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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.275 - Released: 2025-02-25T16:05:29 - Machines: 47951 - rom: 358656 - disk: 1371 - Lists: 719 - Software: 139138 - rom: 235544 - disk: 11325

list name & description  
software name & description  
288 Softwares, page 1 / 2

neogeo 2020bb2020 Super Baseball (set 1)1991SNK / Pallasyes 
neogeo 2020bba2020 Super Baseball (set 2)1991SNK / Pallasyes2020bb
neogeo 2020bbh2020 Super Baseball (set 3)1991SNK / Pallasyes2020bb
neogeo 3countb3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043 ~ NGH-043)1993SNKyes 
neogeo alpham2Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (NGM-007 ~ NGH-007)1991SNKyes 
neogeo alpham2pAlpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (prototype)1991SNKyesalpham2
neogeo androdunAndro Dunos (NGM-049 ~ NGH-049)1992SNKyes 
neogeo aodkAggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku (ADM-008 ~ ADH-008)1994ADK / SNKyes 
neogeo aofArt of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (NGM-044 ~ NGH-044)1992SNKyes 
neogeo aof2Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGM-056)1994SNKyes 
neogeo aof2aArt of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGH-056)1994SNKyesaof2
neogeo aof3Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden1996SNKyes 
neogeo aof3kArt of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior (Korean release)1996SNKyesaof3
neogeo b2bBang Bang Busters2001Viscoyes 
neogeo bakatonoBakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki (MOM-002 ~ MOH-002)1991Monolith Corp.yes 
neogeo bangbeadBang Bead2000Viscoyes 
neogeo bjourneyBlue's Journey / Raguy (ALM-001 ~ ALH-001)1990Alpha Denshi Co.yes 
neogeo bjourneyhBlue's Journey / Raguy (ALH-001)1990Alpha Denshi Co.yesbjourney
neogeo blazstarBlazing Star1998Yumekoboyes 
neogeo breakersBreakers1996Viscoyes 
neogeo breakrevBreakers Revenge1998Viscoyes 
neogeo bstarsBaseball Stars Professional (NGM-002)1990SNKyes 
neogeo bstars2Baseball Stars 21992SNKyes 
neogeo bstarshBaseball Stars Professional (NGH-002)1990SNKyesbstars
neogeo burningfBurning Fight (NGM-018 ~ NGH-018)1991SNKyes 
neogeo burningfhBurning Fight (NGH-018, US)1991SNKyesburningf
neogeo burningfpBurning Fight (prototype, older)1991SNKyesburningf
neogeo burningfpaBurning Fight (prototype, near final, ver 23.3, 910326)1991SNKyesburningf
neogeo burningfpbBurning Fight (prototype, newer, V07)1991SNKyesburningf
neogeo crswd2blCrossed Swords 2 (bootleg of CD version)1995bootlegyes 
neogeo crswordCrossed Swords (ALM-002 ~ ALH-002)1991Alpha Denshi Co.yes 
neogeo ct2k3saCrouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus (hack of The King of Fighters 2001, alternate)2003bootleg (Phenixsoft)yeskof2001
neogeo ct2k3spCrouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus (hack of The King of Fighters 2001)2003bootleg (Phenixsoft)yeskof2001
neogeo cthd2003Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (hack of The King of Fighters 2001)2003bootleg (Phenixsoft)yeskof2001
neogeo ctomadayCaptain Tomaday1999Viscoyes 
neogeo cyberlipCyber-Lip (NGM-010)1990SNKyes 
neogeo diggermaDigger Man (prototype)2000Kyle Hodgettsyes 
neogeo doubledrDouble Dragon (Neo-Geo)1995Technos Japanyes 
neogeo dragonshDragon's Heaven (development board)1997Faceyes 
neogeo eightmanEight Man (NGM-025 ~ NGH-025)1991SNK / Pallasyes 
neogeo etyphoonThe Eye of Typhoon (Tsunami Edition, beta 7)2022Balekyes 
neogeo etyphoon_aThe Eye of Typhoon (alpha)2018Balekyesetyphoon
