Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom of | Clone of |
24_130 | 24 v1.30 | 2009 | Stern | 24_150 | 24_150 |
24_140 | 24 v1.40 | 2009 | Stern | 24_150 | 24_150 |
24_144 | 24 v1.44 | 2009 | Stern | 24_150 | 24_150 |
24_150 | 24 v1.50 | 2009 | Stern | | |
aar_101 | Aaron Spelling (1.01) | 1992 | Data East | | |
aavenger | Airborne Avenger | 1977 | Atari | | |
abv105 | Airborne (1.5) | 1996 | Capcom | abv106 | abv106 |
abv106 | Airborne (1.6) | 1996 | Capcom | | |
abv106r | Airborne (Redemption) | 1996 | Capcom | abv106 | abv106 |
afm_10 | Attack From Mars (1.0) | 1995 | Bally | afm_113 | afm_113 |
afm_11 | Attack From Mars (1.1) | 1995 | Bally | afm_113 | afm_113 |
afm_113 | Attack From Mars (1.13, Free play) | 1995 | Bally | | |
afm_113b | Attack From Mars (1.13b) | 1995 | Bally | afm_113 | afm_113 |
afm_11u | Attack From Mars (1.1 Ultrapin) | 1995 | Bally | afm_113 | afm_113 |
aftor | Af-Tor | 1984 | Wico | | |
agent777 | Agents 777 | 1984 | Game Plan | | |
agsoccer | A.G. Soccer Ball (R18u, 2.5L sound) | 1991 | Alvin G | | |
agsoccer07 | A.G. Soccer Ball (R07u) | 1991 | Alvin G | agsoccer | agsoccer |
agsoccera | A.G. Soccer Ball (R18u, 2.1 sound) | 1991 | Alvin G | agsoccer | agsoccer |
alcapone | Al Capone | 1981 | LTD | | |
algar_l1 | Algar (L-1) | 1980 | Williams | | |
ali | Ali | 1980 | Stern | | |
alienstr | Alien Star | 1984 | Gottlieb | | |
alpok_f6 | Alien Poker (L-6 French speech) | 1980 | Williams | alpok_l6 | alpok_l6 |
alpok_l2 | Alien Poker (L-2) | 1980 | Williams | alpok_l6 | alpok_l6 |
alpok_l6 | Alien Poker (L-6) | 1980 | Williams | | |
amazonh | Amazon Hunt | 1983 | Gottlieb | | |
amazonh2 | Amazon Hunt II (French) | 1987 | Gottlieb | | |
amazonh3 | Amazon Hunt III (French) | 1987 | Gottlieb | | |
amazonh3a | Amazon Hunt III (rev. 1, French) | 1987 | Gottlieb | amazonh3 | amazonh3 |
amazonha | Amazon Hunt (alternate set) | 1983 | Gottlieb | amazonh | amazonh |
america | America 1492 | 1986 | Juegos Populares | | |
andretti | Mario Andretti (rev.T4) | 1995 | Gottlieb | | |
andretti0 | Mario Andretti | 1995 | Gottlieb | andretti | andretti |
andromep | Andromeda (set 1) | 1985 | Game Plan | | |
andromepa | Andromeda (set 2) | 1985 | Game Plan | andromep | andromep |
antar | Antar (Playmatic, set 1) | 1979 | Playmatic | | |
antar2 | Antar (Playmatic, set 2) | 1979 | Playmatic | antar | antar |
apollo13 | Apollo 13 (CPU 5.01, display A5.00) | 1995 | Sega | | |
apollo13_10 | Apollo 13 (CPU 1.00, display A1.00) | 1995 | Sega | apollo13 | apollo13 |
apollo13_20 | Apollo 13 (CPU 2.03, display A2.01) | 1995 | Sega | apollo13 | apollo13 |
apollo13_d4 | Apollo 13 (CPU 5.01, display A4.01) | 1995 | Sega | apollo13 | apollo13 |
aqualand | Aqualand (set 1) | 1986 | Juegos Populares | | |
aqualanda | Aqualand (set 2) | 1986 | Juegos Populares | aqualand | aqualand |
arena | Arena | 1987 | Gottlieb | | |
arenaa | Arena (alternate set) | 1987 | Gottlieb | arena | arena |
arenaf | Arena (French) | 1987 | Gottlieb | arena | arena |
arenag | Arena (German) | 1987 | Gottlieb | arena | arena |
arizona | Arizona | 1981 | LTD | | |
astannie | Asteroid Annie and the Aliens | 1980 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
atarians | The Atarians | 1976 | Atari | | |
atla_ltd | Atlantis (LTD) | 1981 | LTD | | |
atlantip | Atlantis (rev. 3) | 1989 | Bally | | |
atleta | Atleta | 1991 | Inder | | |
ator | Ator (set 1, 2 bumpers) | 1985 | Video Dens | | |
ator3bmp | Ator (set 2, 3 bumpers) | 1985 | Video Dens | ator | ator |
attack | Attack | 1980 | Playmatic | | |
attila | Attila The Hun | 1984 | Game Plan | | |
aust201 | Austin Powers (CPU 2.01, display A2.00) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin |
aust300 | Austin Powers (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin |
aust301 | Austin Powers (CPU 3.01, display A3.00) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin |
austin | Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display A3.00) | 2001 | Stern | | |
austinf | Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display F3.00, France) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin |
austing | Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display G3.00, Germany) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin |
austini | Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display I3.00, Italy) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin |
austnew | Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display A3.00, ARM7 sound board) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin |
badgirls | Bad Girls | 1988 | Gottlieb | | |
badgirlsa | Bad Girls (alternate set) | 1988 | Gottlieb | badgirls | badgirls |
badgirlsf | Bad Girls (French) | 1988 | Gottlieb | badgirls | badgirls |
badgirlsg | Bad Girls (German) | 1988 | Gottlieb | badgirls | badgirls |
barbwire | Barb Wire | 1996 | Gottlieb | | |
barra_l1 | Barracora (L-1) | 1981 | Williams | | |
batmanf | Batman Forever (4.0) | 1995 | Sega | | |
batmanf1 | Batman Forever (1.02) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
batmanf2 | Batman Forever (2.02) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
batmanf3 | Batman Forever (3.0) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bay_d300 | Baywatch (3.00 Dutch) | 1995 | Sega | baywatch | baywatch |
bay_d400 | Baywatch (4.00 English) | 1995 | Sega | baywatch | baywatch |
bay_e400 | Baywatch (4.00 Dutch) | 1995 | Sega | baywatch | baywatch |
bay_f201 | Baywatch (2.01 French) | 1995 | Sega | baywatch | baywatch |
bay_g300 | Baywatch (3.00 German) | 1995 | Sega | baywatch | baywatch |
baywatch | Baywatch | 1995 | Sega | | |
bbb108 | Big Bang Bar (Beta 1.8 US) | 1996 | Capcom | bbb109 | bbb109 |
bbb109 | Big Bang Bar (Beta 1.9 US) | 1996 | Capcom | | |
bbeltzac | Black Belt (Zaccaria) | 1986 | Zaccaria | | |
bbeltzacf | Black Belt (Zaccaria, French speech) | 1986 | Zaccaria | bbeltzac | bbeltzac |
bbeltzacg | Black Belt (Zaccaria, German speech) | 1986 | Zaccaria | bbeltzac | bbeltzac |
bbeltzaci | Black Belt (Zaccaria, Italian speech) | 1986 | Zaccaria | bbeltzac | bbeltzac |
bbh_140 | Big Buck Hunter Pro v1.40 | 2010 | Stern | bbh_160 | bbh_160 |
bbh_150 | Big Buck Hunter Pro v1.50 | 2010 | Stern | bbh_160 | bbh_160 |
bbh_160 | Big Buck Hunter Pro v1.60 | 2010 | Stern | | |
bbnny_l2 | Bugs Bunny Birthday Ball (L-2) | 1990 | Bally | | |
bbnny_lg | Bugs Bunny Birthday Ball (LG-2) German | 1990 | Bally | bbnny_l2 | bbnny_l2 |
bbnny_lu | Bugs Bunny Birthday Ball (LU-2) European | 1990 | Bally | bbnny_l2 | bbnny_l2 |
bcats_g4 | Bad Cats (LG-4) | 1989 | Williams | bcats_l5 | bcats_l5 |
bcats_l2 | Bad Cats (LA-2) | 1989 | Williams | bcats_l5 | bcats_l5 |
bcats_l5 | Bad Cats (L-5) | 1989 | Williams | | |
bdk_130 | Batman - The Dark Knight v1.30 | 2008 | Stern | bdk_294 | bdk_294 |
bdk_150 | Batman - The Dark Knight v1.50 | 2008 | Stern | bdk_294 | bdk_294 |
bdk_160 | Batman - The Dark Knight v1.60 | 2008 | Stern | bdk_294 | bdk_294 |
bdk_200 | Batman - The Dark Knight v2.00 | 2008 | Stern | bdk_294 | bdk_294 |
bdk_210 | Batman - The Dark Knight v2.10 | 2008 | Stern | bdk_294 | bdk_294 |
bdk_220 | Batman - The Dark Knight v2.20 | 2008 | Stern | bdk_294 | bdk_294 |
bdk_290 | Batman - The Dark Knight v2.90 | 2008 | Stern | bdk_294 | bdk_294 |
bdk_294 | Batman - The Dark Knight v2.94 | 2008 | Stern | | |
beatclck | Beat the Clock | 1985 | Bally | | |
beatclck2 | Beat the Clock (with flasher support) | 1985 | Bally | beatclck | beatclck |
bellring | Bell Ringer | 1990 | Gottlieb | | |
bguns_l7 | Big Guns (L-7) | 1987 | Williams | bguns_l8 | bguns_l8 |
bguns_l8 | Big Guns (L-8) | 1987 | Williams | | |
bguns_la | Big Guns (L-A) | 1987 | Williams | bguns_l8 | bguns_l8 |
bguns_p1 | Big Guns (P-1) | 1987 | Williams | bguns_l8 | bguns_l8 |
bhol_ltd | Black Hole (LTD) | 1981 | LTD | | |
bigbat | Big Bat (Bat game) | 1984 | Bally Midway | | |
biggame | Big Game | 1980 | Stern | | |
bighouse | Big House | 1989 | Gottlieb | | |
bighousef | Big House (French) | 1989 | Gottlieb | bighouse | bighouse |
bighouseg | Big House (German) | 1989 | Gottlieb | bighouse | bighouse |
bighurt | Frank Thomas' Big Hurt (rev.3) | 1995 | Gottlieb | | |
bigtown | Big Town | 1978 | Playmatic | | |
bikerace | Bike Race | 1992 | Sleic | | |
bikerace2 | Bike Race (2-ball play) | 1992 | Sleic | bikerace | bikerace |
bk_f4 | Black Knight (L-4, French speech) | 1980 | Williams | bk_l4 | bk_l4 |
bk_l2 | Black Knight (L-2) | 1980 | Williams | bk_l4 | bk_l4 |
bk_l3 | Black Knight (L-3) | 1980 | Williams | bk_l4 | bk_l4 |
bk_l4 | Black Knight (L-4) | 1980 | Williams | | |
bk2k_l4 | Black Knight 2000 (L-4) | 1989 | Williams | | |
bk2k_la2 | Black Knight 2000 (LA-2) | 1989 | Williams | bk2k_l4 | bk2k_l4 |
bk2k_lg1 | Black Knight 2000 (LG-1) | 1989 | Williams | bk2k_l4 | bk2k_l4 |
bk2k_lg3 | Black Knight 2000 (LG-3) | 1989 | Williams | bk2k_l4 | bk2k_l4 |
bk2k_pa5 | Black Knight 2000 (PA-5) | 1989 | Williams | bk2k_l4 | bk2k_l4 |
bk2k_pa7 | Black Knight 2000 (PA-7) | 1989 | Williams | bk2k_l4 | bk2k_l4 |
bk2k_pf1 | Black Knight 2000 (PF-1) | 1989 | Williams | bk2k_l4 | bk2k_l4 |
bk2k_pu1 | Black Knight 2000 (PU-1) | 1989 | Williams | bk2k_l4 | bk2k_l4 |
black100 | Blackwater 100 | 1988 | Bally | | |
black100s | Blackwater 100 (Single Ball Play) | 1988 | Bally | black100 | black100 |
blackblt | Black Belt | 1986 | Bally | | |
blackblt2 | Black Belt (Squawk and Talk) | 1986 | Bally | blackblt | blackblt |
blackjck | Black Jack (Pinball) | 1978 | Bally | | |
blakpyra | Black Pyramid | 1984 | Bally | | |
blckhole | Black Hole (Rev. 4) | 1981 | Gottlieb | | |
blckhole2 | Black Hole (Rev. 2) | 1981 | Gottlieb | blckhole | blckhole |
blckhols | Black Hole (Sound Only) | 1981 | Gottlieb | | |
bldyrolr | Bloody Roller | 1987 | Playbar | | |
blkfever | Black Fever | 1980 | Playmatic | | |
blkou_f1 | Blackout (L-1, French Speech) | 1979 | Williams | blkou_l1 | blkou_l1 |
blkou_l1 | Blackout (L-1) | 1979 | Williams | | |
blkou_t1 | Blackout (T-1) | 1979 | Williams | blkou_l1 | blkou_l1 |
blkshpsq | Black Sheep Squadron | 1978 | Astro | | |
blvelvet | Black Velvet | 1978 | Game Plan | gp_110 | |
bmf_at | Batman Forever (Austrian) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_be | Batman Forever (Belgian) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_ch | Batman Forever (Swiss) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_cn | Batman Forever (Canadian) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_de | Batman Forever (German) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_fr | Batman Forever (French) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_it | Batman Forever (Italian) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_jp | Batman Forever (Japanese) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_nl | Batman Forever (Dutch, 4.0) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_no | Batman Forever (Norwegian) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_sp | Batman Forever (Spanish) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_sv | Batman Forever (Swedish) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_time | Batman Forever (Timed Play) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmf_uk | Batman Forever (English) | 1995 | Sega | batmanf | batmanf |
bmx | BMX | 1983 | Bally | | |
bnzai_g3 | Banzai Run (L-3) Germany | 1988 | Williams | bnzai_l3 | bnzai_l3 |
bnzai_l1 | Banzai Run (L-1) | 1988 | Williams | bnzai_l3 | bnzai_l3 |
bnzai_l3 | Banzai Run (L-3) | 1988 | Williams | | |
bnzai_pa | Banzai Run (P-A) | 1988 | Williams | bnzai_l3 | bnzai_l3 |
bonebstr | Bone Busters Inc. | 1989 | Gottlieb | | |
bonebstrf | Bone Busters Inc. (French) | 1989 | Gottlieb | bonebstr | bonebstr |
bonebstrg | Bone Busters Inc. (German) | 1989 | Gottlieb | bonebstr | bonebstr |
bop_l2 | The Machine: Bride of Pinbot (L-2) | 1991 | Williams | bop_l7 | bop_l7 |
bop_l3 | The Machine: Bride of Pinbot (L-3) | 1991 | Williams | bop_l7 | bop_l7 |
bop_l4 | The Machine: Bride of Pinbot (L-4) | 1991 | Williams | bop_l7 | bop_l7 |
bop_l5 | The Machine: Bride of Pinbot (L-5) | 1991 | Williams | bop_l7 | bop_l7 |
bop_l6 | The Machine: Bride of Pinbot (L-6) | 1991 | Williams | bop_l7 | bop_l7 |
bop_l7 | The Machine: Bride of Pinbot (L-7) | 1992 | Williams | | |
bountyh | Bounty Hunter | 1985 | Gottlieb | | |
bountyhg | Bounty Hunter (German) | 1985 | Gottlieb | bountyh | bountyh |
bowarrow | Bow & Arrow (Prototype, rev. 23) | 1976 | Bally | | |
bowarrowa | Bow & Arrow (Prototype, rev. 22) | 1976 | Bally | bowarrow | bowarrow |
br_l1 | Black Rose (L-1) | 1992 | Bally | br_l4 | br_l4 |
br_l3 | Black Rose (L-3) | 1993 | Bally | br_l4 | br_l4 |
br_l4 | Black Rose (L-4) | 1993 | Bally | | |
br_p17 | Black Rose (SP-1) | 1992 | Bally | br_l4 | br_l4 |
break86 | Break '86 | 1986 | Video Dens | | |
brooks | Brooks & Dunn (rev.T1) | 1996 | Gottlieb | | |
brvteam | Brave Team | 1985 | Inder | | |
bsb105 | Breakshot (Beta) | 1996 | Capcom | bsv103 | bsv103 |
bsktbllp | Basket Ball | 1987 | IDSA | | |
bsv100r | Breakshot (Redemption 1.0) | 1996 | Capcom | bsv103 | bsv103 |
bsv102 | Breakshot (1.2) | 1996 | Capcom | bsv103 | bsv103 |
bsv102r | Breakshot (Redemption 1.2) | 1996 | Capcom | bsv103 | bsv103 |
bsv103 | Breakshot (1.3) | 1996 | Capcom | | |
btmn_101 | Batman (USA 1.01, display A1.02) | 1991 | Data East | btmn_106 | btmn_106 |
btmn_103 | Batman (USA 1.03, display A1.02) | 1991 | Data East | btmn_106 | btmn_106 |
btmn_103f | Batman (France 1.03, display F1.03) | 1991 | Data East | btmn_106 | btmn_106 |
btmn_103g | Batman (Germany 1.03, display G1.04) | 1991 | Data East | btmn_106 | btmn_106 |
btmn_106 | Batman (USA 1.06, display A1.02) | 1991 | Data East | | |
bttf_a20 | Back to the Future - The Pinball (2.0) | 1990 | Data East | bttf_a28 | bttf_a28 |
bttf_a21 | Back to the Future - The Pinball (2.1) | 1990 | Data East | bttf_a28 | bttf_a28 |
bttf_a27 | Back to the Future - The Pinball (2.7) | 1990 | Data East | bttf_a28 | bttf_a28 |
bttf_a28 | Back to the Future - The Pinball (2.8) | 1990 | Data East | | |
bttf_g27 | Back to the Future - The Pinball (2.7, Germany) | 199? | Data East | bttf_a28 | bttf_a28 |
buckrgrs | Buck Rogers | 1980 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
bullseye | 301/Bullseye (301 Darts Scoring) | 1986 | Grand Products | | |
bullseyn | 301/Bullseye (Traditional Scoring) | 1986 | Grand Products | bullseye | bullseye |
bushido | Bushido (set 1) | 1993 | Inder | | |
bushidoa | Bushido (set 2) | 1993 | Inder | bushido | bushido |
bushidob | Bushido (set 3) | 1993 | Inder | bushido | bushido |
cactjack | Cactus Jack's | 1991 | Gottlieb | | |
camlight | Camel Lights | 1978 | Game Plan | gp_110 | |
canasta | Canasta '86' | 1986 | Inder | | |
carhop | Car Hop | 1991 | Gottlieb | | |
catacomp | Catacomb (Pinball) | 1981 | Stern | | |
cavnegro | Cavaleiro Negro (set 1) | 1981 | Taito do Brasil | | |
cavnegro1 | Cavaleiro Negro (set 2) | 1981 | Taito do Brasil | cavnegro | cavnegro |
cavnegro2 | Cavaleiro Negro (set 3) | 1981 | Taito do Brasil | cavnegro | cavnegro |
cc_10 | Cactus Canyon (1.0) | 1998 | Bally | cc_13 | cc_13 |
cc_104 | Cactus Canyon (1.04 Test 0.2) | 1998 | Bally | cc_13 | cc_13 |
cc_12 | Cactus Canyon (1.2) | 1998 | Bally | cc_13 | cc_13 |
cc_13 | Cactus Canyon (1.3) | 1998 | Bally | | |
ccruise | Caribbean Cruise | 1989 | International Concepts | | |
centaur | Centaur | 1981 | Bally | | |
centauri | Centaur (Inder) (set 1) | 1979 | Inder | | |
centauri2 | Centaur (Inder) (set 2) | 1979 | Inder | centauri | centauri |
cerberup | Cerberus (Pinball) | 1982 | Playmatic | | |
cftbl_l2 | Creature from the Black Lagoon (L-2) | 1993 | Bally | cftbl_l4 | cftbl_l4 |
cftbl_l3 | Creature from the Black Lagoon (L-3,SP-1) | 1993 | Bally | cftbl_l4 | cftbl_l4 |
cftbl_l4 | Creature from the Black Lagoon (L-4) | 1993 | Bally | | |
champion | Champion 85 | 1985 | Barni | | |
chance | Chance | 1978 | Playmatic | | |
charlies | Charlie's Angels | 1978 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
cheetah | Cheetah (Black Cabinet) | 1980 | Stern | | |
cheetahb | Cheetah (Blue Cabinet) | 1980 | Stern | cheetah | cheetah |
chucklck | Chuck-A-Luck | 1978 | Game Plan | gp_110 | |
circa33 | Circa 1933 | 1979 | Fascination Int. | allied | |
circusp | Circus | 1980 | Gottlieb | | |
cityslck | City Slicker | 1987 | Bally | | |
ckpt_a17 | Checkpoint (1.7) | 1991 | Data East | | |
clas1812 | Class of 1812 | 1991 | Gottlieb | | |
cleoptra | Cleopatra | 1977 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
closeenc | Close Encounters of the Third Kind | 1978 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
clown | Clown | 1985 | Zaccaria | | |
cntct_l1 | Contact (L-1) | 1978 | Williams | | |
cntforce | Counterforce | 1980 | Gottlieb | | |
cobrap | Cobra | 1987 | Nuova Bell Games | | |
cobrapb | Cobra (Playbar) | 1987 | Playbar | | |
columbia | Columbia | 1982 | LTD | | |
comeback | Come Back | 198? | Nondum / CIFA | | |
comet_l4 | Comet (L-4) | 1985 | Williams | comet_l5 | comet_l5 |
comet_l5 | Comet (L-5) | 1985 | Williams | | |
coneyis | Old Coney Island! | 1979 | Game Plan | | |
congo_11 | Congo (1.1) | 1995 | Williams | congo_21 | congo_21 |
congo_11s10 | Congo (1.1, DCS sound 1.0) | 1995 | Williams | congo_21 | congo_21 |
congo_13 | Congo (1.3) | 1995 | Williams | congo_21 | congo_21 |
congo_20 | Congo (2.0) | 1995 | Williams | congo_21 | congo_21 |
congo_21 | Congo (2.1) | 1995 | Williams | | |
corsario | Corsario | 1989 | Inder | | |
corv_21 | Corvette (2.1) | 1994 | Bally | | |
corv_la1 | Corvette (LA1) | 1994 | Bally | corv_21 | corv_21 |
corv_lx1 | Corvette (LX1) | 1994 | Bally | corv_21 | corv_21 |
corv_lx2 | Corvette (LX2) | 1994 | Bally | corv_21 | corv_21 |
corv_px3 | Corvette (PX3 Prototype) | 1994 | Bally | corv_21 | corv_21 |
