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1313 Softwares, page 3 / 6

msx1_cass headaliaHead Alignment Kit (Europe, alt)1985Aackosoftyesheadali
msx1_cass headoverHead Over Heels (Europe)1987Ocean Softwareyes 
msx1_cass headoveraHead Over Heels (Europe, alt)1987Ocean Softwareyesheadover
msx1_cass headoversHead Over Heels (Spain)1987Erbe Softwareyesheadover
msx1_cass heatseekHeat Seeker - Missil (Spain)1988Mind Games Españayes 
msx1_cass heistThe Heist (Europe)1985Aackosoftyes 
msx1_cass herculesHercules - Slayer of the Damned (Europe)1988Gremlin Graphicsyes 
msx1_cass herenciaLa Herencia (Spain)1987Idealogicyesinherit
msx1_cass heretherHere & There with the Mr. Men (Europe)1985Mirrorsoftyes 
msx1_cass heroH.E.R.O. (Europe)1984Activisionyes 
msx1_cass hfoxHurry Fox - Yuki no Maou hen (Japan)1985Micro Cabinyes 
msx1_cass hhouseHaunted House (Europe)1988Eurosoftyes 
msx1_cass hhouseaHaunted House (Europe, alt)1988Eurosoftyeshhouse
msx1_cass highwayHighway Encounter (Spain)1985Dinamic Softwareyes 
msx1_cass hnchbackHunchback (Europe)1984Ocean Softwareyes 
msx1_cass hnchbackaHunchback (Europe, alt)1984Ocean Softwareyeshnchback
msx1_cass hopperHopper (Europe)1986Eaglesoftyes 
msx1_cass hostagesHostages (Spain, hacked by Martos)1990Erbe Softwareyes 
msx1_cass hotshoeHot Shoe (Europe)1984Longman Softwareyes 
msx1_cass howardHoward the Duck (Europe)1987Activisionyes 
msx1_cass humphreyHumphrey (Europe, Mr. Micro)1984Mr. Microyes 
msx1_cass humphreyaHumphrey (Europe, Mr. Micro, alt)1984Mr. Microyeshumphrey
msx1_cass humphrezHumphrey (Spain, Zigurat Software)1988Zigurat Softwareyes 
msx1_cass humphrezaHumphrey (Spain, Zigurat Software, alt)1988Zigurat Softwareyeshumphrez
msx1_cass hundraHundra (Spain)1988Dinamic Softwareyes 
msx1_cass hundraaHundra (Spain, alt)1988Dinamic Softwareyeshundra
msx1_cass huntredThe Hunt for Red October (Europe)1988Grandslam Entertainmentsyes 
msx1_cass hustlerHustler (Europe)1984Bubble Bus Softwareyes 
msx1_cass hx10smplToshiba Home Computer HX-10 Sample Program (Europe)1984?Toshibayes 
msx1_cass hydlideHydlide (Japan)1985T&E Softyes 
msx1_cass hydlideaHydlide (Japan, alt)1985T&E Softyeshydlide
msx1_cass hypeHype (Netherlands)1987Methodic Solutionsyesstarbust
msx1_cass hypsysHypsys (Europe)1989Dro Softyes 
msx1_cass hypsysaHypsys (Europe, alt)1989Dro Softyeshypsys
msx1_cass iceIce (Europe)1986Eaglesoftyes 
msx1_cass icebreakIce-Breaker (Spain)1990Erbe Softwareyes 
msx1_cass icekingThe Ice King (Europe)1986CDS Micro Systemsyes 
msx1_cass ideatypeIdea Type - Instructor Mecanografico (Spain)1985Idealogicyes 
msx1_cass iglooIgloo (Spain)1985Garbi Softyes 
msx1_cass ikInternational Karate (Europe)1986Endurance Gamesyes 
msx1_cass ikaInternational Karate (Europe, alt)1986Endurance Gamesyesik
msx1_cass ikbInternational Karate (Europe, alt 2)1986Endurance Gamesyesik
