Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom | Clone | Sample |
granada | Sphinx Granada | 1988 | CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology / Intelligent Chess Software | sroyal | sroyal | |
grancan | Grand Canyon (Ukraine, V. 43.09) | 2003 | Extrema | | | |
grancana | Grand Canyon (Ukraine, V. 43.05) | 2003 | Extrema | grancan | grancan | |
grancanb | Grand Canyon (Ukraine, V. 42.13) | 2003 | Extrema | grancan | grancan | |
grancanc | Grand Canyon (Ukraine, V. 42.06) | 2003 | Extrema | grancan | grancan | |
grancapi | Gran Capitan (Version 3) | 2000 | High Video | | | |
grand_l1 | Grand Lizard (L-1) | 1986 | Williams | grand_l4 | grand_l4 | genpin |
grand_l3 | Grand Lizard (L-3) | 1986 | Williams | grand_l4 | grand_l4 | genpin |
grand_l4 | Grand Lizard (L-4) | 1986 | Williams | | | genpin |
grand8 | Le Grand 8 | 1980 | Christian Tabart | panthera | panthera | genpin |
grandprx | Grand Prix | 200? | 4fun | | | |
granfrat | Grande Fratello (Ver. 1.7) | 200? | <unknown> | | | |
granits | Granit S | 1986 | hack (Remote Control Systems) | fscc12 | fscc12 | |
granny | Granny and the Gators | 1984 | Bally | | | genpin |
granslam | Grand Slam | 1983 | Bally | | | genpin |
granslam4 | Grand Slam (4 Players) | 1983 | Bally | granslam | granslam | genpin |
grasspin | Grasspin | 1983 | Zilec Electronics / Jaleco | | | |
gratia | Gratia - Second Earth (ver 1.0, 92047-01 version) | 1996 | Jaleco | | | |
gratiaa | Gratia - Second Earth (ver 1.0, 91022-10 version) | 1996 | Jaleco | gratia | gratia | |
gratispk | Gratis Poker (V.204, set 1) | 199? | Mega Soft | | | |
gratispka | Gratis Poker (V.204, set 2) | 199? | Mega Soft | gratispk | gratispk | |
gravitar | Gravitar (version 3) | 1982 | Atari | | | |
gravitar1 | Gravitar (version 1) | 1982 | Atari | gravitar | gravitar | |
gravitar2 | Gravitar (version 2) | 1982 | Atari | gravitar | gravitar | |
gravity | Gravity (Mattel) | 1980 | Mattel Electronics | | | |
grchamp | Grand Champion (set 1) | 1981 | Taito | | | |
grchampa | Grand Champion (set 2) | 1981 | Taito | grchamp | grchamp | |
grchampb | Grand Champion (set 3) | 1981 | Taito | grchamp | grchamp | |
grdforce | Guardian Force (JUET 980318 V0.105) | 1998 | Success | stvbios | | |
grdian | Guardian (US) | 1986 | Toaplan / Taito America Corporation (Kitkorp license) | | | |
grdians | Guardians / Denjin Makai II (P-FG01-1 PCB) | 1995 | Winkysoft (Banpresto license) | | | |
grdiansa | Guardians / Denjin Makai II (P0-113A PCB) | 1995 | Winkysoft (Banpresto license) | grdians | grdians | |
grdiansbl | Guardians / Denjin Makai II (bootleg) | 1998 | bootleg (Intac Japan) | grdians | grdians | |
grdnstrm | Guardian Storm (horizontal, not encrypted) | 1998 | Afega (Apples Industries license) | | | |
grdnstrmau | Guardian Storm (horizontal, Australia) | 1998 | Afega | grdnstrm | grdnstrm | |
grdnstrmg | Guardian Storm (Germany) | 1998 | Afega | grdnstrm | grdnstrm | |
grdnstrmj | Sen Jing - Guardian Storm (Japan) | 1998 | Afega | grdnstrm | grdnstrm | |
grdnstrmk | Jeon Sin - Guardian Storm (Korea) | 1998 | Afega | grdnstrm | grdnstrm | |
grdnstrmv | Guardian Storm (vertical) | 1998 | Afega (Apples Industries license) | grdnstrm | grdnstrm | |
greatgun | Great Guns | 1983 | Stern Electronics | | | |
greatgur | Great Gurianos (bootleg?) | 1986 | Allumer / Taito Corporation | gladiatr | gladiatr | |
greenber | Green Beret (Irem) | 1980 | Irem | | | ipminvad |
grescue | Galaxy Rescue | 1979 | Taito (Universal license?) | lrescue | lrescue | lrescue |
grfd2301 | Futuredata 2301 Network Processor | 198? | Genrad | | | |
grgar_l1 | Gorgar (L-1) | 1979 | Williams | | | genpin |
grgar_t1 | Gorgar (T-1) | 1979 | Williams | grgar_l1 | grgar_l1 | genpin |
