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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.267 - Released: 2024-06-27T17:09:36 - Machines: 46910 - rom: 352361 - disk: 1328 - Lists: 706 - Software: 138071 - rom: 233996 - disk: 11143

list name & description  
software name & description  
18 Softwares, page 1 / 1

to7_qd aigleorL'Aigle d'Or (bad?)1985Loricielsno 
to7_qd beacheadBeach Head1985France Image Logiciel (FIL)yes 
to7_qd bluewarBlue War1986Free Game Blotyes 
to7_qd erebusErebus1986EH Servicesyes 
to7_qd histheatHistoire de Theatre1985Free Game Blotyes 
to7_qd histheataHistoire de Theatre (alt)1985Free Game Blotyeshistheat
to7_qd karateKarate1985Infogramesyes 
to7_qd karateaKarate (alt)1985Infogramesyeskarate
to7_qd lasvegasLas Vegas1985Infogramesyes 
to7_qd malthaarLa Malediction de Thaar1986Coktel Visionyes 
to7_qd mbridgeMini Bridge1986Edition Informatique Logiciel (EDIL)yes 
to7_qd mbridgeaMini Bridge (alt)1986Edition Informatique Logiciel (EDIL)yesmbridge
to7_qd meurtatlMeurtres sur l'Atlantique1986Cobrasoftyes 
to7_qd minediamLa Mine aux Diamants1986Infogramesyes 
to7_qd poseidonPoseidon1985Coktel Visionno 
to7_qd sanpabloSan Pablo1985Coktel Visionyes 
to7_qd sydneyL'Affaire Sydney1986Infogramesyes 
to7_qd transferTransfer198?<unknown>yes 

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