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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.275 - Released: 2025-02-25T16:05:29 - Machines: 47951 - rom: 358656 - disk: 1371 - Lists: 719 - Software: 139138 - rom: 235544 - disk: 11325

list name & description  
software name & description  
91 Softwares, page 1 / 1

jaguar aircarsAir Cars1997ICDno 
jaguar aircars94Air Cars (1994 version)1994Midnite Entertainment Groupnoaircars
jaguar atarikrtAtari Karts1995Atarino 
jaguar atarikrtpAtari Karts (prototype)1995Atarinoatarikrt
jaguar avspAlien vs Predator1994Atarino 
jaguar barkleyBarkley Shut Up and Jam!2002B&C Computervisionno 
jaguar barkleypBarkley Shut Up and Jam! (prototype)1994Accoladenobarkley
jaguar battlesgBattle Sphere Gold2002ScatoLOGICno 
jaguar battlespBattle Sphere2000ScatoLOGICno 
jaguar breakoutBreakout 20001996Telegamesno 
jaguar breakoutpBreakout 2000 (prototype, xx0327)1996Telegamesnobreakout
jaguar bretthBrett Hull NHL Hockey2004B&C Computervisionno 
jaguar bretthpBrett Hull NHL Hockey (prototype)1995Atarinobretth
jaguar brutalspBrutal Sports Series: Football1994Telegamesno 
jaguar bubsyBubsy in Fractured Furry Tales1994Atariyes 
jaguar cfodderCannon Fodder1995Virgin Interactiveyes 
jaguar chekflagCheckered Flag1994Atarino 
jaguar clubdrivClub Drive1994Atarino 
jaguar cybermorCybermorph (rev. B)1994Atarino 
jaguar cybermor1Cybermorph (rev. A)1993Atarinocybermor
jaguar cybermorpCybermorph (prototype)1993Atarinocybermor
jaguar cybrgolfJack Nicklaus Cyber Golf examples (prototype, v0.01, 19940704)1994Atarino 
jaguar cybrgolfaCyber Golf (prototype)199?Atarinocybrgolf
jaguar cybrgolfbCyber Golf (prototype, alt)199?Atarinocybrgolf
jaguar ddragon5Double Dragon V - The Shadow Falls1995Tradewestpartial 
jaguar defenderDefender 20001996Atarino 
jaguar defenderpDefender 2000 (prototype)1996Atarinodefender
jaguar dinodudeEvolution - Dino Dudes1994Atarino 
jaguar doomDoom1994Atarino 
jaguar dragonDragon - The Bruce Lee Story1994Virgin Interactibepartial 
jaguar fball95Arena Football '952006B&C Computervisionno 
jaguar feverpitFever Pitch Soccer1995Atarino 
jaguar fforlifeFight for Life1996Atarino 
jaguar fforlife1Fight for Life (alt)1996Atarinofforlife
jaguar fforlifepFight for Life (prototype, xx0907)1996Atarinofforlife
jaguar fforlifep1Fight for Life (prototype, xx0322)1996Atarinofforlife
jaguar flashbFlashback - The Quest for Identity1995U.S. Goldno 
jaguar flipoutFlip Out!1995Atarino 
jaguar gorf2kGorf 2000 (demo)2008<unknown>no 
jaguar hstrikeHover Strike1995Atarino 
jaguar hyperfrcHyper Force2000Songboard Productionspartial 
jaguar ironsol2Iron Soldier 21997Telegamesno 
jaguar ironsoldIron Soldier (v1.04)1994Atarino 
jaguar iwarI-War1995Atarino 
jaguar kasumiKasumi Ninja1994Atarino 
jaguar memtrackMemory Track1995Atarino 
jaguar missil3dMissile Command 3D1995Atarino 
jaguar missilvrMissile Command VR1995Atarino 
jaguar mutntpngAttack of the Mutant Penguins1996Ataripartial 
jaguar nbajamteNBA Jam T.E. - Tournament Edition1996Atarino 
jaguar pbfantPinball Fantasies199521st Century Entertainmentpartial 
jaguar pdrivePower Drive Rally1995Time Warner Interactiveno 
jaguar phase0Phase Zero2002Songbird Productionsno 
jaguar pitfallPitfall - The Mayan Adventure1995Atarino 
jaguar protctseProtector - Special Edition2002Songbird Productionsno 
jaguar protectProtector1999Songbird Productionsno 
jaguar raidenRaiden (rev. A)1994Ataripartial 
jaguar raiden1Raiden1994Ataripartialraiden
jaguar raymanRayman1995Ubisoftpartial 
jaguar raymanpRayman (prototype)1995Ubisoftnorayman
jaguar ruinerpRuiner Pinball1995Atarino 
jaguar sburnoutSuper Burnout1995Atarino 
jaguar sensibleSensible Soccer - International Edition1995Telegamespartial 
jaguar skyhammSkyhammer2000Songbird Productionsno 
jaguar soccerkdSoccer Kid1996ReadySoftyes 
jaguar soccerkd1Soccer Kid (re-release)2000Songbird Productionsnosoccerkd
jaguar soccerkd1hSoccer Kid (re-release, hacked)2000Songbird Productionsyessoccerkd
jaguar spacewarSpace War 20002001B&C Computervisionsno 
jaguar spacewarpSpace War 2000 (prototype)19??Atarinospacewar
jaguar speedst2Speedster II1995?Carousel Entertainmentno 
jaguar superx3dSuperCross 3D1995Atarino 
jaguar syndicatSyndicate1995Oceanno 
jaguar tempst2kTempest 20001994Atarino 
jaguar themeprkTheme Park1995Oceanno 
jaguar totalcarTotal Carnage2005Songbird Productionsno 
jaguar towers2Towers II - Plight of the Stargazer1996Telegamespartial 
jaguar trevmcfrTrevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy (rev. A)1993Atarino 
jaguar trevmcfr1Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy1993Atarinotrevmcfr
jaguar troyaikTroy Aikman NFL Football1995Williams Entertainmentpartial 
jaguar ttoonadvTiny Toon Adventures (ver. 1)2010Team Jaguarno 
jaguar ttoonadvpTiny Toon Adventures (prototype)1994Atarinottoonadv
jaguar ultbrainUltimate Brain Games (prototype)199?Crazy Aceno 
jaguar ultravorUltra Vortek1995Atarino 
jaguar ultravor1Ultra Vortek (v0.94, prototype)1995Atarinoultravor
jaguar valdiserVal d'Isère Skiing and Snowboarding1994Atarino 
jaguar whitemenWhite Men Can't Jump1995Atarino 
jaguar wolfn3dWolfenstein 3D1994Atarino 
jaguar wormsWorms1998Telegamespartial 
jaguar zero5Zero 51997Telegamespartial 
jaguar zool2Zool 21994Atariyes 
jaguar zoopZoop!1996Atarino 

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