grid_keyboard | GRiD Compass Keyboard | | | | | |
grid1101 | Compass 1101 | 1982 | GRiD Computers | | | |
grid1109 | Compass 1109 | 1982 | GRiD Computers | grid1101 | grid1101 | |
grid1121 | Compass II 1121 | 1984 | GRiD Computers | | | |
grid1129 | Compass II 1129 | 1984 | GRiD Computers | grid1121 | grid1121 | |
grid1131 | Compass II 1131 | 1984 | GRiD Computers | grid1121 | grid1121 | |
grid1139 | Compass II 1139 | 1984 | GRiD Computers | grid1121 | grid1121 | |
grid2101_floppy | GRID2101_FLOPPY | | | | | |
grid2101_hdd | GRID2101_HDD | | | | | |
grid2102 | GRID2102 | | | | | |
gridiron | Gridiron Fight | 1985 | Tehkan | | | |
gridlee | Gridlee | 1983 | Videa | | | gridlee |
gridlee_sound | Gridlee Custom Sound | | | | | |
griffon | Griffon (Videotron bootleg of Phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg (Videotron) | phoenix | phoenix | |
griffono | Griffon (Olympia bootleg of Phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg (Olympia) | phoenix | phoenix | |
grindstm | Grind Stormer | 1992 | Toaplan | | | |
grindstma | Grind Stormer (older set) | 1992 | Toaplan | grindstm | grindstm | |
grizzly | Grizzly (10214711, NSW/ACT) | 2006 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
grmatch | Grudge Match (Yankee Game Technology) | 1989 | Yankee Game Technology | | | |
grndctrl | Apple Grand Central PCI I/O ASIC | | | | | |
grndprix | Grand Prix (Treasure Bonus bootleg) | 1995 | bootleg | stbsub | stbsub | |
grndtour | Grand Tour (V100U) | 1993 | IGS | | | |
grnlizrd | Green Lizard (4VXFC811, NSW) | 1994 | Aristocrat | | | 3bagflvt |
grobda | Grobda (New Ver.) | 1984 | Namco | | | |
grobda2 | Grobda (Old Ver. set 1) | 1984 | Namco | grobda | grobda | |
grobda3 | Grobda (Old Ver. set 2) | 1984 | Namco | grobda | grobda | |
grobot9 | Game Robot 9 | 1980 | Takatoku Toys | | | |
grom | TMC0430 GROM | | | | | |
gromport | TI-99 Cartridge port | | | | | |
groovef | Groove on Fight - Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3 (J 970416 V1.001) | 1997 | Atlus | stvbios | | |
groundfx | Ground Effects / Super Ground Effects (Japan) | 1992 | Taito Corporation | | | |
growl | Growl (World, Rev 1) | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | | | |
growla | Growl (World) | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | growl | growl | |
growlp | Growl (World, prototype) | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | growl | growl | |
growlu | Growl (US) | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | growl | growl | |
grudge | Grudge Match (v00.90, prototype) | 1987 | Bally Midway | | | |
grudgei | Grudge Match (v00.90, Italy, location test?) | 1987 | Bally Midway | grudge | grudge | |
grudgep | Grudge Match (v00.80, prototype) | 1987 | Bally Midway | grudge | grudge | |
gryzor | Gryzor (set 1) | 1987 | Konami | contra | contra | |
gryzor1 | Gryzor (set 2) | 1987 | Konami | contra | contra | |
gs_la3 | The Bally Game Show (LA-3) | 1990 | Bally | gs_lu4 | gs_lu4 | genpin |
gs_lg6 | The Bally Game Show (LG-6) Germany | 1990 | Bally | gs_lu4 | gs_lu4 | genpin |
gs_lu3 | The Bally Game Show (LU-3) Europe | 1990 | Bally | gs_lu4 | gs_lu4 | genpin |
gs_lu4 | The Bally Game Show (LU-4) Europe | 1990 | Bally | | | genpin |
gs4002 | Selection (Version 40.02TMB, set 1) | 1982 | Greyhound Electronics | | | |
gs4002a | Selection (Version 40.02TMB, set 2) | 1982 | Greyhound Electronics | gs4002 | gs4002 | |
gs471 | unknown medal game GS471 | 1997 | Konami | | | |
gs611606a | GOLDSTAR P/N 611-606A Rev 1.0A | 198? | Goldstar | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
gs6502 | Simple 6502 Machine | 2013 | Grant Searle | | | |
gs6809 | Simple 6809 Machine | 2011 | Grant Searle | | | |
gscobra | Super Cobra (Gakken, green version) | 1982 | Gakken | | | |
