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MAME: 0.271 - Released: 2024-10-30T15:59:16 - Machines: 47358 - rom: 354314 - disk: 1336 - Lists: 717 - Software: 138541 - rom: 234702 - disk: 11183

name & description or rom SHA1   47358 Machines, page 180 / 190

um82c481af386 motherboards using the UMC UM82C481AF chipset199?<unknown>ibm5170ibm5170 
um82c491f386 motherboard using the UMC UM82C491F chipset199?<unknown>ibm5170ibm5170 
um82c493f386 motherboards using the UMC UM82C491F + UM82C493F chipset or BIOTEQ equivalents199?<unknown>ibm5170ibm5170 
um8498f486 motherboards using the UMC UM8498F, UM8496F chipset199?<unknown>ibm5170ibm5170 
um8810paioUM8810 PAIO199?Elitegroupibm5170ibm5170 
um8886486 motherboards using the UMC UM8886/UM8881 chipset199?<unknown>ibm5170ibm5170 
umanclubUltraman Club - Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!!1992Banpresto   
umc6619_soundUMC UM6619 Sound Engine     
umc6650UMC UM6650 lockout chip     
umipokerUmi de Poker / Marine Paradise (Japan, newer)1997World Station Co.,LTD   
umipokeraUmi de Poker / Marine Paradise (Japan, older)1997World Station Co.,LTDumipokerumipoker 
umk3Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2)1994Midway   
umk3r10Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.0)1994Midwayumk3umk3 
umk3r11Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.1)1994Midwayumk3umk3 
unclepooUncle Poo1983Diatec   
undefeatUnder Defeat (Japan) (GDL-0035)2005G.Revnaomigd  
undoukaiThe Undoukai (Japan)1984Taito Corporationfielddayfieldday 
undrfireUnder Fire (World)1993Taito Corporation Japan   
undrfirejUnder Fire (Japan)1993Taito Corporationundrfireundrfire 
undrfireuUnder Fire (US)1993Taito America Corporationundrfireundrfire 
uni386w386W 367C REV 1.0199?UNICHIPibm5170ibm5170 
uni4800486 motherboards using the UNI4800 chipset199?<unknown>ibm5170ibm5170 
uniap2enUnitron AP II (in English)1982Unitron Eletronicaapple2apple2 
uniap2ptUnitron AP II (in Brazilian Portuguese)1982Unitron Eletronicaapple2apple2 
uniap2tiUnitron AP II+ (Teclado Inteligente)1984Unitron Eletronicaapple2apple2 
unichampChampion 27111977Unisonic   
unicorndUnicorn Dreaming (0100791V, NSW/ACT)1999Aristocrataristmk5  
unicorndaUnicorn Dreaming (0100813V, NSW/ACT)1999Aristocratunicorndunicornd 
unicorndnzUnicorn Dreaming (0101228V, New Zealand)2000Aristocratunicorndunicornd 
unicornduUnicorn Dreaming (BHG1584, US)2001Aristocratunicorndunicornd 
unistarUnistar 200 Terminal198?Callan Data Systems   
unitronMac 5121985bootleg (Unitron)macplusmacplus 
uniwarsUniWar S1980Irem   
uniwarsaUniWar S (bootleg)1980bootleg (Karateco)uniwarsuniwars 
uniwb4407486 WB 4407 REV 1.0199?UNICHIPibm5170ibm5170 
unk1682unknown VT1682-based 101-in-1 handheld (PAL)200?<unknown>   
unk2019hhunknown VTxx based GameBoy style handheld (2019 PCB)2019<unknown>   
unk2020hhunknown VTxx based GameBoy style handheld (2020 PCB)2020<unknown>unk2019hhunk2019hh 
unk820501unknown Cirsa slot machine on 820501 A PCB1982?Cirsa   
unk960606unknown 960606-5 based machine (set 1)2001?Unidesa/Cirsa   
unk960606bunknown 960606-5 based machine (set 2)2001?Unidesa/Cirsa/Europea   
unkanywunknown AnyWorks / Sega medal game BIOS2010AnyWorks / Sega   
unkch1New Cherry Gold '99 (bootleg of Super Cherry Master) (set 1)1999bootlegscmasterscmaster 
unkch2Super Cherry Gold (bootleg of Super Cherry Master)1999bootlegscmasterscmaster 
unkch3New Cherry Gold '99 (bootleg of Super Cherry Master) (set 2)1999bootlegscmasterscmaster 
unkch4Grand Cherry Master (bootleg of Super Cherry Master)1999bootlegscmasterscmaster 
unkctunknown Cointek game1989Cointek Enterprise Corp   
unkfr004unknown game on FR004 hardware (set 1)200?Nova Desitec   
