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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.275 - Released: 2025-02-25T16:05:29 - Machines: 47951 - rom: 358656 - disk: 1371 - Lists: 719 - Software: 139138 - rom: 235544 - disk: 11325

list name & description  
software name & description  
37 Softwares, page 1 / 1

vc4000 airseabaLuftkampf/Seegefecht / Air/Sea Battle / Combat Aerien/Bataile Navale19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 backgammBackgammon / Jacquet19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 blckjackBlackjack19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 bowlingBowling/Kegeln / Bowling/Ninepins / Yeux Quilles19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 boxingBoxkampf / Boxing Match / Match De Boxe19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 carracesAutorennen / Car Races / Course Automobile19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 casinoCasino19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 chessSchach / Chess / Les Echecs19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 chess2Schach II / Chess II / Les Echecs II19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 circusCircus / Cirque19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 cockpitCockpit19??<unknown>yes 
vc4000 draughtsDame / Draughts / Dames19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 golfGolf19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 hippodroHippodrom / Hippodrome19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 huntingJagd / Hunting / Chasse19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 hyperspaHyperspace / Hyperespace19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 intel1Intelligenz I / Intelligence I19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 intel2Intelligenz II / Intelligence II19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 intel3Intelligenz III / Intelligence III19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 invadersWeltrauminvasoren / Invaders / Invaseur De L'Espace19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 mathema1Mathematik I / Mathematics I / Mathematique I19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 mathema2Mathematik II / Mathematics II / Mathematique II19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 memory1Memory I/Motivsuche / Memory I/Flag Capture / Memory I/Recherche De Motifs19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 memory2Memory II / Melodie/Melody / Simon19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 metropolMetropolis / Hangman19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 mnstrmanMonster-Man19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 motoxMotocross19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 outerscKrieg im Weltraum / Outer Space Combat / Guerre Dans L'Espace19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 paddlegBallspiele / Paddle Games / Jeux De Balle19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 pinballFlipper / Pinball19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 reversiIntelligenz IV/Attacke (Reversi) / Intelligence IV/Attack (Reversi) / Intelligence IV/Attaque (Reversi)19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 soccerFussball / Soccer / Football1979Intertonyes 
vc4000 solitairSolitär / Solitaire19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 superinvSuper Invaders / Super Invaders / Super Envahisseurs19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 suprspacSuper-Space19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 tbattlePanzerschlacht/Luftkampf / Tank Battle/Air Battle / Bataille De Blindes/Combat Aerien19??Intertonyes 
vc4000 winterspWintersport / Winter Sports / Sports D'Hiver19??Intertonyes 

Try MAME-AO. Easiest way to use MAME. Automatically download and place all required files on the fly.

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