Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom | Clone | Sample |
nes_srpg5in1 | NES Cart Super RPG 5 in 1 PCB | | | | | |
nes_ss88006 | NES Cart Jaleco SS88006 PCB | | | | | |
nes_studyngame | NES Cart Study n Game PCB | | | | | |
nes_subor0 | NES Cart Subor Type 0 PCB | | | | | |
nes_subor1 | NES Cart Subor Type 1 PCB | | | | | |
nes_subor2 | NES Cart Subor Type 2 PCB | | | | | |
nes_suborkey | Subor FC Keyboard | | | | | |
nes_sun1 | NES Cart Sunsoft 1 PCB | | | | | |
nes_sun2 | NES Cart Sunsoft 2 PCB | | | | | |
nes_sun3 | NES Cart Sunsoft 3 PCB | | | | | |
nes_sun4 | NES Cart Sunsoft 4 PCB | | | | | |
nes_sun5 | NES Cart Sunsoft 5A/5B PCB | | | | | |
nes_svision16 | NES Cart Supervision 16 in 1 PCB | | | | | |
nes_sxrom | NES Cart SxROM (MMC-1) PCB | | | | | |
nes_szrom | NES Cart SZROM (MMC-1) PCB | | | | | |
nes_t230 | NES Cart T-230 PCB | | | | | |
nes_t262 | NES Cart T-262 PCB | | | | | |
nes_tam_s1 | NES Cart Irem TAM-S1 PCB | | | | | |
nes_taptapmat | IGS Tap-tap Mat | | | | | |
nes_tc0190fmc | NES Cart Taito TC0190FMC PCB | | | | | |
nes_tc0190pal | NES Cart Taito TC0190FMC + PAL16R4 PCB | | | | | |
nes_tca01 | NES Cart Sachen TCA-01 PCB | | | | | |
nes_tcu01 | NES Cart Sachen TCU-01 PCB | | | | | |
nes_tcu02 | NES Cart Sachen TCU-02 PCB | | | | | |
nes_tech9in1 | NES Cart Techline 9 in 1 PCB | | | | | |
nes_tengen032 | NES Cart Tengen 800032 PCB | | | | | |
nes_tengen037 | NES Cart Tengen 800037 PCB | | | | | |
nes_tetrisfam | NES Cart RCM Tetris Family 9 in 1 PCB | | | | | |
nes_tf1201 | NES Cart UNL-TF1201 PCB | | | | | |
nes_th21311 | NES Cart UNL-TH2131-1 PCB | | | | | |
nes_tobidase | NES Cart Tobidase Daisakusen Pirate PCB | | | | | |
nes_tqrom | NES Cart TQROM PCB | | | | | |
nes_turbofile | ASCII Turbofile Backup RAM | | | | | |
nes_txc_22110 | NES Cart TXC 01-22110-000 PCB | | | | | |
nes_txc_22211 | NES Cart TXC 22211 PCB | | | | | |
nes_txc_comm | NES Cart TXC Cart Commandos PCB | | | | | |
nes_txc_dumarc | NES Cart TXC Du Ma Racing PCB | | | | | |
nes_txc_mjblock | NES Cart TXC Mahjong Block PCB | | | | | |
nes_txc_strikew | NES Cart TXC 01-22000-400 PCB | | | | | |
nes_txc_tw | NES Cart TXC Thunder Warrior PCB | | | | | |
nes_txrom | NES Cart TxROM (MMC-3) PCB | | | | | |
nes_txsrom | NES Cart TxSROM PCB | | | | | |
nes_un1rom | NES Cart UN1ROM PCB | | | | | |
nes_unrom512 | NES Cart Sealie UNROM 512 PCB | | | | | |
nes_uxrom | NES Cart UxROM PCB | | | | | |
nes_uxrom_cc | NES Cart UNROM M5 (Crazy Climber) PCB | | | | | |
nes_vaus | Taito Arkanoid Vaus Controller (NES) | | | | | |
nes_vausfc | Taito Arkanoid Vaus Controller (FC) | | | | | |
nes_vboyctrl | Nintendo Virtual Boy Controller | | | | | |
nes_vrc1 | NES Cart Konami VRC-1 PCB | | | | | |
nes_vrc2 | NES Cart Konami VRC-2 PCB | | | | | |
nes_vrc3 | NES Cart Konami VRC-3 PCB | | | | | |
nes_vrc4 | NES Cart Konami VRC-4 PCB | | | | | |
nes_vrc6 | NES Cart Konami VRC-6 PCB | | | | | |
nes_vrc7 | NES Cart Konami VRC-7 PCB | | | | | |
nes_vt02_vt03_soc | VT02/03 series System on a Chip (NTSC) | | | | | |
nes_vt02_vt03_soc_pal | VT02/03 series System on a Chip (PAL) | | | | | |
nes_vt02_vt03_soc_pal_scram | VT02/03 series System on a Chip (PAL, with simple Opcode scrambling) | | | | | |
nes_vt02_vt03_soc_scram | VT02/03 series System on a Chip (NTSC, with simple Opcode scrambling) | | | | | |
nes_vt09_soc | VT09 series System on a Chip (NTSC) | | | | | |
nes_vt32_soc | VT32 series System on a Chip (FP) (NTSC) | | | | | |
nes_vt32_soc_pal | VT32 series System on a Chip (FP) (PAL) | | | | | |
nes_vt369_soc | VT369 series System on a Chip | | | | | |
