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MAME: 0.275 - Released: 2025-02-25T16:05:29 - Machines: 47951 - rom: 358656 - disk: 1371 - Lists: 719 - Software: 139138 - rom: 235544 - disk: 11325

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software name & description  
500 Softwares, page 1 / 2

megacd 3ninja3 Ninjas Kick Back (USA)1994Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd 3rdwwThe Third World War (USA)1994Extreme Entertainment Groupyes 
megacd 3rdwwjThe IIIrd World War (Japan)1993Micronetyes3rdww
megacd 3x3eyesSeima Densetsu 3x3 Eyes (Japan)1993Segayes 
megacd aburner3After Burner III (Europe)1993Segayes 
megacd aburner3jAfter Burner III (Japan)1992CRIyesaburner3
megacd aburner3uAfter Burner III (USA)1993Segayesaburner3
megacd advbatrThe Adventures of Batman and Robin (Europe)1995Segayes 
megacd advbatruThe Adventures of Batman and Robin (USA)1995Segayesadvbatr
megacd afterarmAfter Armageddon Gaiden - Majuu Toushouden Eclipse (Japan)1994Segayes 
megacd ah3tsAH3 - ThunderStrike (USA)1993JVCyes 
megacd aislelrdAisle Lord (Japan)1992Wolf Teamyes 
megacd alsharkAlshark (Japan)1993Polydor K.K.yes 
megacd anettfutAnett Futatabi (Japan)1993Wolf Teamno 
megacd animalsThe San Diego Zoo Presents The Animals! - A Multimedia Experience (Europe)1994Mindscapeyes 
megacd animalsuThe San Diego Zoo Presents... The Animals! (USA)1994The Software Toolworksyesanimals
megacd arankA-Rank Thunder Tanjouhen (Japan)1993Nihon Telenetyes 
megacd arcus123Arcus I-II-III (Japan)1993Wolf Teamyes 
megacd arslanArslan Senki - The Heroic Legend of Arslan (Japan)1993Segayes 
megacd ax101A/X-101 (USA)1994Absolute Entertainmentyes 
megacd ax101jAX-101 (Japan)1994Segayesax101
megacd bakudenBaku-den - The Unbalanced Zone (Japan)1994Sony Music Entertainmentyes 
megacd bariarmBari-Arm (USA)1994Segayes 
megacd bariarmjBari-Arm (Japan)1993Human Entertainmentyesbariarm
megacd batlfantBattle Fantasy (Japan)1994Micronetyes 
megacd batlfrnzBattle Frenzy (USA, prototype)2003Good Deal Gamesyesbloodsht
megacd batmanrnBatman Returns (Europe)1993Segayes 
megacd batmanrnaBatman Returns (Europe, alt)1993Segayesbatmanrn
megacd batmanrnuBatman Returns (USA)1993Segayesbatmanrn
megacd bcracersBC Racers (Europe)1994Core Designyes 
megacd bcracersdBC Racers (Europe, demo) [Mega Power - issue 18]1994Coreyesbcracers
megacd bcracersdaBC Racers (Europe, demo) [Sega Pro CD - issue 41]1994Coreyesbcracers
megacd bcracersuBC Racers (USA)1994Core Designyesbcracers
megacd beast2Shadow of the Beast II (Europe)19??Segayes 
megacd beast2jShadow of the Beast II - Juushin no Jubaku (Japan)1994Victor Entertainmentyesbeast2
megacd beast2uShadow of the Beast II (USA)1994Psygnosisyesbeast2
megacd billwlshBill Walsh College Football (Europe)1993Electronic Artsyes 
megacd billwlshuBill Walsh College Football (USA)1993Electronic Artsyesbillwlsh
megacd blackhBlackhole Assault (Europe)1993Segayes 
megacd blackhuBlack Hole Assault (USA)1993Bignetyesblackh
megacd blackhuaBlack Hole Assault (USA, alt)1993Bignetyesblackh
megacd blackhupBlackhole Assault (USA, prototype 19920210)1992Segayesblackh
megacd blckholeBlack Hole Assault (Japan)1992Micronetyes 
megacd bloodshtBloodshot (Europe)1994Domarkyes 
megacd bouncersBouncers (USA)1994Segayes 
megacd brutalBrutal - Paws of Fury (Europe)1994GameTekyes 
megacd brutaluBrutal - Paws of Fury (USA)1994GameTekyesbrutal
megacd btlcorpsBattlecorps (Europe)1994Core Designyes 
megacd btlcorpsdBattlecorps (Europe, demo) [Mega Power - Issue 11, Sega Pro CD - issue 50]1994Coreyesbtlcorps
megacd btlcorpsjBattlecorps - 3D Mechanical Battle Simulator (Japan)1994Victor Entertainmentyesbtlcorps
