Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom | Clone | Sample |
h8s2245 | Hitachi H8S/2245 | | | | | |
h8s2246 | Hitachi H8S/2246 | | | | | |
h8s2310 | Hitachi H8S/2310 | | | | | |
h8s2311 | Hitachi H8S/2311 | | | | | |
h8s2312 | Hitachi H8S/2312 | | | | | |
h8s2313 | Hitachi H8S/2313 | | | | | |
h8s2315 | Hitachi H8S/2315 | | | | | |
h8s2316 | Hitachi H8S/2316 | | | | | |
h8s2317 | Hitachi H8S/2317 | | | | | |
h8s2318 | Hitachi H8S/2318 | | | | | |
h8s2319 | Hitachi H8S/2319 | | | | | |
h8s2320 | Hitachi H8S/2320 | | | | | |
h8s2321 | Hitachi H8S/2321 | | | | | |
h8s2322 | Hitachi H8S/2322 | | | | | |
h8s2323 | Hitachi H8S/2323 | | | | | |
h8s2324 | Hitachi H8S/2324 | | | | | |
h8s2326 | Hitachi H8S/2326 | | | | | |
h8s2327 | Hitachi H8S/2327 | | | | | |
h8s2328 | Hitachi H8S/2328 | | | | | |
h8s2329 | Hitachi H8S/2329 | | | | | |
h8s2352 | Hitachi H8S/2352 | | | | | |
h8s2357 | Hitachi H8S/2357 | | | | | |
h8s2390 | Hitachi H8S/2390 | | | | | |
h8s2392 | Hitachi H8S/2392 | | | | | |
h8s2394 | Hitachi H8S/2394 | | | | | |
h8s2398 | Hitachi H8S/2398 | | | | | |
h8s2653 | Hitachi H8S/2653 | | | | | |
h8s2655 | Hitachi H8S/2655 | | | | | |
hachamf | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, protected, set 1) | 1991 | NMK | | | |
hachamfa | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, protected, set 2) | 1991 | NMK | hachamf | hachamf | |
hachamfb | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, unprotected, bootleg Thunder Dragon conversion) | 1991 | bootleg | hachamf | hachamf | |
hachamfp | Hacha Mecha Fighter (Location Test Prototype, 19th Sep. 1991) | 1991 | NMK | hachamf | hachamf | |
hacher | Hacher (hack of Win Win Bingo EN.01.6) | 2005 | bootleg (Gametron) | winbingo | winbingo | |
hachoo | Hachoo! (World, set 1) | 1989 | Jaleco | | | |
hachooa | Hachoo! (World, set 2) | 1989 | Jaleco | hachoo | hachoo | |
hachooj | Hachoo! (Japan) | 1989 | Jaleco | hachoo | hachoo | |
haekaka | Hae Hae Ka Ka Ka | 2001 | Sammy | sammymdl | | |
hal2 | SGI HAL2 | | | | | |
hal21 | HAL21 | 1985 | SNK | | | |
hal21j | HAL21 (Japan) | 1985 | SNK | hal21 | hal21 | |
halley | Halley Comet (set 1) | 1986 | Juegos Populares | | | genpin |
halleya | Halley Comet (set 2) | 1986 | Juegos Populares | halley | halley | genpin |
halleyb | Halley Comet (set 3) | 1986 | Juegos Populares | halley | halley | genpin |
halleysc | Halley's Comet (US) | 1986 | Taito America Corporation (Coin-It license) | | | |
halleysc87 | Halley's Comet '87 | 1986 | Taito Corporation | halleysc | halleysc | |
halleyscj | Halley's Comet (Japan, rev 1) | 1986 | Taito Corporation | halleysc | halleysc | |
halleyscja | Halley's Comet (Japan) | 1986 | Taito Corporation | halleysc | halleysc | |
halleyscjp | Halley's Comet (Japan, prototype) | 1985 | Taito Corporation | halleysc | halleysc | |
hamaway | Hammer Away (Japan, prototype) | 1991 | Sega / Santos | | | |
hamboy | Hammer Boy | 1990 | Dinamic / Inder | | | |
hamhouse | Hamburger House | 199? | bootleg | cmaster | cmaster | |
hamhouse9 | Hamburger House 9 | 199? | bootleg | cmaster | cmaster | |
hammer | Hammer | 2000 | Andamiro | | | |
hammerch | Hammer Champ (Japan) | 1997 | Namco | | | |
hana6pt2 | Hana Awase 6 Part II | 1991 | Alba | | | |
hanaawas | Hana Awase | 1982 | Seta Kikaku | | | |
hanagumi | Sakura Taisen - Hanagumi Taisen Columns (J 971007 V1.010) | 1997 | Sega | stvbios | | |
hanakanz | Hana Kanzashi (Japan) | 1996 | Dynax | | | |
hanamai | Hana no Mai (Japan) | 1988 | Dynax | | | |
hanamomb | Mahjong Hana no Momoko gumi (Japan 881125) | 1988 | Nichibutsu | hanamomo | hanamomo | |
hanamomo | Mahjong Hana no Momoko gumi (Japan 881201) | 1988 | Nichibutsu | | | |
hanaoji | Hana to Ojisan (ver 1.01, 1991/12/09) | 1991 | Nichibutsu | | | |
hanaojia | Hana to Ojisan (ver 1.00, 1991/08/23) | 1991 | Nichibutsu | hanaoji | hanaoji | |