nes_vt369_soc_swap | VT369 series System on a Chip (with opcode swapping) | | | | | |
nes_vt5201 | NES Cart VT5201 PCB | | | | | |
nes_vtunknown_soc_bt | VTxx series System on a Chip (BT) | | | | | |
nes_vtunknown_soc_cy | VTxx series System on a Chip (CY) | | | | | |
nes_vtunknown_soc_dg | VTxx series System on a Chip (DG) | | | | | |
nes_vtunknown_soc_fa | VTxx series System on a Chip (Family Pocket) | | | | | |
nes_waixing_a | NES Cart Waixing Type A PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_a1 | NES Cart Waixing Type A (Alt) PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_b | NES Cart Waixing Type B PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_c | NES Cart Waixing Type C PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_d | NES Cart Waixing Type D PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_dq8 | NES Cart Waixing Dragon Quest VIII PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_e | NES Cart Waixing Type E PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_f | NES Cart Waixing Type F PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_f1 | NES Cart Waixing Type F1 PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_ffv | NES Cart Waixing Final Fantasy V PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_fs304 | NES Cart Waixing FS-304 PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_g | NES Cart Waixing Type G PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_h | NES Cart Waixing Type H PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_h1 | NES Cart Waixing Type H (Alt) PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_i | NES Cart Waixing Type I PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_j | NES Cart Waixing Type J PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_sec | NES Cart Waixing Security Chip PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_sgz | NES Cart Waixing San Guo Zhi PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_sgzlz | NES Cart Waixing San Guo Zhong Lie Zhuan PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_sh2 | NES Cart Waixing SH2 PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_wxzs | NES Cart Waixing Wai Xing Zhan Shi PCB | | | | | |
nes_waixing_wxzs2 | NES Cart Waixing Wai Xing Zhan Shi 2 PCB | | | | | |
nes_x1_005 | NES Cart Taito X1-005 PCB | | | | | |
nes_x1_017 | NES Cart Taito X1-017 PCB | | | | | |
nes_xiaozy | NES Cart Xiao Zhuan Yuan PCB | | | | | |
nes_yoko | NES Cart Yoko PCB | | | | | |
nes_yung08 | NES Cart Super Mario Bros. 2 YUNG-08 PCB | | | | | |
nes_zapper | Nintendo Zapper Lightgun | | | | | |
nes_zapper_sensor | Nintendo Zapper Lightgun Photodiode | | | | | |
nes_zemina | NES Cart Zemina PCB | | | | | |
nes_zgdh | NES Cart Zhongguo Daheng PCB | | | | | |
nes_zz | NES Cart PAL-ZZ PCB | | | | | |
nesapu | RP2A0X APU | | | | | |
nesm8 | M8 Game Selectable Working Product Display (US, set 1) | 1986 | Nintendo | | | |
nesm8a | M8 Game Selectable Working Product Display (US, set 2) | 1986 | Nintendo | nesm8 | nesm8 | |
nesm8b | M8 Game Selectable Working Product Display (US, set 3) | 1986 | Nintendo | nesm8 | nesm8 | |
nespal | Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL) | 1987 | Nintendo | nes | nes | |
netchu02b | Netchuu Pro Yakyuu 2002 (NPY1 Ver. B) | 2002 | Namco | netchu02c | netchu02c | |
netchu02c | Netchuu Pro Yakyuu 2002 (NPY1 Ver. C) | 2002 | Namco | sys246 | | |
netlist_core | Netlist Core Device | | | | | |
netlist_cpu | Netlist CPU Device | | | | | |
netlist_sound | Netlist Sound Device | | | | | |
netmerc | Sega NetMerc | 1993 | Sega | | | |
