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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.275 - Released: 2025-02-25T16:05:29 - Machines: 47951 - rom: 358656 - disk: 1371 - Lists: 719 - Software: 139138 - rom: 235544 - disk: 11325

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software name & description  
57 Softwares, page 1 / 1

hp_ipc 502upgrdSystem Disc Release 5.0.21986Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc basic_r5Technical BASIC Release 51985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc basicutTechnical BASIC Utilities1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc datacommDatacomm r1.0.11984Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc demoDemo Disc1986Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc diagnstcUtility Discs for Integral 3of6 (Diagnostic)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc diagpgrmDiagraph for Integral 1of2 (program)1985Computer Support Corporationyes 
hp_ipc diagsymbDiagraph for Integral 2of2 (symbols)1985Computer Support Corporationyes 
hp_ipc hp_ux1Utility Discs for Integral 5of6 (HP-UX Commands 1)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc hp_ux2Utility Discs for Integral 6of6 (HP-UX Commands 2)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc hptool01HP-UX Programmers Tools (I)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc hptool02HP-UX Software Development (II)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc hptool03HP-UX Software Development (III)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc hptool04HP-UX Writers Tools A (IV)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc hptool05HP-UX Writers Tools B (V)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc hptool06HP-UX Communications & Maintenance A (VI)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc hptool07HP-UX Communications & Maintenance B (VII)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc hptool08HP-UX Nucleus (VIII)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc hptool09HP-UX Miscellaneous Tools (IX)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc hptool10HP-UX Documentation (X)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc intgame1Integral Games 1of31986???yes 
hp_ipc intgame2Integral Games 2of31988???yes 
hp_ipc intgame3Integral Games 3of31989???yes 
hp_ipc inthackHack 3.0.2 for Integral1990???yes 
hp_ipc ipcaplAPL Plus v3.0 1of21986STSC, Inc.yes 
hp_ipc ipcaplwAPL Plus v3.0 2of21986STSC, Inc.yes 
hp_ipc ipcartGraphics, Text and Misc Utilities1987???yes 
hp_ipc ipcbasbnBASIC Bonus Disc1987???yes 
hp_ipc ipccdocC Language 1of3 (docs)1984Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc ipccprepC Language 2of3 (preprocessor)1984Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc ipcctranC Language 3of3 (translator)1984Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc ipcdwdDriver Writers Disc1987Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc ipcforcpFORTRAN r5.0.0 1of2 (translator)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc ipcforthFORTH v1.0 for Integral1987???yes 
hp_ipc ipcforutFORTRAN r5.0.0 2of2 (utilities)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc ipcmandlMandelbrot1988Ted Clineyes 
hp_ipc ipcpascpPASCAL v5.0 1of2 (compiler)1985???yes 
hp_ipc ipcpasdcPASCAL v5.0 2of2 (docs)1985???yes 
hp_ipc ipcrcsRCS (Revision Control System)1988Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc ipcromtlEPROM/ROM Tools r5.01986Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc ipctranuPC File Translation Utilities1986???yes 
hp_ipc lisppiltLISP and PILOT Languages1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc memomakrMemoMaker for Integral1984Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc microtrkMicroTrak v1.4f1985Softrak Systemsyes 
hp_ipc multiplnMultiplan for Integral1984Microsoftyes 
hp_ipc plotrackPlotTrack Rev 1.2b1986Softrak Systemsyes 
hp_ipc superutlSuper Utilities Disc1986Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc swengr01Software Engineering Module - Programmers's and Miscellaneous Tools (I)1986Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc swengr02Software Engineering Module - Communication and Maintenance Tools (II)1986Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc swengr03Software Engineering Module - Writer's Tools (III)1986Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc swengr04Software Engineering Module - C Development Supplement (IV)1986Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc swengr05Software Engineering Module - Section 1 & 1m Documentation (V)1986Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc swengr06Software Engineering Module - Sections 2, 3, 4 and l Documentation (VI)1986Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc sysmdiscUtility Discs for Integral 4of6 (System Disc)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc tksolveTk!Solver1985Software Artsyes 
hp_ipc tutorUtility Discs for Integral 1of6 (Tutor)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 
hp_ipc utilitieUtility Discs for Integral 2of6 (Utilities)1985Hewlett-Packardyes 

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