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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.264 - Released: 2024-03-25T16:22:50 - Machines: 46695 - rom: 351237 - disk: 1324 - Lists: 713 - Software: 137489 - rom: 233279 - disk: 11064

list name & description  
software name & description  
37 Softwares, page 1 / 1

pet_flop 1001demoCommodore SFD-1001 Floppy Disk Drive Test/Demo Disk198?Commodoreyes 
pet_flop 1001demoaCommodore SFD-1001 Test/Demo198?Commodoreyes1001demo
pet_flop 2040demoCommodore 2040 Floppy Disk Drive Test/Demo Disk197?Commodoreyes 
pet_flop 2040demov1Commodore 2040 Floppy Disk Drive Test/Demo Disk (DOS v1)197?Commodoreyes2040demo
pet_flop 8280blnkBlank Formatted Commodore 8280 Diskette1981<Commodore>yes 
pet_flop apshaidTemple of Apshai1979Automated Simulationsyes 
pet_flop assortedAssorted PET software198?<unknown>yes 
pet_flop bioterorBioTerror!2011Jason Growyes 
pet_flop brightstA Bright Shining Star2022Genesis Projectyes 
pet_flop bumblebeBumblebee PET2012Cosineyes 
pet_flop datestonThe Datestones of Ryn A Microquest1979Automated Simulationsyes 
pet_flop dealertsCBM Dealer Tests198?<unknown>yes 
pet_flop diag35Diagnostic (v3.5)198?<unknown>yes 
pet_flop escapedEscape from the Death Planet1979Fantasy Games Softwareyes 
pet_flop galaxydGalaxy!1981Microcomputer Games, Inc.yes 
pet_flop geckosGeckOS/A65 (v2.0)1999André Fachatyes 
pet_flop goceliakGoceliak Test Mods198?<unknown>yes 
pet_flop hardboxHardBox Utilities1981Small Systems Engineeringyes 
pet_flop hellfireHellfire Warrior1980Automated Simulationsyes 
pet_flop hsgdemoCBM 8000 High Speed Graphics Demos2012Steve Grayyes 
pet_flop mapscapsMaps and Capitals1978Solomonyes 
pet_flop oriondInvasion Orion1979Automated Simulationsyes 
pet_flop petassPET Assembler197?<unknown>yes 
pet_flop petbokPET-BOOK 80001982Datatronicyes 
pet_flop petentPET-ENT 80001982Datatronicyes 
pet_flop petgenPET-GEN 80001982Datatronicyes 
pet_flop petlevPET-LEV 80001983Datatronicyes 
pet_flop petspeedPetspeed1982Small Systems Engineeringyes 
pet_flop softboxSoftBox CP/M 2.2 Distribution Disk1981Small Systems Engineeringyes 
pet_flop spieleSpiele (Ger)198?<unknown>yes 
pet_flop statesThe States1978Solomonyes 
pet_flop superdskSuper DiskDoc1986Precision Softwareyes 
pet_flop techdiskTechdisk198?<unknown>yes 
pet_flop tunvkatmTunnel Vision and Cat and Mouse1978Solomonyes 
pet_flop visicalcVisiCalc1981Software Artsyes 
pet_flop visicalc80VisiCalc (8050 Version)1981Software Artsyesvisicalc
pet_flop zramZ-RAM CP/M Version 2.21982Madison Computeryes 

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