corv_px4 | Corvette (PX4 Prototype) | 1994 | Bally | corv_21 | corv_21 |
cosflash | Cosmic Flash | 1985 | Bell Games | flashgdn | flashgdn |
cosflnsm | Cosmic Flash (NSM) | 1985 | NSM | | |
cosmic | Cosmic | 1981 | Taito do Brasil | | |
countdwn | Count-Down | 1979 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
cowboy | Cowboy Eight Ball (set 1) | 1981 | LTD | | |
cowboy2 | Cowboy Eight Ball 2 | 1982 | LTD | | |
cowboya | Cowboy Eight Ball (set 2) | 1981 | LTD | cowboy | cowboy |
cp_15 | The Champion Pub (1.5) | 1998 | Bally | cp_16 | cp_16 |
cp_16 | The Champion Pub (1.6) | 1998 | Bally | | |
cpthook | Captain Hook | 1985 | Game Plan | | |
csi_102 | C.S.I. v1.02 | 2008 | Stern | csi_240 | csi_240 |
csi_103 | C.S.I. v1.03 | 2008 | Stern | csi_240 | csi_240 |
csi_104 | C.S.I. v1.04 | 2008 | Stern | csi_240 | csi_240 |
csi_200 | C.S.I. v2.00 | 2008 | Stern | csi_240 | csi_240 |
csi_210 | C.S.I. v2.10 | 2008 | Stern | csi_240 | csi_240 |
csi_230 | C.S.I. v2.30 | 2008 | Stern | csi_240 | csi_240 |
csi_240 | C.S.I. v2.40 | 2008 | Stern | | |
csmic_l1 | Cosmic Gunfight (L-1) | 1980 | Williams | | |
cue | Cue (Prototype) | 1982 | Stern | | |
cueball | Cue Ball Wizard | 1992 | Gottlieb | | |
cueballa | Cue Ball Wizard (rev. 2) | 1992 | Gottlieb | cueball | cueball |
cueballb | Cue Ball Wizard (rev. 3) | 1992 | Gottlieb | cueball | cueball |
cueballc | Cue Ball Wizard (older display rev.) | 1992 | Gottlieb | cueball | cueball |
cv_10 | Cirqus Voltaire (1.0) | 1997 | Bally | cv_14 | cv_14 |
cv_11 | Cirqus Voltaire (1.1) | 1997 | Bally | cv_14 | cv_14 |
cv_13 | Cirqus Voltaire (1.3) | 1997 | Bally | cv_14 | cv_14 |
cv_14 | Cirqus Voltaire (1.4) | 1997 | Bally | | |
cv_20h | Cirqus Voltaire (2.0H) | 1997 | Bally | cv_14 | cv_14 |
cv_d52 | Cirqus Voltaire (D.52 prototype) | 1997 | Bally | cv_14 | cv_14 |
cybrnaut | Cybernaut | 1985 | Bally | | |
cycln_l1 | Cyclone (L-1) | 1988 | Williams | cycln_l5 | cycln_l5 |
cycln_l4 | Cyclone (L-4) | 1988 | Williams | cycln_l5 | cycln_l5 |
cycln_l5 | Cyclone (L-5) | 1988 | Williams | | |
cyclopes | Cyclopes (12/85) | 1985 | Game Plan | | |
cyclopes1 | Cyclopes (11/85) | 1985 | Game Plan | cyclopes | cyclopes |
dakar | Dakar | 1988 | Mr Game | | |
dalejr | Dale Jr. (CPU 5.00, display J5.00) | 2005 | Stern | nascar | nascar |
darkshad | Dark Shadow | 1986 | Nuova Bell Games | | |
dd_l2 | Dr. Dude (LA-2) | 1990 | Bally | | |
dd_lu1 | Dr. Dude (LU-1) Europe | 1990 | Bally | dd_l2 | dd_l2 |
dd_p06 | Dr. Dude (PA-6 WPC) | 1990 | Bally | dd_l2 | dd_l2 |
dd_p6 | Dr. Dude (PA-6) | 1990 | Bally | dd_l2 | dd_l2 |
dd_p7 | Dr. Dude (PA-7 WPC) | 1990 | Bally | dd_l2 | dd_l2 |
deadweap | Deadly Weapon | 1990 | Gottlieb | | |
dfndr_l4 | Defender (L-4) | 1982 | Williams | | |
dh_lf2 | Dirty Harry (LF-2) | 1995 | Williams | dh_lx2 | dh_lx2 |
dh_lx2 | Dirty Harry (LX-2) | 1995 | Williams | | |
diamondp | Diamond Lady | 1988 | Gottlieb | | |
diamondpf | Diamond Lady (French) | 1988 | Gottlieb | diamondp | diamondp |
diamondpg | Diamond Lady (German) | 1988 | Gottlieb | diamondp | diamondp |
diner_f2 | Diner (LF-2) French | 1990 | Williams | diner_l4 | diner_l4 |
diner_g2 | Diner (LG-2) German | 1990 | Williams | diner_l4 | diner_l4 |
diner_l1 | Diner (LU-1) Europe | 1990 | Williams | diner_l4 | diner_l4 |
diner_l2 | Diner (LU-2) Europe | 1990 | Williams | diner_l4 | diner_l4 |
diner_l3 | Diner (LA-3) | 1990 | Williams | diner_l4 | diner_l4 |
diner_l4 | Diner (LA-4) | 1990 | Williams | | |
diner_p0 | Diner (PA-0 prototype) | 1990 | Williams | diner_l4 | diner_l4 |
dinoeggs | Dinosaur Eggs (R02) | 1993 | Alvin G | | |
disco_l1 | Disco Fever (L-1) | 1978 | Williams | | |
disco79 | Disco '79 | 1979 | Allied Leisure | allied | |
discodan | Disco Dancing | 1981 | LTD | | |
dm_h5 | Demolition Man (H-5) | 1995 | Williams | dm_lx4 | dm_lx4 |
dm_h6 | Demolition Man (H-6) | 1995 | Williams | dm_lx4 | dm_lx4 |
dm_la1 | Demolition Man (LA-1) | 1994 | Williams | dm_lx4 | dm_lx4 |
dm_lx3 | Demolition Man (LX-3) | 1994 | Williams | dm_lx4 | dm_lx4 |
dm_lx4 | Demolition Man (LX-4) | 1994 | Williams | | |
dm_pa2 | Demolition Man (PA-2) | 1994 | Williams | dm_lx4 | dm_lx4 |
dm_px5 | Demolition Man (PX-5) | 1994 | Williams | dm_lx4 | dm_lx4 |
dollyptn | Dolly Parton | 1979 | Bally | | |
drac_l1 | Bram Stoker's Dracula (L-1) | 1993 | Williams | | |
drac_p11 | Bram Stoker's Dracula (P-11) | 1993 | Williams | drac_l1 | drac_l1 |
dracula | Dracula (Pinball) | 1979 | Stern | | |
dragfist | Dragonfist | 1982 | Stern | | |
dragon | Dragon | 1978 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
drakor | Drakor | 1980 | Taito do Brasil | | |
dungdrag | Dungeons & Dragons | 1987 | Bally | | |
dvlrider | Devil Riders | 1984 | Zaccaria | | |
dvlriderf | Devil Riders (French speech) | 1984 | Zaccaria | dvlrider | dvlrider |
dvlriderg | Devil Riders (German speech) | 1984 | Zaccaria | dvlrider | dvlrider |
dvlrideri | Devil Riders (Italian speech) | 1984 | Zaccaria | dvlrider | dvlrider |
dvlsdre | Devil's Dare | 1981 | Gottlieb | | |
dvlsdre2 | Devil's Dare (Sound Only) | 1981 | Gottlieb | | |
dw_l1 | Doctor Who (L-1) | 1992 | Bally | dw_l2 | dw_l2 |
dw_l2 | Doctor Who (L-2) | 1992 | Bally | | |
dw_p5 | Doctor Who (P-5) | 1992 | Bally | dw_l2 | dw_l2 |
eatpm_3g | Elvira and the Party Monsters (LG-3) | 1989 | Bally | eatpm_l4 | eatpm_l4 |
eatpm_4g | Elvira and the Party Monsters (LG-4) | 1989 | Bally | eatpm_l4 | eatpm_l4 |
eatpm_4u | Elvira and the Party Monsters (LU-4) | 1989 | Bally | eatpm_l4 | eatpm_l4 |
eatpm_f1 | Elvira and the Party Monsters (LF-1) French | 1989 | Bally | eatpm_l4 | eatpm_l4 |
eatpm_l1 | Elvira and the Party Monsters (LA-1) | 1989 | Bally | eatpm_l4 | eatpm_l4 |
eatpm_l2 | Elvira and the Party Monsters (LA-2) | 1989 | Bally | eatpm_l4 | eatpm_l4 |
eatpm_l4 | Elvira and the Party Monsters (LA-4) | 1989 | Bally | | |
eatpm_p7 | Elvira and the Party Monsters (PA-7) | 1989 | Bally | eatpm_l4 | eatpm_l4 |
eballchp | Eight Ball Champ | 1985 | Bally | | |
eballchps | Eight Ball Champ (Spain, Z-Pinball hardware) | 1986 | Bally (Maibesa license) | eballchp | eballchp |
eballd14 | Eight Ball Deluxe (rev. 14) | 1981 | Bally | eballdlx | eballdlx |
eballdlx | Eight Ball Deluxe (rev. 15) | 1981 | Bally | | |
eballdlxp1 | Eight Ball Deluxe (prototype rev. 1) | 1981 | Bally | eballdlx | eballdlx |
eballdlxp2 | Eight Ball Deluxe (prototype rev. 2) | 1981 | Bally | eballdlx | eballdlx |
eballdlxp3 | Eight Ball Deluxe (prototype rev. 3) | 1981 | Bally | eballdlx | eballdlx |
eballdlxp4 | Eight Ball Deluxe (prototype rev. 4) | 1981 | Bally | eballdlx | eballdlx |
eclipse | Eclipse | 1981 | Gottlieb | | |
eightbll | Eight Ball (rev. 20) | 1977 | Bally | | |
eightblo | Eight Ball (rev. 17) | 1977 | Bally | eightbll | eightbll |
eldorado | El Dorado City of Gold | 1984 | Gottlieb | | |
elektra | Elektra | 1981 | Bally | | |
elvisf | Elvis (CPU 5.00, display F5.00, France) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisf302 | Elvis (CPU 3.02, display F3.02, France) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisf303 | Elvis (CPU 3.03, display F3.02, France) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisf4 | Elvis (CPU 4.00, display F4.01, France) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisg | Elvis (CPU 5.00, display G5.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisg302 | Elvis (CPU 3.02, display G3.02, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisg303 | Elvis (CPU 3.03, display G3.02, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisg4 | Elvis (CPU 4.00, display G4.01, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisi | Elvis (CPU 5.00, display I5.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisi302 | Elvis (CPU 3.02, display I3.02, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisi303 | Elvis (CPU 3.03, display I3.02, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisi4 | Elvis (CPU 4.00, display I4.01, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisl | Elvis (CPU 5.00, display L5.00, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisl302 | Elvis (CPU 3.02, display L3.02, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisl303 | Elvis (CPU 3.03, display L3.02, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisl4 | Elvis (CPU 4.00, display L4.01, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisp | Elvis (CPU 5.00, display A5.00) | 2004 | Stern | | |
elvisp100 | Elvis (CPU 1.00, display A1.00) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisp302 | Elvis (CPU 3.02, display A3.02) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisp303 | Elvis (CPU 3.03, display A3.02) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
elvisp4 | Elvis (CPU 4.00, display A4.01) | 2004 | Stern | elvisp | elvisp |
embryon | Embryon | 1981 | Bally | | |
empsback | The Empire Strikes Back (Hankin Pinball) | 1981 | Hankin | | |
erosone | Eros One | 1979 | Fascination Int. | allied | |
escape | Escape | 1987 | Jac Van Ham (Royal) | | |
esclwrld | Escape from the Lost World | 1987 | Bally | | |
esclwrldg | Escape from the Lost World (German) | 1987 | Bally | esclwrld | esclwrld |
esha_la1 | Earthshaker (LA-1) | 1988 | Williams | esha_la3 | esha_la3 |
esha_la3 | Earthshaker (LA-3) | 1988 | Williams | | |
esha_lg1 | Earthshaker (German) (LG-1) | 1988 | Williams | esha_la3 | esha_la3 |
esha_lg2 | Earthshaker (German) (LG-2) | 1988 | Williams | esha_la3 | esha_la3 |
esha_ma3 | Earthshaker (Metallica) (LA-3) | 1989 | Williams | esha_la3 | esha_la3 |
esha_pa1 | Earthshaker (Prototype) (PA-1) | 1988 | Williams | esha_la3 | esha_la3 |
esha_pa4 | Earthshaker (Prototype) (PA-4) | 1988 | Williams | esha_la3 | esha_la3 |
esha_pr4 | Earthshaker (Family version) (PR-4) | 1989 | Williams | esha_la3 | esha_la3 |
evelknie | Evel Knievel | 1977 | Bally | | |
evlfight | Evil Fight | 1980 | Playmatic | | |
ewf | Earth Wind Fire | 1981 | Zaccaria | | |
excalibr | Excalibur | 1988 | Gottlieb | | |
excalibrf | Excalibur (French) | 1988 | Gottlieb | excalibr | excalibr |
excalibrg | Excalibur (German) | 1988 | Gottlieb | excalibr | excalibr |
f14_l1 | F-14 Tomcat (L-1) | 1987 | Williams | | |
f14_p3 | F-14 Tomcat (P-3) | 1987 | Williams | f14_l1 | f14_l1 |
f14_p4 | F-14 Tomcat (P-4) | 1987 | Williams | f14_l1 | f14_l1 |
f14_p5 | F-14 Tomcat (P-5) | 1987 | Williams | f14_l1 | f14_l1 |
f1gpp | F1 Grand Prix (Nuova Bell Games) | 1987 | Nuova Bell Games | | |
faeton | Faeton (7 digits) | 1985 | Juegos Populares | | |
faeton6d | Faeton (6 digits) | 1985 | Juegos Populares | faeton | faeton |
famlyfun | Family Fun! | 1979 | Game Plan | | |
farfalla | Farfalla | 1983 | Zaccaria | | |
farfallaf | Farfalla (French speech) | 1983 | Zaccaria | farfalla | farfalla |
farfallag | Farfalla (German speech) | 1983 | Zaccaria | farfalla | farfalla |
farfallai | Farfalla (Italian speech) | 1983 | Zaccaria | farfalla | farfalla |
fathom | Fathom | 1981 | Bally | | |
fball_ii | Fireball II | 1981 | Bally | | |
fbclass | Fireball Classic | 1984 | Bally | | |
ffv101 | Flipper Football (v1.01) | 1996 | Capcom | ffv104 | ffv104 |
ffv103 | Flipper Football (v1.03) | 1996 | Capcom | ffv104 | ffv104 |
ffv104 | Flipper Football (v1.04) | 1996 | Capcom | | |
fg_1000af | Family Guy v10.0 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_1000ag | Family Guy v10.0 (English,German) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_1000ai | Family Guy v10.0 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_1000al | Family Guy v10.0 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_110af | Family Guy v11.0 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_110ag | Family Guy v11.0 (English,German) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_110ai | Family Guy v11.0 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_110al | Family Guy v11.0 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_120af | Family Guy v12.0 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | | |
fg_120ag | Family Guy v12.0 (English,German) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_120ai | Family Guy v12.0 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_120al | Family Guy v12.0 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_300ai | Family Guy v3.0 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_400a | Family Guy v4.0 (English) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_400ag | Family Guy v4.0 (English,German) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_700af | Family Guy v7.0 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_700al | Family Guy v7.0 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fg_800al | Family Guy v8.0 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | fg_120af | fg_120af |
fh_905h | Funhouse (9.05H) | 1996 | Williams | fh_l9 | fh_l9 |
fh_l2 | Funhouse (L-2) | 1990 | Williams | fh_l9 | fh_l9 |
fh_l3 | Funhouse (L-3) | 1990 | Williams | fh_l9 | fh_l9 |
fh_l4 | Funhouse (L-4) | 1990 | Williams | fh_l9 | fh_l9 |
fh_l5 | Funhouse (L-5) | 1990 | Williams | fh_l9 | fh_l9 |
fh_l9 | Funhouse (L-9, SL-2m) | 1990 | Williams | | |
fh_l9b | Funhouse (L-9, SL-2m, bootleg improved German translation) | 1990 | Williams | fh_l9 | fh_l9 |
fh_pa1 | Funhouse (L-2, prototype PA-1 System 11 sound) | 1990 | Williams | fh_l9 | fh_l9 |
fire_l2 | Fire! (L-2) | 1987 | Williams | fire_l3 | fire_l3 |
fire_l3 | Fire! (L-3) | 1987 | Williams | | |
fireact | Fire Action | 1981 | Taito do Brasil | | |
fireactd | Fire Action Deluxe | 198? | Taito do Brasil | | |
firebird | Hot Fire Birds | 1985 | NSM | | |
firemntn | Fire Mountain | 1980 | Zaccaria | | |
fjholden | FJ Holden | 1978 | Hankin | | |
flash_l1 | Flash (Williams, L-1) | 1979 | Williams | flash_l2 | flash_l2 |
flash_l2 | Flash (Williams, L-2) | 1979 | Williams | | |
flash_t1 | Flash (Williams, T-1) Ted Estes | 1979 | Williams | flash_l2 | flash_l2 |
flashgdn | Flash Gordon | 1981 | Bally | | |
flashgdnf | Flash Gordon (French) | 1981 | Bally | flashgdn | flashgdn |
flashgdnfv | Flash Gordon (French Vocalizer sound) | 1981 | Bally | flashgdn | flashgdn |
flashgdnp1 | Flash Gordon (prototype rev. 1) | 1981 | Bally | flashgdn | flashgdn |
flashgdnp2 | Flash Gordon (prototype rev. 2) | 1981 | Bally | flashgdn | flashgdn |
flashgdnv | Flash Gordon (Vocalizer sound) | 1981 | Bally | flashgdn | flashgdn |
flashman | Flashman | 1984 | Sport Matic | | |
fldragon | Flash Dragon | 1986 | Playmatic | | |
fldragona | Flash Dragon (alternate set) | 1986 | Playmatic | fldragon | fldragon |
flicker | Flicker (prototype) | 1974 | Dave Nutting Associates / Bally | | |
flight2k | Flight 2000 | 1980 | Stern | | |
foathens | Flame of Athens | 1978 | Allied Leisure | allied | |
football | Football | 1981 | Taito do Brasil | | |
force | Force | 1981 | LTD | | |
forceii | Force II | 1981 | Gottlieb | | |
formula1 | Formula 1 | 1988 | Jac Van Ham (Royal) | | |
fourx4 | 4x4 | 1982 | Atari | | |
foxylady | Foxy Lady | 1978 | Game Plan | gp_110 | |
fpwr2_l2 | Firepower II (L-2) | 1983 | Williams | | |
frankst | Mary Shelley's Frankenstein | 1994 | Sega | | |
frankstg | Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (Germany) | 1995 | Sega | frankst | frankst |
franksti | Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (Italy) | 1995 | Sega | frankst | frankst |
freddy | Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street (rev.4) | 1994 | Gottlieb | | |
freddy3 | Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street (rev.3) | 1994 | Gottlieb | freddy | freddy |
freedom | Freedom | 1977 | Bally | | |
freefall | Freefall | 1981 | Stern | | |
frontier | Frontier | 1980 | Bally | | |
frpwr_l2 | Firepower (L-2) | 1980 | Williams | frpwr_l6 | frpwr_l6 |
frpwr_l6 | Firepower (L-6) | 1980 | Williams | | |
frpwr_t6 | Firepower (T-6) | 1980 | Williams | frpwr_l6 | frpwr_l6 |
fs_la5 | The Flintstones (LA-5) | 1994 | Williams | fs_lx5 | fs_lx5 |
fs_lx2 | The Flintstones (LX-2) | 1994 | Williams | fs_lx5 | fs_lx5 |
fs_lx3 | The Flintstones (LX-3) | 1994 | Williams | fs_lx5 | fs_lx5 |
fs_lx4 | The Flintstones (LX-4) | 1994 | Williams | fs_lx5 | fs_lx5 |
fs_lx5 | The Flintstones (LX-5) | 1994 | Williams | | |
fs_sp2 | The Flintstones (SP-2) | 1994 | Williams | fs_lx5 | fs_lx5 |
ft_l3 | Fish Tales (L-3) | 1992 | Williams | ft_l5 | ft_l5 |
ft_l4 | Fish Tales (L-4) | 1992 | Williams | ft_l5 | ft_l5 |
ft_l5 | Fish Tales (L-5) | 1992 | Williams | | |
ft_p2 | Fish Tales (P-2) | 1992 | Williams | ft_l5 | ft_l5 |
ft_p4 | Fish Tales (P-4) | 1992 | Williams | ft_l5 | ft_l5 |
futrquen | Future Queen | 1987 | Nuova Bell Games | | |
futurspa | Future Spa | 1979 | Bally | | |
futurwld | Future World | 1978 | Zaccaria | | |
galaxypi | Galaxy | 1980 | Stern | | |
gamatron | Gamatron | 1985 | Pinstar | flight2k | flight2k |
gamatros | Gamatron (Sonic) | 1986 | Sonic | | |
gamesnsm | The Games (NSM) | 1985 | NSM | | |
gemini2k | Gemini 2000 (set 1) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | | |
gemini2k1 | Gemini 2000 (set 2) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | gemini2k | gemini2k |
genesisp | Genesis | 1986 | Gottlieb | | |
genesispf | Genesis (French) | 1986 | Gottlieb | genesisp | genesisp |
genesispg | Genesis (German) | 1986 | Gottlieb | genesisp | genesisp |
geniep | Genie (Pinball) | 1979 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
ghv101 | Goofy Hoops | 1994 | Romstar | | |
gi_l3 | Gilligan's Island (L-3) | 1991 | Bally | gi_l9 | gi_l9 |
gi_l4 | Gilligan's Island (L-4) | 1991 | Bally | gi_l9 | gi_l9 |
gi_l6 | Gilligan's Island (L-6) | 1991 | Bally | gi_l9 | gi_l9 |
gi_l8 | Gilligan's Island (L-8) | 1991 | Bally | gi_l9 | gi_l9 |
gi_l9 | Gilligan's Island (L-9) | 1991 | Bally | | |
gladiatp | Gladiators (pinball) | 1993 | Gottlieb | | |
gldneye | Goldeneye (CPU 4.04, display A4.00) | 1996 | Sega | | |
gldneye_402 | Goldeneye (CPU 4.02, display A4.00) | 1996 | Sega | gldneye | gldneye |