megacd btlcorpsssdBattlecorps and SoulStar (Europe, demo) [Mega Power - issue 14]1994Coreyesbtlcorps
megacd btlcorpsuBattlecorps (USA)1994Core Designyesbtlcorps
megacd bugblastThe Exterminators (USA, prototype)2001Good Deal Gamesyesbugblastse
megacd bugblastseThe Exterminators - Special Edition (USA, prototype)2003Good Deal Gamesyes 
megacd buraiBurai - Yatsudama no Yuushi Densetsu (Japan)1992Segayes 
megacd ccmusicPower Factory featuring C+C Music Factory (Europe)1993Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd ccmusicuC+C Music Factory (USA)1993Sony Imagesoftyesccmusic
megacd cfstoryCosmic Fantasy Stories (Japan)1992Nihon Telenetyes 
megacd champs94Championship Soccer '94 (USA)1994Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd chuckrckChuck Rock (Europe)1993Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd chuckrckuChuck Rock (USA)1992Sony Imagesoftyeschuckrck
megacd chukrck2Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Europe)1993Core Designyes 
megacd chukrck2uChuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (USA)1993Virgin Interactiveyeschukrck2
megacd citizenxCitizen X (USA, prototype)2002Good Deal Gamesyes 
megacd cliffhCliffhanger (USA)1993Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd cobraThe Space Adventure - Cobra: The Legendary Bandit (Europe)1995Hudson Softyes 
megacd cobracomCobra Command (Europe)1993Segayes 
megacd cobracomaCobra Command (Europe) [MK-4402P-00032 2]1993Segayescobracom
megacd cobracombCobra Command (Europe) [MK-4402P-00032-R1M]1993Segayescobracom
megacd cobracomuCobra Command (USA)1992Segayescobracom
megacd cobrauThe Space Adventure - Cobra the Legendary Bandit (USA)1995Hudson Softyescobra
megacd colormecNote! Color Mechanica (USA)2014Good Deal Gamesyes 
megacd colormecaNote! Color Mechanica (USA, alt)2014Good Deal Gamesyescolormec
megacd comptonsCompton's Interactive Encyclopedia v2.10 (USA)1994Compton's NewMediayes 
megacd comptons200sCompton's Interactive Encyclopedia v2.00S (USA)1994Compton's NewMediayescomptons
megacd comptons201rCompton's Interactive Encyclopedia v2.01R (USA)1994Segayescomptons
megacd comptons201sCompton's Interactive Encyclopedia v2.01S (USA)1994Compton's NewMediayescomptons
megacd corpseCorpse Killer (Europe)1994Digital Picturesyes 
megacd corpse32Corpse Killer (USA, 32X)1995Digital Picturesnocorpse
megacd corpseuCorpse Killer (USA)1994Digital Picturesyescorpse
megacd cpatrolCrime Patrol (USA)1994American Laser Gamesyes 
megacd ctsubaCaptain Tsubasa (Japan)1994Tecmoyes 
megacd cyborg9Cyborg 009 (Japan)1993Nihon Telenetyes 
megacd daihoushDaihoushinden (Japan)1995Victor Entertainmentyes 
megacd darkwizDark Wizard (USA)1994Segayes 
megacd darkwizjDark Wizard - Yomigaeri Shiyami no Madoushi (Japan)1993Segayesdarkwiz
megacd dblswtchDouble Switch (Europe)1994Segayes 
megacd dblswtchjDouble Switch (Japan)1995Segayesdblswtch
megacd dblswtchuDouble Switch (USA)1993Segayesdblswtch
megacd deathbrnDeath Bringer - Himerata Monshou - The Knight of Darkness (Japan)1992Nihon Telenetyes 
megacd demomanDemolition Man (USA)1994Acclaim Entertainmentyes 
megacd denninDennin Aleste - Nobunaga and His Ninja Force (Japan)1992Compileyes 
megacd detonatrDetonator Orgun (Japan)1992Hot-Byes 
megacd devastatDevastator (Japan)1993Wolf Teamyes 
megacd dino2Cadillacs and Dinosaurs - The Second Cataclysm (USA)1994Rocket Science Gamesyes 
megacd dino2brCadillacs and Dinosaurs - The Second Cataclysm (Bra)1994Tec Toyyesdino2
megacd dlairDragon's Lair (Europe)1994Segayes 
megacd dlairjDragon's Lair (Japan)1994Segayesdlair
megacd dlairuDragon's Lair (USA)1993Segayesdlair
megacd dlairudemoDragon's Lair (USA, demo)1993ReadySoftyesdlair
