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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.269 - Released: 2024-08-27T22:29:32 - Machines: 47083 - rom: 353279 - disk: 1334 - Lists: 711 - Software: 138275 - rom: 234380 - disk: 11144

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72 Softwares, page 1 / 1

svision 2in12 in 1 - Block Buster + Cross High (Europe, USA)199?Supervisionyes 
svision 2in1a2 in 1 - Hash Blocks + Eagle Plan (Europe, USA)1992GTC Incyes 
svision alienAlien (Europe, USA)199?Supervisionyes 
svision balonfgtBalloon Fight (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision blockbusBlock Buster (Europe, USA)199?Supervisionyes 
svision brainpowBrain Power (Europe, USA)199?Supervisionyes 
svision bubbwrldBubble World1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision carrierCarrier (Europe, USA)199?Travellmateyes 
svision cavewondCave Wonders (Europe, USA)1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision challtnkChallenger Tank (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision chimeraChimera (Europe, USA)199?Supervisionyes 
svision chineschChinese Checkers1992Sachenyes 
svision classcasClassic Casino1993Bon Treasureyes 
svision climberClimber1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision crsshighCross High (Europe, USA)1991GTC Incyes 
svision crystbalCrystball (Europe, USA)1991Travellmateyes 
svision crystbalaCrystball (Europe, USA, earlier)1991Travellmateyescrystbal
svision danceblkDancing Block1992Thin Chen Enterpriseyes 
svision dheroDelta Hero (Europe, USA)1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision dreamwldDream World1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision eaglplanEagle Plan (Europe, USA)1992GTC Incyes 
svision earthdefEarth Defender (Europe, USA)1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision fatcraftFatal Craft (Europe, USA)1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision fcombatFinal Combat (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision fcombataFinal Combat (alt)1992Thin Chen Enterpriseyesfcombat
svision galaxyGalaxy Fighter (Europe, USA)1992Thin Chen Enterpriseyes 
svision galcrusGalactic Crusader (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision gpGrand Prix (Europe, USA)1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision happypHappy Pairs (Europe, USA)1992Sachenyes 
svision happyracHappy Race1992Sachenyes 
svision hashblocHash Blocks (Europe, USA)1991GTC Incyes 
svision herohawkHero Hawk1992Thin Chen Enterpriseyes 
svision herokidHero Kid (Europe, USA)1992Hartungyes 
svision honeybeeHoney Bee (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision jackylucJacky Lucky (Europe, USA)1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision jagbombrJaguar Bomber (Europe, USA)1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision johnadvJohn Adventure (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision jrnywestJourney to the West199?Watara?no 
svision jugglerJuggler (Europe, USA)1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision kabiislKabi Island - Gold in Island (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision kitchenwKitchen War1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision kungfustKung-Fu Street1993Thin Chen Enterpriseyes 
svision linearLinear Racing (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision maginxMagincross (Europe, USA)1992Thin Chen Enterpriseyes 
svision mattabltMatta Blatta (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision mjleitaiMahjang Leitai1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision olympictOlympic Trials (Europe, USA)1992Watarayes 
svision p52seaP-52 Sea Battle (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision pacboyPacBoy & Mouse (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision pacificbPacific Battle1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision penguinhPenguin Hideout (Europe, USA)1992Thin Chen Enterpriseyes 
svision policebuPolice Bust (Europe, USA)199?Bon Treasureyes 
svision popoteamPopo Team1992Sachenyes 
svision pyramidPyramid (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision recycledRecycle Design199?Hartungyes 
svision sblockSuper Block (Europe, USA)1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision scaffoldScaffolder1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision skongSuper Kong (Europe, USA)1992Thin Chen Enterpriseyes 
svision soccerchSoccer Champion (Europe, USA)199?Hartungyes 
svision sonnyxprSonny X'press199?unknownyes 
svision sonnyxpraSonny X'press (prototype)199?unknownyessonnyxpr
svision spangSuper Pang1992Sachenyes 
svision spcfghtrSpace Fighter1992Bon Treasureyes 
svision sssnakeSSSnake (Europe, USA)199?Watarayes 
svision tasacTasac 2010 (Europe, USA)1992Thin Chen Enterpriseyes 
svision tennis92Tennis Pro '92 (Europe, USA)1992B.I.T.S.yes 
svision thunterTreasure Hunter (Europe, USA, 1993)1993Watarayes 
svision thunteraTreasure Hunter (Europe, USA, 1992)1992Watarayesthunter
svision tshootThunder Shooting1992Thin Chen Enterpriseyes 
svision tvlinkTV-Link199?Watarayes 
svision untchbleUntouchable199?Bon Treasureyes 
svision wittycatWitty Cat199?Bon Treasureyes 

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