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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.275 - Released: 2025-02-25T16:05:29 - Machines: 47951 - rom: 358656 - disk: 1371 - Lists: 719 - Software: 139138 - rom: 235544 - disk: 11325

list name & description  
software name & description  
23 Softwares, page 1 / 1

nimbus bbcbasicBBC BASIC V1.00a1986Research Machinesyes 
nimbus genutilRM Nimbus General Utility Disk1987Research Machinesyes 
nimbus ibmmodeIBM Mode Software for Nimbus PC Rel.31989Research Machinesyes 
nimbus ibmmode261IBM Mode Software For Nimbus PC V2.611988Research Machinesyesibmmode
nimbus isvtk102Microsoft Windows ISV Toolkit Release 1.021986Microsoftyes 
nimbus nwftoolsNimbus Winchester Format Tools198?Research Machinesyes 
nimbus pprinterParallel Printer Driver Parallel Board For I/O Board Version V1.0G198?Research Machinesyes 
nimbus rmbasicRM BASIC V1.0F1985Research Machinesyes 
nimbus rmlogoRM LOGO V1.0D1985Research Machinesyes 
nimbus setpc290Release Disk SetPC V2.90 IBM Mode1989Research Machinesyes 
nimbus spdriverRM Nimbus Sketchpad Driver V1.0B1989Research Machinesyes 
nimbus steedSteed Ver 1.4A1985Solomon Systemsyes 
nimbus upgrd31RM Nimbus PC Upgrade Disk DOS 3.1 Rel 3.10.A1987Research Machinesyes 
nimbus welcomeMSDOS V3.10 System and Welcome Disk Release 3.10C1989Research Machinesyes 
nimbus welcome2MSDOS V3.10 System and Welcome Disk Release 3.02A 4.11.851985Research Machinesyeswelcome
nimbus welcomerdWelcome V3.00C + RAM Disk1989Research Machinesyeswelcome
nimbus win102saMicrosoft Windows Release 1.02 Stand Alone1986Research Machinesyes 
nimbus win103saMicrosoft Windows Release 1.03 Stand Alone1987Research Machinesyes 
nimbus win203Microsoft Windows 2.03 for Nimbus PC System1988Research Machinesyes 
nimbus win21pmMicrosoft Windows V2.1 Presentation Manager for Nimbus PC1861989Research Machinesyes 
nimbus win3saMicrosoft Windows 3 Standalone PC 1861990Research Machinesyes 
nimbus wordstarWordStar Rel. 3.30198?MicroPro Internationalyes 
nimbus xfercpmXferCPM V1.0A1985Research Machinesyes 

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