megacd dmaster2Dungeon Master II - Skullkeep v1.0 (Europe)1994JVCyes 
megacd dmaster2jDungeon Master II - Skullkeep (Japan, v1.0)1994Victor Entertainmentyesdmaster2
megacd dmaster2uDungeon Master II - Skullkeep (USA)1994JVCyesdmaster2
megacd draculaBram Stoker's Dracula (USA, rev. A)1992Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd draculaaBram Stoker's Dracula (USA)1992Sony Imagesoftyesdracula
megacd draculabBram Stoker's Dracula (USA, alt)1992Sony Imagesoftyesdracula
megacd dracunlDracula Unleashed (Europe)1994Segayes 
megacd dracunluDracula Unleashed (USA)1993Seganodracunl
megacd duneDune (Europe)1993Virgin Interactiveyes 
megacd duneuDune (USA)1994Virgin Interactiveyesdune
megacd dungexplDungeon Explorer (Europe)1995Hudson Softyes 
megacd dungexpluDungeon Explorer (USA)1995Segayesdungexpl
megacd dynamiccDynamic Country Club (Japan)1993Segayes 
megacd earnestEarnest Evans (Japan)1991Wolf Teamyes 
megacd eccoEcco the Dolphin (Europe)1993Segayes 
megacd ecco2Ecco - The Tides of Time (Europe)1994Segayes 
megacd ecco2jEcco the Dolphin CD (Japan, Disc 2 - Ecco the Dolphin II)1995Segayesecco2
megacd ecco2uEcco - The Tides of Time (USA)1993Segayesecco2
megacd ecco2uaEcco - The Tides of Time (USA, alt)1994Segayesecco2
megacd eccoaEcco the Dolphin (Europe) [I-2647 A]1993Segayesecco
megacd eccobEcco the Dolphin (Europe) [MK-4408P-00135 1]1993Segayesecco
megacd eccojEcco the Dolphin CD (Japan, Disc 1 - Ecco the Dolphin)1995Segayesecco
megacd eccouEcco the Dolphin (USA)1993Segayesecco
megacd ejimseEarthworm Jim - Special Edition (Europe)1994Interplayyes 
megacd ejimseuEarthworm Jim - Special Edition (USA)1995Interplayyesejimse
megacd espnbbESPN Baseball Tonight (Europe)1994Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd espnbbuESPN Baseball Tonight (USA)1994Sony Imagesoftyesespnbb
megacd espnhnESPN National Hockey Night (USA)1994Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd espnnbaESPN NBA Hangtime '95 (USA)1994Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd espnnflESPN Sunday Night NFL (USA)1994Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd eternalcEternal Champions - Challenge From the Dark Side (Europe)1995Segayes 
megacd eternalcuEternal Champions - Challenge from the Dark Side (USA)1995Segayeseternalc
megacd eternalcuaEternal Champions - Challenge from the Dark Side (USA, alt)1995Segayeseternalc
megacd eyebeholAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons - Eye of the Beholder (Europe)1994Segayes 
megacd eyebeholjAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons - Eye of the Beholder (Japan)1994Pony Canyonyeseyebehol
megacd eyebeholuAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons - Eye of the Beholder (USA)1994Segayeseyebehol
megacd f1btlFormula One World Championship - Beyond the Limit (Europe)1994Segayes 
megacd f1btluFormula One World Championship - Beyond the Limit (USA)1994Segayesf1btl
megacd f1circusF1 Circus CD (Japan)1994Nichibutsuyes 
megacd fahrenheFahrenheit (Europe)1995Segayes 
megacd fahrenhefFahrenheit (France)1995Segayesfahrenhe
megacd fahrenhejFahrenheit (Japan)1995Segayesfahrenhe
megacd fahrenheuFahrenheit (USA, Sega CD & 32X CD)1995Segapartialfahrenhe
megacd fatfurspFatal Fury Special (Europe)1995JVCyes 
megacd fatfurspdFatal Fury Special (Europe, demo) [Sega Pro CD - issue 46]1995JVCyesfatfursp
megacd fatfurspuFatal Fury Special (USA)1995JVCyesfatfursp
megacd fatfurspupFatal Fury Special (USA, prototype)1995JVCyesfatfursp
megacd ffightcdFinal Fight CD (Europe)1993Segayes 
megacd ffightcdjFinal Fight CD (Japan)1993Segayesffightcd
megacd ffightcduFinal Fight CD (USA)1993Segayesffightcd