glxplay | Galaxy Play | 1985 | CICPlay | | |
glxplay2 | Galaxy Play 2 | 1987 | CICPlay | | |
gnr_200 | Guns N Roses (USA 2.00, display A3.00) | 1994 | Data East | gnr_300 | gnr_300 |
gnr_300 | Guns N Roses (USA 3.00, display A3.00) | 1994 | Data East | | |
gnr_300d | Guns N Roses (Dutch 3.00, display A3.00) | 1994 | Data East | gnr_300 | gnr_300 |
gnr_300f | Guns N Roses (French 3.00, display F3.00) | 1994 | Data East | gnr_300 | gnr_300 |
godzillp | Godzilla (pinball, CPU 2.05, display A2.00) | 1998 | Sega | | |
godzillp_090 | Godzilla (pinball, CPU 0.90, display A0.991) | 1998 | Sega | godzillp | godzillp |
godzillp_100 | Godzilla (pinball, CPU 1.00, display A1.00) | 1998 | Sega | godzillp | godzillp |
goinnuts | Goin' Nuts | 1983 | Gottlieb | | |
goldball | Gold Ball (set 1) | 1983 | Bally | | |
goldballn | Gold Ball (Field Service Upgrade) | 1983 | Bally | goldball | goldball |
goldcue | Golden Cue (CPU 0.04, display 0.10 | 1998 | Sega | | |
goldwing | Gold Wings | 1986 | Gottlieb | | |
goldwingf | Gold Wings (French) | 1986 | Gottlieb | goldwing | goldwing |
goldwingg | Gold Wings (German) | 1986 | Gottlieb | goldwing | goldwing |
gork | Gork | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | | |
gprix | Grand Prix (CPU 4.50, display A4.00) | 2005 | Stern | | |
gprix_301 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.01, display A3.01) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprix_340 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.40, display A3.03) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprix_350 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.50, display A3.03) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprix_352 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.52, display A3.03) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprix_400 | Grand Prix (CPU 4.00, display A4.00) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixf | Grand Prix (CPU 4.50, display F4.00, France) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixf_301 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.01, display F3.01, France) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixf_340 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.40, display F3.03, France) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixf_350 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.50, display F3.03, France) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixf_352 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.52, display F3.03, France) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixf_400 | Grand Prix (CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixg | Grand Prix (CPU 4.50, display G4.00, Germany) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixg_301 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.01, display G3.01, Germany) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixg_340 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.40, display G3.03, Germany) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixg_350 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.50, display G3.03, Germany) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixg_352 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.52, display G3.03, Germany) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixg_400 | Grand Prix (CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixi | Grand Prix (CPU 4.50, display I4.00, Italy) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixi_301 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.01, display I3.01, Italy) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixi_340 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.40, display I3.03, Italy) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixi_350 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.50, display I3.03, Italy) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixi_352 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.52, display I3.03, Italy) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixi_400 | Grand Prix (CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixl | Grand Prix (CPU 4.50, display L4.00, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixl_301 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.01, display L3.01, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixl_340 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.40, display L3.03, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixl_350 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.50, display L3.03, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixl_352 | Grand Prix (CPU 3.52, display L3.03, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
gprixl_400 | Grand Prix (CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | gprix | gprix |
grand_l1 | Grand Lizard (L-1) | 1986 | Williams | grand_l4 | grand_l4 |
grand_l3 | Grand Lizard (L-3) | 1986 | Williams | grand_l4 | grand_l4 |
grand_l4 | Grand Lizard (L-4) | 1986 | Williams | | |
grand8 | Le Grand 8 | 1980 | Christian Tabart | panthera | panthera |
granslam | Grand Slam | 1983 | Bally | | |
granslam4 | Grand Slam (4 Players) | 1983 | Bally | granslam | granslam |
grgar_l1 | Gorgar (L-1) | 1979 | Williams | | |
grgar_t1 | Gorgar (T-1) | 1979 | Williams | grgar_l1 | grgar_l1 |
gs_la3 | The Bally Game Show (LA-3) | 1990 | Bally | gs_lu4 | gs_lu4 |
gs_lg6 | The Bally Game Show (LG-6) Germany | 1990 | Bally | gs_lu4 | gs_lu4 |
gs_lu3 | The Bally Game Show (LU-3) Europe | 1990 | Bally | gs_lu4 | gs_lu4 |
gs_lu4 | The Bally Game Show (LU-4) Europe | 1990 | Bally | | |
gw_l1 | The Getaway: High Speed II (L-1) | 1992 | Williams | gw_l5 | gw_l5 |
gw_l2 | The Getaway: High Speed II (L-2) | 1992 | Williams | gw_l5 | gw_l5 |
gw_l3 | The Getaway: High Speed II (L-3) | 1992 | Williams | gw_l5 | gw_l5 |
gw_l5 | The Getaway: High Speed II (L-5) | 1992 | Williams | | |
gw_p7 | The Getaway: High Speed II (P-7) | 1992 | Williams | gw_l5 | gw_l5 |
gw_pb | The Getaway: High Speed II (P-B) | 1992 | Williams | gw_l5 | gw_l5 |
gw_pc | The Getaway: High Speed II (P-C) | 1992 | Williams | gw_l5 | gw_l5 |
gwarfare | Global Warfare | 1981 | Game Plan | | |
halley | Halley Comet (set 1) | 1986 | Juegos Populares | | |
halleya | Halley Comet (set 2) | 1986 | Juegos Populares | halley | halley |
halleyb | Halley Comet (set 3) | 1986 | Juegos Populares | halley | halley |
hangonp | Hang-On (Sonic) | 1988 | Sonic | | |
hardbody | Hardbody (rev. D) | 1987 | Bally | | |
hardbodyc | Hardbody (rev. C) | 1987 | Bally | hardbody | hardbody |
hardbodyg | Hardbody (German rev. B) | 1987 | Bally | hardbody | hardbody |
harl_a10 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display A1.00) | 1999 | Sega | harl_a13 | harl_a13 |
harl_a13 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display A1.04) | 1999 | Sega | | |
harl_a18 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display A1.05) | 2003 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_a30 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_a40 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display A4.00) | 2004 | Stern | | |
harl_f13 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display F1.04, France) | 1999 | Sega | harl_a13 | harl_a13 |
harl_f18 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display F1.05, France) | 2003 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_f30 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_f40 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_g13 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display G1.04, Germany) | 1999 | Sega | harl_a13 | harl_a13 |
harl_g18 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display G1.05, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_g30 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_g40 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_i13 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display I1.04, Italy) | 1999 | Sega | harl_a13 | harl_a13 |
harl_i18 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display I1.05, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_i30 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_i40 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_l13 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display L1.04, Spain) | 1999 | Sega | harl_a13 | harl_a13 |
harl_l18 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 1.08, display L1.05, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_l30 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 3.00, display L3.00, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_l40 | Harley Davidson (Stern, CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | harl_a40 | harl_a40 |
harl_u13 | Harley Davidson (Sega, CPU 1.03, display A1.04, UK) | 1999 | Sega | harl_a13 | harl_a13 |
hawkman | Hawkman (set 1) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | | |
hawkman1 | Hawkman (set 2) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | hawkman | hawkman |
hd_l1 | Harley Davidson (L-1) | 1991 | Bally | hd_l3 | hd_l3 |
hd_l2 | Harley Davidson (L-2) | 1991 | Bally | hd_l3 | hd_l3 |
hd_l3 | Harley Davidson (L-3) | 1991 | Bally | | |
heartspd | Hearts & Spades | 1978 | Allied Leisure | allied | |
heavymtl | Heavy Metal | 198? | Rowamet | | |
hercules | Hercules | 1979 | Atari | | |
hexagone | L'Hexagone (France) | 1986 | Christian Tabart | gts1 | |
hglbtrtr | Harlem Globetrotters On Tour | 1979 | Bally | | |
hh | Haunted House (Rev. 2) | 1982 | Gottlieb | | |
hh_1 | Haunted House (Rev. 1) | 1982 | Gottlieb | hh | hh |
hhotel | Haunted Hotel | 1981 | LTD | | |
hirol_fr | High Roller Casino (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) | 2001 | Stern | hirolcas | hirolcas |
hirol_gr | High Roller Casino (CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) | 2001 | Stern | hirolcas | hirolcas |
hirol_gr_210 | High Roller Casino (CPU 2.10, display G2.01, Germany) | 2001 | Stern | hirolcas | hirolcas |
hirol_it | High Roller Casino (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) | 2001 | Stern | hirolcas | hirolcas |
hirolcas | High Roller Casino (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 2001 | Stern | | |
hirolcas_210 | High Roller Casino (CPU 2.10, display A2.00) | 2001 | Stern | hirolcas | hirolcas |
hirolcat | High Roller Casino (CPU 2.90, display A2.99) | 2001 | Stern | hirolcas | hirolcas |
hironew | High Roller Casino (CPU 3.00, display A3.00, ARM7 sound board) | 2001 | Stern | hirolcas | hirolcas |
hlywoodh | Hollywood Heat | 1986 | Gottlieb | | |
hlywoodhf | Hollywood Heat (French) | 1986 | Gottlieb | hlywoodh | hlywoodh |
hlywoodhg | Hollywood Heat (German) | 1986 | Gottlieb | hlywoodh | hlywoodh |
hod | House of Diamonds | 1978 | Zaccaria | | |
hoedown | Hoe Down | 1978 | Allied Leisure | allied | |
hook_400 | Hook (USA 4.01, display A4.00) | 1992 | Data East | hook_408 | hook_408 |
hook_401 | Hook (USA 4.01, display A4.01) | 1992 | Data East | hook_408 | hook_408 |
hook_401_p | Hook (USA 4.01 with prototype sound, display A4.01) | 1992 | Data East | hook_408 | hook_408 |
hook_404 | Hook (USA 4.04, display A4.01) | 1992 | Data East | hook_408 | hook_408 |
hook_408 | Hook (USA 4.08, display A4.01) | 1992 | Data East | | |
hook_e406 | Hook (UK 4.06, display A4.01) | 1992 | Data East | hook_408 | hook_408 |
hook_f401 | Hook (USA 4.01, display F4.01) | 1992 | Data East | hook_408 | hook_408 |
hoops | Hoops | 1991 | Gottlieb | | |
hotdoggn | Hotdoggin' | 1980 | Bally | | |
hothand | Hot Hand | 1979 | Stern | | |
hotshots | Hot Shots | 1989 | Gottlieb | | |
hotshotsf | Hot Shots (French) | 1989 | Gottlieb | hotshots | hotshots |
hotshotsg | Hot Shots (German) | 1989 | Gottlieb | hotshots | hotshots |
hotwheel | Hot Wheels | 1979 | Zaccaria | | |
howzat | Howzat! | 1980 | Hankin | | |
hs_l3 | High Speed (L-3) | 1986 | Williams | hs_l4 | hs_l4 |
hs_l4 | High Speed (L-4) | 1986 | Williams | | |
hshot_p8 | Hot Shot Basketball (P-8) | 1992 | Midway | | |
httip_l1 | Hot Tip (L-1) | 1977 | Williams | | |
hulk | The Incredible Hulk | 1979 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
hurr_l2 | Hurricane (L-2) | 1991 | Williams | | |
hustlerp | Hustler | 1981 | LTD | | |
hvymetap | Heavy Metal Meltdown | 1987 | Bally | | |
hvymetapg | Heavy Metal Meltdown (German) | 1987 | Bally | hvymetap | hvymetap |
hypbl_l2 | HyperBall (L-2) | 1981 | Williams | hypbl_l4 | hypbl_l4 |
hypbl_l3 | HyperBall (L-3) | 1981 | Williams | hypbl_l4 | hypbl_l4 |
hypbl_l4 | HyperBall (L-4) | 1981 | Williams | | |
i500_10r | Indianapolis 500 (1.0R) | 1995 | Bally | i500_11r | i500_11r |
i500_11b | Indianapolis 500 (1.1 Belgium) | 1995 | Bally | i500_11r | i500_11r |
i500_11r | Indianapolis 500 (1.1R) | 1995 | Bally | | |
icefever | Ice Fever | 1985 | Gottlieb | | |
icemania | Ice Mania | 1986 | Jac Van Ham (Royal) | | |
id4 | Independence Day (CPU 2.02, display A2.00) | 1996 | Sega | | |
id4_201 | Independence Day (CPU 2.01, display A2.00) | 1996 | Sega | id4 | id4 |
id4f | Independence Day (CPU 2.02, display F2.00, France) | 1996 | Sega | id4 | id4 |
id4f_201 | Independence Day (CPU 2.01, display F2.00, France) | 1996 | Sega | id4 | id4 |
ij_l3 | Indiana Jones (L-3) | 1993 | Williams | ij_l7 | ij_l7 |
ij_l4 | Indiana Jones (L-4) | 1993 | Williams | ij_l7 | ij_l7 |
ij_l5 | Indiana Jones (L-5) | 1993 | Williams | ij_l7 | ij_l7 |
ij_l6 | Indiana Jones (L-6) | 1993 | Williams | ij_l7 | ij_l7 |
ij_l7 | Indiana Jones (L-7) | 1993 | Williams | | |
ij_lg7 | Indiana Jones (LG-7) | 1993 | Williams | ij_l7 | ij_l7 |
im2_100 | Iron Man 2 v1.00 | 2010 | Stern | im2_140 | im2_140 |
im2_110 | Iron Man 2 v1.10 | 2010 | Stern | im2_140 | im2_140 |
im2_120 | Iron Man 2 v1.20 | 2010 | Stern | im2_140 | im2_140 |
im2_140 | Iron Man 2 v1.40 | 2010 | Stern | | |
ind250cc | 250 CC | 1992 | Inder | | |
indy_113a | Indiana Jones v1.13 | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_113f | Indiana Jones v1.13 (French) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_113g | Indiana Jones v1.13 (German) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_113i | Indiana Jones v1.13 (Italian) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_113l | Indiana Jones v1.13 (Spanish) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_114a | Indiana Jones v1.14 | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_114f | Indiana Jones v1.14 (French) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_114g | Indiana Jones v1.14 (German) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_114i | Indiana Jones v1.14 (Italian) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_114l | Indiana Jones v1.14 (Spanish) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_116a | Indiana Jones v1.16 | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_116f | Indiana Jones v1.16 (French) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_116g | Indiana Jones v1.16 (German) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_116i | Indiana Jones v1.16 (Italian) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_116l | Indiana Jones v1.16 (Spanish) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
indy_210 | Indiana Jones v2.10 | 2008 | Stern | | |
indy_210f | Indiana Jones v2.10 (French) | 2008 | Stern | indy_210 | indy_210 |
iomoon | Io Moon | 1994 | Sleic | | |
ironball | Iron Balls | 1987 | Stargame | | |
ironmaid | Iron Maiden | 1981 | Stern | | |
jack2opn | Jacks to Open | 1984 | Gottlieb | | |
jamesb | James Bond (Timed Play) | 1980 | Gottlieb | | |
jamesb2 | James Bond (3/5-Ball) | 1980 | Gottlieb | jamesb | jamesb |
jb_04a | Jack*Bot (0.4A prototype) | 1995 | Williams | jb_10r | jb_10r |
jb_10b | Jack*Bot (1.0B) (Belgium/Canada) | 1995 | Williams | jb_10r | jb_10r |
jb_10r | Jack*Bot (1.0R) | 1995 | Williams | | |
jd_l1 | Judge Dredd (L-1) | 1993 | Bally | jd_l7 | jd_l7 |
jd_l4 | Judge Dredd (L-4) | 1993 | Bally | jd_l7 | jd_l7 |
jd_l5 | Judge Dredd (L-5) | 1993 | Bally | jd_l7 | jd_l7 |
jd_l6 | Judge Dredd (L-6) | 1993 | Bally | jd_l7 | jd_l7 |
jd_l7 | Judge Dredd (L-7) | 1993 | Bally | | |
jm_05r | Johnny Mnemonic (0.5R) | 1995 | Williams | jm_12r | jm_12r |
jm_12b | Johnny Mnemonic (1.2B) Belgium | 1995 | Williams | jm_12r | jm_12r |
jm_12r | Johnny Mnemonic (1.2R) | 1995 | Williams | | |
jngld_l1 | Jungle Lord (L-1) | 1981 | Williams | jngld_l2 | jngld_l2 |
jngld_l2 | Jungle Lord (L-2) | 1981 | Williams | | |
jokrpokr | Joker Poker | 1978 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
jokrz_g4 | Jokerz! (G-4) | 1989 | Williams | jokrz_l6 | jokrz_l6 |
jokrz_l3 | Jokerz! (L-3) | 1989 | Williams | jokrz_l6 | jokrz_l6 |
jokrz_l6 | Jokerz! (L-6) | 1989 | Williams | | |
jolypark | Jolly Park | 1996 | Spinball | | |
jpinball | Pin Ball | 1986 | Joctronic | | |
jplstw20 | The Lost World: Jurassic Park (pinball, CPU 2.00, display A2.01) | 1997 | Sega | jplstw22 | jplstw22 |
jplstw22 | The Lost World: Jurassic Park (pinball, CPU 2.02, display A2.01) | 1997 | Sega | | |
jst_l1 | Joust (L-1) | 1983 | Williams | jst_l2 | jst_l2 |
jst_l2 | Joust (L-2) | 1983 | Williams | | |
jupk_305 | Jurassic Park (USA 3.05, display A4.00) | 1993 | Data East | jupk_513 | jupk_513 |
jupk_307 | Jurassic Park (USA 3.07, display A4.00) | 1993 | Data East | jupk_513 | jupk_513 |
jupk_501 | Jurassic Park (USA 5.01, display A5.01) | 1993 | Data East | jupk_513 | jupk_513 |
jupk_501g | Jurassic Park (USA 5.01, display G5.01) | 1993 | Data East | jupk_513 | jupk_513 |
jupk_513 | Jurassic Park (USA 5.13, display A5.10) | 1993 | Data East | | |
jy_03 | Junk Yard (0.3) | 1996 | Williams | jy_12 | jy_12 |
jy_11 | Junk Yard (1.1) | 1996 | Williams | jy_12 | jy_12 |
jy_12 | Junk Yard (1.2) | 1996 | Williams | | |
kidnap | Kidnap | 1986 | CICPlay | | |