unkfr004aunknown game on FR004 hardware (set 2)200?Nova Desitecunkfr004unkfr004 
unkfr004bunknown game on FR004 hardware (set 3)200?Nova Desitecunkfr004unkfr004 
unkfr004cunknown game on FR004 hardware (set 4)200?Nova Desitecunkfr004unkfr004 
unkfr009unknown game on FR009 hardware200?Nova Desitec   
unkgolfunknown golf game19??<unknown>   
unkh8gamunknown H8 Italian gambling game200?<unknown>   
unkhockeyunknown Sega air hockey game199?Sega   
unkhorseunknown Japanese horse gambling game1981?<unknown>   
unkhpsltunknown Hobby Play slot machine198?Hobby Play   
unkitpkrunknown Italian poker game198?<unknown>   
unkkonmdunknown Konami medal game (game code GS662)1997Konami   
unkljfpkunknown LJF Corporation poker game1989LJF Corporation   
unkpacgunknown 'Pac-Man' gambling game (set 1)199?<unknown>   
unkpacgaPucman199?IDI SRLunkpacgunkpacg 
unkpacgbunknown 'Pac-Man' gambling game (set 2)199?<unknown>unkpacgunkpacg 
unkpacgcCoco Louco1988<unknown>unkpacgunkpacg 
unkpacgdunknown 'Pac Man with cars' gambling game1988<unknown>unkpacgunkpacg 
unkpmcunknown PMC game1975?PMC   
unkpokerunknown 1980 poker game1980?<unknown>   
unkra200200 in 1 Retro Arcade201?<unknown>mc_tv200mc_tv200 
unksigunknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game (encrypted, set 1)199?<unknown>   
unksigaunknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game (encrypted, set 2)199?<unknown>unksigunksig 
unksigbunknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game (unencrypted)199?<unknown>unksigunksig 
unksmkunknown SMK game200?High Video   
unktopunknown Top game19??<unknown>   
unktsunknown game on TrueSys hardware200?<unknown>   
unkzilecunknown Zilec game on Blue Print hardware198?Zilec Electronics / Exodis   
unomedalUNO the Medal2009Segasegasp  
unspSunPlus u'nSP (ISA 1.0)     
unsp_11SunPlus u'nSP (ISA 1.1)     
unsp_12SunPlus u'nSP (ISA 1.2)     
unsp_20SunPlus u'nSP (ISA 2.0)     
unsquadU.N. Squadron (USA)1989Capcom   
untouchaUntouchable (Ver. 2.10)1987Dynax   
uopokoPuzzle Uo Poko (World)1998Cave (Jaleco license)   
uopokojPuzzle Uo Poko (Japan)1998Cave (Jaleco license)uopokouopoko 
upc82c710Universal Peripheral Controller 82C710     
upc82c711Universal Peripheral Controller 82C711     
upd1771cNEC uPD1771C 017     
upd1990auPD1990A RTC     
upd3301NEC uPD3301     
upd4701auPD4701A Incremental Encoder     
upd4990auPD4990A RTC     
upd4991aNEC uPD4991a parallel RTC     
upd4992uPD4992 RTC     
upd546NEC uPD546     
upd552NEC uPD552     
upd553NEC uPD553     
upd557lNEC uPD557L     
upd650NEC uPD650     
upd65031NEC uPD65031     
upd65043gfu01NEC uPD65043GF-U01     
upd7001NEC uPD7001 A/D Converter     
upd7002uPD7002 ADC     
upd7004UPD7004 A/D Converter     
upd71071NEC uPD71071 DMA Controller     
upd7201NEC uPD7201 MPSC     
upd72065NEC uPD72065 FDC     
upd72067NEC uPD72067 FDC     
upd72069NEC uPD72069 FDC     
upd7220NEC uPD7220     
upd7220aNEC uPD7220A     
upd7227NEC uPD7227     
upd7261NEC uPD7261 Hard-Disk Controller     
upd765aNEC uPD765A FDC     
upd765bNEC uPD765B FDC     
upd7725NEC uPD7725     
upd7751NEC uPD7751     
upd7752NEC uPD7752     
upd7756NEC uPD7756     
upd7759NEC uPD7759     
upd7801NEC uPD7801     
upd78053NEC uPD78053     
upd7807NEC uPD7807     
upd7810NEC uPD7810     
upd7811NEC uPD7811     
upd78210NEC uPD78210     
upd78213NEC uPD78213     
upd78310NEC uPD78310     
upd78312NEC uPD78312     
upd784031NEC uPD784031     
upd78c05NEC uPD78C05     
upd78c06NEC uPD78C06     
upd78c10NEC uPD78C10     
upd78c11NEC uPD78C11     
upd800468NEC uPD800468     
upd800468_timerNEC uPD800468 timer     
upd933NEC uPD933     
upd934gNEC uPD934G     