msx1_cass illusionIllusions (France)1985Nice Ideasyes 
msx1_cass impetusImpetus2021Inufutoyes 
msx1_cass incaInca (Europe)1987Eaglesoftyes 
msx1_cass incaaInca (Europe, alt)1987Eaglesoftyesinca
msx1_cass indyIndiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Europe)1987U.S. Goldyes 
msx1_cass indycrusIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Spain)1989Erbe Softwareyes 
msx1_cass indycrusaIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Spain, alt)1989Erbe Softwareyesindycrus
msx1_cass ingridbckIngrid's Back (United Kingdom)1988Level 9 Computingyes 
msx1_cass ingridbckcIngrid's Back (United Kingdom, cracked)1988Level 9 Computingyesingridbck
msx1_cass inheritThe Inheritance (Europe)1987Infogramesyes 
msx1_cass intrepidIntrepido (Spain)1988Mind Games Españayes 
msx1_cass intromsxIntroduzione al Basic MSX Toshiba (Italy)198?Toshibayes 
msx1_cass invadersInvaders (Europe)1986Livewire Softwareno 
msx1_cass invasionInvasion (Europe, 64K)1987Bulldogyes 
msx1_cass invasionaInvasion (Europe, 64K, alt)1987Bulldogyesinvasion
msx1_cass invierteInvierte y Gana (Spain)1986Idealogicyes 
msx1_cass ironwarIron of the War (Spain)198?Mind Games Españayes 
msx1_cass italia90World Cup Italia 90 (Spain)1989Dro Softyes 
msx1_cass j2cearthJourney to the Centre of the Earth (Europe)1985Bug-Byte Softwareyes 
msx1_cass jabatoJabato (Spain)1989Aventuras ADyes 
msx1_cass jackcityJackson City (Spain)1990G.LL. Softwareyes 
msx1_cass jacknipJack the Nipper (Europe)1986Gremlin Graphicsyes 
msx1_cass jacknip2Jack the Nipper II - In Coconut Capers (Europe)1987Gremlin Graphicsyes 
msx1_cass jacknipaJack the Nipper (Europe, alt)1986Gremlin Graphicsyesjacknip
msx1_cass jaialaiJai Alai (Spain)1991Opera Softyes 
msx1_cass jawsJaws (Spain?)1989A.M.H.yes 
msx1_cass jetbombJet Bomber (Europe)1985Aackosoftyes 
msx1_cass jetbombaJet Bomber (Europe, alt)1985Aackosoftyesjetbomb
msx1_cass jetfaackJet Fighter (Europe, Aackosoft)1985Aackosoftyes 
msx1_cass jetfaack1Jet Fighter (One player version) (Europe, Aackosoft)1985Aackosoftyesjetfaack
msx1_cass jetfightJet Fighter (Europe, Eurosoft)1988Eurosoftyes 
msx1_cass jetfightaJet Fighter (Europe, Eurosoft, alt)1988Eurosoftyesjetfight
msx1_cass jetfightbJet Fighter (Europe, Eurosoft, alt 2)1988Eurosoftyesjetfight
msx1_cass jetsetwJet Set Willy (Europe)1984Software Projectsno 
msx1_cass jetsetw2Jet Set Willy II - The Final Frontier (Europe)1985Software Projectsyes 
msx1_cass jetsetw2hJet Set Willy II - The Final Frontier (Europe, hacked protection)1985Software Projectsyesjetsetw2
msx1_cass jeweldrkJewels of Darkness (Europe)1986Level 9 Computingyes 
msx1_cass jeweldrkaJewels of Darkness (Europe, alt)1986Level 9 Computingyesjeweldrk
msx1_cass joebladeJoe Blade (Europe)1989Players Softwareyes 
msx1_cass juegue01Juegue con su MSX - Issue 01 - Carr 2000 (Spain)198?Grupo de Trabajo Softwareyes 