hanaroku | Hanaroku | 1988 | Alba | | | |
hanayara | Hana wo Yaraneba! (Japan) | 1991 | Dynax | | | |
hangly | Hangly-Man (set 1) | 1981 | hack (Igleck) | puckman | puckman | |
hangly2 | Hangly-Man (set 2) | 1981 | hack (Igleck) | puckman | puckman | |
hangly3 | Hangly-Man (set 3) | 1981 | hack (Igleck) | puckman | puckman | |
hangman | Hangman | 1984 | Status Games | | | |
hangon | Hang-On (Rev A) | 1985 | Sega | | | |
hangon1 | Hang-On | 1985 | Sega | hangon | hangon | |
hangon2 | Hang-On (Rev A, ride-on) | 1985 | Sega | hangon | hangon | |
hangonjr | Hang-On Jr. (Rev. B) | 1985 | Sega | | | |
hangonp | Hang-On (Sonic) | 1988 | Sonic | | | genpin |
hangonvf | VF (bootleg of Hang-On) | 1985 | bootleg | hangon | hangon | |
hangplt | Hang Pilot (ver JAB) | 1997 | Konami | | | |
hangpltu | Hang Pilot (ver UAA) | 1997 | Konami | hangplt | hangplt | |
hangzo | Hangzo (Japan, prototype) | 1992 | Hot-B | | | |
hanihac | Hanimex Home Arcade Centre | 1982 | Hanimex | arcadia | arcadia | |
hapfarm | Happy Farm (Ver. US.01.02.B) | 2008 | Astro Corp. | | | |
haplucky | Happy Lucky! | 1985 | Taito Corporation | | | |
happy6 | Huanle Liuhe Yi (Happy 6-in-1) (M68K ver. V101, ARM ver. V102CN) | 2004 | IGS | pgm | | |
happy6100cn | Huanle Liuhe Yi (Happy 6-in-1) (M68K ver. V100, ARM ver. V100CN) | 2004 | IGS | happy6 | happy6 | |
happy6100hk | Huanle Liuhe Yi (Happy 6-in-1) (M68K ver. V100HK, ARM ver. V100HK) | 2004 | IGS | happy6 | happy6 | |
happy6101 | Huanle Liuhe Yi (Happy 6-in-1) (M68K ver. V100, ARM ver. V101CN) | 2004 | IGS | happy6 | happy6 | |
happyskl | Happy Skill (Italy, V611IT) | 2000? | IGS | | | |
hapyfsh2 | Happy Fish (V2 PCB, 302-in-1) | 201? | bootleg | | | |
hapytour | Happy Tour | 2005 | GAV Company | | | |
hardbody | Hardbody (rev. D) | 1987 | Bally | | | genpin |
hardbodyc | Hardbody (rev. C) | 1987 | Bally | hardbody | hardbody | genpin |
hardbodyg | Hardbody (German rev. B) | 1987 | Bally | hardbody | hardbody | genpin |
hardbox | SSE HardBox | | | | | |
harddisk_image | Hard disk | | | | | |
harddriv | Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 7) | 1988 | Atari Games | | | |
harddriv_board | Hard Drivin' Board Device | | | | | |
harddriv_sound | Hard Drivin' Sound Board | | | | | |
harddriv1 | Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 1) | 1988 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddriv2 | Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 2) | 1988 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddriv3 | Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 3) | 1988 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddrivb | Hard Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 7) | 1988 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddrivb5 | Hard Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 5) | 1988 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddrivb6 | Hard Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 6) | 1988 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddrivc | Hard Drivin' (compact, rev 2) | 1990 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddrivc_board | Hard Drivin' C Board Device | | | | | |
harddrivc1 | Hard Drivin' (compact, rev 1) | 1990 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddrivcb | Hard Drivin' (compact, British, rev 2) | 1990 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddrivcbl | Hard Drivin' (compact, rev 2 bootleg) | 1990 | bootleg | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddrivcg | Hard Drivin' (compact, German, rev 2) | 1990 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddrivg | Hard Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 7) | 1988 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddrivg4 | Hard Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 4) | 1988 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddrivj | Hard Drivin' (cockpit, Japan, rev 7) | 1988 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddrivj6 | Hard Drivin' (cockpit, Japan, rev 6) | 1988 | Atari Games | harddriv | harddriv | |