kiko_a10 | King Kong (1.0) | 1990 | Data East | | |
kiss | Kiss | 1979 | Bally | | |
kissp | Kiss (prototype) | 1979 | Bally | kiss | kiss |
kissp2 | Kiss (prototype v.2) | 1979 | Bally | kiss | kiss |
kkongltd | King Kong | 1981 | LTD | | |
kosteel | Kings of Steel | 1984 | Bally | | |
kpv106 | Kingpin (Pinball) | 1996 | Capcom | | |
krullp | Krull (Pinball) | 1983 | Gottlieb | | |
kz26 | KZ-26 | 1984 | Playmatic | | |
ladyluck | Lady Luck | 1986 | Bally | | |
ladylukt | Lady Luck (Taito) | 1981 | Taito do Brasil | | |
ladyshot | Lady Sharpshooter (set 1) | 1985 | Game Plan | | |
ladyshota | Lady Sharpshooter (set 2) | 1985 | Game Plan | ladyshot | ladyshot |
lah_104f | Last Action Hero (USA 1.04, display F1.01) | 1993 | Data East | lah_112 | lah_112 |
lah_104s | Last Action Hero (USA 1.04, display L1.02) | 1993 | Data East | lah_112 | lah_112 |
lah_106c | Last Action Hero (Canada 1.06, display A1.04) | 1993 | Data East | lah_112 | lah_112 |
lah_107 | Last Action Hero (USA 1.07, display A1.06) | 1993 | Data East | lah_112 | lah_112 |
lah_108s | Last Action Hero (USA 1.08, display L1.04) | 1993 | Data East | lah_112 | lah_112 |
lah_110 | Last Action Hero (USA 1.10, display A1.06) | 1993 | Data East | lah_112 | lah_112 |
lah_112 | Last Action Hero (USA 1.12, display A1.06) | 1993 | Data East | | |
lah_xxx_s105 | Last Action Hero (unknown CPU, display L1.05) | 1993 | Data East | lah_112 | lah_112 |
lancelot | Sir Lancelot | 1994 | Peyper | | |
lapbylap | Lap By Lap | 1986 | Inder | | |
larana | La Rana (set 1) | 1991 | Inder | | |
larana2 | La Rana (set 2) | 1991 | Inder | larana | larana |
lastlap | Last Lap | 1978 | Playmatic | bigtown | bigtown |
lazrlord | Lazer Lord | 1984 | Stern | | |
lc_11 | League Champ (1.1) (Shuffle) | 1996 | Bally | | |
lca | Lights...Camera...Action! | 1989 | Gottlieb | | |
lca2 | Lights...Camera...Action! (rev.2) | 1989 | Gottlieb | lca | lca |
lckydraw | Lucky Draw (pinball, set 1) | 1979 | Mirco | | |
lckydrawa | Lucky Draw (pinball, set 2) | 1979 | Mirco | lckydraw | lckydraw |
lectrono | Lectronamo | 1978 | Stern | | |
leking | Le King | 1983 | Jeutel | | |
lightnin | Lightning | 1981 | Stern | | |
lizard | Pinball Lizard | 1980 | Game Plan | | |
locomotp | Locomotion | 1981 | Zaccaria | | |
lortium | Lortium | 1987 | Juegos Populares / Automáticos Montecarlo | | |
lostspc | Lost in Space (CPU 1.01, display A1.02) | 1998 | Sega | | |
lostspc_d1 | Lost in Space (CPU 1.01, display A1.01) | 1998 | Sega | lostspc | lostspc |
lostspcf | Lost in Space (CPU 1.01, display F1.02, France) | 1998 | Sega | lostspc | lostspc |
lostspcg | Lost in Space (CPU 1.01, display G1.02, Germany) | 1998 | Sega | lostspc | lostspc |
lostwrlp | Lost World | 1978 | Bally | | |
lotr | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 10.00, display A10.00) | 2003 | Stern | | |
lotr_fr | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 10.00, display F10.00, France) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_fr401 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.01, display F4.03, France) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_fr410 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.10, display F4.04, France) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_fr5 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.00, display F5.00, France) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_fr501 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.01, display F5.01, France) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_fr6 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 6.00, display F6.00, France) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_fr7 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 7.00, display F7.00, France) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_fr8 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 8.00, display F8.00, France) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_fr9 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 9.00, display F9.00, France) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_gr | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 10.00, display G10.00, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_gr401 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.01, display G4.03, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_gr410 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.10, display G4.04, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_gr5 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.00, display G5.00, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_gr501 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.01, display G5.01, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_gr6 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 6.00, display G6.00, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_gr7 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 7.00, display G7.00, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_gr8 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 8.00, display G8.00, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_gr9 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 9.00, display G9.00, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_it | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 10.00, display I10.00, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_it401 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.01, display I4.03, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_it410 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.10, display I4.04, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_it5 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.00, display I5.00, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_it501 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.01, display I5.01, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_it6 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 6.00, display I6.00, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_it7 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 7.00, display I7.00, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_it8 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 8.00, display I8.00, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_it9 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 9.00, display I9.00, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_le | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 10.02, display A10.00, Limited Edition) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_sp | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 10.00, display L10.00, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_sp401 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.01, display L4.03, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_sp5 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.00, display L5.00, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_sp501 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.01, display L5.01, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_sp6 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 6.00, display L6.00, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_sp7 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 7.00, display L7.00, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_sp8 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 8.00, display L8.00, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr_sp9 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 9.00, display L9.00, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr3 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr401 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.01, display A4.03) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr410 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 4.10, display A4.04) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr5 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.00, display A5.00) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr501 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 5.01, display A5.01) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr6 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 6.00, display A6.00) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr7 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 7.00, display A7.00) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr8 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 8.00, display A8.00) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lotr9 | The Lord Of The Rings (CPU 9.00, display A9.00) | 2003 | Stern | lotr | lotr |
lsrcu_l2 | Laser Cue (L-2) | 1983 | Williams | | |
lucky_l1 | Lucky Seven (L-1) | 1977 | Williams | | |
lunelle | Lunelle | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | | |
lw3_200 | Lethal Weapon 3 (USA 2.00, display A2.04) | 1992 | Data East | lw3_208 | lw3_208 |
lw3_203 | Lethal Weapon 3 (USA 2.03, display A2.04) | 1992 | Data East | lw3_208 | lw3_208 |
lw3_204e | Lethal Weapon 3 (England 2.04, display A2.02) | 1992 | Data East | lw3_208 | lw3_208 |
lw3_205 | Lethal Weapon 3 (USA 2.05, display A2.05) | 1992 | Data East | lw3_208 | lw3_208 |
lw3_207 | Lethal Weapon 3 (USA 2.07, display A2.06) | 1992 | Data East | lw3_208 | lw3_208 |
lw3_207c | Lethal Weapon 3 (Canada 2.07, display A2.06) | 1992 | Data East | lw3_208 | lw3_208 |
lw3_208 | Lethal Weapon 3 (USA 2.08, display A2.06) | 1992 | Data East | | |
lwar_a81 | Laser War (8.1) | 1987 | Data East | lwar_a83 | lwar_a83 |
lwar_a83 | Laser War (8.3) | 1987 | Data East | | |
lwar_e90 | Laser War (9.0 Europe) | 1987 | Data East | lwar_a83 | lwar_a83 |
lzbal_l2 | Laser Ball (L-2) | 1979 | Williams | | |
lzbal_l2sp | Laser Ball (L-2, PROM sound) | 1979 | Williams | lzbal_l2 | lzbal_l2 |
lzbal_t2 | Laser Ball (T-2) | 1980 | Williams | lzbal_l2 | lzbal_l2 |
m_mpac | Mr. and Mrs. PacMan (set 1) | 1982 | Bally | | |
m_mpacb | Mr. and Mrs. PacMan (set 2) | 1982 | Bally | m_mpac | m_mpac |
mac_zois | machinaZOIS Virtual Training Center | 2003 | Aksioma | shaqattq | shaqattq |
macattck | Mac Attack | 1990 | Mr Game | | |
macgalxy | MAC's Galaxy (yellow version, M.6) | 1986 | MAC S.A. | | |
macgalxyb | MAC's Galaxy (blue version, M.042) | 1986 | MAC S.A. | macgalxy | macgalxy |
mach2 | Mach 2 (set 1) | 1995 | Spinball | | |
mach2a | Mach 2 (set 2) | 1995 | Spinball | mach2 | mach2 |
macjungl | MAC Jungle | 1987 | MAC S.A. | | |
macjungn | MAC Jungle (New version) | 1995 | MAC S.A. | | |
madrace | Mad Race | 1985 | Playmatic | | |
magic | Magic | 1979 | Stern | | |
marqueen | Martian Queen | 1981 | LTD | | |
marsp | Mars - God of War | 1981 | Gottlieb | | |
marspf | Mars - God of War (French speech) | 1981 | Gottlieb | marsp | marsp |
marspp | Mars - God of War (Prototype) | 1981 | Gottlieb | marsp | marsp |
matahari | Mata Hari | 1978 | Bally | | |
mav_100 | Maverick, The Movie (1.00) | 1994 | Data East | mav_402 | mav_402 |
mav_200 | Maverick, The Movie (2.00) | 1994 | Data East | mav_402 | mav_402 |
mav_400 | Maverick, The Movie (Display Rev. 4.00) | 1994 | Sega | mav_402 | mav_402 |
mav_401 | Maverick, The Movie (4.02, Display Rev. 4.01) | 1994 | Sega | mav_402 | mav_402 |
mav_402 | Maverick, The Movie (4.04, Display Rev. 4.02) | 1994 | Sega | | |
mb_10 | Monster Bash (1.0) | 1998 | Williams | | |
mb_106 | Monster Bash (1.06) | 1998 | Williams | mb_10 | mb_10 |
mb_106b | Monster Bash (1.06b) | 1998 | Williams | mb_10 | mb_10 |
mbossy | Mike Bossy | 1982 | Game Plan | | |
mcastle | Magic Castle | 1984 | Zaccaria | | |
mcastlef | Magic Castle (French speech) | 1984 | Zaccaria | mcastle | mcastle |
mcastleg | Magic Castle (German speech) | 1984 | Zaccaria | mcastle | mcastle |
mcastlei | Magic Castle (Italian speech) | 1984 | Zaccaria | mcastle | mcastle |
medusa | Medusa | 1981 | Bally | | |
megaaton | Meg-Aaton | 1983 | Playmatic | | |
megaatona | Meg-Aaton (alternate set) | 1983 | Playmatic | megaaton | megaaton |
memlane | Memory Lane | 1978 | Stern | | |
mephistp | Mephisto (Stargame) (rev. 1.2) | 1987 | Stargame | | |
mephistp1 | Mephisto (Stargame) (rev. 1.1) | 1987 | Stargame | mephistp | mephistp |
mephistpn | Mephisto (Stargame) (newer?) | 1987 | Stargame | mephistp | mephistp |
metalman | Metal Man | 1992 | Inder | | |
meteorp | Meteor (Bug fix release) | 1979 | Stern | | |
meteorpo | Meteor (First release) | 1979 | Stern | meteorp | meteorp |
meteort | Meteor (Taito) | 1980 | Taito do Brasil | | |
mexico | Mexico 86 (German speech) | 1986 | Zaccaria | | |
midearth | Middle Earth | 1978 | Atari | | |
mideartha | Middle Earth (alternate) | 1978 | Atari | midearth | midearth |
milln_l3 | Millionaire (L-3) | 1987 | Williams | | |
mj_130 | Michael Jordan (1.30, display A1.03) | 1992 | Data East | | |
mm_05 | Medieval Madness (0.50) | 1997 | Williams | mm_10 | mm_10 |
mm_10 | Medieval Madness (1.0) | 1999 | Williams | | |
mm_109 | Medieval Madness (1.09) | 1999 | Williams | mm_10 | mm_10 |
mm_109b | Medieval Madness (1.09B) | 1999 | Williams | mm_10 | mm_10 |
mm_109c | Medieval Madness (1.09C Profanity) | 1999 | Williams | mm_10 | mm_10 |
mm_10u | Medieval Madness (1.0 Ultrapin) | 1999 | Williams | mm_10 | mm_10 |
mmmaster | Master | 1988 | ManilaMatic | | |
mnfb_c27 | Monday Night Football (2.7, 50cts) | 1989 | Data East | mnfb_c29 | mnfb_c29 |
mnfb_c29 | Monday Night Football (2.9, 50cts) | 1989 | Data East | | |
mntecrlo | Monte Carlo (Pinball) | 1987 | Gottlieb | | |
mntecrlo2 | Monte Carlo (Pinball, rev. 2) | 1987 | Gottlieb | mntecrlo | mntecrlo |
mntecrloa | Monte Carlo (Pinball, alternate set) | 1987 | Gottlieb | mntecrlo | mntecrlo |
mntecrlof | Monte Carlo (Pinball, French) | 1987 | Gottlieb | mntecrlo | mntecrlo |
mntecrlog | Monte Carlo (Pinball, German) | 1987 | Gottlieb | mntecrlo | mntecrlo |
mononew | Monopoly (CPU 3.20, display A3.01, ARM7 sound board) | 2002 | Stern | monopolp | monopolp |
monop233 | Monopoly (CPU 2.33, display A2.03) | 2002 | Stern | monopolp | monopolp |
monop251 | Monopoly (CPU 2.51, display A2.06) | 2002 | Stern | monopolp | monopolp |
monop301 | Monopoly (CPU 3.01, display A3.01) | 2002 | Stern | monopolp | monopolp |
monop303 | Monopoly (CPU 3.03, display A3.01) | 2002 | Stern | monopolp | monopolp |
monopolf | Monopoly (CPU 3.20, display F3.01, France) | 2002 | Stern | monopolp | monopolp |
monopolg | Monopoly (CPU 3.20, display G3.01, Germany) | 2002 | Stern | monopolp | monopolp |
monopoli | Monopoly (CPU 3.20, display I3.01, Italy) | 2002 | Stern | monopolp | monopolp |
monopoll | Monopoly (CPU 3.20, display L3.01, Spain) | 2002 | Stern | monopolp | monopolp |
monopolp | Monopoly (CPU 3.20, display A3.01) | 2001 | Stern | | |
motrdome | MotorDome (rev. D) | 1986 | Bally | | |
motrdomeb | MotorDome (rev. B) | 1986 | Bally | motrdome | motrdome |
motrdomeg | MotorDome (German rev. B) | 1986 | Bally | motrdome | motrdome |
motrshow | Motor Show (set 1) | 1989 | Zaccaria / Mr Game | | |
motrshowa | Motor Show (set 2) | 1989 | Zaccaria / Mr Game | motrshow | motrshow |
motrshowb | Motor Show (set 3) | 1989 | Zaccaria / Mr Game | motrshow | motrshow |
mousn_l1 | Mousin' Around! (LA-1) | 1989 | Bally | mousn_l4 | mousn_l4 |
mousn_l4 | Mousin' Around! (LA-4) | 1989 | Bally | | |
mousn_lu | Mousin' Around! (LU-1) | 1989 | Bally | mousn_l4 | mousn_l4 |
mousn_lx | Mousin' Around! (LX-1) | 1989 | Bally | mousn_l4 | mousn_l4 |
movmastr | Movie Masters | 19?? | Jac Van Ham (Royal) | | |
mrblack | Mr. Black (set 1) | 1984 | Taito do Brasil | | |
mrblack1 | Mr. Black (set 2) | 1985 | Taito do Brasil | mrblack | mrblack |
mrblkz80 | Mr. Black (Z-80 CPU) | 198? | Taito do Brasil | mrblack | mrblack |
mundial | Mundial 90 | 1990 | Inder | | |
mystcast | Mystery Castle (R02) | 1993 | Alvin G | | |
mystcasta | Mystery Castle (R03) | 1993 | Alvin G | mystcast | mystcast |
mysteria | Mysterian (prototype) | 1982 | Bally | | |
mystic | Mystic | 1980 | Bally | | |
myststar | Mystic Star | 1984 | Zaccaria | | |
nascar | Nascar (CPU 4.50, display A4.00) | 2005 | Stern | | |
nascar_301 | Nascar (CPU 3.01, display A3.01) | 2005 | Stern | nascar | nascar |
nascar_340 | Nascar (CPU 3.40, display A3.03) | 2005 | Stern | nascar | nascar |
nascar_350 | Nascar (CPU 3.50, display A3.03) | 2005 | Stern | nascar | nascar |
nascar_352 | Nascar (CPU 3.52, display A3.03) | 2005 | Stern | nascar | nascar |
nascar_400 | Nascar (CPU 4.00, display A4.00) | 2005 | Stern | nascar | nascar |
nascarl | Nascar (CPU 4.50, display L4.00, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | nascar | nascar |
nascarl_301 | Nascar (CPU 3.01, display L3.01, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | nascar | nascar |
nascarl_340 | Nascar (CPU 3.40, display L3.03, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | nascar | nascar |
nascarl_350 | Nascar (CPU 3.50, display L3.03, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | nascar | nascar |
nascarl_352 | Nascar (CPU 3.52, display L3.03, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | nascar | nascar |
nascarl_400 | Nascar (CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | nascar | nascar |
nautilus | Nautilus | 1984 | Playmatic | | |
nba_500 | NBA v5.00 | 2009 | Stern | nba_802 | nba_802 |
nba_600 | NBA v6.00 | 2009 | Stern | nba_802 | nba_802 |
nba_700 | NBA v7.00 | 2009 | Stern | nba_802 | nba_802 |
nba_801 | NBA v8.01 | 2009 | Stern | nba_802 | nba_802 |
nba_802 | NBA v8.02 | 2009 | Stern | | |
nbaf_11 | NBA Fastbreak (1.1) | 1997 | Bally | nbaf_31 | nbaf_31 |
nbaf_115 | NBA Fastbreak (1.15) | 1997 | Bally | nbaf_31 | nbaf_31 |
nbaf_11a | NBA Fastbreak (1.1 - S2.0) | 1997 | Bally | nbaf_31 | nbaf_31 |
nbaf_11s | NBA Fastbreak (1.1 - S0.4) | 1997 | Bally | nbaf_31 | nbaf_31 |