msx1_cass juegue01aJuegue con su MSX - Issue 01 - Carr 2000 (Spain, alt)198?Grupo de Trabajo Softwareyesjuegue01
msx1_cass juegue02Juegue con su MSX - Issue 02 - Alpha Centauro (Spain)1987Grupo de Trabajo Softwareyes 
msx1_cass juegue03Juegue con su MSX - Issue 03 - Bumpy (Spain)1987Grupo de Trabajo Softwareyes 
msx1_cass juegue07Juegue con su MSX - Issue 07 - Robber (Spain)1987Grupo de Trabajo Softwareyes 
msx1_cass jueintelJuegos de Inteligencia (Spain)1985Advancepartial 
msx1_cass jumpjackJumping Jack (Europe)1986Livewire Softwareyes 
msx1_cass jumpjetJump Jet (Europe)1985Anirogyes 
msx1_cass jungwarrJungle Warrior (Spain)1990Zigurat Softwareyes 
msx1_cass jwldrk1Jewels of Darkness I - Colossal Adventure (United Kingdom)1984Level 9 Computingyes 
msx1_cass jwldrk1aJewels of Darkness I - Colossal Adventure (United Kingdom, alt)1984Level 9 Computingyesjwldrk1
msx1_cass jwldrk2Jewels of Darkness II - Adventure Quest (United Kingdom)1984Level 9 Computingyes 
msx1_cass jwldrk3Jewels of Darkness III - Dungeon Adventure (United Kingdom)1984Level 9 Computingyes 
msx1_cass kamikazeKamikaze (Japan)1984Omega Systemyes 
msx1_cass karatekaKarateka (Spain)1990Dro Softyes 
msx1_cass katoriseKatori Senso (Japan)1984UCHUDOyes 
msx1_cass kerulenKe Rulen los Petas (Spain)1989MCM Softwareyes 
msx1_cass kerulenaKe Rulen los Petas (Spain, alt loader, bad?)1989MCM Softwareyeskerulen
msx1_cass keystoneKeystone Kapers (United Kingdom)1984Activisionyes 
msx1_cass keystoneaKeystone Kapers (United Kingdom, alt)1984Activisionyeskeystone
msx1_cass khazzadKhazzad-Dum (Spain)1989System 4yes 
msx1_cass kingballKing & Balloon (Europe)1988Bug-Byte Softwareyes 
msx1_cass kingleonKing Leonard (Spain)1986Mind Games Españayes 
msx1_cass kingsizeKing Size - 50 Games in One Pack (Europe)1986Robtek Softwareno 
msx1_cass klaxKlax (Europe)1990Domarkyes 
msx1_cass knighostKnight Ghost (Spain)1987Dro Softyes 
msx1_cass knightlrKnight Lore (Europe)1985Ultimate Play The Gameyes 
msx1_cass knightymKnight Tyme (Europe)1986Mastertronic Added Dimensionyes 
msx1_cass knigtorcKnight Orc (Europe)1987Rainbird Softwareyes 
msx1_cass knigtorch1Knight Orc (Europe, hacked protection)1987Rainbird Softwareyesknigtorc
msx1_cass knigtorch2Knight Orc (Europe, hacked protection 2)1987Rainbird Softwareyesknigtorc
msx1_cass knockout3D Knockout (Europe)1985Alligata Softwareyes 
msx1_cass kongKong (Europe)1988Eurosoftyes 
msx1_cass kongrevKong's Revenge (Spain)1991Zigurat Softwareyes 
msx1_cass krakoutKrakout (Europe)1987Gremlin Graphicsyes 
msx1_cass krakoutaKrakout (Europe, alt)1987Gremlin Graphicsyeskrakout
msx1_cass kromKrom - El Guerrero Invencible (Spain)1989OMK Softwareyes 
msx1_cass kryptonKrypton (Spain)1986Manhattan Transferyes 
msx1_cass kset01K'set - Issue 01 (Spain)1985Ediciones y Textosyes 