neogeo etyphoon_b1The Eye of Typhoon (Tsunami Edition, beta 1)2022Balekyesetyphoon
neogeo etyphoon_b2The Eye of Typhoon (Tsunami Edition, beta 2)2022Balekyesetyphoon
neogeo etyphoon_b3The Eye of Typhoon (Tsunami Edition, beta 3)2022Balekyesetyphoon
neogeo etyphoon_b4The Eye of Typhoon (Tsunami Edition, beta 4)2022Balekyesetyphoon
neogeo etyphoon_b5The Eye of Typhoon (Tsunami Edition, beta 5)2022Balekyesetyphoon
neogeo etyphoon_b6The Eye of Typhoon (Tsunami Edition, beta 6)2022Balekyesetyphoon
neogeo fatfurspFatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (NGM-058 ~ NGH-058, set 1)1993SNKyes 
neogeo fatfurspaFatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (NGM-058 ~ NGH-058, set 2)1993SNKyesfatfursp
neogeo fatfury1Fatal Fury - King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu - Shukumei no Tatakai (NGM-033 ~ NGH-033)1991SNKyes 
neogeo fatfury2Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2 - Arata-naru Tatakai (NGM-047 ~ NGH-047)1992SNKyes 
neogeo fatfury3Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3 - Haruka-naru Tatakai (NGM-069 ~ NGH-069)1995SNKyes 
neogeo fbfrenzyFootball Frenzy (NGM-034 ~ NGH-034)1992SNKyes 
neogeo fightfevFight Fever / Wang Jung Wang (set 1)1994Viccomyes 
neogeo fightfevaFight Fever / Wang Jung Wang (set 2)1994Viccomyesfightfev
neogeo flipshotBattle Flip Shot1998Viscoyes 
neogeo froman2bIdol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (Neo-Geo, bootleg of CD version)1995bootlegyes 
neogeo fswordsFighters Swords (Korean release of Samurai Shodown III)1995SNKyessamsho3
neogeo galaxyfgGalaxy Fight - Universal Warriors1995Sunsoftyes 
neogeo ganryuGanryu / Musashi Ganryuki1999Viscoyes 
neogeo garouGarou - Mark of the Wolves (NGM-2530)1999SNKyes 
neogeo garoublGarou - Mark of the Wolves (bootleg)1999bootlegyesgarou
neogeo garouhGarou - Mark of the Wolves (NGM-2530 ~ NGH-2530)1999SNKyesgarou
neogeo garouhaGarou - Mark of the Wolves (NGH-2530)1999SNKyesgarou
neogeo garoupGarou - Mark of the Wolves (prototype)1999SNKyesgarou
neogeo ghostlopGhostlop (prototype)1996Data East Corporationyes 
neogeo gladmortGladMort (demo²)2024PixelHeartyes 
neogeo gladmort_d1GladMort (demo)2024PixelHeartyesgladmort
neogeo goalx3Goal! Goal! Goal!1995Viscoyes 
neogeo gowcaizrVoltage Fighter - Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer1995Technos Japanyes 
neogeo gpilotsGhost Pilots (NGM-020 ~ NGH-020)1991SNKyes 
neogeo gpilotshGhost Pilots (NGH-020, US)1991SNKyesgpilots
neogeo gpilotspGhost Pilots (prototype)1991SNKyesgpilots
neogeo gururinGururin1994Faceyes 
neogeo ironcladChoutetsu Brikin'ger / Iron Clad (prototype)1996Saurusyes 
neogeo ironcladoChoutetsu Brikin'ger / Iron Clad (prototype, bootleg)1996bootlegyesironclad
neogeo irrmazeThe Irritating Maze / Ultra Denryu Iraira Bou1997SNK / Saurusyes 
neogeo janshinJanshin Densetsu - Quest of Jongmaster1994Aicomyes 
neogeo jockeygpJockey Grand Prix (set 1)2001Sun Amusement / BrezzaSoftyes 
neogeo jockeygpaJockey Grand Prix (set 2)2001Sun Amusement / BrezzaSoftyesjockeygp
neogeo joyjoyPuzzled / Joy Joy Kid (NGM-021 ~ NGH-021)1990SNKyes 
neogeo kabukiklFar East of Eden - Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou - Shin Den1995Hudsonyes 
neogeo karnovrKarnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite1994Data East Corporationyes 
neogeo kf10thepThe King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (bootleg of The King of Fighters 2002)2005bootlegyeskof2002
