Spludlow Mame Web Header

Spludlow MAME - Machine Search

MAME: 0.271 - Released: 2024-10-30T15:59:16 - Machines: 47358 - rom: 354314 - disk: 1336 - Lists: 717 - Software: 138541 - rom: 234702 - disk: 11183

name & description or rom SHA1   47358 Machines, page 181 / 190

v4cmazecThe Crystal Maze (v1.3 alt) (MPU4 Video)1993Barcrestv4cmazev4cmaze 
v4cmazedThe Crystal Maze (v1.1) (MPU4 Video)1993Barcrestv4cmazev4cmaze 
v4cmazedatThe Crystal Maze (v1.3, Datapak) (MPU4 Video)1993Barcrestv4cmazev4cmaze 
v4cshinfCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB   
v4cshinf3Cash Inferno (BWB) (Release 3) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinf3aCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 3) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfaCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 5p Fixed, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfbCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfdCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfeCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinffCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Showcase, Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfgCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfhCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Showcase) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfiCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfjCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Showcase, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfkCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinflCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfmCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfnCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token, Showcase) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfoCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfpCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfqCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfrCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfsCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfuCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cshinfwCash Inferno (BWB) (Release 4, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, All - Cash, Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4cshinfv4cshinf 
v4cybcasCyber Casino (Nova, German) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB (Nova license)   
v4dbltakDouble Take (BWB) (Release 4, Arcade Standard, 20p/25p Stake Key, £5/£10/£15 Prize Key) (MPU4 Video)1997BWB   
v4dbltakaDouble Take (BWB) (Release 4, Arcade Data, 20p/25p Stake Key, £5/£10/£15 Prize Key) (MPU4 Video)1997BWBv4dbltakv4dbltak 
v4dbltakbDouble Take (BWB) (Release 4, S_Site Data, 20p/25p Stake Key, £5/£10/£15 Prize Key, % Key) (MPU4 Video)1997BWBv4dbltakv4dbltak 
v4dealemDeal 'Em (MPU4 Conversion Kit, v7.0)1987Zenitone   
v4eyedwnEyes Down (v1.3) (MPU4 Video)199?Barcrestv4bios  
v4eyedwndEyes Down (v1.3, Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?Barcrestv4eyedwnv4eyedwn 
v4frfactFruit Factory (BWB) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4bios  
v4frfactaFruit Factory (BWB) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4frfactv4frfact 
v4frfactbFruit Factory (BWB) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4frfactv4frfact 
v4frfactcFruit Factory (BWB) (set 4) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4frfactv4frfact 
v4frfactdFruit Factory (BWB) (set 5) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4frfactv4frfact 
v4frfacteFruit Factory (BWB) (set 6) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4frfactv4frfact 
v4frfactfFruit Factory (BWB) (set 7) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4frfactv4frfact 
v4gldrshGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, All - Cash) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB   
v4gldrsh3Gold Rush (BWB) (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video)1994BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshaGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshbGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshcGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshdGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrsheGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshfGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshgGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshhGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshiGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshjGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshkGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, All - Cash) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshlGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 25p Fixed, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshmGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 25p Fixed, All - Cash) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshnGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/25p, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshoGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/25p, All - Cash) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshpGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshqGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshrGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshsGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/10p/5p, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshtGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, 20p Fixed, All - Cash) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4gldrshuGold Rush (BWB) (Release 8, Switchable 20p/10p/5p, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4gldrshv4gldrsh 
v4in1eg4 in 1 Electronic Games (VTech)1979VTech   
v4mateThe Mating Game (v0.4) (MPU4 Video)1996?Barcrestv4bios  
v4matedThe Mating Game (v0.4, Datapak) (MPU4 Video)1996?Barcrestv4matev4mate 
v4mazbelMazooma Belle (v2.5 DY, S/Site, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB   
v4mazbel15Mazooma Belle (v1.5, Arcade, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4mazbelv4mazbel 
v4mazbel15aMazooma Belle (v1.5 DY, Arcade, Cash+Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4mazbelv4mazbel 
v4mdiceMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 25p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1995BWB   
v4mdice5Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 5, Arcade Showcase, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdice6Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 6, Arcade Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdiceaMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 5p-£4 Cash - Fixed) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicebMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 10p-£4 Cash - Fixed) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicecMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 10p-£8 Token - Fixed) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicedMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 20p-£4 Cash - Fixed) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdiceeMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£4 Cash - Fixed) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicefMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicegMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Showcase, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicegerMiami Dice (Nova, German) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB (Nova license)v4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicehMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdiceiMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicejMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicekMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Showcase, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 5) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicelMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicemMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£8 Token - Fixed) (set 4) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicenMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 20p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdiceoMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 20p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicepMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdiceqMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicerMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 20p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicesMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 25p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicetMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 25p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdiceuMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 25p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicevMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 25p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4mdicewMiami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, Arcade Standard, 20p-£8 Cash - Fixed) (MPU4 Video)1995BWBv4mdicev4mdice 