gscpm | Simple CP/M Machine | 201? | Grant Searle | | | |
gseeker | Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver 1.3O) | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | | | |
gseekerj | Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver 1.3J) | 1992 | Taito Corporation | gseeker | gseeker | |
gseekeru | Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver 1.3A) | 1992 | Taito America Corporation | gseeker | gseeker | |
gsfc200 | FC-200 (MSX1, Europe) | 1984 | Goldstar | | | |
gsfc80u | FC-80U (MSX1, Korea) | 1984 | Goldstar | | | |
gslgr94j | Great Sluggers '94 (Japan) | 1994 | Namco | gslgr94u | gslgr94u | |
gslgr94u | Great Sluggers '94 | 1994 | Namco | | | |
gslugrsj | Great Sluggers (Japan) | 1993 | Namco | | | |
gsp5 | GSP 5 Guitar Effects Processor/Preamp | 1989 | DigiTech | | | |
gsspade | Spade | 199? | Guan Shing | | | |
gssytts | Guitar Super Star: You Take The Stage | 2009 | Senario | | | |
gstream | G-Stream G2020 | 2002 | Oriental Soft Japan | | | |
gstrik2 | Grand Striker 2 (Europe and Oceania) | 1996 | Human Amusement | | | |
gstrik2j | Grand Striker 2 (Japan) | 1996 | Human Amusement | gstrik2 | gstrik2 | |
gstriker | Grand Striker (Europe, Oceania) | 1993 | Human | | | |
gstrikera | Grand Striker (Americas) | 1993 | Human | gstriker | gstriker | |
gstrikerj | Grand Striker (Japan) | 1993 | Human | gstriker | gstriker | |
gsword | Great Swordsman (World?) | 1984 | Allumer / Taito Corporation | | | |
gsword2 | Great Swordsman (Japan?) | 1984 | Allumer / Taito Corporation | gsword | gsword | |
gsx8800 | HAL GSX-8800 | | | | | |
gsz80 | Simple Z-80 Machine | 2007 | Grant Searle | | | |
gt103a1 | Trivia (Unsorted question ROMs) | 1984 | Greyhound Electronics | gtsers8 | gtsers8 | |
gt103aa | Trivia (Version 1.03a, alt questions 1) | 1984 | Greyhound Electronics | gtsers8 | gtsers8 | |
gt103ab | Trivia (Version 1.03a, alt questions 2) | 1984 | Greyhound Electronics | gtsers8 | gtsers8 | |
gt103asx | Trivia (Version 1.03a, sex questions) | 1984 | Greyhound Electronics | gtsers8 | gtsers8 | |
gt103asxa | Trivia (Version 1.03a, sex questions, alt revision questions) | 1984 | Greyhound Electronics | gtsers8 | gtsers8 | |
gt2k | Golden Tee 2K (v1.00) | 2000 | Incredible Technologies | | | |
gt2kp100 | Golden Tee 2K (v1.00) (alt protection) | 2000 | Incredible Technologies | gt2k | gt2k | |
gt2ks100 | Golden Tee 2K (v1.00S) | 2000 | Incredible Technologies | gt2k | gt2k | |
gt2kt500 | Golden Tee 2K Tournament (v5.00) | 2000 | Incredible Technologies | gt2k | gt2k | |
gt3d | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.93N) | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | | | |
gt3dl19 | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.9L) | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | gt3d | gt3d | |
gt3dl191 | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.91L) | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | gt3d | gt3d | |
gt3dl192 | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.92L) | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | gt3d | gt3d | |
gt3ds192 | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.92S) | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | gt3d | gt3d | |
gt3dt211 | Golden Tee 3D Golf Tournament (v2.11) | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | gt3d | gt3d | |
gt3dt231 | Golden Tee 3D Golf Tournament (v2.31) | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | gt3d | gt3d | |
gt3dv14 | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.4) | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | gt3d | gt3d | |
gt3dv15 | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.5) | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | gt3d | gt3d | |