megacd fheyareaSeirei Shinseiki - Fhey Area (Japan)1992Wolf Teamyes 
megacd fheyareaaSeirei Shinseiki - Fhey Area (Japan, R1K)1992Wolf Teamyesfheyarea
megacd fheyareabSeirei Shinseiki - Fhey Area (Japan, R2K)1992Wolf Teamyesfheyarea
megacd fifaFIFA International Soccer - Championship Edition (Europe)1994Electronic Artsyes 
megacd fifadFIFA International Soccer - CE (Europe, demo) [Mega Power - issue 13]1994Electronic Artsyesfifa
megacd fifadaFIFA International Soccer - CE (Europe, demo) [Sega Pro CD - issue 43]1994Electronic Artsyesfifa
megacd fifauFIFA International Soccer (USA)1994Electronic Artsyesfifa
megacd flashbFlashback - The Quest for Identity (USA)1994Segayes 
megacd flashbdFlashback - The Quest for Identity (Europe, demo) [Sega Pro CD - issue 42]1994U.S. Goldyesflashb
megacd flinkFlink (Europe)1994Psygnosis ~ Sony Electronic Publishingyes 
megacd flinkuFlink (USA)1994Vic Tokaiyesflink
megacd frankenMary Shelley's Frankenstein (USA)1994Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd frcestrkForce Striker (USA, prototype)2006Good Deal Gamesyes 
megacd frogFrog Feast (USA)2007RasterSoftyes 
megacd frogdemoFrog Feast (USA, demo)2007RasterSoftyesfrog
megacd funkbandWakusei Woodstock - Funky Horror Band (Japan)1991Segayes 
megacd gambler2Gambler Jikochuushinha 2 - Gekitou! Tokyo Mahjongland Hen (Japan)1992Game Artsyes 
megacd gamenk1Game no Kanzume Vol.1 (Japan)1994Segayes 
megacd gamenk2Game no Kanzume Vol.2 (Japan)1994Segayes 
megacd garouspGarou Densetsu Special (Japan)1995Victor Entertainmentyes 
megacd genchohiAoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika - Genchou Hishi (Japan)1993Koeiyes 
megacd graydethBattletech - Gray Death Legion (USA, prototype)200?Good Deal Gamesyes 
megacd gztexasGround Zero Texas (Europe)1993Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd gztexasuGround Zero Texas (USA)1993Sony Imagesoftnogztexas
megacd gztexasuaGround Zero Texas (USA, alt)1993Sony Imagesoftnogztexas
megacd heavenlyHeavenly Symphony (Japan)1994Segayes 
megacd heavenlydemoHeavenly Symphony - Formula One World Championship 1993 Hibaihin (Japan)1994Segayesheavenly
megacd heavynovHeavy Nova (Japan)1991Micronetyes 
megacd heimdallHeimdall (USA)1994JVCyes 
megacd heimdalljHeimdall (Japan)1994Victor Entertainmentyesheimdall
megacd holmesSherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective Vol. I (Europe)1993Segayes 
megacd holmes2Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective Vol. II v1.0 (Europe)1993Segayes 
megacd holmes2uSherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective Vol. II (USA)1993Seganoholmes2
megacd holmesuSherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective Vol. I (USA)1992Segayesholmes
megacd hookHook (Europe)1993Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd hookuHook (USA)1992Sony Imagesoftyeshook
megacd hookuaHook (USA, alt)1992Sony Imagesoftyeshook
megacd hotaHeart of the Alien - Out of this World Parts I and II (USA)1994Virgin Interactiveyes 
megacd hothitsHot Hits - Adventurous New Music Sampler (USA)1992Segayes 
megacd illcityIllusion City - Genei Toshi (Japan)1993Micro Cabinyes 
megacd inxsINXS (Europe)1993Segayes 
megacd inxsuINXS (USA)1992Segayesinxs
megacd ironhlxIron Helix (USA)1994Spectrum Holobyteyes 
megacd ishiihisIshii Hisaichi no Daisekai (Japan)1994Segayes 
megacd jagxj220Jaguar XJ220 (Europe)1993Segayes 
megacd jagxj220jJaguar XJ220 (Japan)1993Victor Entertainmentyesjagxj220
megacd jagxj220uJaguar XJ220 (USA)1993JVCyesjagxj220
megacd jangouwcJangou World Cup (Japan)1993Victor Entertainmentyes 