nettoqc | Nettoh Quiz Champion (Japan) | 1995 | Nakanihon | | | |
netwars | Net Wars | 1983 | Orca (Esco Trading Co license) | | | |
nevada | VLC Nevada | 1995 | VLC Inc. | | | |
nevadafw | Nevada (French, encrypted) | 198? | <unknown> | | | |
new2001 | New 2001 (Italy, Ver. 200N) | 2000 | Subsino | | | |
newapunk | New Atomic Punk - Global Quest (US) | 1992 | Irem America | bbmanw | bbmanw | |
newbrain | NewBrain AD | 1981 | Grundy Business Systems Ltd | | | |
newbrain_eim | NewBrain EIM | | | | | |
newbrain_expansion_slot | NewBrain expansion port | | | | | |
newbrain_fdc | NewBrain FDC | | | | | |
newbraina | NewBrain A | 1981 | Grundy Business Systems Ltd | newbrain | newbrain | |
newbrainmd | NewBrain MD | 1981 | Grundy Business Systems Ltd | newbrain | newbrain | |
newcanasta | New Canasta | 2010 | Marsaplay | | | |
newdixie | New Dixieland (Bingo) | 19?? | Seeben (Belgium) | | | |
newfant | New Fantasia (1995 copyright) | 1995 | Comad & New Japan System | | | |
newfanta | New Fantasia (1994 copyright) | 1994 | Comad & New Japan System | newfant | newfant | |
newhilop | New Hi-Low Poker | 19?? | Song Won? | | | |
newhunter | New HUNTer | 1992 | Karam | tisub | tisub | |
newhunterb | New HUNTer (bootleg, set 1) | 1993 | bootleg | tisub | tisub | |
newhunterc | New HUNTer (bootleg, set 2) | 1993 | bootleg | tisub | tisub | |
newhunterd | New HUNTer (bootleg, set 3) | 1993 | bootleg | tisub | tisub | |
newmcard | New Magic Card | 2000 | High Video | | | |
newpuc2 | Newpuc2 (set 1) | 1980 | hack | puckman | puckman | |
newpuc2b | Newpuc2 (set 2) | 1980 | hack | puckman | puckman | |
newpuckx | New Puck-X | 1980 | hack | puckman | puckman | |
news | News (set 1) | 1993 | Poby / Virus | | | |
news_hid_hle | Sony NEWS Keyboard and Mouse (HLE) | | | | | |
newsa | News (set 2) | 1993 | Poby | news | news | |
newsin7 | New Sinbad 7 (set 1) | 1983 | ATW USA, Inc. | | | |
newsin7a | New Sinbad 7 (set 2) | 1982 | ATW USA, Inc | newsin7 | newsin7 | |
newtangl | New Tropical Angel | 1983 | Irem | troangel | troangel | |
newtiger | New Tiger | 200? | High Video | | | |
newtnotp | Newton Notepad (prototype) | 1992 | Apple Computer | | | |
newtonmp | Newton MessagePad | 1993 | Apple Computer | | | |
newufo | New UFO Catcher (standard) | 1991 | Sega | | | |
newufo_nfl | New UFO Catcher (Team NFL) | 1991 | Sega | newufo | newufo | |
newufo_sonic | New UFO Catcher (Sonic The Hedgehog) | 1991 | Sega | newufo | newufo | |
newufo_xmas | New UFO Catcher (Christmas season ROM kit) | 1991 | Sega | newufo | newufo | |
newwave | New Wave | 1985 | Bell Games | blakpyra | blakpyra | genpin |
newxpang | New Cross Pang (set 1) | 1999 | F2 System | | | |
newxpanga | New Cross Pang (set 2) | 1999 | F2 System | newxpang | newxpang | |
next | NeXT Computer | 1987 | Next Software Inc | | | |
nextc | NeXTcube | 1990 | Next Software Inc | nexts | nexts | |
nextct | NeXTcube Turbo | 1992 | Next Software Inc | nextst | nextst | |
nextctc | NeXTcube Turbo Color | 1992 | Next Software Inc | nextst | nextst | |
nextfase | Next Fase (bootleg of Phoenix) | 1981 | bootleg (Petaco S.A.) | phoenix | phoenix | |
nextkbd | NeXT Keyboard | | | | | |
nextmo | NeXT Magneto-optical drive | | | | | |
nexts | NeXTstation | 1990 | Next Software Inc | | | |
nexts2 | NeXTstation (X15 variant) | 1990 | Next Software Inc | nexts | nexts | |
nextsc | NeXTstation Color | 1990 | Next Software Inc | nexts | nexts | |
nextst | NeXTstation Turbo | 1990 | Next Software Inc | | | |
nextstc | NeXTstation Turbo Color | 1990 | Next Software Inc | nextst | nextst | |
nf_08x | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (0.8X) | 1995 | Williams | nf_23x | nf_23x | |
