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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.274 - Released: 2025-01-29T18:38:09 - Machines: 47853 - rom: 358079 - disk: 1360 - Lists: 719 - Software: 138973 - rom: 235320 - disk: 11309

list name & description  
software name & description  
1765 Softwares, page 8 / 8

apple2_flop_orig zork1r88bZork I (Release 88 / 840726-B)1984Infocomyes 
apple2_flop_orig zork1r88fZork I (Release 88 / 840726-F)1984Infocomyes 
apple2_flop_orig zork1r88kZork I (Release 88 / 840726-K)1984Infocomyes 
apple2_flop_orig zork2r7Zork II (Revision 7 / UG3AU5)1981Infocomyes 
apple2_flop_orig zorkiiir10Zork III (Release 10 / 820818)1982Infocomyes 
apple2_flop_orig zorkiiir15Zork III (Release 15 / 830331)1982Infocomyes 
apple2_flop_orig zorkiiir16aZork III (Release 16 / 830410-A)1983Infocomyes 
apple2_flop_orig zorkiiir17bZork III (Release 17 / 840727-B)1983Infocomyes 
apple2_flop_orig zorkiiir17kZork III (Release 17 / 840727-K)1983Infocomyes 
apple2_flop_orig zorkiir22Zork II (Release 22 / 830331)1983Infocomyes 
apple2_flop_orig zorkiir48bZork II (Release 48 / 840904-B)1984Infocomyes 
apple2_flop_orig zorkzeroZork Zero (version 14)1989Infocomyes 
apple2_flop_orig zorroZorro1985Datasoftyes 
apple2_flop_orig zoyonpat10Zoyon Patrol (version 1.0)1987MECCyes 
apple2_flop_orig zyheartsZykron Hearts1986Zykron Companyyes 

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