neogeo kf2k2mpThe King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus (bootleg)2002bootlegyeskof2002
neogeo kf2k2mp2The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus II (bootleg)2002bootlegyeskof2002
neogeo kf2k2plaThe King of Fighters 2002 Plus (bootleg set 2)2002bootlegyeskof2002
neogeo kf2k2plsThe King of Fighters 2002 Plus (bootleg set 1)2002bootlegyeskof2002
neogeo kf2k3blThe King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg, set 1)2003bootlegyeskof2003
neogeo kf2k3blaThe King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg, set 2)2003bootlegyeskof2003
neogeo kf2k3plThe King of Fighters 2004 Plus / Hero (bootleg of The King of Fighters 2003)2003bootlegyeskof2003
neogeo kf2k3uplThe King of Fighters 2004 Ultra Plus (bootleg of The King of Fighters 2003)2003bootlegyeskof2003
neogeo kf2k5uniThe King of Fighters 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (bootleg of The King of Fighters 2002)2004bootlegyeskof2002
neogeo kizunaKizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle / Fu'un Super Tag Battle1996SNKyes 
neogeo kof10thThe King of Fighters 10th Anniversary (bootleg of The King of Fighters 2002)2002bootlegyeskof2002
neogeo kof2000The King of Fighters 2000 (NGM-2570 ~ NGH-2570)2000SNKyes 
neogeo kof2000nThe King of Fighters 2000 (not encrypted)2000SNKyeskof2000
neogeo kof2001The King of Fighters 2001 (NGM-262?)2001Eolith / SNKyes 
neogeo kof2001hThe King of Fighters 2001 (NGH-2621)2001Eolith / SNKyeskof2001
neogeo kof2002The King of Fighters 2002 (NGM-2650 ~ NGH-2650)2002Eolith / Playmoreyes 
neogeo kof2002bThe King of Fighters 2002 (bootleg)2002bootlegyeskof2002
neogeo kof2003The King of Fighters 2003 (NGM-2710, Export)2003SNK Playmoreyes 
neogeo kof2003hThe King of Fighters 2003 (NGH-2710)2003SNK Playmoreyeskof2003
neogeo kof2k4seThe King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (bootleg of The King of Fighters 2002)2004bootlegyeskof2002
neogeo kof94The King of Fighters '94 (NGM-055 ~ NGH-055)1994SNKyes 
neogeo kof95The King of Fighters '95 (NGM-084)1995SNKyes 
neogeo kof95aThe King of Fighters '95 (NGM-084, alt board)1995SNKyeskof95
neogeo kof95hThe King of Fighters '95 (NGH-084)1995SNKyeskof95
neogeo kof96The King of Fighters '96 (NGM-214)1996SNKyes 
neogeo kof96hThe King of Fighters '96 (NGH-214)1996SNKyeskof96
neogeo kof97The King of Fighters '97 (NGM-2320)1997SNKyes 
neogeo kof97hThe King of Fighters '97 (NGH-2320)1997SNKyeskof97
neogeo kof97kThe King of Fighters '97 (Korean release)1997SNKyeskof97
neogeo kof97oroThe King of Fighters '97 Chongchu Jianghu Plus 2003 (bootleg)1997bootlegyeskof97
neogeo kof97plsThe King of Fighters '97 Plus (bootleg)1997bootlegyeskof97
neogeo kof98The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (NGM-2420)1998SNKyes 
neogeo kof98aThe King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (NGM-2420, alt board)1998SNKyeskof98
neogeo kof98hThe King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (NGH-2420)1998SNKyeskof98
neogeo kof98kThe King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Korean board, set 1)1998SNKyeskof98
neogeo kof98kaThe King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Korean board, set 2)1998SNKyeskof98
neogeo kof99The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (NGM-2510)1999SNKyes 
neogeo kof99eThe King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (earlier)1999SNKyeskof99
neogeo kof99hThe King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (NGH-2510)1999SNKyeskof99