upd96050NEC uPD96050     
upndownUp'n Down (315-5030)1983Sega   
upndownuUp'n Down (not encrypted)1983Segaupndownupndown 
upscopeUp Scope1986Grand Products   
upyouralUp Your Alley1986Cinematronicsalleymasalleymas 
urachamuUrachacha Mudaeri (Korea)2002GamToUcrysbios  
urashimaOtogizoushi Urashima Mahjong (Japan)1989UPL   
us2pfballElectronic 2-Player Football1981U.S. Games Corporation   
usafootbU.S.A. Football (R06u)1993Alvin G  genpin
usafootbaU.S.A. Football (R01u)1993Alvin Gusafootbusafootbgenpin
usafootfU.S.A. Football (P08, redemption)1994Alvin G  genpin
usagiUsagi (V2.02J 2001/10/02 12:41:19)2001Warashi / Mahjong Kobo / Taitocoh3002t  
usagiolUsagi: Yasei no Topai Online (v2.04J)2005Taito Corporation/Warashi   
usagiymUsagi - Yamashiro Mahjong Hen (Japan) (GDL-0022)2003Warashi / Mahjong Kobo / Taitonaomigd  
usb_connectorUsb Connector Abstraction     
usb_ehciUSB 2.0 EHCI interface     
usb_ohciUSB 1.1 OHCI interface     
usb_uhciUSB 1.1 UHCI interface     
usclssicU.S. Classic1989Seta   
usg182Games V18.21989U.S. Games, Inc.usgamesusgames 
usg185Games V18.51990U.S. Games, Inc.usgamesusgames 
usg187cGames V18.7C1991U.S. Games, Inc.usgamesusgames 
usg211cGames V21.1C1991U.S. Games, Inc.usgamesusgames 
usg251Games V25.11991U.S. Games, Inc.usgamesusgames 
usg32Super Duper Casino (California V3.2)1987U.S. Games, Inc.   
usg82Super Ten V8.21988U.S. Games, Inc.supertensuperten 
usg83xSuper Ten V8.3X1988U.S. Games, Inc.supertensuperten 
usgamesGames V25.4X1992U.S. Games, Inc.   
uspbballProgrammable Baseball1981U.S. Games Corporation   
usvsthemUs vs. Them1984Mylstar   
ut88miniUT-88 mini1989<unknown>   
utoukondUltra Toukon Densetsu (Japan)1993Banpresto   
utrn1024Unitron 10241985bootleg (Unitron)macplusmacplus 
uts_400kbdUTS 400-Format Keyboard (F3621-04-000)     
uts_extwUTS Expanded Typewriter Keyboard (F4725-25)     
uts_kbdUTS Keyboard Port     
uts10UTS-101981Sperry Univacuts20uts20 
uts20UTS-201980Sperry Univac   
uvw1200BETACAM-SP Videocassette Player UVW-1200 RGB199?Sony   
uvw1600BETACAM-SP Videocassette Player/Recorder UVW-1600 RGB199?Sony   
uvw1800BETACAM-SP Videocassette Player/Recorder UVW-1800 RGB199?Sony   
v0bowlunknown VRender0+ bowling game200?A1 Amusement One   
v1V.11985IDSA  genpin
v100Visual 1001980Visual Technology   
v102Visual 1021984Visual Technology   
v102_kbdVisual 102 Keyboard     
v1050Visual 10501983Visual Technology Inc   
v1050kbVisual 1050 Keyboard     
v20NEC V20     
v200Voyage 200 PLT2002Texas Instruments   
v25NEC V25     
v30NEC V30     
v3021EM Microelectronic-Marin SA V3021 RTC     
v30mzNEC V30MZ     
v33NEC V33     
v33aNEC V33A     
v35NEC V35     
v364Commodore V364 (Prototype)1984Commodore Business Machinesc264c264 
v40NEC V40     
v4addladAdders and Ladders (v2.1) (MPU4 Video)1989Barcrestv4bios  
v4addlad20Adders and Ladders (v2.0) (MPU4 Video)1989Barcrestv4addladv4addlad 
v4addladdAdders and Ladders (v2.1d) (MPU4 Video)1989Barcrestv4addladv4addlad 
v4barqs2Barquest 2 (v0.3) (MPU4 Video)199?Barcrestv4bios  
v4barqstBarquest (v2.6) (MPU4 Video)199?Barcrestv4bios  
v4barqstdBarquest (v2.6d) (MPU4 Video)199?Barcrestv4barqstv4barqst 
v4big40Big 40 Poker (BWB) (Arcade Standard) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1996BWB   
v4big40aBig 40 Poker (BWB) (Arcade Standard) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4big40v4big40 
v4big40bBig 40 Poker (BWB) (Arcade Standard) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4big40v4big40 
v4big40cBig 40 Poker (BWB) (Arcade Standard) (set 4) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4big40v4big40 
v4big40dBig 40 Poker (BWB) (Arcade Data) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4big40v4big40 