megacd jeopardyJeopardy! (USA)1993Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd joemontJoe Montana's NFL Football (USA)1993Segayes 
megacd johnnymnJohnny Mnemonic (USA, prototype)1995?Segano 
megacd jparkJurassic Park (Europe)1993Segayes 
megacd jparkgJurassic Park (Germany)1994Segayesjpark
megacd jparkjJurassic Park (Japan)1994Segayesjpark
megacd jparkuJurassic Park (USA)1994Segayesjpark
megacd jparkupJurassic Park (USA, prototype)1993?Segayesjpark
megacd kamenrzoThe Masked Rider - Kamen Rider ZO (USA)1994Segayes 
megacd kamenrzojKamen Rider ZO (Japan)1994Toei Animationyeskamenrzo
megacd karaokeKaraoke - JVC CD+G Karaoke - Top Hit Sampler (USA)1993JVCyes 
megacd keioKeio Flying Squadron (Europe)1994JVCyes 
megacd keiodKeio Flying Squadron (Europe, demo) [Sega Pro CD - issue 03]1994JVCyeskeio
megacd keiojKeiou Yuugekitai (Japan)1993Victor Entertainmentyeskeio
megacd keiojdemoKeiou Yuugekitai Taikenban Hibaihin (Japan)1993Victor Entertainmentyeskeio
megacd keiouKeio Flying Squadron (USA)1995JVCyeskeio
megacd kidssiteKids on Site (Europe)1994Digital Picturesyes 
megacd kidssiteuKids on Site (USA)1994Digital Picturesyeskidssite
megacd kriskrosKris Kross (Europe)1993Sony Imagesoftyes 
megacd kriskrosuKris Kross (USA)1992Sony Imagesoftyeskriskros
megacd lawnmowrThe Lawnmower Man (USA)1994Sales Curve Interactiveyes 
megacd lawnmowrdThe Lawnmower Man (Europe, demo) [Mega Power - issue 16]1994Time Warner Interactiveyeslawnmowr
megacd le2Lethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters (Europe)1994Konamiyes 
megacd le2dLethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters (Europe, demo) [Mega Power - issue 19]1994Konamiyesle2
megacd le2jLethal Enforcers II - The Western (Japan)1994Konamiyesle2
megacd le2uLethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters (USA)1994Konamiyesle2
megacd lethalenLethal Enforcers (Europe)1993Konamiyes 
megacd lethalenjLethal Enforcers (Japan)1993Konamiyeslethalen
megacd lethalenuLethal Enforcers (USA)1993Konamiyeslethalen
megacd lethalenuaLethal Enforcers (USA, alt)1993Konamiyeslethalen
megacd linksLinks - The Challenge of Golf (USA)1994Virgin Interactiveyes 
megacd linksaLinks - The Challenge of Golf (USA, alt)1994Virgin Interactiveyeslinks
megacd loadstarLoadstar - The Legend of Tully Bodine (USA)1994Rocket Science Gamesyes 
megacd lodossLodoss Tou Senki - Eiyuu Sensou (Japan)1994Segayes 
megacd lodossdemoLodoss Tou Senki - Eiyuu Sensou - Record of Lodoss War (Japan, demo)1994Segayeslodoss
megacd lordthunLords of Thunder (Europe)1995Hudson Softyes 
megacd lordthunuLords of Thunder (USA)1995Segayeslordthun
megacd lunarLunar - The Silver Star (USA)1993Game Artsyes 
megacd lunar2Lunar - Eternal Blue (USA)1995Game Artsyes 
megacd lunar2jLunar - Eternal Blue (Japan, set 1)1994Game Artsyeslunar2
megacd lunar2jaLunar - Eternal Blue (Japan, set 3)1994Game Artsyeslunar2
megacd lunar2jbLunar - Eternal Blue (Japan, set 2)1994Game Artsyeslunar2
megacd lunar2jbonusLunar - Eternal Blue - Premium CD (Japan) [CD-Audio]1994Game Artsyeslunar2
megacd lunar2jdemoLunar - Eternal Blue Hibaihin Auto Demo (Japan)1994Game Artsyeslunar2
megacd lunarjLunar - The Silver Star (Japan)1992Game Artsyeslunar
megacd lunarjaLunar - The Silver Star (Japan, R2)1992Game Artsyeslunar
megacd lunarjbLunar - The Silver Star (Japan, R1M)1992Game Artsyeslunar
megacd maddogMad Dog McCree (USA)1993American Laser Gamesyes 
megacd maddog2Mad Dog II - The Lost Gold (USA)1994American Laser Gamesyes 
megacd mansionMansion of Hidden Souls (USA)1994Vic Tokaiyes 
megacd markoMarko's Magic Football (Europe)1994Domarkyes 
megacd markouMarko (USA, prototype)200?Good Deal Gamesyesmarko

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