v4megbukMegabucks Poker (BWB) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB   
v4megbukaMegabucks Poker (BWB) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4megbukv4megbuk 
v4megbukbMegabucks Poker (BWB) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4megbukv4megbuk 
v4megbukcMegabucks Poker (BWB) (set 4) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4megbukv4megbuk 
v4missisMississippi Lady (Nova, German) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB (Nova license)   
v4monteMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release D, S/Site Standard, 20p Switchable, £8 All Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB   
v4monte5Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 5, S/Site Standard, 20p Fixed, £8 All Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte5aMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 5, Arcade Special, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte5bMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 5, Arcade Special, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9Monte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, £8 All Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9aMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, £8 All Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9bMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9cMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, Arcade Special, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9dMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, Arcade Special, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9eMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9fMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, £10 All Cash) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9gMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, Arcade Special, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9hMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, Arcade Special, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9iMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9jMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, £10 All Cash) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9kMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, £10 All Cash) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9lMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 25p Fixed, £10 All Cash) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9mMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 25p Fixed, £10 All Cash) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9nMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Switchable, £10 All Cash) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monte9oMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release 9, S/Site Standard, Options 4 Cabinet, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteaMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release D, S/Site Standard, 20p Switchable, £10 All Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteaaMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 17) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteabMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 18) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteacMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 19) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteadMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 20) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteaeMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 21) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteafMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 22) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteagMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 23) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteahMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 24) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteaiMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 25) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteajMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 26) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteakMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 27) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montealMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 28) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteamMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 29) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteanMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 30) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteaoMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 31) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montebMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release B, S/Site Standard, 20p Fixed, £8 All Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montebaMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release B, Arcade Special, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montebbMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release B, Arcade Special, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montecMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release D, Arcade Special, 20p Fixed, Cash and Tokens) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montedMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release D, S/Site Standard, 20p Fixed, £10 All Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteeMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release D, S/Site Standard, 20p Switchable, Cash and Tokens) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montegMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release D, S/Site Standard, 25p Fixed, £10 All Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montegerMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (German) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montekMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montelMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montemMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 3) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montenMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 4) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteoMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 5) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montepMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 6) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteqMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 7) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monterMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 8) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montesMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 9) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montetMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 10) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteuMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 11) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montevMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 12) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montewMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 13) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montexMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 14) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4monteyMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 15) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montezMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 16) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4montezzMonte Carlo Or Bust (BWB) (Release ?, set 32) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4montev4monte 