neogeo kof99kThe King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Korean release)1999SNKyeskof99
neogeo kof99kaThe King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Korean release, non-encrypted program)1999SNKyeskof99
neogeo kof99pThe King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (prototype)1999SNKyeskof99
neogeo kogKing of Gladiator (bootleg of The King of Fighters '97)1997bootlegnokof97
neogeo kotmKing of the Monsters (set 1)1991SNKyes 
neogeo kotm2King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (NGM-039 ~ NGH-039)1992SNKyes 
neogeo kotm2aKing of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (older)1992SNKyeskotm2
neogeo kotm2pKing of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (prototype)1992SNKyeskotm2
neogeo kotmhKing of the Monsters (set 2)1991SNKyeskotm
neogeo lans2004Lansquenet 2004 (bootleg of Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad)1998bootlegyesshocktr2
neogeo lastbladThe Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2340)1997SNKyes 
neogeo lastbladhThe Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGH-2340)1997SNKyeslastblad
neogeo lastbld2The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2430 ~ NGH-2430)1998SNKyes 
neogeo lasthopeLast Hope2005NG:DEV.TEAMyes 
neogeo lastsoldThe Last Soldier (Korean release of The Last Blade)1997SNKyeslastblad
neogeo lbowlingLeague Bowling (NGM-019 ~ NGH-019)1990SNKyes 
neogeo legendosLegend of Success Joe / Ashita no Joe Densetsu1991SNK / Waveyes 
neogeo looptrisLooptris2021Blastaryes 
neogeo looptrspLooptris Plus2022Blastaryes 
neogeo lresortLast Resort1992SNKyes 
neogeo lresortpLast Resort (prototype)1992SNKyeslresort
neogeo magdrop2Magical Drop II1996Data East Corporationyes 
neogeo magdrop3Magical Drop III1997Data East Corporationyes 
neogeo maglordMagician Lord (NGM-005)1990Alpha Denshi Co.yes 
neogeo maglordhMagician Lord (NGH-005)1990Alpha Denshi Co.yesmaglord
neogeo mahretsuMahjong Kyo Retsuden (NGM-004 ~ NGH-004)1990SNKyes 
neogeo marukodqChibi Maruko-chan: Maruko Deluxe Quiz1995Takarayes 
neogeo matrimMatrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (NGM-2660 ~ NGH-2660)2003Noise Factory / Atlusyes 
neogeo matrimblMatrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (bootleg)2003bootlegyesmatrim
neogeo miexchngMoney Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger1997Faceyes 
neogeo minasanMinasan no Okagesamadesu! Dai Sugoroku Taikai (MOM-001 ~ MOH-001)1990Monolith Corp.yes 
neogeo moshougiShougi no Tatsujin - Master of Shougi1995ADK / SNKyes 
neogeo ms4plusMetal Slug 4 Plus (bootleg)2002bootlegyesmslug4
neogeo ms5plusMetal Slug 5 Plus (bootleg)2003bootlegyesmslug5
neogeo mslugMetal Slug - Super Vehicle-0011996Nazcayes 
neogeo mslug2Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (NGM-2410 ~ NGH-2410)1998SNKyes 
neogeo mslug3Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560)2000SNKyes 
neogeo mslug3aMetal Slug 3 (NGM-2560, earlier)2000SNKyesmslug3
neogeo mslug3b6Metal Slug 6 (bootleg of Metal Slug 3)2000bootlegyesmslug3
neogeo mslug3hMetal Slug 3 (NGH-2560)2000SNKyesmslug3
neogeo mslug4Metal Slug 4 (NGM-2630)2002Mega / Noise Factory / Playmoreyes 
neogeo mslug4hMetal Slug 4 (NGH-2630)2002Mega / Noise Factory / Playmoreyesmslug4
neogeo mslug5Metal Slug 5 (NGM-2680)2003SNK Playmoreyes 
neogeo mslug5bMetal Slug 5 (bootleg)2003bootlegyesmslug5
neogeo mslug5hMetal Slug 5 (NGH-2680)2003SNK Playmoreyesmslug5