nbaf_21 | NBA Fastbreak (2.1) | 1997 | Bally | nbaf_31 | nbaf_31 |
nbaf_22 | NBA Fastbreak (2.2) | 1997 | Bally | nbaf_31 | nbaf_31 |
nbaf_23 | NBA Fastbreak (2.3) | 1997 | Bally | nbaf_31 | nbaf_31 |
nbaf_31 | NBA Fastbreak (3.1 - S3.0) | 1997 | Bally | | |
nbaf_31a | NBA Fastbreak (3.1 - S1.0) | 1997 | Bally | nbaf_31 | nbaf_31 |
nbamac | NBA MAC | 1996 | MAC S.A. | | |
nemesisp | Nemesis | 1986 | Peyper | | |
newcanasta | New Canasta | 2010 | Marsaplay | | |
newwave | New Wave | 1985 | Bell Games | blakpyra | blakpyra |
nf_08x | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (0.8X) | 1995 | Williams | nf_23x | nf_23x |
nf_10f | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (1.0F) | 1995 | Williams | nf_23x | nf_23x |
nf_20 | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (2.0) | 1995 | Williams | nf_23x | nf_23x |
nf_22 | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (2.2) | 1995 | Williams | nf_23x | nf_23x |
nf_23 | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (2.3) | 1995 | Williams | nf_23x | nf_23x |
nf_23f | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (2.3F) | 1995 | Williams | nf_23x | nf_23x |
nf_23x | No Fear: Dangerous Sports (2.3X) | 1995 | Williams | | |
nfl | NFL (CPU 1.01, display A1.02) | 2001 | Stern | | |
ngg_10 | No Good Gofers (1.0) | 1997 | Williams | ngg_13 | ngg_13 |
ngg_13 | No Good Gofers (1.3) | 1997 | Williams | | |
ngg_p06 | No Good Gofers (p0.6) | 1997 | Williams | ngg_13 | ngg_13 |
ngndshkr | Nitro Ground Shaker | 1980 | Bally | | |
ngtfever | Night Fever | 1979 | Sonic | bigtown | bigtown |
nightr20 | Night Rider (rev. 20) | 1977 | Bally | nightrdr | nightrdr |
nightrdr | Night Rider (rev. 21) | 1977 | Bally | | |
nineball | Nine Ball | 1980 | Stern | | |
nmoves | Night Moves | 1989 | International Concepts | | |
nstrphnx | New Star's Phoenix (Italian speech) | 1987 | Zaccaria | | |
nstrphnxf | New Star's Phoenix (French speech) | 1987 | Zaccaria | nstrphnx | nstrphnx |
nudgeit | Nudge-It | 1990 | Gottlieb | | |
nugent | Nugent | 1978 | Stern | | |
obaoba | Oba-Oba (set 1) | 1980 | Taito do Brasil | | |
obaoba1 | Oba-Oba (set 2) | 1980 | Taito do Brasil | obaoba | obaoba |
obaobao | Oba-Oba (old hardware) | 1980 | Taito do Brasil | obaoba | obaoba |
odin | Odin | 1985 | Peyper | | |
odin_dlx | Odin De Luxe | 1985 | Sonic | | |
odinp | Odin (prototype) | 1985 | Peyper | odin | odin |
odisea | Odisea Paris-Dakar | 1987 | Peyper | | |
olympic | Olympic Games | 1984 | Jeutel | | |
olympus | Olympus (Juegos Populares) | 1986 | Juegos Populares | | |
opthund | Operation: Thunder | 1992 | Gottlieb | | |
orbit1 | Orbit 1 | 1978 | Hankin | | |
orbitor1 | Orbitor 1 | 1982 | Stern | | |
panthera | Panthera | 1980 | Gottlieb | | |
papillon | Papillon | 1986 | Video Dens | | |
paragon | Paragon | 1979 | Bally | | |
party | Party | 1979 | Playmatic | bigtown | bigtown |
pb_l1 | Pin-Bot (L-1) | 1986 | Williams | pb_l5 | pb_l5 |
pb_l2 | Pin-Bot (L-2) | 1986 | Williams | pb_l5 | pb_l5 |
pb_l3 | Pin-Bot (L-3) | 1986 | Williams | pb_l5 | pb_l5 |
pb_l5 | Pin-Bot (L-5) | 1986 | Williams | | |
pb_p4 | Pin-Bot (P-4) | 1986 | Williams | pb_l5 | pb_l5 |
pecmen | Mr. & Mrs. Pec-Men | 1981 | LTD | | |
pentacup | Pentacup (rev. 1) | 1978 | Micropin | | |
pentacup2 | Pentacup (rev. 2) | 1980 | Micropin | pentacup | pentacup |
pentacupt | Pentacup (rev. T) | 1980 | Micropin | pentacup | pentacup |
petaco | Petaco | 1984 | Juegos Populares | | |
petaco2 | Petaco 2 | 1985 | Juegos Populares | | |
petacon | Petaco (new hardware, set 1) | 1985 | Juegos Populares | | |
petacona | Petaco (new hardware, set 2) | 1985 | Juegos Populares | | |
pfevr_l2 | Pennant Fever (L-2) | 1984 | Williams | | |
pfevr_p3 | Pennant Fever (P-3) | 1984 | Williams | pfevr_l2 | pfevr_l2 |
ph_04 | Phantom Haus (0.4) | 1996 | Williams | | |
pharo_l2 | Pharaoh (L-2) | 1981 | Williams | | |
phnix_l1 | Phoenix (L-1) | 1978 | Williams | | |
phntmshp | Phantom Ship | 1987 | Playmatic | | |
pimbal | Pimbal (Pinball 3000) | 19?? | Juegos Populares / Automáticos Montecarlo | | |
pinball | Pinball | 1977 | Stern | | |
pinchamp | Pinball Champ | 1983 | Zaccaria | | |
pinchamp7 | Pinball Champ (7 digits) | 1983 | Zaccaria | pinchamp | pinchamp |
pinchamp7f | Pinball Champ (7 digits French speech) | 1983 | Zaccaria | pinchamp | pinchamp |
pinchamp7g | Pinball Champ (7 digits German speech) | 1983 | Zaccaria | pinchamp | pinchamp |
pinchamp7i | Pinball Champ (7 digits Italian speech) | 1983 | Zaccaria | pinchamp | pinchamp |
pinchampf | Pinball Champ (French speech) | 1983 | Zaccaria | pinchamp | pinchamp |
pinchampg | Pinball Champ (German speech) | 1983 | Zaccaria | pinchamp | pinchamp |
pinchampi | Pinball Champ (Italian speech) | 1983 | Zaccaria | pinchamp | pinchamp |
pinclown | Clown (Inder) | 1988 | Inder | | |
pinmoonl | Moon Light (Inder) | 1987 | Inder | | |
pinpool | Pinball Pool | 1979 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
pkrno_l1 | Pokerino (L-1) | 1978 | Williams | | |
play_a24 | Playboy 35th Anniversary (2.4) | 1989 | Data East | | |
playboy | Playboy | 1978 | Bally | | |
playboyf | Playboy (CPU 5.00, display F5.00, France) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyf_203 | Playboy (CPU 2.03, display F2.01, France) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyf_300 | Playboy (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyf_302 | Playboy (CPU 3.02, display F3.00, France) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyf_303 | Playboy (CPU 3.03, display F3.00, France) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyf_401 | Playboy (CPU 4.01, display F4.00, France) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyg | Playboy (CPU 5.00, display G5.00, Germany) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyg_203 | Playboy (CPU 2.03, display G2.01, Germany) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyg_300 | Playboy (CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyg_302 | Playboy (CPU 3.02, display G3.00, Germany) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyg_303 | Playboy (CPU 3.03, display G3.00, Germany) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyg_401 | Playboy (CPU 4.01, display G4.00, Germany) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyi | Playboy (CPU 5.00, display I5.00, Italy) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyi_203 | Playboy (CPU 2.03, display I2.01, Italy) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyi_300 | Playboy (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyi_302 | Playboy (CPU 3.02, display I3.00, Italy) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyi_303 | Playboy (CPU 3.03, display I3.00, Italy) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyi_401 | Playboy (CPU 4.01, display I4.00, Italy) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyl | Playboy (CPU 5.00, display L5.00, Spain) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyl_203 | Playboy (CPU 2.03, display L2.01, Spain) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyl_300 | Playboy (CPU 3.00, display L3.00, Spain) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyl_302 | Playboy (CPU 3.02, display L3.00, Spain) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyl_303 | Playboy (CPU 3.03, display L3.00, Spain) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboyl_401 | Playboy (CPU 4.01, display L4.00, Spain) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboys | Playboy (CPU 5.00, display A5.00) | 2002 | Stern | | |
playboys_203 | Playboy (CPU 2.03, display A2.01) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboys_300 | Playboy (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboys_302 | Playboy (CPU 3.02, display A3.00) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboys_303 | Playboy (CPU 3.03, display A3.00) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playboys_401 | Playboy (CPU 4.01, display A4.00) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
playnew | Playboy (CPU 5.00, display A5.00, ARM7 sound board) | 2002 | Stern | playboys | playboys |
pmv112 | Pinball Magic | 1995 | Capcom | | |
pmv112r | Pinball Magic (Redemption) | 1995 | Capcom | pmv112 | pmv112 |
pnkpnthr | Pink Panther | 1981 | Gottlieb | | |
polar | Polar Explorer | 198? | Taito do Brasil | | |
poleposn | Pole Position (Sonic) | 1987 | Sonic | | |
polic_g4 | Police Force (LG-4) Germany | 1989 | Williams | polic_l4 | polic_l4 |
polic_l2 | Police Force (LA-2) | 1989 | Williams | polic_l4 | polic_l4 |
polic_l3 | Police Force (LA-3) | 1989 | Williams | polic_l4 | polic_l4 |
polic_l4 | Police Force (LA-4) | 1989 | Williams | | |
pool_l5 | Pool Sharks (LA-5) | 1990 | Bally | pool_l7 | pool_l7 |
pool_l6 | Pool Sharks (LA-6) | 1990 | Bally | pool_l7 | pool_l7 |
pool_l7 | Pool Sharks (LA-7) | 1990 | Bally | | |
pool_le2 | Pool Sharks (LE-2) | 1990 | Bally | pool_l7 | pool_l7 |
pool_p7 | Pool Sharks (PA-7) | 1989 | Bally | pool_l7 | pool_l7 |
poolcham | Pool Champion | 1985 | Zaccaria | | |
poolchami | Pool Champion (Italian speech) | 1985 | Zaccaria | poolcham | poolcham |
pop_la4 | Popeye Saves The Earth (LA-4) | 1994 | Bally | pop_lx5 | pop_lx5 |
pop_lx5 | Popeye Saves The Earth (LX-5) | 1994 | Bally | | |
pop_pa3 | Popeye Saves The Earth (PA-3) | 1994 | Bally | pop_lx5 | pop_lx5 |
potc_110af | Pirates of the Caribbean v1.10 (English,French) | 2006 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_110ai | Pirates of the Caribbean v1.10 (English,Italian) | 2006 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_110gf | Pirates of the Caribbean v1.10 (German,French) | 2006 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_111as | Pirates of the Caribbean v1.11 (English,Spanish) | 2006 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_113af | Pirates of the Caribbean v1.13 (English,French) | 2006 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_113ai | Pirates of the Caribbean v1.13 (English,Italian) | 2006 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_113as | Pirates of the Caribbean v1.13 (English,Spanish) | 2006 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_113gf | Pirates of the Caribbean v1.13 (German,French) | 2006 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_115af | Pirates of the Caribbean v1.15 (English,French) | 2006 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_115ai | Pirates of the Caribbean v1.15 (English,Italian) | 2006 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_115as | Pirates of the Caribbean v1.15 (English,Spanish) | 2006 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_115gf | Pirates of the Caribbean v1.15 (German,French) | 2006 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_300af | Pirates of the Caribbean v3.00 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_300ai | Pirates of the Caribbean v3.00 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_300as | Pirates of the Caribbean v3.00 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_300gf | Pirates of the Caribbean v3.00 (German,French) | 2007 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_400af | Pirates of the Caribbean v4.00 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_400ai | Pirates of the Caribbean v4.00 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_400as | Pirates of the Caribbean v4.00 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_400gf | Pirates of the Caribbean v4.00 (German,French) | 2007 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_600 | Pirates of the Caribbean v6.00 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | | |
potc_600ai | Pirates of the Caribbean v6.00 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_600as | Pirates of the Caribbean v6.00 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
potc_600gf | Pirates of the Caribbean v6.00 (German,French) | 2007 | Stern | potc_600 | potc_600 |
poto_a29 | The Phantom of the Opera (2.9) | 1990 | Data East | poto_a32 | poto_a32 |
poto_a31 | The Phantom of the Opera (3.1) | 1990 | Data East | poto_a32 | poto_a32 |
poto_a32 | The Phantom of the Opera (3.2) | 1990 | Data East | | |
pp100 | Pool Player (1.0) | 2000 | Illinois Pinball | bsv103 | bsv103 |
princess | Cosmic Princess | 1979 | Stern | | |
prtyanim | Party Animal | 1987 | Bally | | |
prtyanimg | Party Animal (German) | 1987 | Bally | prtyanim | prtyanim |
pstlpkr | Pistol Poker (R02) | 1993 | Alvin G | | |
pstlpkr1 | Pistol Poker (R01) | 1993 | Alvin G | pstlpkr | pstlpkr |
punchy | Punchy The Clown (R02) | 1993 | Alvin G | | |
punchy3 | Punchy The Clown (R03) | 1993 | Alvin G | punchy | punchy |
punk | Punk! | 1982 | Gottlieb | | |
punkywil | Punky Willy | 1986 | Joctronic | | |
pwerplay | Power Play (Pinball) | 1978 | Bally | | |
pz_f4 | The Party Zone (F-4) | 1991 | Bally | | |
pz_l1 | The Party Zone (L-1) | 1991 | Bally | pz_f4 | pz_f4 |
pz_l2 | The Party Zone (L-2) | 1991 | Bally | pz_f4 | pz_f4 |
pz_l3 | The Party Zone (L-3) | 1991 | Bally | pz_f4 | pz_f4 |
qbquest | Q*Bert's Quest | 1983 | Gottlieb | | |
quicksil | Quicksilver | 1980 | Stern | | |
r_alaska | Alaska | 1978 | Interflip | recel | |
r_antar | Antar (Recel) | 1980 | Recel | recel | |
r_blackm4 | Black Magic 4 | 1980 | Recel | recel | |
r_blackmag | Black Magic | 1980 | Recel | recel | |
r_cavalier | Cavalier | 1979 | Recel | recel | |
r_crzyrace | Crazy Race | 1978 | Recel | recel | |
r_fairfght | Fair Fight | 1978 | Recel | recel | |
r_flipper | The Flipper Game | 1980 | Recel | recel | |
r_hotcold | Hot & Cold | 1978 | Inder | recel | |
r_mrdoom | Mr. Doom | 1979 | Recel | recel | |
r_mrevil | Mr. Evil | 1978 | Recel | recel | |
r_pokrplus | Poker Plus | 1978 | Recel | recel | |
r_quijote | Don Quijote | 1979 | Recel | recel | |
r_screech | Screech | 1978 | Inder | recel | |
r_spcgame7 | Space Game (Bingo 6+1) | 1979 | Recel | recel | |
r_swash | SwashBuckler | 1979 | Recel | recel | |
r_torneo | Torneo | 1978 | Recel | recel | |
rab_103s | Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (USA 1.03, display S1.03) | 1993 | Data East | rab_320 | rab_320 |
rab_130 | Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (USA 1.30, display A1.30) | 1993 | Data East | rab_320 | rab_320 |
rab_320 | Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (USA 3.20, display A3.00) | 1993 | Data East | | |
rackempp | Rack 'em Up! (Pinball) | 1983 | Gottlieb | | |
radcl_g1 | Radical! (G-1) | 1990 | Bally | radcl_l1 | radcl_l1 |
radcl_l1 | Radical! (L-1) | 1990 | Bally | | |
radcl_p3 | Radical! (P-3) | 1990 | Bally | radcl_l1 | radcl_l1 |
raimfire | Ready...Aim...Fire! | 1983 | Gottlieb | | |
rally | Rally | 1980 | Taito do Brasil | | |
rapidfip | Rapid Fire | 1982 | Bally | | |
ratrc_l1 | Rat Race (L-1) | 1983 | Williams | | |
raven | Raven | 1986 | Gottlieb | | |
ravena | Raven (alternate set) | 1986 | Gottlieb | raven | raven |
raveng | Raven (German) | 1986 | Gottlieb | raven | raven |
rctnew | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.02, display A7.01, ARM7 sound board) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycn | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.02, display A7.01) | 2002 | Stern | | |
rctycn_400 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 4.00, display A4.00) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycn_600 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 6.00, display A6.00) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycn_701 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.01, display A7.01) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycnf | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.02, display F7.01, France) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycnf_400 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycnf_600 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 6.00, display F6.00, France) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycnf_701 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.01, display F7.00, France) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycng | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.02, display G7.01, Germany) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycng_400 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycng_701 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.01, display G7.00, Germany) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycni | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.02, display I7.01, Italy) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycni_400 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycni_600 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 6.00, display I6.00, Italy) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycni_701 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.01, display I7.00, Italy) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycnl | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.02, display L7.01, Spain) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycnl_400 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycnl_600 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 6.00, display L6.00, Spain) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rctycnl_701 | RollerCoaster Tycoon (CPU 7.01, display L7.00, Spain) | 2002 | Stern | rctycn | rctycn |
rdkng_l1 | Road Kings (L-1) | 1986 | Williams | rdkng_l4 | rdkng_l4 |
rdkng_l2 | Road Kings (L-2) | 1986 | Williams | rdkng_l4 | rdkng_l4 |
rdkng_l3 | Road Kings (L-3) | 1986 | Williams | rdkng_l4 | rdkng_l4 |
rdkng_l4 | Road Kings (L-4) | 1986 | Williams | | |
real | Real | 1978 | Game Plan | gp_110 | |
redbarnp | Red Baron (Pinball) | 1985 | Barni | | |
rescu911 | Rescue 911 (rev.1) | 1994 | Gottlieb | | |
rflshdlx | Royal Flush Deluxe | 1983 | Gottlieb | | |
rfmpb | Pinball 2000: Revenge From Mars (rev. 1) | 1999 | Midway | | |