msx1_cass kset02K'set - Issue 02 (Spain)1985Ediciones y Textosyes 
msx1_cass kubusKubus (Europe)1985Kuma Computersyes 
msx1_cass kumafortKuma Forth (Europe)1984Kuma Computersyes 
msx1_cass kumafortaKuma Forth (Europe, alt)1984Kuma Computersyeskumafort
msx1_cass kumalogoKuma Logo (Europe)1984Kuma Computersyes 
msx1_cass kumalogoaKuma Logo (Europe, alt)1984Kuma Computersyeskumalogo
msx1_cass laberintLaberinto (Spain)1985Advanceyes 
msx1_cass lancelotLancelot (United Kingdom)1988Mandarin Softwareyes 
msx1_cass lastdungLast Dungeon (Spain)198?Grupo de Trabajo Softwareyes 
msx1_cass lastmissThe Last Mission (Spain)1987Opera Softyes 
msx1_cass lazerbykLazer Bykes (Europe)1985PSSyes 
msx1_cass lazerbykaLazer Bykes (Europe, alt)1985PSSyeslazerbyk
msx1_cass lazerbykbLazer Bykes (Europe, alt 2)1985PSSyeslazerbyk
msx1_cass lazyjonLazy Jones (Europe)1985Terminal Softwareyes 
msx1_cass lazyjonaLazy Jones (Europe, alt)1985Terminal Softwareyeslazyjon
msx1_cass lazyjonbLazy Jones (Europe, alt 2)1985Terminal Softwareyeslazyjon
msx1_cass legendLegend (Spain)1988MCM Softwareyes 
msx1_cass legendsLegends (Spain)1989Mind Games Españayes 
msx1_cass lemansLe Mans (Europe)1984Electric Softwareyes 
msx1_cass lemansaLe Mans (Europe, alt)1984Electric Softwareyeslemans
msx1_cass lengegb7Lenguaje 7º E.G.B. (Spain)1985Santillanayes 
msx1_cass lengegb8Lenguaje 8º E.G.B. (Spain)1985Santillanayes 
msx1_cass lenmaqxLenguaje Maquina - Issue unknown (Spain)19??Audimicroyes 
msx1_cass lesflicsLes Flics (Europe, bad dump?)1985PSSno 
msx1_cass lesflicsaLes Flics (Europe, bad dump?, alt)1985PSSnolesflics
msx1_cass letscompLet's Computer (Japan)1984Mel Softwareyes 
msx1_cass lic2killLicence to Kill (Europe)1989Domarkyes 
msx1_cass licantroLicantropo (Spain)1986Onakiyesknightlr
msx1_cass liebreLa Liebre y la Tortuga (Spain)1985Advanceyes 
msx1_cass liftLift2021Inufutoyes 
msx1_cass lightcorThe Light Corridor (Spain)1991Erbe Softwareyes 
msx1_cass listing1Listings 1 (Netherlands)1985Salasanyes 
msx1_cass listing2Listings 2 (Netherlands)1985Salasanyes 
msx1_cass livings2Livingstone II (Europe)1989Opera Softyes 
msx1_cass livingstLivingstone Supongo (Spain)1986Opera Softyes 
msx1_cass livingstaLivingstone Supongo (Spain, alt loader)1986Opera Softyeslivingst
msx1_cass lizardLizard (Japan)1985Micro Cabinyes 
msx1_cass lordwatsLord Watson (Spain)198?MSX Clubyes 
msx1_cass lornaLorna (Spain)1990Erbe Softwareyes 
msx1_cass loteriapLoteria Primitiva (Spain)198?Manhattan Transferyes 
msx1_cass loteriapaLoteria Primitiva (Spain, alt)198?Manhattan Transferyesloteriap
msx1_cass lpengrphLight Pen Graphic v1.0 (Japan)1984Sanyono 
msx1_cass lsafaryLady Safari (Spain)1988OMK Softwareno 
msx1_cass lucesglrLas Tres Luces de Glaurung (Spain)1986Erbe Softwareyes 
msx1_cass m47M-47 Combate de blindados (Spain)1986Edisoftyes 