neogeo mslugxMetal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (NGM-2500 ~ NGH-2500)1999SNKyes 
neogeo mutnatMutation Nation (NGM-014 ~ NGH-014)1992SNKyes 
neogeo nam1975NAM-1975 (NGM-001 ~ NGH-001)1990SNKyes 
neogeo nblktigerNeoBlack Tiger (demo)2020OzzyOuzoyes 
neogeo ncombatNinja Combat (NGM-009)1990Alpha Denshi Co.yes 
neogeo ncombathNinja Combat (NGH-009)1990Alpha Denshi Co.yesncombat
neogeo ncommandNinja Commando1992Alpha Denshi Co.yes 
neogeo neobombeNeo Bomberman1997Hudsonyes 
neogeo neocup98Neo-Geo Cup '98 - The Road to the Victory1998SNKyes 
neogeo neodriftNeo Drift Out - New Technology1996Viscoyes 
neogeo neomrdoNeo Mr. Do!1996Viscoyes 
neogeo neotrisNeoTRIS2020Chips on Steroidspartial 
neogeo ninjamasNinja Master's - Haoh-ninpo-cho1996ADK / SNKyes 
neogeo nitdNightmare in the Dark2000Eleven / Gavakingyes 
neogeo nitdblNightmare in the Dark (bootleg)2001bootlegyesnitd
neogeo overtopOver Top1996ADKyes 
neogeo panicbomPanic Bomber1994Eighting / Hudsonyes 
neogeo pbobbl2nPuzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again (Neo-Geo)1999Taito (SNK license)yes 
neogeo pbobblenPuzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo, NGM-083)1994Taitoyes 
neogeo pbobblenbPuzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo, bootleg)1994bootlegyespbobblen
neogeo pgoalPleasure Goal / Futsal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (NGM-219)1996Saurusyes 
neogeo pnyaaPochi and Nyaa (Ver 2.02)2003Aiky / Taitoyes 
neogeo pnyaaaPochi and Nyaa (Ver 2.00)2003Aiky / Taitoyespnyaa
neogeo popbouncPop 'n Bounce / Gapporin1997Video System Co.yes 
neogeo preisle2Prehistoric Isle 21999Yumekobo / Saurusyes 
neogeo pspikes2Power Spikes II (NGM-068)1994Video System Co.yes 
neogeo pulstarPulstar1995Aicomyes 
neogeo puzzldprPuzzle De Pon! R!1997Viscoyes 
neogeo puzzledpPuzzle De Pon!1995Viscoyes 
neogeo quizdai2Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo - Quiz Daisousa Sen Part 2 (NGM-042 ~ NGH-042)1992SNKyes 
neogeo quizdaisQuiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down (NGM-023 ~ NGH-023)1991SNKyes 
neogeo quizdaiskQuiz Salibtamjeong - The Last Count Down (Korean localized Quiz Daisousa Sen)1995SNK / Viccomyesquizdais
neogeo quizkofQuiz King of Fighters (SAM-080 ~ SAH-080)1995Saurus (SNK license)yes 
neogeo quizkofkQuiz King of Fighters (Korea)1996Saurus / Viccom (SNK license)yesquizkof
neogeo ragnagrdRagnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken1996Saurusyes 
neogeo rbff1Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (NGM-095 ~ NGH-095)1995SNKyes 
neogeo rbff1aReal Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (bug fix revision)1995SNKyesrbff1
neogeo rbff1kReal Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Korean release)1995SNKyesrbff1
neogeo rbff1kaReal Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Korean release, bug fix revision)1995SNKyesrbff1
neogeo rbff2Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - The Newcomers (NGM-2400)1998SNKyes 
neogeo rbff2hReal Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - The Newcomers (NGH-2400)1998SNKyesrbff2
neogeo rbff2kReal Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers (Korean release)1998SNKyesrbff2
neogeo rbffspecReal Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special1996SNKyes 
neogeo rbffspeckReal Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special (Korean release)1996SNKyesrbffspec
neogeo ridheroRiding Hero (NGM-006 ~ NGH-006)1990SNKyes 
neogeo ridherohRiding Hero (set 2)1990SNKyesridhero
