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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.275 - Released: 2025-02-25T16:05:29 - Machines: 47951 - rom: 358656 - disk: 1371 - Lists: 719 - Software: 139138 - rom: 235544 - disk: 11325

list name & description  
software name & description  
32 Softwares, page 1 / 1

gx4000 barb2Barbarian II1989Palace Softwareyes 
gx4000 batmanBatman1989Ocean Softwareyes 
gx4000 brubberBurnin' Rubber1990Ocean Softwareyes 
gx4000 coptr271Copter 2711991Loriciel Softwareyes 
gx4000 crzycrs2Crazy Cars II1990Titus Softwareyes 
gx4000 dicktrDick Tracy1990Titus Softwareyes 
gx4000 enforcerThe Enforcer1990Trojanyes 
gx4000 firefor2Fire & Forget II1990Titus Softwareyes 
gx4000 klaxKlax1990Domarkyes 
gx4000 mysticalMystical1990Infogramesyes 
gx4000 navysealNavy Seals1990Ocean Softwareyes 
gx4000 noexitNo Exit1990CVSno 
gx4000 othunderOperation Thunderbolt1990Ocean Softwareyes 
gx4000 pangPang1990Ocean Softwareyes 
gx4000 panzakbPanza Kick Boxing1991Loriciel Softwareyes 
gx4000 pinmagicPinball Magic1991Loriciel Softwareyes 
gx4000 plottingPlotting1990Ocean Softwareyes 
gx4000 protenntPro Tennis Tour1989Ubisoftyes 
gx4000 robocop2Robocop 21990Ocean Softwarepartial 
gx4000 skeetshSkeet Shoot1990Trojanno 
gx4000 switchblSwitchblade1990Gremlin Graphicsyes 
gx4000 sysesBurnin' Rubber + Locomotive BASIC (Spain)1990Amstradpartial 
gx4000 sysespdLocomotive BASIC + ParaDOS (Spain)1990<homebrew>partialsyses
gx4000 sysfrBurnin' Rubber + Locomotive BASIC (France)1990Amstradpartial 
gx4000 sysfrpdLocomotive BASIC + ParaDOS (France)1990<homebrew>partialsysfr
gx4000 sysfrv3BASIC Cartouche (France, with OS v3)1990Amstradpartialsysfr
gx4000 sysukBurnin' Rubber + Locomotive BASIC1990Amstradyes 
gx4000 sysukpdLocomotive BASIC + ParaDOS1990<homebrew>yessysuk
gx4000 tennisc2Tennis Cup II1990Loriciel Softwareyes 
gx4000 tintinTintin On The Moon1990Infogramespartial 
gx4000 wildstrtWild Streets1990Titus Softwareyes 
gx4000 worldsptWorld of Sports1990EPYXpartial 

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