v4opt3Option 3 (v1.0) (MPU4 Video)1991Barcrestv4bios  
v4opt3dOption 3 (v1.0) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)1991Barcrestv4opt3v4opt3 
v4ovrmn3Over Moon Pt3 (BWB) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB   
v4ovrmn3aOver Moon Pt3 (BWB) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4ovrmn3v4ovrmn3 
v4ovrmn3bOver Moon Pt3 (BWB) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4ovrmn3v4ovrmn3 
v4ovrmn3cOver Moon Pt3 (BWB) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4ovrmn3v4ovrmn3 
v4ovrmn3dOver Moon Pt3 (BWB) (20p Fixed, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4ovrmn3v4ovrmn3 
v4p895p3V4P895P3/SMT V5.0199?QDIibm5170ibm5170 
v4picdilPiccadilly Night (Nova, German) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB (Nova license)   
v4picdilaPiccadilly Night (Nova, German) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB (Nova license)v4picdilv4picdil 
v4picdilzPiccadilly Night (Nova, German) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB (Nova license)v4picdilv4picdil 
v4psiPrize Space Invaders (BWB IN2, £20, 50p/30p Play, 20" Version 1.1) (MPU4 Video)1991BWB   
v4psi14Prize Space Invaders (BWB IN2, £20, 50p/30p Play, 14" Version 1.1, set 1) (MPU4 Video)1991BWBv4psiv4psi 
v4psi14aPrize Space Invaders (BWB IN2, £20, 50p/30p Play, 14" Version 1.1, set 2) (MPU4 Video)1991BWBv4psiv4psi 
v4psibcPrize Space Invaders (BWB INV1, 50p/30p Play, Version 1.2) (MPU4 Video)1991BWB / Barcrestv4psiv4psi 
v4psibcdPrize Space Invaders (BWB INV1, 50p/30p Play, Version 1.2) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)1991BWB / Barcrestv4psiv4psi 
v4psidPrize Space Invaders (BWB IN2, £20, 50p/30p Play, 20" Version 1.1) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)1991BWBv4psiv4psi 
v4pztetPrize Tetris (BWB) (MPU4 Video)1994BWB   
v4pztetaPrize Tetris (BWB) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)1994BWBv4pztetv4pztet 
v4pztetbPrize Tetris (BWB) (Showcase) (MPU4 Video)1994BWBv4pztetv4pztet 
v4pztetcPrize Tetris (BWB) (Showcase) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)1994BWBv4pztetv4pztet 
v4quidgrTen Quid Grid (v1.2) (MPU4 Video)199?Barcrestv4bios  
v4quidgr2Ten Quid Grid (v2.4) (MPU4 Video)199?Barcrestv4quidgrv4quidgr 
v4quidgr2dTen Quid Grid (v2.4, Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?Barcrestv4quidgrv4quidgr 
v4quidgrdTen Quid Grid (v1.2, Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?Barcrestv4quidgrv4quidgr 
v4redhtpRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB   
v4redhtp2Red Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copyright, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1993BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtp2aRed Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1993BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtp2bRed Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1993BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtp2cRed Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1993BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtp2dRed Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1993BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtp2eRed Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1993BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtp2fRed Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1993BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtp2gRed Hot Poker (Release 2, 1993 copryight, 5p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1993BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtp2zRed Hot Poker (Release 2, 1992 copyright, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video)1992BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpaRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpaaRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpabRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fxed, All-Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtparcRed Hot Poker (Arcade, Cash+Tokens, 1993 Awards, 20p Fixed, Version 1.9) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpbRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpcRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpdRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpeRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpfRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpgRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtphRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpiRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpjRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 10p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpkRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtplRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpmRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpnRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpoRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtppRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpqRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtprRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpsRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtptRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpuRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpunkRed Hot Poker (unknown release) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpvRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, % Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpwRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpxRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpyRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4redhtpzRed Hot Poker (Release 3, 20p Switchable to 10p, Cash+Token, Datapak) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4redhtpv4redhtp 
v4rencasReno Casino (BWB) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB   
v4rencasaReno Casino (BWB) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4rencasv4rencas 
v4rencasbReno Casino (BWB) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4rencasv4rencas 
v4rencascReno Casino (BWB) (set 4) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4rencasv4rencas 
v4rencasdReno Casino (BWB) (set 5) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4rencasv4rencas 
v4rencaseReno Casino (BWB) (set 6) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4rencasv4rencas 
v4rencasfReno Casino (BWB) (set 7) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4rencasv4rencas 
v4rencasgReno Casino (BWB) (set 8) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4rencasv4rencas 
v4rencashReno Casino (BWB) (set 9) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4rencasv4rencas 
v4rencasiReno Casino (BWB) (set 10) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4rencasv4rencas 
v4renoReno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, All - Cash) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1996BWB   
v4reno5Reno Reels (Release 5) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4renov4reno 
v4reno7Reno Reels (Release 7) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4renov4reno 
v4reno8Reno Reels (Release 8, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4renov4reno 
v4renoaReno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, All - Cash) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4renov4reno 
v4renobReno Reels (Release A, 20p Switchable 20p/10p/5p, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4renov4reno 
v4renocReno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4renov4reno 
v4renodReno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4renov4reno 
v4renoeReno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4renov4reno 
v4renofReno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 1) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4renov4reno 
v4renogReno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Datapak) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4renov4reno 
v4renohReno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (Showcase) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4renov4reno 
v4renoiReno Reels (Release A, 20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4renov4reno 

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