gt3dv16 | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.6) | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | gt3d | gt3d | |
gt3dv17 | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.7) | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | gt3d | gt3d | |
gt3dv18 | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.8) | 1995 | Incredible Technologies | gt3d | gt3d | |
gt507uk | Trivia (UK Version 5.07) | 1986 | Grayhound Electronics | | | |
gt64010 | Galileo GT-64010 System Controller | | | | | |
gt64111 | Galileo GT-64111 System Controller | | | | | |
gt913 | Casio GT913F | | | | | |
gt913_intc | Casio GT913F interrupt controller | | | | | |
gt913_io_hle | Casio GT913F I/O (HLE) | | | | | |
gt913_kbd_hle | Casio GT913F keyboard controller (HLE) | | | | | |
gt913_sound_hle | Casio GT913F sound | | | | | |
gt97 | Golden Tee '97 (v1.30) | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | | | |
gt97s121 | Golden Tee '97 (v1.21S) | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | gt97 | gt97 | |
gt97t240 | Golden Tee '97 Tournament (v2.40) | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | gt97 | gt97 | |
gt97t243 | Golden Tee '97 Tournament (v2.43) | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | gt97 | gt97 | |
gt97v120 | Golden Tee '97 (v1.20) | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | gt97 | gt97 | |
gt97v121 | Golden Tee '97 (v1.21) | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | gt97 | gt97 | |
gt97v122 | Golden Tee '97 (v1.22) | 1997 | Incredible Technologies | gt97 | gt97 | |
gt98 | Golden Tee '98 (v1.10) | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | | | |
gt98c100 | Golden Tee '98 (v1.00C) | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | gt98 | gt98 | |
gt98s100 | Golden Tee '98 (v1.00S) | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | gt98 | gt98 | |
gt98t302 | Golden Tee '98 Tournament (v3.02) | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | gt98 | gt98 | |
gt98t303 | Golden Tee '98 Tournament (v3.03) | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | gt98 | gt98 | |
gt98v100 | Golden Tee '98 (v1.00) | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | gt98 | gt98 | |
gt99 | Golden Tee '99 (v1.00) | 1999 | Incredible Technologies | | | |
gt99s100 | Golden Tee '99 (v1.00S) | 1999 | Incredible Technologies | gt99 | gt99 | |
gt99t400 | Golden Tee '99 Tournament (v4.00) | 1999 | Incredible Technologies | gt99 | gt99 | |
gtbmcx | Genius Tabletop Black Magic CX (Germany) | 2000 | VTech | | | |
gtclassc | Golden Tee Classic (v1.00) | 2001 | Incredible Technologies | | | |
gtclasscp | Golden Tee Classic (v1.00) (alt protection) | 2001 | Incredible Technologies | gtclassc | gtclassc | |
gtclasscs | Golden Tee Classic (v1.00S) | 2001 | Incredible Technologies | gtclassc | gtclassc | |
gtct885 | Gaming Tech CT-885 | 201? | Gaming Tech | mc_tv200 | mc_tv200 | |
gtdiamond | Golden Tee Diamond Edition Tournament (v3.05T ELC) | 1998 | Incredible Technologies | gt98 | gt98 | |
gteikoku | Gingateikoku no Gyakushu | 1980 | Irem | uniwars | uniwars | |
gteikokub | Gingateikoku no Gyakushu (bootleg set 1) | 1980 | bootleg | uniwars | uniwars | |
gteikokub2 | Gingateikoku no Gyakushu (bootleg set 2) | 1980 | bootleg | uniwars | uniwars | |
gteikokub3 | Gingateikoku no Gyakushu (bootleg set 3) | 1980 | bootleg (Honly) | uniwars | uniwars | |
gtfore01 | Golden Tee Fore! (v1.00.25) | 2000 | Incredible Technologies | iteagle | | |
gtfore02 | Golden Tee Fore! 2002 (v2.01.06) | 2001 | Incredible Technologies | iteagle | | |
gtfore03 | Golden Tee Fore! 2003 (v3.00.10) | 2002 | Incredible Technologies | iteagle | | |
