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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.265 - Released: 2024-04-23T21:34:29 - Machines: 46750 - rom: 351491 - disk: 1325 - Lists: 714 - Software: 137832 - rom: 233686 - disk: 11065

list name & description  
software name & description  
33 Softwares, page 1 / 1

timex_dock androidAndroids1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock backgammBackgammon1983Sinclair Researchno 
timex_dock budgeterBudgeter1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock casino1Casino11983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock chessChess1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock crazybugCrazy Bugs1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock etoolkiteToolkit (Toolkit EPROM)19??<unknown>no 
timex_dock fsimFlight Simulator1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock gyrussGyruss1984Parker Softwareno 
timex_dock horaceHungry Horace1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock horacespHorace & the Spiders1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock jediReturn Of The Jedi - Death Star Battle1984Parker Softwareno 
timex_dock jupitaceJupiter ACE Emulator1985Paul Farrowno 
timex_dock locomotnLoco Motion1984Parker Softwareno 
timex_dock montezumMontezuma's Revenge1984Parker Softwareno 
timex_dock mtermMTERM - Smart Terminal Program1983Westridge Communicationsno 
timex_dock penetratPenetrator1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock pinballPro Pinball1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock planetPlanetoids1983Sinclair Researchno 
timex_dock popeyePopeye1984Parker Softwareno 
timex_dock qbertQ*Bert1984Parker Softwareno 
timex_dock rwp32rWP3219??<unknown>no 
timex_dock spaceraiSpace Raiders1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock starwarsStar Wars - The Arcade Game1984Parker Softwareno 
timex_dock statecapStates and Capitals1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock superhzdSuper Hot-Z Disassembler v2.51 (AROS)19??Ray Kingsleyno 
timex_dock swordfgtSwordfight1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock tasword2Tasword II1983Tasman Softwareno 
timex_dock timewordTimeWord1986TMX Portugalno 
timex_dock unicornShadow of the Unicorn1985Mikro-Genno 
timex_dock vucalcVU-Calc1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock vufileVU-File1983Timex Computerno 
timex_dock zebraosZebra OS 641985Zebra Systemsno 

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