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MAME: 0.271 - Released: 2024-10-30T15:59:16 - Machines: 47358 - rom: 354314 - disk: 1336 - Lists: 717 - Software: 138541 - rom: 234702 - disk: 11183

name & description or rom SHA1   47358 Machines, page 135 / 190

sbishikSuper Bishi Bashi Champ (ver KAB, 3 Players)1998Konamisbishisbishi 
sbishikaSuper Bishi Bashi Champ (ver KAA, 3 Players)1998Konamisbishisbishi 
sblast2bSonic Blast Man II Special Turbo (SNES bootleg)1997bootleg   
sblazerpStar Blazer (Pioneer LDV1000)1983Segagalaxyrgalaxyr 
sbmSonic Blast Man (US)1990Taito Corporation   
sbmjSonic Blast Man (Japan)1990Taito Corporationsbmsbm 
sbmjbSonic Blast Man's Janken Battle (Japan, main ver. 1.1, video ver. 1.0)1998Taito Corporation   
sboblboblSuper Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 1)1986bootleg (Datsu)bublboblbublbobl 
sboblboblaSuper Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 2)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl 
sboblboblbSuper Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 3)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl 
sboblboblcSuper Bubble Bobble (bootleg)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl 
sboblbobldSuper Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 4)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl 
sboblbobleSuper Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 5)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl 
sboblboblfSuper Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 6)1986bootlegbublboblbublbobl 
sbomberSpace Bomber (ver. B)1998Psikyo   
sbomberaSpace Bomber1998Psikyosbombersbomber 
sbowlingStrike Bowling1982Taito Corporation   
sbpSuper Bubble Pop2004Vektorlogicneogeo  
sbrainSuperBrain Video Computer System1981Intertec Data Systems   
sbrkoutSuper Breakout (rev 04)1978Atari   
sbrkout3Super Breakout (rev 03)1978Atarisbrkoutsbrkout 
sbrkoutcSuper Breakout (Canyon and Vertical Breakout, prototype)1978Atarisbrkoutsbrkout 
sbrkoutctSuper Breakout (Cocktail, prototype)1978Atarisbrkoutsbrkout 
sbsgomoSpace Battle Ship Gomorrah1990UPLbioshipbioship 
sbubsmSuper Bubble Bobble (Sun Mixing, Mega Drive clone hardware)1996Sun Mixing   
sbuggerSpace Bugger (set 1)1981Game-A-Tron   
sbuggeraSpace Bugger (set 2)1981Game-A-Tronsbuggersbugger 
sbuk2Super Bucks II (0400501V, NSW/ACT)1999Aristocrataristmk5  
sbuk2aSuper Bucks II (0300006V, NSW/ACT)1995Aristocratsbuk2sbuk2 
sbuk3Super Bucks III (0200711V, NSW/ACT)1998Aristocrataristmk5  
sbuk3aSuper Bucks III (0100711V, NSW/ACT)1998Aristocratsbuk3sbuk3 
sbuk5Super Bucks V (20203611, NSW/ACT)2005Aristocrataristmk6  
sburnersStreet Burners1975Allied Leisure   
sbusSun SBus     
sbus_hmeSun 10/100 + Fast Wide SCSI     
sbus_slotSun SBus Slot     
sbus_sunpcSun SunPC accelerator     
sbxcSengoku Basara X Cross2008Capcom / Arc System Workssys246  
sc_091Safe Cracker (0.91)1996Ballysc_18sc_18 
sc_10Safe Cracker (1.0)1996Ballysc_18sc_18 
sc_14Safe Cracker (1.4)1996Ballysc_18sc_18 
sc_17Safe Cracker (1.7)1996Ballysc_18sc_18 
sc_17nSafe Cracker (1.7N)1996Ballysc_18sc_18 
sc_18Safe Cracker (1.8)1998Bally   
sc_18nSafe Cracker (1.8N)1998Ballysc_18sc_18 
sc_18s2Safe Cracker (1.8 German sound)1998Ballysc_18sc_18 
sc105SC105 - Modular Backplane (RC2014)2018Stephen C Cousinsrc2014rc2014 
sc112SC112 - Modular Backplane (RC2014)2018Stephen C Cousinsrc2014rc2014 
sc116SC116 - Modular Backplane (RC2014)2018Stephen C Cousinsrc2014rc2014 
sc119SC119 Z180 Memory module     
sc133SC133 - Modular Backplane (RC2014)2018Stephen C Cousinsrc2014rc2014 
sc155Sound Canvas SC-1551992Rolandsc55sc55 
sc16is741aNXP SC16IS741A UART     