harddunk | Hard Dunk (World) | 1994 | Sega | | | |
harddunkj | Hard Dunk (Japan) | 1994 | Sega | harddunk | harddunk | |
hardhat | Hard Hat | 1982 | Exidy | | | |
hardhea2 | Hard Head 2 (v2.0, Music Program v2.4) | 1991 | SunA | | | |
hardhea2a | Hard Head 2 (v2.0, Music Program v2.0) | 1991 | SunA | hardhea2 | hardhea2 | |
hardhea2b | Hard Head 2 (v2.0, bootleg) | 1991 | bootleg | hardhea2 | hardhea2 | |
hardhead | Hard Head | 1988 | SunA | | | |
hardheadb | Hard Head (bootleg, set 1) | 1988 | bootleg | hardhead | hardhead | |
hardheadb2 | Hard Head (bootleg, set 2) | 1988 | bootleg | hardhead | hardhead | |
hardheadb3 | Hard Head (bootleg, set 3) | 1989 | bootleg | hardhead | hardhead | |
hardyard | Hard Yardage (v1.20) | 1993 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | | | |
hardyard10 | Hard Yardage (v1.00) | 1993 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | hardyard | hardyard | |
hardyard11 | Hard Yardage (v1.10) | 1993 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | hardyard | hardyard | |
harem | Harem | 1983 | I.G.R. | | | |
haremchl | Harem Challenge | 1995 | CD Express | cubo | | |
harl_a10 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display A1.00) | 1999 | Sega | harl_a13 | harl_a13 | genpin |
harl_a13 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display A1.04) | 1999 | Sega | | | genpin |
harl_a18 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display A1.05) | 2003 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_a30 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_a40 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display A4.00) | 2004 | Stern | | | genpin |
harl_f13 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display F1.04, France) | 1999 | Sega | harl_a13 | harl_a13 | genpin |
harl_f18 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display F1.05, France) | 2003 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_f30 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_f40 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_g13 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display G1.04, Germany) | 1999 | Sega | harl_a13 | harl_a13 | genpin |
harl_g18 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display G1.05, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_g30 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_g40 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_i13 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display I1.04, Italy) | 1999 | Sega | harl_a13 | harl_a13 | genpin |
harl_i18 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display I1.05, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_i30 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_i40 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_l13 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display L1.04, Spain) | 1999 | Sega | harl_a13 | harl_a13 | genpin |
harl_l18 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display L1.05, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_l30 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display L3.00, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_l40 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 | genpin |
harl_u13 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display A1.04, UK) | 1999 | Sega | harl_a13 | harl_a13 | genpin |
harley | Harley-Davidson and L.A. Riders (Export, Revision B) | 1997 | Sega | | | |
harleya | Harley-Davidson and L.A. Riders (Export, Revision A) | 1997 | Sega | harley | harley | |
harriet | Harriet | 1990 | Quantel | | | |
