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Non Coin Operated Machines using mouse Input Type with 3 players

MAME: 0.275 - Released: 2025-02-25T16:05:29 - Machines: 47951 - rom: 358656 - disk: 1371 - Lists: 719 - Software: 139138 - rom: 235544 - disk: 11325

  • Numbers in the control type columns are the number of buttons.
  • If it is zero then no buttons are specified against the control.
  • A machine may have multiple controls of the same type, they will be comma separated.
  • Hover mouse for machine description or column heading.

aa3010nono1, 11060
asuscuscnono10822, 2
asuspolonono10822, 2
gamecstlnono10822, 2
gmfamilynono10822, 2
pc_h98snono2, 21043
pc286unono2, 21043
pc286vsnono2, 21043
pc386mnono2, 21043
pc486munono2, 21043
pc9801nono2, 21043
pc9801bx2nono2, 21043
pc9801dxnono2, 21043
pc9801fsnono2, 21043
pc9801rsnono2, 21043
pc9801usnono2, 21043
pc9801uxnono2, 21043
pc9801vmnono2, 21043
pc9801vxnono2, 21043
pc9821nono2, 21043
pc9821asnono2, 21043
pc9821ce2nono2, 21043
pc9821nenono2, 21043
pc9821nr15nono2, 21043
pc9821ra20nono2, 21043
pc9821v13nono2, 21043
pc9821xsnono2, 21043
qlnono1, 1642
shutms11nono10822, 2
to9nono2, 28002
tontonono1, 1642
x68000nono2, 21122
zidav630enono10822, 2

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