msx1_cass macadamMacadam Bumper (Europe)1985Players Softwareyes 
msx1_cass macadamaMacadam Bumper (Europe, alt)1985Players Softwareyesmacadam
msx1_cass macadambMacadam Bumper (Europe, alt 2)1985Players Softwareyesmacadam
msx1_cass macattacMac Attack (Europe)1986Eaglesoftyes 
msx1_cass macrossMacross Countdown (Europe)198?Eaglesoftyes 
msx1_cass madespaMade in Spain - 5 Estrellas (Spain)1985Zigurat Softwareyes 
msx1_cass madfoxMad-Fox (Spain)1986Manhattan Transferyes 
msx1_cass madmixMad Mix Game (Spain)1988Erbe Softwareyes 
msx1_cass madmix2Mad Mix 2 - En el Castillo de los Fantasmas (Spain)1990Topo Softyes 
msx1_cass magicjbbMagic Johnson's Basketball (Spain)1990Dro Softyes 
msx1_cass magicpinMagic Pinball (Spain)1987OMK Softwareyes 
msx1_cass mamboMambo (Spain)1989Positiveyes 
msx1_cass mamboaMambo (Spain, alt)1989Positiveyesmambo
msx1_cass mandragoreMandragore (United Kingdom)1986Infogramesyes 
msx1_cass mandragrfMandragore (France)1986Infogramesyesmandragore
msx1_cass mandragrfaMandragore (France, alt)1986Infogramesyesmandragore
msx1_cass manesManes (Spain)1984Philips Spainyes 
msx1_cass manicminManic Miner (Europe)1984Software Projectsyes 
msx1_cass manicminaManic Miner (Europe, alt)1984Software Projectsyesmanicmin
msx1_cass mapgameMap Game (Spain)1985Erbe Softwareyes 
msx1_cass mappyMappy (Europe)1984Bug-Byte Softwareyes 
msx1_cass marciansMarcianos (Spain)1986Manhattan Transferyes 
msx1_cass marsongoMarude Son Goku (Japan)1984Mel Softwareyes 
msx1_cass martianMartianoids (Europe)1987Ultimate Play The Gameyes 
msx1_cass mask2Mask II (Europe)1987Gremlin Graphicsyes 
msx1_cass mask3Mask III - Venom Strikes Back (Europe)1988Gremlin Graphicsyes 
msx1_cass mastchesMaster Chess (Europe)1987Mastertronicyes 
msx1_cass mastchesaMaster Chess (Europe, alt)1987Mastertronicyesmastches
msx1_cass mastlampMaster of the Lamps (Europe)1985Activisionyes 
msx1_cass mastvoicMastervoice Wordstore (Europe)1985Aackosoftyes 
msx1_cass matchda2Match Day II (Europe)1987Ocean Softwareyes 
msx1_cass mathsinvMaths Invaders (Europe)1985Aackosoftyes 
msx1_cass mathsinvaMaths Invaders (Europe, alt)1985Aackosoftyesmathsinv
msx1_cass maximaMaxima (Europe)1984PSSyes 
msx1_cass maximaaMaxima (Europe, alt)1984PSSyesmaxima
msx1_cass mayhemMayhem (Europe)1985Mr. Microyes 
msx1_cass mazemastMaze Master (Europe)1988Eurosoftyes 
msx1_cass mazemaxMaze Max (France)1985Loricielsyes 
msx1_cass mazesunlMazes Unlimited (Europe)1986Eaglesoftyes 
msx1_cass mdroidM-Droid (Europe)198?Blue Ribbon Softwareyes 
msx1_cass mdroidaM-Droid (Europe, alt)198?Blue Ribbon Softwareyesmdroid
msx1_cass meanstreMean Streets (Europe)198?Kuma Computersyes 
msx1_cass mecomMecom (Spain)1988Iber Softyes 
msx1_cass megachesMega Chess (Spain)1988MCM Softwareyes 
msx1_cass meganovaMeganova (Spain)1988Dinamic Softwareyes 
msx1_cass meganovaaMeganova (Spain, 2 sides)1988Dinamic Softwareyesmeganova