rfmpbr2 | Pinball 2000: Revenge From Mars (rev. 2) | 1999 | Midway | rfmpb | rfmpb |
ridersrf | Rider's Surf | 1986 | JocMatic | | |
rio | Rio | 1978 | Game Plan | gp_110 | |
rip300 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
rip301 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display A3.20) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
rip302 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display A3.20) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
rip310 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display A3.20) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripf300 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripf301 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display F3.01, France) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripf302 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display F3.01, France) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripf310 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display F3.01, France) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripg300 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripg301 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display G3.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripg302 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display G3.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripg310 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display G3.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripi300 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripi301 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display I3.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripi302 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display I3.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripi310 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display I3.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripl300 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display L3.00, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripl301 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display L3.01, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripl302 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display L3.01, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripl310 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display L3.01, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripleys | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display A3.20) | 2004 | Stern | | |
ripleysf | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display F3.01, France) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripleysg | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display G3.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripleysi | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display I3.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
ripleysl | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display L3.01, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys |
roadrunr | Road Runner | 1979 | Atari | | |
robo_a29 | Robocop (2.9) | 1989 | Data East | robo_a34 | robo_a34 |
robo_a30 | Robocop (3.0) | 1989 | Data East | robo_a34 | robo_a34 |
robo_a34 | Robocop (3.4) | 1989 | Data East | | |
robot | Robot (Zaccaria) | 1985 | Zaccaria | | |
robotf | Robot (Zaccaria, French speech) | 1985 | Zaccaria | robot | robot |
robotg | Robot (Zaccaria, German speech) | 1985 | Zaccaria | robot | robot |
roboti | Robot (Zaccaria, Italian speech) | 1985 | Zaccaria | robot | robot |
robowars | Robo-War | 1988 | Gottlieb | | |
robowarsf | Robo-War (French) | 1988 | Gottlieb | robowars | robowars |
rock | Rock | 1985 | Gottlieb | | |
rock_enc | Rock Encore | 1986 | Gottlieb | rock | rock |
rock_encg | Rock Encore (German) | 1986 | Gottlieb | rock | rock |
rock2500 | Rock 2500 | 1985 | Playmatic | | |
rockg | Rock (German) | 1985 | Gottlieb | rock | rock |
rocky | Rocky | 1982 | Gottlieb | | |
rockyf | Rocky (French speech) | 1982 | Gottlieb | rocky | rocky |
roldisco | Roller Disco | 1980 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
rollr_d2 | Rollergames (AD-2) Prototype | 1990 | Williams | rollr_l2 | rollr_l2 |
rollr_e1 | Rollergames (PU-1) | 1991 | Williams | rollr_l2 | rollr_l2 |
rollr_ex | Rollergames (EXPERIMENTAL) | 1991 | Williams | rollr_l2 | rollr_l2 |
rollr_f2 | Rollergames (LF-2) French | 1991 | Williams | rollr_l2 | rollr_l2 |
rollr_f3 | Rollergames (LF-3) French | 1990 | Williams | rollr_l2 | rollr_l2 |
rollr_g3 | Rollergames (LG-3) Germany | 1990 | Williams | rollr_l2 | rollr_l2 |
rollr_l1 | Rollergames (LA-1) | 1990 | Williams | rollr_l2 | rollr_l2 |
rollr_l2 | Rollergames (LA-2) | 1990 | Williams | | |
rollr_l3 | Rollergames (LU-3) Europe | 1990 | Williams | rollr_l2 | rollr_l2 |
rollr_p2 | Rollergames (PA-2 / PA-1 Sound) | 1991 | Williams | rollr_l2 | rollr_l2 |
rollston | Rolling Stones | 1980 | Bally | | |
rota_101 | Rotation VIII (v. 1.01) | 1978 | Midway | rotation | rotation |
rota_115 | Rotation VIII (v. 1.15) | 1978 | Midway | rotation | rotation |
rotation | Rotation VIII (v. 1.17) | 1978 | Midway | | |
royclark | Roy Clark - The Entertainer | 1977 | Fascination Int. | allied | |
rs_l6 | Red and Ted's Road Show (L-6) | 1994 | Williams | | |
rs_la4 | Red and Ted's Road Show (La-4) | 1994 | Williams | rs_l6 | rs_l6 |
rs_la5 | Red and Ted's Road Show (La-5) | 1994 | Williams | rs_l6 | rs_l6 |
rs_lx2 | Red and Ted's Road Show (Lx-2) | 1994 | Williams | rs_l6 | rs_l6 |
rs_lx3 | Red and Ted's Road Show (Lx-3) | 1994 | Williams | rs_l6 | rs_l6 |
rs_lx4 | Red and Ted's Road Show (Lx-4) | 1994 | Williams | rs_l6 | rs_l6 |
rs_lx5 | Red and Ted's Road Show (Lx-5) | 1994 | Williams | rs_l6 | rs_l6 |
rs_pa2 | Red and Ted's Road Show (PA-2 prototype) | 1994 | Williams | rs_l6 | rs_l6 |
rush | Rush (1.0) | 20?? | Dave Astill | | |
rvrbt_l3 | Riverboat Gambler (L-3) | 1990 | Williams | | |
rvrbt_p7 | Riverboat Gambler (PA-7) | 1990 | Williams | rvrbt_l3 | rvrbt_l3 |
sahalove | Sahara Love (France) | 1984 | Christian Tabart | sinbad | sinbad |
saturn2 | Saturn 2 | 1985 | Bell Games | spyhuntr | spyhuntr |
sc_091 | Safe Cracker (0.91) | 1996 | Bally | sc_18 | sc_18 |
sc_10 | Safe Cracker (1.0) | 1996 | Bally | sc_18 | sc_18 |
sc_14 | Safe Cracker (1.4) | 1996 | Bally | sc_18 | sc_18 |
sc_17 | Safe Cracker (1.7) | 1996 | Bally | sc_18 | sc_18 |
sc_17n | Safe Cracker (1.7N) | 1996 | Bally | sc_18 | sc_18 |
sc_18 | Safe Cracker (1.8) | 1998 | Bally | | |
sc_18n | Safe Cracker (1.8N) | 1998 | Bally | sc_18 | sc_18 |
sc_18s2 | Safe Cracker (1.8 German sound) | 1998 | Bally | sc_18 | sc_18 |
scram_tp | Scramble (Pinball) | 1987 | Tecnoplay | | |
scrpn_l1 | Scorpion (L-1) | 1980 | Williams | | |
scrpn_t1 | Scorpion (T-1) | 1980 | Williams | scrpn_l1 | scrpn_l1 |
scrzy_l1 | Still Crazy | 1984 | Williams | | |
seawitch | Seawitch | 1980 | Stern | | |
sf_l1 | Slugfest (L-1) | 1991 | Williams | | |
sfightii | Street Fighter II (pinball, set 1) | 1993 | Gottlieb | | |
sfightiia | Street Fighter II (pinball, set 2) | 1993 | Gottlieb | sfightii | sfightii |
sfightiib | Street Fighter II (pinball, set 3) | 1993 | Gottlieb | sfightii | sfightii |
sh_141 | Shrek v1.41 | 2008 | Stern | | |
shaqattq | Shaq Attaq (rev.5) | 1995 | Gottlieb | | |
shaqattq2 | Shaq Attaq (rev.2) | 1995 | Gottlieb | shaqattq | shaqattq |
shark | Shark | 1980 | Hankin | | |
sharkt | Shark (Taito) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | | |
shock | Shock | 1979 | Taito do Brasil | | |
shrknew | Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.11, display A2.01, ARM7 sound board) | 2001 | Stern | shrkysht | shrkysht |
shrky_207 | Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.07, display A2.01) | 2000 | Stern | shrkysht | shrkysht |
shrkyfr | Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.11, display F2.01, France) | 2001 | Stern | shrkysht | shrkysht |
shrkyfr_207 | Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.07, display F2.01, France) | 2001 | Stern | shrkysht | shrkysht |
shrkygr | Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.11, display G2.01, Germany) | 2001 | Stern | shrkysht | shrkysht |
shrkygr_207 | Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.07, display G2.01, Germany) | 2001 | Stern | shrkysht | shrkysht |
shrkyit | Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.11, display I2.01, Italy) | 2001 | Stern | shrkysht | shrkysht |
shrkyit_207 | Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.07, display I2.01, Italy) | 2001 | Stern | shrkysht | shrkysht |
shrkysht | Sharkey's Shootout (CPU 2.11, display A2.01) | 2000 | Stern | | |
silvslug | Silver Slugger | 1990 | Gottlieb | | |
simp_a20 | The Simpsons (2.0) | 1990 | Data East | simp_a27 | simp_a27 |
simp_a27 | The Simpsons (2.7) | 1990 | Data East | | |
simpnew | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 5.00, display A5.00, ARM7 sound board) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprtf | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 5.00, display F5.00, France) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprtf_204 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 2.04, display F2.01, France) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprtf_300 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprtf_400 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprtg | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 5.00, display G5.00, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprtg_400 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprti | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 5.00, display I5.00, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprti_204 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 2.04, display I2.01, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprti_300 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprti_400 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprtl | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 5.00, display L5.00, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprtl_204 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 2.04, display L2.01, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprtl_300 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 3.00, display L3.00, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprtl_400 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprty | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 5.00, display A5.00) | 2003 | Stern | | |
simpprty_204 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 2.04, display A2.01) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprty_300 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
simpprty_400 | The Simpsons Pinball Party (CPU 4.00, display A4.00) | 2003 | Stern | simpprty | simpprty |
sinbad | Sinbad | 1978 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
sinbadn | Sinbad (Norway) | 1978 | Gottlieb | sinbad | sinbad |
skatebll | Skateball | 1980 | Bally | | |
skatebrd | Skate Board (Inder) | 1980 | Inder | | |
skflight | Skill Flight | 1986 | Nuova Bell Games | | |
skijump | Ski Jump | 1978 | Zaccaria | | |
sklflite | Skill Flight (Playmatic) | 1987 | Playmatic | | |
slalom03 | Slalom Code 0.3 | 1988 | Stargame | | |
slbmania | Silverball Mania | 1980 | Bally | | |
sleicpin | Sleic Pin Ball | 1993 | Sleic | | |
sman_102ef | Spider-Man v1.02 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_130ef | Spider-Man v1.30 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_130ei | Spider-Man v1.30 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_130es | Spider-Man v1.30 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_130gf | Spider-Man v1.30 (German,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_140e | Spider-Man v1.40 | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_140ef | Spider-Man v1.40 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_140ei | Spider-Man v1.40 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_140es | Spider-Man v1.40 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_140gf | Spider-Man v1.40 (German,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_142e | Spider-Man v1.42 | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_160e | Spider-Man v1.60 | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_160ef | Spider-Man v1.60 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_160ei | Spider-Man v1.60 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_160es | Spider-Man v1.60 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_160gf | Spider-Man v1.60 (German,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_170e | Spider-Man v1.70 | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_170ef | Spider-Man v1.70 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_170ei | Spider-Man v1.70 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_170es | Spider-Man v1.70 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_170gf | Spider-Man v1.70 (German,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_190e | Spider-Man v1.90 | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_190ef | Spider-Man v1.90 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_190ei | Spider-Man v1.90 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_190es | Spider-Man v1.90 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_190gf | Spider-Man v1.90 (German,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_192e | Spider-Man v1.92 | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_192ef | Spider-Man v1.92 (English,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_192ei | Spider-Man v1.92 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_192es | Spider-Man v1.92 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_192gf | Spider-Man v1.92 (German,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_200e | Spider-Man v2.00 | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_210e | Spider-Man v2.10 | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_210ei | Spider-Man v2.10 (English,Italian) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_210es | Spider-Man v2.10 (English,Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_210f | Spider-Man v2.10 (French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_210gf | Spider-Man v2.10 (German,French) | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_220e | Spider-Man v2.20 | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_230e | Spider-Man v2.30 | 2007 | Stern | sman_240 | sman_240 |
sman_240 | Spider-Man v2.40 | 2007 | Stern | | |
smbmush | Super Mario Brothers Mushroom World | 1992 | Gottlieb | | |
smbp | Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 1) | 1992 | Gottlieb | | |
smbpa | Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 2) | 1992 | Gottlieb | smbp | smbp |
smbpb | Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 3) | 1992 | Gottlieb | smbp | smbp |
smbpc | Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 4) | 1992 | Gottlieb | smbp | smbp |
smman | Six Million Dollar Man | 1978 | Bally | | |
snake | Snake Machine | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | | |
snspares | Strikes n' Spares (rev.6) | 1995 | Gottlieb | | |
snspares1 | Strikes n' Spares (rev.1) | 1995 | Gottlieb | snspares | snspares |
snspares2 | Strikes n' Spares (rev.2) | 1995 | Gottlieb | snspares | snspares |
socrking | Soccer Kings | 1982 | Zaccaria | | |
socrkinga | Soccer Kings (alternate set) | 1982 | Zaccaria | socrking | socrking |
socrkingg | Soccer Kings (German speech) | 1982 | Zaccaria | socrking | socrking |
socrkingi | Soccer Kings (Italian speech) | 1982 | Zaccaria | socrking | socrking |
solar_l2 | Solar Fire (L-2) | 1981 | Williams | | |
solaride | Solar Ride | 1979 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
solarwap | Solar Wars (Sonic) | 1986 | Sonic | | |
sonstwar | Star Wars (Sonic, set 1) | 1987 | Sonic | | |
sonstwr2 | Star Wars (Sonic, set 2) | 1987 | Sonic | sonstwar | sonstwar |
sopranof | The Sopranos (CPU 5.00, display F5.00, France) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranof_107 | The Sopranos (CPU 1.07, display F1.00, France) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranof_300 | The Sopranos (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranof_400 | The Sopranos (CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranog | The Sopranos (CPU 5.00, display G5.00, Germany) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranog_107 | The Sopranos (CPU 1.07, display G1.00, Germany) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranog_300 | The Sopranos (CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranog_400 | The Sopranos (CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranoi | The Sopranos (CPU 5.00, display I5.00, Italy) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranoi_107 | The Sopranos (CPU 1.07, display I1.00, Italy) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranoi_300 | The Sopranos (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranoi_400 | The Sopranos (CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranol | The Sopranos (CPU 5.00, display L5.00, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranol_107 | The Sopranos (CPU 1.07, display L1.00, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranol_300 | The Sopranos (CPU 3.00, display L3.00, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranol_400 | The Sopranos (CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranos | The Sopranos (CPU 5.00, display A5.00) | 2005 | Stern | | |