has_wamg | TV Wild Adventure Mini Golf (NTSC) | 2005 | Hasbro / Milton Bradley / SSD Company LTD | | | |
hasamu | Hasamu (Japan) | 1991 | Irem | | | |
hatena | Adventure Quiz 2 - Hatena? no Daibouken (Japan 900228) | 1990 | Capcom | | | |
hatris | Hatris (US) | 1990 | Video System Co. | | | |
hatrisj | Hatris (Japan) | 1990 | Video System Co. | hatris | hatris | |
hatrisp | Hatris (show version) | 1990 | Video System Co. | hatris | hatris | |
hattrick | Hat Trick (11/12/84) | 1984 | Bally/Sente | | | |
haunthig | Haunted House (IGS, V109US) | 2008 | IGS | | | |
haunthig101us | Haunted House (IGS, V101US) | 2006 | IGS | haunthig | haunthig | |
hawaii | Hawaii (Russia) | 2004 | Astro Corp. | | | |
hawk | Husky Hawk | 1987 | Husky Computers Ltd | | | |
hawkman | Hawkman (set 1) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | | | genpin |
hawkman1 | Hawkman (set 2) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | hawkman | hawkman | genpin |
hayaosi1 | Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen - The King Of Quiz | 1993 | Jaleco | | | |
hayaosi2 | Hayaoshi Quiz Grand Champion Taikai | 1994 | Jaleco | | | |
hayaosi3 | Hayaoshi Quiz Nettou Namahousou (ver 1.5) | 1994 | Jaleco | | | |
hayaosi3a | Hayaoshi Quiz Nettou Namahousou (ver 1.2) | 1994 | Jaleco | hayaosi3 | hayaosi3 | |
hazl1420 | 1420 Video Display Terminal | 1979 | Hazeltine | | | |
hazl1500 | Hazeltine 1500 | 1977 | Hazeltine Corporation | | | |
hazl1552 | Hazeltine 1552 | 1979 | Hazeltine Corporation | | | |
hb_bar7 | Bar Seven (Fairgames) (set 1) | 200? | Fairgames | | | |
hb_bar7a | Bar Seven (Fairgames) (set 2) | 200? | Fairgames | hb_bar7 | hb_bar7 | |
hb_bigx | Big X (JPM) (set 1) | 200? | JPM | | | |
hb_bigxa | Big X (JPM) (set 2) | 200? | JPM | hb_bigx | hb_bigx | |
hb_bigxb | Big X (JPM) (set 3) | 200? | JPM | hb_bigx | hb_bigx | |
hb_bigxc | Big X (JPM) (set 4) | 200? | JPM | hb_bigx | hb_bigx | |
hb_bigxd | Big X (JPM) (set 5) | 200? | JPM | hb_bigx | hb_bigx | |
hb_cashc | Cash Crusade (Qps) (set 1) | 200? | Qps | | | |
hb_cashca | Cash Crusade (Qps) (set 2) | 200? | Qps | hb_cashc | hb_cashc | |
hb_cashcb | Cash Crusade (Qps) (set 3) | 200? | Qps | hb_cashc | hb_cashc | |
hb_cashx | Cash X (Fairgames) (set 1) | 200? | Fairgames | | | |
hb_cashxa | Cash X (Fairgames) (set 2) | 200? | Fairgames | hb_cashx | hb_cashx | |
hb_ccow | Cash Cow (Qps) (set 1) | 200? | Qps | | | |
hb_ccowa | Cash Cow (Qps) (set 2) | 200? | Qps | hb_ccow | hb_ccow | |
hb_ccowb | Cash Cow (Qps) (set 3) | 200? | Qps | hb_ccow | hb_ccow | |
hb_cr | Cash Raker (Qps) (set 1) | 200? | Qps | | | |
hb_cra | Cash Raker (Qps) (set 2) | 200? | Qps | hb_cr | hb_cr | |
hb_crb | Cash Raker (Qps) (set 3) | 200? | Qps | hb_cr | hb_cr | |
hb_cwf | Cherry Win Falls (Fairgames) (set 1) | 200? | Fairgames | | | |
hb_cwfa | Cherry Win Falls (Fairgames) (set 2) | 200? | Fairgames | hb_cwf | hb_cwf | |
hb_dac | Dough & Arrow Club (Qps, set 1) | 200? | Qps | | | |
hb_daca | Dough & Arrow Club (Qps, set 2) | 200? | Qps | hb_dac | hb_dac | |
hb_dacb | Dough & Arrow Club (Qps, set 3) | 200? | Qps | hb_dac | hb_dac | |
hb_dacc | Dough & Arrow Club (Qps, set 4) | 200? | Qps | hb_dac | hb_dac | |
hb_dacd | Dough & Arrow Club (Qps, set 5) | 200? | Qps | hb_dac | hb_dac | |
hb_dace | Dough & Arrow Club (Qps, set 6) | 200? | Qps | hb_dac | hb_dac | |
hb_dacf | Dough & Arrow Club (Qps, set 7) | 200? | Qps | hb_dac | hb_dac | |
hb_dacg | Dough & Arrow Club (Qps, set 8) | 200? | Qps | hb_dac | hb_dac | |
hb_dacz | Dough & Arrow Club (Qps, set 9) | 200? | Qps | hb_dac | hb_dac | |
hb_frtcl | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 1) | 200? | Qps | | | |