nf_10f | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (1.0F) | 1995 | Williams | nf_23x | nf_23x | |
nf_20 | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (2.0) | 1995 | Williams | nf_23x | nf_23x | |
nf_22 | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (2.2) | 1995 | Williams | nf_23x | nf_23x | |
nf_23 | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (2.3) | 1995 | Williams | nf_23x | nf_23x | |
nf_23f | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (2.3F) | 1995 | Williams | nf_23x | nf_23x | |
nf_23x | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (2.3X) | 1995 | Williams | | | |
nf500a | NF500A | 1985 | China State-owned 830 Factory | | | |
nfb96 | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.63, C1 PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | | | |
nfb96a | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.62, C1 PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96b | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.54, D PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96c | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.62, DK PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96d | New Fruit Bonus '96 (v3.1, A PCB, set 1) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96e | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.61a, C1 PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96f | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.61a, DK PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96g | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.61, DK PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96h | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.60, DK PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96i | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.53, D PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96j | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.40, D PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96k | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v97-3.3c, D PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96l | New Fruit Bonus '96 (v97-3.1c, B PCB) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96m | New Fruit Bonus '96 (v3.1, A PCB, set 2) | 1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96se | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (bootleg set 1, v97-3.3c Portuguese) | 1996 | bootleg | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96sea | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (bootleg set 2, v97-3.3c English) | 1996 | bootleg | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96seb | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (bootleg set 3, v97-3.3c Portuguese) | 1996 | bootleg | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96sec | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (bootleg set 4, v97-3.3c English) | 1996 | bootleg | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfb96txt | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v1.22 Texas XT, C2 PCB) | 2000 | Amcoe | nfb96 | nfb96 | |
nfl | NFL (CPU 1.01, display A1.02) | 2001 | Stern | | | genpin |
nflclsfb | NFL Classic Football (US, NCF3 Ver.A.) | 2003 | Namco / Metro | | | |
nflfoot | NFL Football | 1983 | Bally Midway | | | |
nfm | New Fruit Machine (Ming-Yang Electronic, vFB02-07A) | 2003 | Ming-Yang Electronic | | | |
nfma | New Fruit Machine (Ming-Yang Electronic, vFB02-01A) | 2003 | Ming-Yang Electronic | nfm | nfm | |
nforcepc | Nvidia nForce PC (CRUSH11/12) | 2002 | Nvidia | | | |