sopranos_204 | The Sopranos (CPU 2.04, display A2.00) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranos_300 | The Sopranos (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sopranos_400 | The Sopranos (CPU 4.00, display A4.00) | 2005 | Stern | sopranos | sopranos |
sorbit | Super Orbit | 1983 | Gottlieb | | |
sorcr_l1 | Sorcerer (L-1) | 1985 | Williams | sorcr_l2 | sorcr_l2 |
sorcr_l2 | Sorcerer (L-2) | 1985 | Williams | | |
spacecty | Space City | 1979 | Zaccaria | | |
spacehaw | Space Hawks | 1986 | Nuova Bell Games | cybrnaut | cybrnaut |
spaceinv | Space Invaders | 1980 | Bally | | |
spacejam | Space Jam (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 1997 | Sega | | |
spacejam_200 | Space Jam (CPU 2.00, display A2.00) | 1997 | Sega | spacejam | spacejam |
spacejmf | Space Jam (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) | 1997 | Sega | spacejam | spacejam |
spacejmg | Space Jam (CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) | 1997 | Sega | spacejam | spacejam |
spacejmi | Space Jam (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) | 1997 | Sega | spacejam | spacejam |
spain82 | Spain '82 | 1982 | Playmatic | | |
spcgambl | Space Gambler | 1978 | Playmatic | | |
spcpnthr | Space Panther | 1988 | MAC S.A. | | |
spcpoker | Space Poker | 1981 | LTD | | |
spcrider | Space Riders | 1978 | Atari | | |
spcship | Space Ship (Pinball) | 1986 | Stargame | | |
spcteam | Space Team | 1988 | Tecnoplay | | |
spctrain | Space Train (Pinball) | 1987 | MAC S.A. | | |
spctraino | Space Train (Pinball, old hardware) | 1987 | MAC S.A. | spctrain | spctrain |
speakesy | Speakeasy | 1982 | Bally | | |
speakesy4p | Speakeasy 4 Player | 1982 | Bally | speakesy | speakesy |
specforc | Special Force | 1986 | Bally | | |
spectra | Spectra IV | 1979 | Valley | | |
spectrm | Spectrum | 1982 | Bally | | |
spectrm4 | Spectrum (ver 4) | 1982 | Bally | spectrm | spectrm |
spidermn | The Amazing Spider-Man | 1980 | Gottlieb | | |
spirit | Spirit | 1982 | Gottlieb | | |
spirit76 | Spirit of 76 | 1975 | Mirco | | |
spltsecp | Split Second (Pinball) | 1981 | Stern | | |
spookyi | Spooky (Italian speech) | 1987 | Zaccaria | spookyp | spookyp |
spookyp | Spooky | 1987 | Zaccaria | | |
sport2k | Sport 2000 | 1988 | Cirsa | | |
sprbreak | Spring Break | 1987 | Gottlieb | | |
sprbreaka | Spring Break (alternate set) | 1987 | Gottlieb | sprbreak | sprbreak |
sprbreakf | Spring Break (French) | 1987 | Gottlieb | sprbreak | sprbreak |
sprbreakg | Spring Break (German) | 1987 | Gottlieb | sprbreak | sprbreak |
sprbreaks | Spring Break (single ball game) | 1987 | Gottlieb | sprbreak | sprbreak |
sprk_090 | South Park (CPU 0.90, display A0.90) | 1999 | Sega | sprk_103 | sprk_103 |
sprk_096 | South Park (CPU 0.96, display A1.01) | 1999 | Sega | sprk_103 | sprk_103 |
sprk_103 | South Park (CPU 1.03, display A1.01) | 1999 | Sega | | |
spstn_l5 | Space Station (L-5) | 1988 | Williams | | |
spyhuntr | Spy Hunter (Pinball) | 1984 | Bally | | |
ss_01 | Scared Stiff (D0.1R with sound rev.25) | 1996 | Bally | ss_15 | ss_15 |
ss_03 | Scared Stiff (0.3) | 1996 | Bally | ss_15 | ss_15 |
ss_11 | Scared Stiff (1.1) | 1996 | Bally | ss_15 | ss_15 |
ss_12 | Scared Stiff (1.2) | 1996 | Bally | ss_15 | ss_15 |
ss_14 | Scared Stiff (1.4) | 1996 | Bally | ss_15 | ss_15 |
ss_15 | Scared Stiff (1.5) | 1996 | Bally | | |
sshootep | Sharpshooter (Game Plan) | 1979 | Game Plan | | |
sshootr2 | Sharp Shooter II | 1983 | Game Plan | | |
sshtl_l3 | Space Shuttle (L-3) | 1984 | Williams | sshtl_l7 | sshtl_l7 |
sshtl_l7 | Space Shuttle (L-7) | 1984 | Williams | | |
sshtlzac | Space Shuttle (Zaccaria) | 1980 | Zaccaria | | |
sshuttle | Space Shuttle (Taito) (set 1) | 1985 | Taito do Brasil | | |
sshuttle1 | Space Shuttle (Taito) (set 2) | 1985 | Taito do Brasil | sshuttle | sshuttle |
sst | Supersonic | 1979 | Bally | | |
ssvc_a26 | Secret Service (2.6) | 1988 | Data East | | |
ssvc_a42 | Secret Service (4.2 alternate sound) | 1988 | Data East | ssvc_a26 | ssvc_a26 |
ssvc_b26 | Secret Service (2.6 alternate sound) | 1988 | Data East | ssvc_a26 | ssvc_a26 |
ssvc_e40 | Secret Service (4.0, Europe) | 1988 | Data East | ssvc_a26 | ssvc_a26 |
st_sam | SAM III Test Fixture | 198? | Stern | | |
st_sam4 | SAM IV Test Fixture | 198? | Stern | st_sam | st_sam |
starfirp | Star Fire | 1985 | Playmatic | | |
starfirpa | Star Fire (alternate set) | 1985 | Playmatic | starfirp | starfirp |
stargatp | Stargate (pinball, rev.5) | 1995 | Gottlieb | | |
stargatp0 | Stargate (pinball) | 1995 | Gottlieb | stargatp | stargatp |
stargatp1 | Stargate (pinball, rev.1) | 1995 | Gottlieb | stargatp | stargatp |
stargatp2 | Stargate (pinball, rev.2) | 1995 | Gottlieb | stargatp | stargatp |
stargatp3 | Stargate (pinball, rev.3) | 1995 | Gottlieb | stargatp | stargatp |
stargatp4 | Stargate (pinball, rev.4) | 1995 | Gottlieb | stargatp | stargatp |
stargod | Star God | 1980 | Zaccaria | | |
stargoda | Star God (alternate sound) | 1980 | Zaccaria | stargod | stargod |
stargodb | Star God (variable replay score) | 1980 | Zaccaria | stargod | stargod |
stargzr | Stargazer | 1980 | Stern | | |
starrace | Star Race | 1980 | Gottlieb | | |
stars | Stars | 1978 | Stern | | |
starshot | Star Shooter | 1979 | Allied Leisure | allied | |
startrep | Star Trek (Pinball) | 1979 | Bally | | |
startrip | Star Trip | 1979 | Game Plan | | |
startrp | Starship Troopers (CPU 2.01, display A2.00) | 1997 | Sega | | |
startrp2 | Starship Troopers (CPU 2.00, display A2.00) | 1997 | Sega | startrp | startrp |
stest | Speed Test | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | | |
stingray | Stingray | 1977 | Stern | | |
stk_sprs | Strikes and Spares | 1978 | Bally | | |
stlwr_l2 | Stellar Wars (L-2) | 1979 | Williams | | |
storm | Storm | 1979 | SegaSA / Sonic | | |
strapids | Shooting the Rapids | 1979 | Zaccaria | | |
strax_p7 | Star Trax (domestic prototype) | 1990 | Krell Development | | |
strik_l4 | Strike Master (L-4) (Shuffle) | 1992 | Williams | | |
strike | Strike | 1978 | Zaccaria | | |
striker | Striker (Pinball) | 1982 | Gottlieb | | |
strikext | Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.02, display A1.03) | 2000 | Stern | | |
strikext_100 | Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.00, display A1.03) | 2000 | Stern | strikext | strikext |
strknew | Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.02, display A1.03, ARM7 sound board) | 1999 | Stern | strikext | strikext |
strlt_l1 | Star Light (L-1) | 1984 | Williams | | |
strngsci | Strange Science (Rev C) | 1986 | Bally | | |
strngscia | Strange Science (Rev A) | 1986 | Bally | strngsci | strngsci |
strngscig | Strange Science (German, Rev A) | 1986 | Bally | strngsci | strngsci |
strsphnx | Star's Phoenix (Italian speech) | 1987 | Zaccaria | | |
strsphnxf | Star's Phoenix (French speech) | 1987 | Zaccaria | strsphnx | strsphnx |
strxt_fr | Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.02, display F1.03, France) | 2000 | Stern | strikext | strikext |
strxt_gr | Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.03, display G1.03, Germany) | 2000 | Stern | strikext | strikext |
strxt_it | Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.02, display I1.03, Italy) | 2000 | Stern | strikext | strikext |
strxt_it_101 | Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.01, display I1.03, Italy) | 2000 | Stern | strikext | strikext |
strxt_sp | Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.02, display L1.03, Spain) | 2000 | Stern | strikext | strikext |
strxt_uk | Striker Xtreme (CPU 1.01, display A1.03, UK) | 2000 | Stern | strikext | strikext |
sttng_g7 | Star Trek: The Next Generation (LG-7) | 1994 | Williams | sttng_l7 | sttng_l7 |
sttng_l1 | Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-1) | 1993 | Williams | sttng_l7 | sttng_l7 |
sttng_l2 | Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-2) | 1993 | Williams | sttng_l7 | sttng_l7 |
sttng_l3 | Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-3) | 1994 | Williams | sttng_l7 | sttng_l7 |
sttng_l5 | Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-5) | 1994 | Williams | sttng_l7 | sttng_l7 |
sttng_l7 | Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-7) | 1994 | Williams | | |
sttng_p4 | Star Trek: The Next Generation (P-4) | 1993 | Williams | sttng_l7 | sttng_l7 |
sttng_p5 | Star Trek: The Next Generation (P-5) | 1993 | Williams | sttng_l7 | sttng_l7 |
sttng_p8 | Star Trek: The Next Generation (P-8) | 1993 | Williams | sttng_l7 | sttng_l7 |
sttng_s7 | Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-7) SP1 | 1994 | Williams | sttng_l7 | sttng_l7 |
sttng_x7 | Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-7 Special) | 1994 | Williams | sttng_l7 | sttng_l7 |
stwr_101 | Star Wars (USA 1.01, display A1.02) | 1992 | Data East | stwr_106 | stwr_106 |
stwr_101g | Star Wars (German 1.01, display G1.02) | 1992 | Data East | stwr_106 | stwr_106 |
stwr_102 | Star Wars (USA 1.02, display A1.05) | 1992 | Data East | stwr_106 | stwr_106 |
stwr_102e | Star Wars (England 1.02, display A1.05) | 1992 | Data East | stwr_106 | stwr_106 |
stwr_103 | Star Wars (USA 1.03, display A1.05) | 1992 | Data East | stwr_106 | stwr_106 |
stwr_103_a104 | Star Wars (USA 1.03, display A1.04) | 1992 | Data East | stwr_106 | stwr_106 |
stwr_104 | Star Wars (USA 1.04, display A1.05) | 1992 | Data East | stwr_106 | stwr_106 |
stwr_106 | Star Wars (Unofficial 1.06, display A1.05) | 1992 | Data East | | |
stwr_106_a046 | Star Wars (Unofficial 1.06, display A0.46) | 1992 | Data East | stwr_106 | stwr_106 |
stwr_106_s105 | Star Wars (Unofficial 1.06, display S1.05) | 1992 | Data East | stwr_106 | stwr_106 |
supermap | Superman (Pinball) | 1979 | Atari | | |
suprbowl | Super Bowl | 1984 | Bell Games | xsandos | xsandos |
suprnova | Super Nova (Game Plan) | 1982 | Game Plan | | |
suprpick | Super Picker | 1977 | Allied Leisure | allied | |
supstarf | Super Star (Recreativos Franco, set 1) | 1986 | Recreativos Franco | | |
supstarfa | Super Star (Recreativos Franco, set 2) | 1986 | Recreativos Franco | supstarf | supstarf |
sureshop | Sure Shot (Pinball) | 1981 | Taito do Brasil | | |
surfnsaf | Surf'n Safari | 1991 | Gottlieb | | |
swe1pb | Pinball 2000: Star Wars Episode 1 | 1999 | Midway | | |
swrds_l1 | Swords of Fury (L-1) | 1988 | Williams | swrds_l2 | swrds_l2 |
swrds_l2 | Swords of Fury (L-2) | 1988 | Williams | | |
swrds_lg2 | Swords of Fury (LG-2) Germany | 1988 | Williams | swrds_l2 | swrds_l2 |
swtril30 | Star Wars Trilogy (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 1997 | Sega | swtril43 | swtril43 |
swtril41 | Star Wars Trilogy (CPU 4.01, display A4.00) | 1997 | Sega | swtril43 | swtril43 |
swtril43 | Star Wars Trilogy (CPU 4.03, display A4.00) | 1997 | Sega | | |
t2_l2 | Terminator 2: Judgment Day (L-2) | 1991 | Williams | t2_l8 | t2_l8 |
t2_l3 | Terminator 2: Judgment Day (L-3) | 1991 | Williams | t2_l8 | t2_l8 |
t2_l4 | Terminator 2: Judgment Day (L-4) | 1991 | Williams | t2_l8 | t2_l8 |
t2_l6 | Terminator 2: Judgment Day (L-6) | 1991 | Williams | t2_l8 | t2_l8 |
t2_l8 | Terminator 2: Judgment Day (L-8) | 1991 | Williams | | |
t2_p2f | Terminator 2: Judgment Day (P-2F) Profanity | 1991 | Williams | t2_l8 | t2_l8 |
t3new | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 4.00, display A4.00, ARM7 sound board) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
taf_h4 | The Addams Family (H-4) | 1992 | Bally | taf_l5 | taf_l5 |
taf_l1 | The Addams Family (L-1) | 1992 | Bally | taf_l5 | taf_l5 |
taf_l2 | The Addams Family (L-2) | 1992 | Bally | taf_l5 | taf_l5 |
taf_l3 | The Addams Family (L-3) | 1992 | Bally | taf_l5 | taf_l5 |
taf_l4 | The Addams Family (L-4) | 1992 | Bally | taf_l5 | taf_l5 |
taf_l5 | The Addams Family (L-5) | 1992 | Bally | | |
taf_l6 | The Addams Family (L-6) | 1992 | Bally | taf_l5 | taf_l5 |
taf_l7 | The Addams Family (Prototype L-5) (L-7) | 1992 | Bally | taf_l5 | taf_l5 |
taf_p2 | The Addams Family (Prototype) (P-2) | 1992 | Bally | taf_l5 | taf_l5 |
tafg_h3 | The Addams Family Special Collectors Edition (H-3) | 1994 | Bally | tafg_lx3 | tafg_lx3 |
tafg_la2 | The Addams Family Special Collectors Edition (LA-2) | 1994 | Bally | tafg_lx3 | tafg_lx3 |
tafg_la3 | The Addams Family Special Collectors Edition (LA-3) | 1994 | Bally | tafg_lx3 | tafg_lx3 |
tafg_lx3 | The Addams Family Special Collectors Edition Gold (LX-3) | 1994 | Bally | | |
tagteamp | Tag-Team Wrestling | 1985 | Gottlieb | | |
tagteamp2 | Tag-Team Wrestling (rev.2) | 1985 | Gottlieb | tagteamp | tagteamp |
tagteampg | Tag-Team Wrestling (German) | 1985 | Gottlieb | tagteamp | tagteamp |
takefive | Take Five | 1978 | Allied Leisure | allied | |
taxi_l3 | Taxi (Marilyn) (L-3) | 1988 | Williams | taxi_l4 | taxi_l4 |
taxi_l4 | Taxi (Lola) (L-4) | 1988 | Williams | | |
taxi_lg1 | Taxi (Marilyn) (L-1) Germany | 1988 | Williams | taxi_l4 | taxi_l4 |
taxi_lu1 | Taxi (Marilyn) (LU-1) | 1988 | Williams | taxi_l4 | taxi_l4 |
taxi_p5 | Taxi (P-5) | 1988 | Williams | taxi_l4 | taxi_l4 |
teedoffp | Tee'd Off (pinball, rev.3) | 1993 | Gottlieb | | |
teedoffp0 | Tee'd Off (pinball) | 1993 | Gottlieb | teedoffp | teedoffp |
teedoffp1 | Tee'd Off (pinball, rev.1) | 1993 | Gottlieb | teedoffp | teedoffp |
term3 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 4.00, display A4.00) | 2003 | Stern | | |
term3_205 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 2.05, display A2.01) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
term3_301 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 3.01, display A3.00) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
term3f | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 4.00, display F4.00, France) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
term3f_205 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 2.05, display F2.01, France) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
term3f_301 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 3.01, display F3.00, France) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
term3g | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 4.00, display G4.00, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
term3g_301 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 3.01, display G3.00, Germany) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
term3i | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 4.00, display I4.00, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
term3i_205 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 2.05, display I2.01, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
term3i_301 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 3.01, display I3.00, Italy) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
term3l | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 4.00, display L4.00, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
term3l_205 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 2.05, display L2.01, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
term3l_301 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (CPU 3.01, display L3.00, Spain) | 2003 | Stern | term3 | term3 |
terrlake | Terrific Lake | 1987 | Sport Matic | | |
tfight | Title Fight | 1990 | Gottlieb | | |
tftc_104s | Tales From the Crypt (USA 1.04, display L1.03) | 1993 | Data East | tftc_303 | tftc_303 |
tftc_200 | Tales From the Crypt (USA 2.00, display A2.00) | 1993 | Data East | tftc_303 | tftc_303 |
tftc_300 | Tales From the Crypt (USA 3.00, display A3.00) | 1993 | Data East | tftc_303 | tftc_303 |
tftc_302 | Tales From the Crypt (Dutch 3.02, display A3.01) | 1993 | Data East | tftc_303 | tftc_303 |
tftc_303 | Tales From the Crypt (USA 3.03, display A3.01) | 1993 | Data East | | |
thegames | The Games | 1984 | Gottlieb | | |
theraid | The Raid | 1984 | Playmatic | | |
theraida | The Raid (alternate set) | 1984 | Playmatic | theraid | theraid |
thndbolt | Thunderbolt | 1977 | Allied Leisure | allied | |
thndrman | Thunder Man | 1987 | Apple Time | | |
thrdwrld | Third World | 1978 | Sonic | bigtown | bigtown |
thund_p1 | Thunderball (P-1) | 1982 | Williams | | |
thund_p2 | Thunderball (P-2) | 1982 | Williams | thund_p1 | thund_p1 |
thund_p3 | Thunderball (P-3) | 1982 | Williams | thund_p1 | thund_p1 |
tigerrag | Tiger Rag | 1984 | Bell Games | kosteel | kosteel |
time2000 | Time 2000 | 1977 | Atari | | |
timeline | Time Line | 1980 | Gottlieb | | |
titan | Titan (set 1) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | | |
titan1 | Titan (set 2) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | titan | titan |
tmac_a18 | Time Machine (1.8) | 1988 | Data East | tmac_a24 | tmac_a24 |
tmac_a24 | Time Machine (2.4) | 1988 | Data East | | |
tmac_g18 | Time Machine (1.8, Germany) | 1988 | Data East | tmac_a24 | tmac_a24 |
tmachzac | Time Machine (Zaccaria) | 1983 | Zaccaria | | |
tmachzacf | Time Machine (Zaccaria, French speech) | 1983 | Zaccaria | tmachzac | tmachzac |
tmachzacg | Time Machine (Zaccaria, German speech) | 1983 | Zaccaria | tmachzac | tmachzac |
tmachzaci | Time Machine (Zaccaria, Italian speech) | 1983 | Zaccaria | tmachzac | tmachzac |
tmacltd2 | Time Machine (LTD, 2 players) | 1981 | LTD | tmacltd4 | tmacltd4 |
tmacltd4 | Time Machine (LTD, 4 players) | 1981 | LTD | | |
tmfnt_l5 | Time Fantasy (L-5) | 1982 | Williams | | |
tmnt_101 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1.01) | 1991 | Data East | tmnt_104 | tmnt_104 |
tmnt_103 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1.03) | 1991 | Data East | tmnt_104 | tmnt_104 |
tmnt_104 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (USA 1.04, display A1.04) | 1991 | Data East | | |
tmnt_104g | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Germany 1.04, display A1.04) | 1991 | Data East | tmnt_104 | tmnt_104 |
tmnt_a07 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (A 0.7 VUK prototype) | 1991 | Data East | tmnt_104 | tmnt_104 |
