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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.265 - Released: 2024-04-23T21:34:29 - Machines: 46750 - rom: 351491 - disk: 1325 - Lists: 714 - Software: 137832 - rom: 233686 - disk: 11065

list name & description  
software name & description  
12 Softwares, page 1 / 1

mac_cdrom aplegrecApple Legacy Recovery1998Appleyes 
mac_cdrom mac70a9System Software 7.0a9 ("Big Bang" pre-release)1991Appleyes 
mac_cdrom mac71System Software 7.1 (US English)1992Appleyes 
mac_cdrom mac712p_q630Performa CD (System 7.1.2P for Quadra 630 and LC/Performa 580) (US English)1994Appleyes 
mac_cdrom mac75System Software 7.5 (US English)1994Appleyes 
mac_cdrom mac753System Software 7.5.3 (US English)1996Appleyes 
mac_cdrom mac76Mac OS 7.6 (US English)1997Appleyes 
mac_cdrom mac76_deMac OS 7.6 (German)1997Appleyes 
mac_cdrom mac761Mac OS 7.6.1 (US English)1997Appleyes 
mac_cdrom mac80_jpMac OS 8 (Japanese)1997Appleyes 
mac_cdrom mac81Mac OS 8.1 (US English)1998Appleyes 
mac_cdrom pwrmaccdPower Macintosh 6100/7100/8100 CD (System Software 7.1.2P) (US English)1994Appleyes 

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