gtfore03a | Golden Tee Fore! 2003 (v3.00.09) | 2002 | Incredible Technologies | gtfore03 | gtfore03 | |
gtfore04 | Golden Tee Fore! 2004 Extra (v4.00.08) | 2003 | Incredible Technologies | iteagle | | |
gtfore04a | Golden Tee Fore! 2004 (v4.00.00) | 2003 | Incredible Technologies | gtfore04 | gtfore04 | |
gtfore05 | Golden Tee Fore! 2005 Extra (v5.01.06) | 2004 | Incredible Technologies | iteagle | | |
gtfore05a | Golden Tee Fore! 2005 Extra (v5.01.02) | 2004 | Incredible Technologies | gtfore05 | gtfore05 | |
gtfore05b | Golden Tee Fore! 2005 Extra (v5.01.00) | 2004 | Incredible Technologies | gtfore05 | gtfore05 | |
gtfore05c | Golden Tee Fore! 2005 Extra (v5.00.00) | 2004 | Incredible Technologies | gtfore05 | gtfore05 | |
gtfore06 | Golden Tee Fore! 2006 Complete (v6.00.01) | 2005 | Incredible Technologies | iteagle | | |
gtfrk10m | Guitar Freaks 10th Mix (G*D10 VER. JAB) | 2003 | Konami | sys573 | | |
gtfrk10ma | Guitar Freaks 10th Mix (G*D10 VER. JAA) | 2003 | Konami | gtfrk10m | gtfrk10m | |
gtfrk11m | Guitar Freaks 11th Mix (G*D39 VER. JAA) | 2004 | Konami | sys573 | | |
gtfrk3ma | Guitar Freaks 3rd Mix (GE949 VER. JAB) | 2000 | Konami | gtrfrk3m | gtrfrk3m | |
gtfrk3mb | Guitar Freaks 3rd Mix - security cassette versionup (949JAZ02) | 2000 | Konami | gtrfrk3m | gtrfrk3m | |
gtg | Golden Tee Golf (Joystick, v3.3) | 1990 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | | | |
gtg2 | Golden Tee Golf II (Trackball, V2.2) | 1992 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | | | |
gtg2j | Golden Tee Golf II (Joystick, V1.0) | 1991 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | gtg2 | gtg2 | |
gtg2t | Golden Tee Golf II (Trackball, V1.1) | 1989 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | gtg2 | gtg2 | |
gtgj31 | Golden Tee Golf (Joystick, v3.1) | 1990 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | gtg | gtg | |
gtgt10 | Golden Tee Golf (Trackball, v1.0) | 1989 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | gtg | gtg | |
gtgt20 | Golden Tee Golf (Trackball, v2.0) | 1989 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | gtg | gtg | |
gtgt21 | Golden Tee Golf (Trackball, v2.1) | 1989 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | gtg | gtg | |
gtia | Atari GTIA | | | | | |
gticlub | GTI Club: Rally Cote D'Azur (ver EAA) | 1996 | Konami | | | |
gticlub2 | GTI Club: Corso Italiano (ver JAB) | 2000 | Konami | kviper | | |
gticlub2ea | Driving Party: Racing in Italy (ver EAA) | 2000 | Konami | gticlub2 | gticlub2 | |
gticluba | GTI Club: Rally Cote D'Azur (ver AAA) | 1996 | Konami | gticlub | gticlub | |
gticlubj | GTI Club: Rally Cote D'Azur (ver JAA) | 1996 | Konami | gticlub | gticlub | |
gticlubu | GTI Club: Rally Cote D'Azur (ver UAA) | 1996 | Konami | gticlub | gticlub | |
gtipoker | GTI Poker | 1983 | GTI Inc | | | |
gtipokra | GTI Poker? (SMS hardware) | 1983 | GTI Inc | | | |
gtmr | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (Taiwan 94/07/18) | 1994 | Kaneko | | | |
gtmr2 | Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/05/24) | 1995 | Kaneko | | | |
gtmr2a | Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/04/04) | 1995 | Kaneko | gtmr2 | gtmr2 | |
gtmr2u | Great 1000 Miles Rally 2 USA (95/07/11) | 1995 | Kaneko | gtmr2 | gtmr2 | |
gtmr2ua | Great 1000 Miles Rally 2 USA (95/05/18) | 1995 | Kaneko | gtmr2 | gtmr2 | |
gtmra | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/06/13) | 1994 | Kaneko | gtmr | gtmr | |
gtmrb | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/26) | 1994 | Kaneko | gtmr | gtmr | |
gtmre | Great 1000 Miles Rally: Evolution Model!!! (94/09/06) | 1994 | Kaneko | gtmr | gtmr | |
gtmro | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/10) | 1994 | Kaneko | gtmr | gtmr | |