tmwrp_l2 | Time Warp (Williams, L-2) | 1979 | Williams | tmwrp_l3 | tmwrp_l3 |
tmwrp_l3 | Time Warp (Williams, L-3) | 1979 | Williams | | |
tmwrp_t2 | Time Warp (Williams, T-2) | 1979 | Williams | tmwrp_l3 | tmwrp_l3 |
toledoa | Toledo (2 jackpot points, 83%) | 1982 | Interflip | toledo | toledo |
toledob | Toledo (1 jackpot point, 79%) | 1982 | Interflip | toledo | toledo |
tom_06 | Theatre Of Magic (0.6a) | 1995 | Bally | tom_13 | tom_13 |
tom_10f | Theatre Of Magic (1.0 French) | 1995 | Bally | tom_13 | tom_13 |
tom_12 | Theatre Of Magic (1.2X) | 1995 | Bally | tom_13 | tom_13 |
tom_12a | Theatre Of Magic (1.2A) | 1995 | Bally | tom_13 | tom_13 |
tom_13 | Theatre Of Magic (1.3X) | 1995 | Bally | | |
tom_14h | Theatre Of Magic (1.4H) | 2005 | Bally | tom_13 | tom_13 |
tomy_102 | The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (USA 1.02, display A3.00) | 1994 | Data East | tomy_400 | tomy_400 |
tomy_102be | The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (Belgium 1.02, display A1.02) | 1994 | Data East | tomy_400 | tomy_400 |
tomy_201h | The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (Dutch 2.01, display A2.00) | 1994 | Data East | tomy_400 | tomy_400 |
tomy_300h | The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (Dutch 3.00, display A3.00) | 1994 | Data East | tomy_400 | tomy_400 |
tomy_301g | The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (German 3.01, display G3.00) | 1994 | Data East | tomy_400 | tomy_400 |
tomy_400 | The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (USA 4.00, display A4.00) | 1994 | Data East | | |
topaz | Topaz (Inder) | 1979 | Inder | | |
toppin | Top Pin | 1988 | Nuova Bell Games | | |
topsound | Top Sound (French) | 1988 | ManilaMatic | | |
torch | Torch | 1980 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
torp_a16 | Torpedo Alley (1.6) | 1988 | Data East | torp_e21 | torp_e21 |
torp_e21 | Torpedo Alley (2.1, Europe) | 1988 | Data East | | |
totan_04 | Tales Of The Arabian Nights (0.4) | 1996 | Williams | totan_14 | totan_14 |
totan_12 | Tales Of The Arabian Nights (1.2) | 1996 | Williams | totan_14 | totan_14 |
totan_13 | Tales Of The Arabian Nights (1.3) | 1996 | Williams | totan_14 | totan_14 |
totan_14 | Tales Of The Arabian Nights (1.4) | 1996 | Williams | | |
totem | Totem | 1979 | Gottlieb | gts1 | |
touchdn | Touchdown | 1984 | Gottlieb | | |
trailer | Trailer | 1985 | Playmatic | | |
trebol | Trebol | 1985 | Regama | | |
trek_110 | Star Trek 25th Anniversary (USA 1.10, display A1.06) | 1992 | Data East | trek_201 | trek_201 |
trek_110_a027 | Star Trek 25th Anniversary (USA 1.10, display A0.27) | 1992 | Data East | trek_201 | trek_201 |
trek_117 | Star Trek 25th Anniversary (USA 1.17, display A1.09) | 1992 | Data East | trek_201 | trek_201 |
trek_120 | Star Trek 25th Anniversary (USA 1.20, display A1.06) | 1992 | Data East | trek_201 | trek_201 |
trek_200 | Star Trek 25th Anniversary (USA 2.00, display A1.09) | 1992 | Data East | trek_201 | trek_201 |
trek_201 | Star Trek 25th Anniversary (USA 2.01, display A1.09) | 1992 | Data East | | |
tricksht | Trick Shooter | 1982 | LTD | | |
trident | Trident | 1979 | Stern | | |
tridento | Trident (Older set) | 1979 | Stern | trident | trident |
triplay | Chicago Cubs' Triple Play | 1985 | Gottlieb | | |
triplaya | Chicago Cubs' Triple Play (alternate set) | 1985 | Gottlieb | triplay | triplay |
triplayg | Chicago Cubs' Triple Play (German) | 1985 | Gottlieb | triplay | triplay |
trizn_l1 | Tri Zone (L-1) | 1978 | Williams | | |
trizn_t1 | Tri Zone (T-1) | 1978 | Williams | trizn_l1 | trizn_l1 |
trucksp2 | Truck Stop (P-2) | 1988 | Bally | trucksp3 | trucksp3 |
trucksp3 | Truck Stop (P-3) | 1988 | Bally | | |
ts_la2 | The Shadow (LA-2) | 1994 | Bally | ts_lx5 | ts_lx5 |
ts_la4 | The Shadow (LA-4) | 1995 | Bally | ts_lx5 | ts_lx5 |
ts_lf4 | The Shadow (LF-4) French | 1994 | Bally | ts_lx5 | ts_lx5 |
ts_lf6 | The Shadow (LF-6) French | 1994 | Bally | ts_lx5 | ts_lx5 |
ts_lh6 | The Shadow (LH-6) | 1995 | Bally | ts_lx5 | ts_lx5 |
ts_lm6 | The Shadow (LM-6) Mild | 1994 | Bally | ts_lx5 | ts_lx5 |
ts_lx4 | The Shadow (LX-4) | 1995 | Bally | ts_lx5 | ts_lx5 |
ts_lx5 | The Shadow (LX-5) | 1995 | Bally | | |
ts_pa1 | The Shadow (PA-1) | 1994 | Bally | ts_lx5 | ts_lx5 |
tsptr_l1 | Transporter the Rescue (LA-1) | 1989 | Bally | tsptr_l3 | tsptr_l3 |
tsptr_l3 | Transporter the Rescue (L-3) | 1989 | Bally | | |
tt_game | unknown Toptronic pinball game | 19?? | Toptronic | | |
ttt_10 | Ticket Tac Toe (1.0) | 1996 | Williams | | |
twst_300 | Twister (CPU 3.00, display A3.01) | 1996 | Sega | twst_405 | twst_405 |
twst_404 | Twister (CPU 4.04, display A4.00) | 1996 | Sega | twst_405 | twst_405 |
twst_405 | Twister (CPU 4.05, display A4.00) | 1996 | Sega | | |
txsector | TX-Sector | 1988 | Gottlieb | | |
txsectorf | TX-Sector (French) | 1988 | Gottlieb | txsector | txsector |
txsectorg | TX-Sector (German) | 1988 | Gottlieb | txsector | txsector |
tz_92 | Twilight Zone (9.2) | 1998 | Bally | | |
tz_94ch | Twilight Zone (9.4CH) | 1998 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
tz_94h | Twilight Zone (9.4H) | 1998 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
tz_h7 | Twilight Zone (H-7) | 1994 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
tz_h8 | Twilight Zone (H-8) | 1994 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
tz_ifpa | Twilight Zone (IFPA rules) | 1993 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
tz_l1 | Twilight Zone (L-1) | 1993 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
tz_l2 | Twilight Zone (L-2) | 1993 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
tz_l3 | Twilight Zone (L-3) | 1993 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
tz_l4 | Twilight Zone (L-4) | 1993 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
tz_l5 | Twilight Zone (L-5) | 1993 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
tz_p3 | Twilight Zone (P-3) | 1993 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
tz_p4 | Twilight Zone (P-4) | 1993 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
tz_pa1 | Twilight Zone (PA-1) | 1993 | Bally | tz_92 | tz_92 |
uboat65 | U-boat 65 | 1988 | Nuova Bell Games | | |
ufo_x | UFO-X | 1984 | Playmatic | | |
usafootb | U.S.A. Football (R06u) | 1993 | Alvin G | | |
usafootba | U.S.A. Football (R01u) | 1993 | Alvin G | usafootb | usafootb |
v1 | V.1 | 1985 | IDSA | | |
vector | Vector | 1982 | Bally | | |
vegas | Vegas | 1990 | Gottlieb | | |
vegasgp | Vegas (Game Plan) | 1979 | Game Plan | | |
vegast | Vegas (Taito) | 198? | Taito do Brasil | ladylukt | ladylukt |
victoryp | Victory (Pinball) | 1987 | Gottlieb | | |
victorypf | Victory (Pinball, French) | 1987 | Gottlieb | victoryp | victoryp |
victorypg | Victory (Pinball, German) | 1987 | Gottlieb | victoryp | victoryp |
viking | Viking | 1980 | Bally | | |
vikngkng | Viking King | 198? | LTD | | |
viperp | Viper (Pinball) | 1981 | Stern | | |
viprsega | Viper Night Drivin' (CPU 2.01, display A2.01) | 1998 | Sega | | |
viprsega_102 | Viper Night Drivin' (CPU 1.02, display A1.00) | 1998 | Sega | viprsega | viprsega |
vlcno_1a | Volcano (Sound Only set 3) | 1981 | Gottlieb | vlcno_1c | vlcno_1c |
vlcno_1b | Volcano (Sound Only set 2) | 1981 | Gottlieb | vlcno_1c | vlcno_1c |
vlcno_1c | Volcano (Sound Only set 1) | 1981 | Gottlieb | | |
vlcno_ax | Volcano | 1981 | Gottlieb | | |
voleybal | Volley | 198? | Taito do Brasil | | |
voltan | Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom | 1978 | Bally | | |
vortexp | Vortex (Pinball) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | | |
vrkon_l1 | Varkon (L-1) | 1982 | Williams | | |
vrnwrld | Verne's World | 1996 | Spinball | | |
walkyria | Walkyria | 1986 | Joctronic | | |
waterwld | Waterworld (rev.3) | 1995 | Gottlieb | | |
waterwld2 | Waterworld (rev.2) | 1995 | Gottlieb | waterwld | waterwld |
wcs_l1 | World Cup Soccer (Lx-1) | 1994 | Bally | wcs_l2 | wcs_l2 |
wcs_l2 | World Cup Soccer (Lx-2) | 1994 | Bally | | |
wcs_la2 | World Cup Soccer (La-2) | 1994 | Bally | wcs_l2 | wcs_l2 |
wcs_p2 | World Cup Soccer (Pa-2) | 1994 | Bally | wcs_l2 | wcs_l2 |
wcs_p3 | World Cup Soccer (Px-3) | 1994 | Bally | wcs_l2 | wcs_l2 |
wcsoccer | World Challenge Soccer (rev.1, set 1) | 1994 | Gottlieb | | |
wcsoccer1a | World Challenge Soccer (rev.1, set 2) | 1994 | Gottlieb | wcsoccer | wcsoccer |
wcup90 | World Cup 90 | 1990 | Mr Game | | |
wd_03r | Who Dunnit (0.3 R) | 1995 | Bally | wd_12 | wd_12 |
wd_048r | Who Dunnit (0.48 R) | 1995 | Bally | wd_12 | wd_12 |
wd_10f | Who Dunnit (1.0 French) | 1995 | Bally | wd_12 | wd_12 |
wd_10g | Who Dunnit (1.0 Germany) | 1995 | Bally | wd_12 | wd_12 |
wd_10r | Who Dunnit (1.0 R) | 1995 | Bally | wd_12 | wd_12 |
wd_11 | Who Dunnit (1.1) | 1995 | Bally | wd_12 | wd_12 |
wd_12 | Who Dunnit (1.2) | 1995 | Bally | | |
wd_12g | Who Dunnit (1.2 Germany) | 1995 | Bally | wd_12 | wd_12 |
whirl_l2 | Whirlwind (LU-2) | 1990 | Williams | whirl_l3 | whirl_l3 |
whirl_l3 | Whirlwind (LA-3) | 1990 | Williams | | |
whirl_lg1 | Whirlwind (LG-1) | 1990 | Williams | whirl_l3 | whirl_l3 |
whirl_lg2 | Whirlwind (LG-2) | 1990 | Williams | whirl_l3 | whirl_l3 |
whirl_lg3 | Whirlwind (LG-3) | 1990 | Williams | whirl_l3 | whirl_l3 |
whtforce | White Force | 1987 | Stargame | | |
wildfyre | Wildfyre | 1978 | Stern | | |
wipeout | Wipeout (rev.2, set 1) | 1993 | Gottlieb | | |
wipeout2a | Wipeout (rev.2, set 2) | 1993 | Gottlieb | wipeout | wipeout |
wldcp_l1 | World Cup (L-1) | 1978 | Williams | | |
wldtexas | Wild Texas | 1983 | <unknown> | fpwr2_l2 | fpwr2_l2 |
wof_100a | Wheel of Fortune v1.0 | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_200a | Wheel of Fortune v2.0 | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_200f | Wheel of Fortune v2.0 (French) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_200g | Wheel of Fortune v2.0 (German) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_200i | Wheel of Fortune v2.0 (Italian) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_300a | Wheel of Fortune v3.0 | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_300f | Wheel of Fortune v3.0 (French) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_300g | Wheel of Fortune v3.0 (German) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_300i | Wheel of Fortune v3.0 (Italian) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_300l | Wheel of Fortune v3.0 (Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_400a | Wheel of Fortune v4.0 | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_400f | Wheel of Fortune v4.0 (French) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_400g | Wheel of Fortune v4.0 (German) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_400i | Wheel of Fortune v4.0 (Italian) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_400l | Wheel of Fortune v4.0 (Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_500a | Wheel of Fortune v5.0 | 2007 | Stern | | |
wof_500f | Wheel of Fortune v5.0 (French) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_500g | Wheel of Fortune v5.0 (German) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_500i | Wheel of Fortune v5.0 (Italian) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_500l | Wheel of Fortune v5.0 (Spanish) | 2007 | Stern | wof_500a | wof_500a |
wof_v11 | Wheel of Fortune (P517 V11, English) | 2000 | Coinmaster-Gaming, Ltd. | wof_v16 | wof_v16 |
wof_v16 | Wheel of Fortune (P517 V16, English) | 2000 | Coinmaster-Gaming, Ltd. | | |
wolfman | Wolf Man | 1987 | Peyper | | |
worlddef | World Defender | 1985 | Bell Games | | |
wpt_103a | World Poker Tour v1.03 | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_105a | World Poker Tour v1.05 | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_106a | World Poker Tour v1.06 | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_106f | World Poker Tour v1.06 (French) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_106g | World Poker Tour v1.06 (German) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_106i | World Poker Tour v1.06 (Italian) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_106l | World Poker Tour v1.06 (Spanish) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_108a | World Poker Tour v1.08 | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_108f | World Poker Tour v1.08 (French) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_108g | World Poker Tour v1.08 (German) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_108i | World Poker Tour v1.08 (Italian) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_108l | World Poker Tour v1.08 (Spanish) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_109a | World Poker Tour v1.09 | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_109f | World Poker Tour v1.09 (French) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_109f2 | World Poker Tour v1.09 (French)(alt) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_109g | World Poker Tour v1.09 (German) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_109i | World Poker Tour v1.09 (Italian) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_109l | World Poker Tour v1.09 (Spanish) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_111a | World Poker Tour v1.11 | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_111af | World Poker Tour v1.11 (English,French) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_111ai | World Poker Tour v1.11 (English,Italian) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_111al | World Poker Tour v1.11 (English,Spanish) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_111f | World Poker Tour v1.11 (French) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_111g | World Poker Tour v1.11 (German) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_111gf | World Poker Tour v1.11 (German,French) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_111i | World Poker Tour v1.11 (Italian) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_111l | World Poker Tour v1.11 (Spanish) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_112a | World Poker Tour v1.12 | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_112af | World Poker Tour v1.12 (English,French) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_112ai | World Poker Tour v1.12 (English,Italian) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_112al | World Poker Tour v1.12 (English,Spanish) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_112f | World Poker Tour v1.12 (French) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_112g | World Poker Tour v1.12 (German) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_112gf | World Poker Tour v1.12 (German,French) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_112i | World Poker Tour v1.12 (Italian) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_112l | World Poker Tour v1.12 (Spanish) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_1400 | World Poker Tour v14.00 | 2006 | Stern | | |
wpt_1400af | World Poker Tour v14.00 (English,French) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_1400ai | World Poker Tour v14.00 (English,Italian) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_1400al | World Poker Tour v14.00 (English,Spanish) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_1400f | World Poker Tour v14.00 (French) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_1400g | World Poker Tour v14.00 (German) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_1400gf | World Poker Tour v14.00 (German,French) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_1400i | World Poker Tour v14.00 (Italian) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wpt_1400l | World Poker Tour v14.00 (Spanish) | 2006 | Stern | wpt_1400 | wpt_1400 |
wrldtour | Al's Garage Band Goes On A World Tour (R01c) | 1992 | Alvin G | | |
wrldtour2 | Al's Garage Band Goes On A World Tour (R02b) | 1992 | Alvin G | wrldtour | wrldtour |
wrldtour3 | Al's Garage Band Goes On A World Tour (R06a) | 1992 | Alvin G | wrldtour | wrldtour |
wrlok_l3 | Warlok (L-3) | 1982 | Williams | | |
wsports | Winter Sports | 1978 | Zaccaria | | |
ww_l2 | White Water (L-2) | 1992 | Williams | ww_l5 | ww_l5 |
ww_l3 | White Water (L-3) | 1993 | Williams | ww_l5 | ww_l5 |
ww_l4 | White Water (L-4) | 1993 | Williams | ww_l5 | ww_l5 |
ww_l5 | White Water (L-5) | 2000 | Williams | | |
ww_lh5 | White Water (LH-5) | 2000 | Williams | ww_l5 | ww_l5 |
ww_lh6 | White Water (LH-6) | 2000 | Williams | ww_l5 | ww_l5 |
ww_p6 | White Water (P-6) | 1992 | Williams | ww_l5 | ww_l5 |
ww_p8 | White Water (P-8) | 1992 | Williams | ww_l5 | ww_l5 |
wwfr_103 | WWF Royal Rumble (USA 1.03, display A1.01) | 1994 | Data East | wwfr_106 | wwfr_106 |
wwfr_103f | WWF Royal Rumble (French 1.03, display F1.01) | 1994 | Data East | wwfr_106 | wwfr_106 |
wwfr_106 | WWF Royal Rumble (USA 1.06, display A1.02) | 1994 | Data East | | |
xenon | Xenon | 1980 | Bally | | |
xenonf | Xenon (French) | 1980 | Bally | xenon | xenon |
xfiles2 | X-Files (CPU 2.04, display A2.01) | 1997 | Sega | xfilesp | xfilesp |
xfiles20 | X-Files (CPU 2.00, display A2.00) | 1997 | Sega | xfilesp | xfilesp |
xfilesp | X-Files (CPU 3.03, display A3.00) | 1997 | Sega | | |
xfilespf | X-Files (CPU 3.03, display F3.00, France) | 1997 | Sega | xfilesp | xfilesp |
xforce | X Force | 1987 | Tecnoplay | | |
xsandos | X's & O's | 1983 | Bally | | |
zankor | Zankor (TMS5200 Italian speech) | 1986 | Zaccaria | | |
zankor2i | Zankor (TMS5220 Italian speech) | 1986 | Zaccaria | zankor | zankor |
zarza | Zarza (set 1) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | | |
zarza1 | Zarza (set 2) | 1982 | Taito do Brasil | zarza | zarza |
zephy | Zephy (set 1) | 1981 | LTD | | |
zephya | Zephy (set 2) | 1981 | LTD | zephy | zephy |
zira | Zira | 1980 | Playmatic | | |