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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.267 - Released: 2024-06-27T17:09:36 - Machines: 46910 - rom: 352361 - disk: 1328 - Lists: 706 - Software: 138071 - rom: 233996 - disk: 11143

list name & description  
software name & description  
23 Softwares, page 1 / 1

hp9845b_rom advprogAdvanced Programming198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom asmdevAssembly Development & Execution198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom asmexecAssembly Execution198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom bisyncRJE Bisync198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom colorgfxColor Graphics198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom datacommBASIC Datacomm198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom enhgfxEnhanced Graphics (Rev A)198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom enhgfxbEnhanced Graphics (Rev B)198?Hewlett-Packardyesenhgfx
hp9845b_rom graphicsGraphics198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom image45IMAGE/45 Database Manager (Rev B)198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom image45cIMAGE/45 Database Manager (Rev C)198?Hewlett-Packardyesimage45
hp9845b_rom iobI/O (Rev B)198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom iolpuI/O LPU (Rev A)198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom iolpubI/O LPU (Rev B)198?Hewlett-Packardyesiolpu
hp9845b_rom ioppuI/O PPU (Rev B)198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom ioppucI/O PPU (Rev C)198?Hewlett-Packardyesioppu
hp9845b_rom massMass Storage (Rev B)198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom masscMass Storage (Rev C)198?Hewlett-Packardyesmass
hp9845b_rom massdMass Storage (Rev D)198?Hewlett-Packardyesmass
hp9845b_rom resmgmtResource Management198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom sssmassMass storage (rev A)1983Structured Software Systemsyes 
hp9845b_rom strucprgStructured Programming198?Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp9845b_rom testTest ROM198?Hewlett-Packardyes 

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