992Lascelles Productionsno 
cdtv covgrlspCover Girl Strip Poker1991Emotional Picturesno 
cdtv cubulusCubulus & Magic Serpent1991Software 2000no 
cdtv cubulusaCubulus & Magic Serpent (alt)1991Software 2000nocubulus
cdtv curseraThe Curse of Ra (Germany)1992Rainbow Artsno 
cdtv defcrownDefender of the Crown CDTV (Europe)1991CDTV Publishingno 
cdtv demo2pdDemo II - Amiga Public Domain Collection1993Almatherano 
cdtv democdtvThe Demo Collection for Amiga CDTV (Europe, Black Disc)1992Almatherano 
cdtv deukomp1Deutschland Kompakt (Germany)1991M&T Software Partner Internationalno 
cdtv dgheavenAll Dogs Go to Heaven: Talking Electric Crayon1991Merit Softwareno 
cdtv dinohireDinosaurs for Hire1991Wright Works IIIno 
cdtv drwellmDr. Wellman - A Guide to Good Health for You and Your Family1991CDTV Publishingno 
cdtv dunepDune (prototype?)1992Virgin Multimediano 
cdtv dxgalagaDeluxe Galaga (v2.4)1995Edgar Vigdalno 
cdtv essmegaE.S.S. Mega1991Coktelno 
cdtv falconFalcon1991Mirrorsoft?no 
cdtv fantvoyaFantastic Voyage (USA)1992Centaurno 
cdtv fractuniFractal Universe1992Almatherano 
cdtv funsch30Fun School 3 for the Under 5s1991Database Educational Softwareno 
cdtv funsch31Fun School 3 for 5 to 7 Year Olds1991Europress Softwareno 
cdtv funsch32Fun School 3 for the Over 7s1991Europress Softwareno 
cdtv gamerdelGamers' Delight (UK, Germany)1994GTI - Schatztruheno 
cdtv gardfaxfGarden Fax - Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs (USA)1991CDTV Publishingno 
cdtv gardfaxgGarden Fax - Garden Plants (USA)1991CDTV Publishingno 
cdtv gardfaxiGarden Fax - Indoor Plants (USA)1991CDTV Publishingno 
cdtv gardfaxtGarden Fax - Trees, Shrubs, Roses, and Conifers (USA)1991CDTV Publishingno 
cdtv genlockdGenlock Demo1991Commodoreno 
cdtv globalchGlobal Chaos CDTV1992Hexno 
cdtv guinnessThe Guinness CDTV Disc of Records (1991 Edition)1991CDTV Publishingno 
cdtv guyspyGuy Spy and the Crystals of Armageddon (v1.0)1992ReadySoftno 
cdtv heathrHeather Hits Her First Home Run1991Discis Knowledge Researchno 
cdtv holmesSherlock Holmes on a Disc1991Animated Pixelsno 
cdtv houndbasThe Hound of the Baskervilles1991On-lineno 
cdtv hutchinsThe Hutchinson Encyclopedia (Europe)1991Attica Cyberneticsno 
cdtv illbibleThe Illustrated Holy Bible1991Animated Pixelsno 
cdtv illshakeThe Illustrated Works of Shakespeare1990Animated Pixelsno 
cdtv insidinoInsight: Dinosaurs (Europe, v1.0)1994Optonicano 
cdtv insitechInsight: Technology1993Commodoreno 
cdtv itcameIt Came from the Desert1989Cinemawareno 
cdtv karaoke1Karaoke Hits 11992Music Machine Marketingno 
cdtv labytimeThe Labyrinth of Time1994Electronic Artsno 
cdtv langtvLanguage TV - English (France)1991Jérikono 
cdtv lemmingsLemmings (Europe)1994Psygnosisno 
cdtv lngranchA Long, Hard Day at the Ranch (UK, Spain)1991Discis Knowledge Researchno 
cdtv logicalLog!cal (Europe)1992Rainbow Artsno 
cdtv monopolyMonopoly1994Supervisionno 
cdtv movstomaMoving Gives Me a Stomach Ache1992Discis Knowledge Researchno 
cdtv mudpuddlMud Puddle (USA, Multi 5)1992Discis Knowledge Researchno 
cdtv musicolrMusicolor1992Virgin Multimediano 
cdtv mypaintMy Paint CDTV - The Paint Program Just for Kids!1990Saddleback Graphicsno 