gtmrusa | Great 1000 Miles Rally: U.S.A Version! (94/09/06) | 1994 | Kaneko | gtmr | gtmr | |
gtrak10 | Gran Trak 10/Trak 10/Formula K | 1974 | Atari/Kee | | | |
gtrak10a | Gran Trak 10/Trak 10/Formula K (older) | 1974 | Atari/Kee | gtrak10 | gtrak10 | |
gtrak20 | Gran Trak 20/Trak 20/Twin Racer | 1974 | Atari/Kee | | | |
gtrfrk2m | Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix Ver 1.01 (GQ883 VER. JAD) | 1999 | Konami | sys573 | | |
gtrfrk2ma | Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix (GQ883 VER. EAA) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrk2m | gtrfrk2m | |
gtrfrk2maa | Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix (GQ883 VER. AAA) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrk2m | gtrfrk2m | |
gtrfrk2mja | Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix (GQ883 VER. JAA) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrk2m | gtrfrk2m | |
gtrfrk2mka | Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix (GQ883 VER. KAA) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrk2m | gtrfrk2m | |
gtrfrk2ml1 | Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix Link Kit 1 (GE929 VER. JAA) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrk2m | gtrfrk2m | |
gtrfrk2ml2 | Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix Link Kit 2 (GC929 VER. JBB) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrk2m | gtrfrk2m | |
gtrfrk2mua | Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix (GQ883 VER. UAA) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrk2m | gtrfrk2m | |
gtrfrk3m | Guitar Freaks 3rd Mix (GE949 VER. JAC) | 2000 | Konami | sys573 | | |
gtrfrk4m | Guitar Freaks 4th Mix (G*A24 VER. JAA) | 2000 | Konami | sys573 | | |
gtrfrk5m | Guitar Freaks 5th Mix (G*A26 VER. JAA) | 2001 | Konami | sys573 | | |
gtrfrk5ma | Guitar Freaks 5th Mix (G*A26 VER. AAA) | 2001 | Konami | gtrfrk5m | gtrfrk5m | |
gtrfrk6m | Guitar Freaks 6th Mix (G*B06 VER. JAA) | 2001 | Konami | sys573 | | |
gtrfrk7m | Guitar Freaks 7th Mix (G*B17 VER. JAA) | 2001 | Konami | sys573 | | |
gtrfrk8m | Guitar Freaks 8th Mix power-up ver. (G*C08 VER. JBA) | 2002 | Konami | sys573 | | |
gtrfrk8ma | Guitar Freaks 8th Mix (G*C08 VER. JAA) | 2002 | Konami | gtrfrk8m | gtrfrk8m | |
gtrfrk9m | Guitar Freaks 9th Mix (G*C39 VER. JAA) | 2003 | Konami | sys573 | | |
gtrfrks | Guitar Freaks Ver 1.01 (GQ886 VER. EAD) | 1999 | Konami | sys573 | | |
gtrfrksa | Guitar Freaks Ver 1.01 (GQ886 VER. AAD) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrks | gtrfrks | |
gtrfrksaa | Guitar Freaks (GQ886 VER. AAA) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrks | gtrfrks | |
gtrfrksac | Guitar Freaks (GQ886 VER. AAC) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrks | gtrfrks | |
gtrfrksc | Guitar Freaks (GQ886 VER. EAC) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrks | gtrfrks | |
gtrfrksea | Guitar Freaks (GQ886 VER. EAA) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrks | gtrfrks | |
gtrfrksj | Guitar Freaks Ver 1.01 (GQ886 VER. JAD) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrks | gtrfrks | |
gtrfrksja | Guitar Freaks (GQ886 VER. JAA) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrks | gtrfrks | |
gtrfrksjc | Guitar Freaks (GQ886 VER. JAC) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrks | gtrfrks | |
gtrfrksu | Guitar Freaks Ver 1.01 (GQ886 VER. UAD) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrks | gtrfrks | |
gtrfrksua | Guitar Freaks (GQ886 VER. UAA) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrks | gtrfrks | |
gtrfrksuc | Guitar Freaks (GQ886 VER. UAC) | 1999 | Konami | gtrfrks | gtrfrks | |
gtrfrkv2a | Guitar Freaks V2 (F03:A:A:A:2006011201) | 2006 | Konami | kpython2 | | |