msx1_cass megaphxMegaphoenix (Europe)1991Dinamic Softwareyes 
msx1_cass mejor01Mejor Software MSX - Issue 01 - Guss en la Atlantida (Spain)1985Creativos Editorialesyes 
msx1_cass mejor01aMejor Software MSX - Issue 01 - Guss en la Atlantida (Spain, alt)1985Creativos Editorialesnomejor01
msx1_cass memoryMemory - C.04 (Netherlands)1985Computer Users Clubyes 
msx1_cass mephiusLegends of Star Arthur - Planet Mephius (Japan)1985T&E Softyes 
msx1_cass merlinMerlin (Spain)1987Mind Games Españayes 
msx1_cass metropolMetropolis (Spain)1989Erbe Softwareyes 
msx1_cass michelMichel Futbol Master (Europe)1989Dinamic Softwareyes 
msx1_cass michelsMichel Futbol Master + Super Skills (Spain)1989Dinamic Softwareyesmichel
msx1_cass midearthWar in Middle Earth (Spain)1989Dro Softyes 
msx1_cass mikegunnMike Gunner (Spain)1988Dinamic Softwareno 
msx1_cass milkraceMilk Race (Europe)1987Mastertronicyes 
msx1_cass milkraceaMilk Race (Europe, alt)1987Mastertronicyesmilkrace
msx1_cass minderMinder (United Kingdom)1985DK'Tronicsyes 
msx1_cass minemachMiner Machine (Europe)1987Eaglesoftyes 
msx1_cass minemachaMiner Machine (Europe, alt)1987Eaglesoftyesminemach
msx1_cass minemachbMiner Machine (Europe, alt 2)1987Eaglesoftyesminemach
msx1_cass minigolfMini-Golf (Spain)1984Advanceyes 
msx1_cass misionesMision en España (Spain)1986Mind Games Españayes 
msx1_cass misionreMision Rescate 2 - Secuencias Temporales (Spain)1986Sony Spainyes 
msx1_cass mistniloEl Misterio del Nilo (Spain)1987Zigurat Softwareyes 
msx1_cass mistniloaEl Misterio del Nilo (Spain, alt)1987Zigurat Softwareyesmistnilo
msx1_cass moleculeMolecule Man (Europe)1986Mastertronicyes 
msx1_cass moleculeaMolecule Man (Europe, alt)1986Mastertronicyesmolecule
msx1_cass monopolyMonopoly (Europe)1986Leisure Geniusyes 
msx1_cass moonridrMoon Rider (Europe)1986Eaglesoftyes 
msx1_cass moonwalkMoonwalker - The Computer Game (Europe)1989U.S. Goldno 
msx1_cass moonwalkaMoonwalker - The Computer Game (Europe, alt)1989U.S. Goldnomoonwalk
msx1_cass mortade2Mortadelo y Filemón II - Mortadelo y Filemon en Caceria de Pollos (Spain)1990Dro Softyes 
msx1_cass mortadelMortadelo y Filemon (Spain)1988Dro Softyes 
msx1_cass motMot (Spain)1989Opera Softyes 
msx1_cass mountbikMountain Bike Racer (Europe)1990Positiveyes 
msx1_cass mountbiksMountain Bike Racer (Spain)1990Positiveyesmountbik
msx1_cass mountbiksaMountain Bike Racer (Spain, alt)1990Positiveyesmountbik
msx1_cass mpc100Introducing the Sanyo MPC-100 Micro (Europe)1985Sanyoyes 
msx1_cass mrjawsMister Jaws (Netherlands)1987Eaglesoftyes 
msx1_cass mrmenFirst Steps with the Mr. Men (Europe)1985Mirrorsoftyes 
msx1_cass mrwongMr. Wong's Loopy Laundry (Spain)1984Sony Spainyes 
msx1_cass mrwongaMr. Wong's Loopy Laundry (Spain, alt)1984Sony Spainyesmrwong

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