nfs | Need for Speed - 4 Cab Link (2 Discs) (v1.0.1 Rev B) | 2003 | Global VR | | | |
nfsgt | Need for Speed GT (Hard Drive+2 Discs) (v1.1.0 Rev C) | 2004 | Global VR | | | |
nfsug | Need For Speed: Underground Install (2 Discs) (v1.1) | 2005 | Global VR | | | |
ng_cmc_prot | Neo Geo CMC42/CMC40 Protection | | | | | |
ng_cthd_prot | Neo Geo CTHD Protection (bootleg) | | | | | |
ng_fatfury_prot | Neo Geo Fatal Fury 2 Protection | | | | | |
ng_kof2002_prot | Neo Geo KoF 2002 Protection | | | | | |
ng_kof2k3bl_prot | Neo Geo KoF 2003 Bootleg Protection | | | | | |
ng_kof98_prot | Neo Geo KoF 98 Protection | | | | | |
ng_memcard | NeoGeo Memory Card | | | | | |
ng_mslugx_prot | Neo Geo Metal Slug X Protection | | | | | |
ng_mv1 | Neo-Geo MV-1 | 1990 | SNK | neogeo | | |
ng_mv1f | Neo-Geo MV-1F | 1990 | SNK | ng_mv1 | ng_mv1 | |
ng_mv1fz | Neo-Geo MV-1FZ | 1990 | SNK | ng_mv1 | ng_mv1 | |
ng_mv2f | Neo-Geo MV-2F | 1990 | SNK | neogeo | | |
ng_mv4f | Neo-Geo MV-4F | 1990 | SNK | neogeo | | |
ng_pcm2_prot | Neo Geo NEOPCM2 Protection | | | | | |
ng_pvc_prot | Neo Geo PVC Protection | | | | | |
ng_sma_prot | Neo Geo SMA Protection | | | | | |
ngalsumr | Night Gal Summer (Japan 850702 NGS 0-01) | 1985 | Nichibutsu | | | |
ngbc | NeoGeo Battle Coliseum | 2005 | Sammy / SNK Playmore | awbios | | |
ngbcj | NeoGeo Battle Coliseum (Japan) | 2005 | Sammy / SNK Playmore | ngbc | ngbc | |
ngboot_prot | Neo Geo Bootleg Protection(s) | | | | | |
ngdup23a | Naomi DIMM Firmware Updater (2.13) (GDS-0023A) | 2001 | Sega | naomigd | | |
ngdup23c | Naomi DIMM Firmware Updater (2.17) (GDS-0023C) | 2001 | Sega | naomigd | | |
ngdup23e | Naomi DIMM Firmware Updater (3.17) (GDS-0023E) | 2001 | Sega | naomigd | | |
ngen | NGEN CP-001 | 1983 | Convergent Technologies | | | |
ngen_kb | NGEN Keyboard | | | | | |
ngenb38 | B28/38 | 1991 | Financial Products Corp. | ngen | ngen | |
ngg_10 | No Good Gofers (1.0) | 1997 | Williams | ngg_13 | ngg_13 | |
ngg_13 | No Good Gofers (1.3) | 1997 | Williams | | | |
ngg_p06 | No Good Gofers (p0.6) | 1997 | Williams | ngg_13 | ngg_13 | |
ngndshkr | Nitro Ground Shaker | 1980 | Bally | | | genpin |
ngold | Jack Potten's Poker (NGold, set 1) | 198? | <unknown> | pottnpkr | pottnpkr | |
ngolda | Jack Potten's Poker (NGold, set 2) | 198? | <unknown> | pottnpkr | pottnpkr | |
ngoldb | Jack Potten's Poker (NGold, set 3) | 198? | <unknown> | pottnpkr | pottnpkr | |
ngp | NeoGeo Pocket | 1998 | SNK | | | |
ngpc | NeoGeo Pocket Color | 1999 | SNK | ngp | ngp | |
ngpgal | Nekketsu Grand-Prix Gal (Japan) | 1991 | Nichibutsu | | | |
ngtbunny | Night Bunny (Japan 840601 MRN 2-10) | 1984 | Nichibutsu | | | |
ngtfever | Night Fever | 1979 | Sonic | bigtown | bigtown | genpin |
nhidctch | New Hidden Catch (World) / New Tul Lin Gu Lim Chat Ki '98 (Korea) (pcb ver 3.02) | 1999 | Eolith | | | |
nhomerun | NEW Moero!! Pro Yakyuu Homerun Kyousou | 1988 | Jaleco | | | homerun |
nibbler | Nibbler (rev 9, set 1) | 1982 | Rock-Ola | | | |
nibbler_sound | Rock-Ola Nibbler Sound | | | | | |
nibbler6 | Nibbler (rev 6) | 1982 | Rock-Ola | nibbler | nibbler | |
nibbler7 | Nibbler (rev 7) | 1982 | Rock-Ola | nibbler | nibbler | |
nibbler8 | Nibbler (rev 8) | 1982 | Rock-Ola | nibbler | nibbler | |
nibblera | Nibbler (rev 9, set 2) | 1982 | Rock-Ola | nibbler | nibbler | |
nibblero | Nibbler (rev 8, Olympia) | 1983 | Rock-Ola (Olympia license) | nibbler | nibbler | |
nibblerp | Nibbler (rev 6, Pioneer Balloon conversion) | 1982 | Rock-Ola | nibbler | nibbler | |
nicetsuk | Tsukkomi Yousei Gips Nice Tsukkomi (NTK1 Ver.A) | 2002 | Namco / Metro | | | |