neogeo roboarmyRobo Army1991SNKyes 
neogeo roboarmyaRobo Army (NGM-032 ~ NGH-032)1991SNKyes 
neogeo rotdRage of the Dragons (NGM-2640?)2002Evoga / Playmoreyes 
neogeo rotdhRage of the Dragons (NGH-2640?)2002Evoga / Playmoreyesrotd
neogeo s1945pStrikers 1945 Plus1999Psikyoyes 
neogeo samsh5spSamurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGM-2720)2004Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmoreyes 
neogeo samsh5sphSamurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGH-2720, 2nd release, less censored)2004Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmoreyessamsh5sp
neogeo samsh5sphoSamurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGH-2720, 1st release, censored)2004Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmoreyessamsh5sp
neogeo samshoSamurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGM-045)1993SNKyes 
neogeo samsho2Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen (NGM-063 ~ NGH-063)1994SNKyes 
neogeo samsho2kSaulabi Spirits / Jin Saulabi Tu Hon (Korean release of Samurai Shodown II, set 1)1994SNKyessamsho2
neogeo samsho2kaSaulabi Spirits / Jin Saulabi Tu Hon (Korean release of Samurai Shodown II, set 2)1994SNKyessamsho2
neogeo samsho3Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (NGM-087)1995SNKyes 
neogeo samsho3hSamurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (NGH-087)1995SNKyessamsho3
neogeo samsho4Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (NGM-222 ~ NGH-222)1996SNKyes 
neogeo samsho4kPaewang Jeonseol / Legend of a Warrior (Korean censored Samurai Shodown IV)1996SNKyessamsho4
neogeo samsho5Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700, set 1)2003Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmoreyes 
neogeo samsho5aSamurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700, set 2)2003Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmoreyessamsho5
neogeo samsho5bSamurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (bootleg)2003bootlegyessamsho5
neogeo samsho5hSamurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGH-2700)2003Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmoreyessamsho5
neogeo samshohSamurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGH-045)1993SNKyessamsho
neogeo savagereSavage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - Kakutou Sousei1995SNKyes 
neogeo sbpSuper Bubble Pop (MVS)2004Vektorlogicno 
neogeo sdodgebSuper Dodge Ball / Kunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu1996Technos Japanyes 
neogeo sengokuSengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGM-017 ~ NGH-017)1991SNKyes 
neogeo sengoku2Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 21993SNKyes 
neogeo sengoku3Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 1)2001Noise Factory / SNKyes 
neogeo sengoku3aSengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 2)2001Noise Factory / SNKyessengoku3
neogeo sengokuhSengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGH-017, US)1991SNKyessengoku
neogeo shocktr2Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad1998Saurusyes 
neogeo shocktroShock Troopers (set 1)1997Saurusyes 
neogeo shocktroaShock Troopers (set 2)1997Saurusyesshocktro
neogeo socbrawlSoccer Brawl (NGM-031)1991SNKyes 
neogeo socbrawlhSoccer Brawl (NGH-031)1991SNKyessocbrawl
neogeo sonicwi2Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 21994Video System Co.yes 

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