v4big40eBig 40 Poker (BWB) (Arcade Data) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4big40v4big40 
v4big40fBig 40 Poker (BWB) (S_Site Data + %-Key + OCDM) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4big40v4big40 
v4big40gBig 40 Poker (BWB) (S_Site Standard) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4big40v4big40 
v4big40hBig 40 Poker (BWB) (S_Site Standard) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4big40v4big40 
v4big40iBig 40 Poker (BWB) (S_Site Data + %-Key) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4big40v4big40 
v4big40jBig 40 Poker (BWB) (S_Site Data + %-Key) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4big40v4big40 
v4big40kBig 40 Poker (BWB) (S_Site Data) (MPU4 Video)1996BWBv4big40v4big40 
v4bigfrtBig Fruits (v2.0?) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB   
v4bigfrtaBig Fruits (v2.0?) (set 2) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4bigfrtv4bigfrt 
v4bigfrtbBig Fruits (v2.0?) (set 3) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4bigfrtv4bigfrt 
v4bigfrtcBig Fruits (v2.0?) (% Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4bigfrtv4bigfrt 
v4biosMPU4 Video Firmware199?Barcrest   
v4bloxBlox (SJM BLOX, 50p/20p Play, Version 2.0) (MPU4 Video)1990BWB / Barcrest   
v4bloxdBlox (SJM BLOX, 50p/20p Play, Version 2.0) (Datapak) (MPU4 Video)1990BWB / Barcrestv4bloxv4blox 
v4bubbnkBubbly Bonk (v4.0?) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token) (MPU4 Video)199?BWB   
v4bubbnkaBubbly Bonk (v4.0?) (20p Fixed, All - Cash) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4bubbnkv4bubbnk 
v4bubbnkbBubbly Bonk (v4.0?) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4bubbnkv4bubbnk 
v4bubbnkcBubbly Bonk (v4.0?) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token, Datapak) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4bubbnkv4bubbnk 
v4bubbnkdBubbly Bonk (v4.0?) (20p Fixed, Cash+Token, % Key) (MPU4 Video)199?BWBv4bubbnkv4bubbnk 
v4bulblxBullion Blox (BWB) (BV_50___.2__) (MPU4 Video)1994BWB   
v4bulblxaBullion Blox (BWB) (Datapak) (BV_50___.2__) (MPU4 Video)1994BWBv4bulblxv4bulblx 
v4bulblxbBullion Blox (BWB) (BV_1P___.2__) (MPU4 Video)1994BWBv4bulblxv4bulblx 
v4bulblxcBullion Blox (BWB) (Datapak) (BV_1P___.2__) (MPU4 Video)1994BWBv4bulblxv4bulblx 
v4bulblxdBullion Blox (BWB) (BVM_____.1__) (MPU4 Video)1994BWBv4bulblxv4bulblx 
v4cmazeThe Crystal Maze (v1.3) (MPU4 Video)1993Barcrestv4bios  
v4cmaze_amldThe Crystal Maze (v0.1, AMLD) (MPU4 Video)1993Barcrestv4cmazev4cmaze 
v4cmaze2The New Crystal Maze Featuring Ocean Zone (v2.2) (MPU4 Video)1993Barcrestv4bios  
v4cmaze2_amldThe New Crystal Maze Featuring Ocean Zone (v0.1, AMLD) (MPU4 Video)1993Barcrestv4cmaze2v4cmaze2 
v4cmaze2bThe New Crystal Maze Featuring Ocean Zone (v2.0) (MPU4 Video)1993Barcrestv4cmaze2v4cmaze2 
v4cmaze2cThe New Crystal Maze Featuring Ocean Zone (v?.?) (MPU4 Video)1993Barcrestv4cmaze2v4cmaze2 
v4cmaze2dThe New Crystal Maze Featuring Ocean Zone (v2.2, Datapak) (MPU4 Video)1993Barcrestv4cmaze2v4cmaze2 
v4cmaze3The Crystal Maze Team Challenge (v0.9) (MPU4 Video)1994Barcrestv4bios  
v4cmaze3_amldThe Crystal Maze Team Challenge (v1.2, AMLD) (MPU4 Video)1994Barcrestv4cmaze3v4cmaze3 
v4cmaze3bThe Crystal Maze Team Challenge (v0.8) (MPU4 Video)1994Barcrestv4cmaze3v4cmaze3 
v4cmaze3cThe Crystal Maze Team Challenge (v0.6) (MPU4 Video)1994Barcrestv4cmaze3v4cmaze3 
v4cmaze3dThe Crystal Maze Team Challenge (v0.9, Datapak) (MPU4 Video)1994Barcrestv4cmaze3v4cmaze3 
v4cmazebThe Crystal Maze (v1.2) (MPU4 Video)1993Barcrestv4cmazev4cmaze 

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