cdtv nasa25Heroic Age of Spaceflight - NASA... The 25th Year1991Troika Multimediano 
cdtv nbxmasThe Night Before Christmas1991Discis Knowledge Researchno 
cdtv newbasicThe New Basics Electronic Cookbook (USA, 1991a Edition)1991Xïphiasno 
cdtv newgroliThe New Grolier Electronic Encyclopedia1991CDTV Publishingno 
cdtv northpolNorth Polar Expedition (v1.01)1992Virgin Multimediano 
cdtv pandoraPandora's CD v1.01993Optonicano 
cdtv pandorasPandora's CD v1.0 (alt)1993Optonicanopandora
cdtv paperbagThe Paper Bag Princess1991Discis Knowledge Researchno 
cdtv pinocPinocchio1993Giunti Multimediano 
cdtv powerpinPower Pinball1990KarmaSoftno 
cdtv prehistoPrehistorik1991Titusno 
cdtv psychokiPsycho Killer (U2A2030UB)1992On-lineno 
cdtv psychokiaPsycho Killer (U2A2020UA)1992On-linenopsychoki
cdtv rafflesRaffles (Sweden)1991Edgeno 
cdtv rotdRise of the Dragon1991?Dynamixno 
cdtv scarpoemScary Poems for Rotten Kids1991Discis Knowledge Researchno 
cdtv shiftrixShiftrix & Lettrix1991Software 2000no 
cdtv shiftrixaShiftrix & Lettrix (alt)1991Software 2000noshiftrix
cdtv simcitySim City (Europe, Multi5)1991Infogramesno 
cdtv snoopySnoopy - The Case of the Missing Blanket (Sweden)1991Edgeno 
cdtv spacewarSpace Wars1992Odysseyno 
cdtv spirexaSpirit of Excalibur1991Virginno 
cdtv suprgamsSuper Games Pak1991Odysseyno 
cdtv talbenjbThe Tale of Benjamin Bunny1991Discis Knowledge Researchno 
cdtv talpeterThe Tale of Peter Rabbit1992Discis Knowledge Researchno 
cdtv teamyankTeam Yankee (Europe)1992Empireno 
cdtv thomsnowThomas' Snowsuit1991Discis Knowledge Researchno 
cdtv tiebreakTie Break1991Starbyteno 
cdtv townonaTown With No Name1992On-Lineno 
cdtv townonaaThe Town with No Name (alt)1992On-linenotownona
cdtv trivcdtvTrivial Pursuit - The CDTV Edition (Europe, v1.0a)1992Domarkno 
cdtv ttohbusiTime Table of History - Business, Politics & Media (USA, 1991a Edition)1991Xïphiasno 
cdtv ttohsciTime Table of History - Science and Innovation (USA, 1991a Edition)1991Xïphiasno 
cdtv turricanTurrican1991Rainbow Artsyes 
cdtv turricanaTurrican (Germany, alt)1992Rainbow Artsnoturrican
cdtv turricn2Turrican II: The Final Fight1991Rainbow Artsyes 
cdtv turricn2aTurrican II: The Final Fight (Germany, alt)1991Rainbow Artsnoturricn2
cdtv ultbballUltimate Basketball1991Context Systemsno 
cdtv welcdtvmWelcome to CDTV Multimedia (USA, CDRM-499000)1991Commodoreno 
cdtv welcdtvmaWelcome to CDTV Multimedia (367808-01 33)1991Commodorenowelcdtvm
cdtv willbdg1Will Bridge 1 - Introduction to Bidding (UK)1991Will Bridgeno 
cdtv willbdg1fWill Bridge 1 - Initiation aux Encheres (France)1991Will Bridgenowillbdg1
cdtv willbdg2Will Bridge 2 - Intermediate (UK)1991Will Bridgeno 
cdtv willbdg3fWill Bridge 3 - Standard (France)1991Will Bridgeno 
cdtv willbdg4Will Bridge 4 - Competition (UK)1991Will Bridgeno 
cdtv willbdg5fWill Bridge 5 - Haute Competition (France)1991Will Bridgeno 
cdtv womenmotEadweard Muybridge's Women in Motion1991On-lineno 
cdtv worldvisWorld Vista1991Applied Optical Media Corporationno 
cdtv wrdemonWrath of the Demon (USA)1990ReadySoftno 
cdtv xenon2Xenon 2 - Megablast (Europe)1992Image Worksno 

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