hb_frtcla | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 2) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtclb | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 3) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtclc | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 4) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtcld | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 5) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtcle | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 6) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtclf | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 7) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtclg | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 8) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtclh | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 9) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtcli | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 10) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtclj | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 11) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtclk | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 12) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtcll | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 13) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtclm | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 14) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_frtcln | Fruitopia Club (Qps) (set 15) | 200? | Qps | hb_frtcl | hb_frtcl | |
hb_gldpl | Golden Palace (Qps / Mazooma) (set 1) | 200? | Qps / Mazooma | | | |
hb_gldpla | Golden Palace (Qps / Mazooma) (set 2) | 200? | Qps / Mazooma | hb_gldpl | hb_gldpl | |
hb_gldwn | Golden Winner (Fairgames) (set 1) | 200? | Fairgames | | | |
hb_gldwna | Golden Winner (Fairgames) (set 2) | 200? | Fairgames | hb_gldwn | hb_gldwn | |
hb_gpal | Golden Palace (Qps) (set 1) | 200? | Qps | | | |
hb_gpala | Golden Palace (Qps) (set 2) | 200? | Qps | hb_gpal | hb_gpal | |
hb_gpalb | Golden Palace (Qps) (set 3) | 200? | Qps | hb_gpal | hb_gpal | |
hb_gpalc | Golden Palace (Qps) (set 4) | 200? | Qps | hb_gpal | hb_gpal | |
hb_gpald | Golden Palace (Qps) (set 5) | 200? | Qps | hb_gpal | hb_gpal | |
hb_gpale | Golden Palace (Qps) (set 6) | 200? | Qps | hb_gpal | hb_gpal | |
hb_gpalf | Golden Palace (Qps) (set 7) | 200? | Qps | hb_gpal | hb_gpal | |
hb_gpalg | Golden Palace (Qps) (set 8) | 200? | Qps | hb_gpal | hb_gpal | |
hb_gpalh | Golden Palace (Qps) (set 9) | 200? | Qps | hb_gpal | hb_gpal | |
hb_gpali | Golden Palace (Qps) (set 10) | 200? | Qps | hb_gpal | hb_gpal | |
hb_hotst | Hot Stuff (JPM?) (set 1) | 200? | JPM? | | | |
hb_hotsta | Hot Stuff (JPM?) (set 2) | 200? | JPM? | hb_hotst | hb_hotst | |
hb_hotstb | Hot Stuff (JPM?) (set 3) | 200? | JPM? | hb_hotst | hb_hotst | |
hb_hotstc | Hot Stuff (JPM?) (set 4) | 200? | JPM? | hb_hotst | hb_hotst | |
hb_hotstd | Hot Stuff (JPM?) (set 5) | 200? | JPM? | hb_hotst | hb_hotst | |
hb_hotste | Hot Stuff (JPM?) (set 6) | 200? | JPM? | hb_hotst | hb_hotst | |
hb_hotstf | Hot Stuff (JPM?) (set 7) | 200? | JPM? | hb_hotst | hb_hotst | |
hb_hotstg | Hot Stuff (JPM?) (set 8) | 200? | JPM? | hb_hotst | hb_hotst | |
hb_hotsth | Hot Stuff (JPM?) (set 9) | 200? | JPM? | hb_hotst | hb_hotst | |
hb_jailb | Jail Break (Qps) (set 1) | 200? | Qps | | | |
hb_jailba | Jail Break (Qps) (set 2) | 200? | Qps | hb_jailb | hb_jailb | |
hb_jkrwl | Jokers Wild (Fairgames) (set 1) | 200? | Fairgames | | | |
hb_jkrwla | Jokers Wild (Fairgames) (set 2) | 200? | Fairgames | hb_jkrwl | hb_jkrwl | |
hb_junglet | Jungle Treasures | 2003 | Sega | | | |
hb_medal | Medallion Job (Qps) | 200? | Qps | | | |
hb_mrmon | Mr. Money (Qps) (set 1) | 200? | Qps | | | |
hb_mrmona | Mr. Money (Qps) (set 2) | 200? | Qps | hb_mrmon | hb_mrmon | |
hb_mrmonb | Mr. Money (Qps) (set 3) | 200? | Qps | hb_mrmon | hb_mrmon | |
hb_mrmonc | Mr. Money (Qps) (set 4) | 200? | Qps | hb_mrmon | hb_mrmon | |
hb_rckrl | Rock 'n' Roll (Qps) (set 1) | 200? | Qps | | | |