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Spludlow MAME - Software Lists

MAME: 0.274 - Released: 2025-01-29T18:38:09 - Machines: 47853 - rom: 358079 - disk: 1360 - Lists: 719 - Software: 138973 - rom: 235320 - disk: 11309

list name & description  
software name & description  
1019 Softwares, page 5 / 5

ibm5150 xenonaXenon (5.25", 16 Blitz Plus release)199016 Blitzyesxenon
ibm5150 ysAncient Land of Ys1989Kyodai Software Marketingpartial 
ibm5150 zakkrackZak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (Enhanced version)1988Lucasfilm Gamesyes 
ibm5150 zakkrackaZak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders1988Lucasfilm Gamesyeszakkrack
ibm5150 zanygolfZany Golf1988Electronic Artsyes 
ibm5150 zaxxonZaxxon (cracked)1984Segayes 
ibm5150 zeliardZeliard (5.25")1990Sierra On-Lineyes 
ibm5150 zeliard_35Zeliard (3.5")1990Sierra On-Lineyeszeliard
ibm5150 zeliard_35aZeliard (3.5", v2.0)1991Sierra On-Lineyeszeliard
ibm5150 zindrnefMurder on the Zinderneuf1984Electronic Artsyes 
ibm5150 zombiZombi1990Ubi Softyes 
ibm5150 zoolZool1993Gremlin Graphicsyes 
ibm5150 zoolaZool (Big Games)1995Jackson Libriyeszool
ibm5150 zorkZork: The Great Underground Empire1980Infocomyes 
ibm5150 zork2Zork II - The Wizard of Frobozz1981Infocomyes 
ibm5150 zork3Zork III: The Dungeon Master1982Infocomyes 
ibm5150 zorkqst1Zork Quest I: Assault on Egreth Castle1988Infocomyes 
ibm5150 zorkqst2Zork Quest II: The Crystal of Doom1989Infocomyes 
ibm5150 zyllZyll (cracked)1984IBMyes 

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