sc1actv8Active 8 (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1armadArmada (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1barcdBarcode (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1barcdaBarcode (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1barcdsc1barcd 
sc1bartkBar Trek (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1bigmtThe Big Match (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1bonclBonanza Club (unknown) (Scorpion 1)199?<unknown>   
sc1btbcBeat The Bank Club (unknown) (Scorpion 1?)199?<unknown>   
sc1btclkBeat The Clock (Mdm) (set 1) (Scorpion 2/3?)199?Mdm   
sc1btclkaBeat The Clock (Mdm) (set 2) (Scorpion 2/3?)199?Mdmsc1btclksc1btclk 
sc1btclkbBeat The Clock (Mdm) (set 3) (Scorpion 2/3?)199?Mdmsc1btclksc1btclk 
sc1calypCalypso (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1carroCarrousel (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1ccoinCash Coin (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1ccrocCrazy Crocs (Mdm) (set 1) (Scorpion 2/3?)199?Mdm   
sc1ccrocaCrazy Crocs (Mdm) (set 2) (Scorpion 2/3?)199?Mdmsc1ccrocsc1ccroc 
sc1ccrocbCrazy Crocs (Mdm) (set 3) (Scorpion 2/3?)199?Mdmsc1ccrocsc1ccroc 
sc1ccroccCrazy Crocs (Mdm) (set 4) (Scorpion 2/3?)199?Mdmsc1ccrocsc1ccroc 
sc1cdmClub Diamond (Crystal) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)199?Crystal   
sc1cdmpClub Diamond (Crystal) (set 1, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)199?Crystalsc1cdmsc1cdm 
sc1cexpdCash Explosion (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1cexplCash Explosion (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1cexplaCash Explosion (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cexplsc1cexpl 
sc1cexplbCash Explosion (Bellfruit) (set 3) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cexplsc1cexpl 
sc1chainChain Reaction (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)199?BFM   
sc1chainpChain Reaction (Bellfruit) (set 1, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)199?BFMsc1chainsc1chain 
sc1chinaChina Town Club (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1chinaaChina Town Club (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1chinasc1china 
sc1chinaapChina Town Club (Bellfruit) (set 1, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1chinasc1china 
sc1chinabChina Town Club (Bellfruit) (set 3) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1chinasc1china 
sc1chinabpChina Town Club (Bellfruit) (set 3, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1chinasc1china 
sc1chinapChina Town Club (Bellfruit) (set 2, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1chinasc1china 
sc1chqflChequered Flag (Global)199?Global   
sc1cl2kClub 2000 (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1cl2k1Club 2001 (Dutch (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1cl65Club 65 Special (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1cl65aClub 65 Special (Bellfruit) (set 5) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cl65sc1cl65 
sc1cl65apClub 65 Special (Bellfruit) (set 5, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cl65sc1cl65 
sc1cl65bClub 65 Special (Bellfruit) (set 4) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cl65sc1cl65 
sc1cl65bpClub 65 Special (Bellfruit) (set 4, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cl65sc1cl65 
sc1cl65cClub 65 Special (Bellfruit) (set 3) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cl65sc1cl65 
sc1cl65cpClub 65 Special (Bellfruit) (set 3, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cl65sc1cl65 
sc1cl65dClub 65 Special (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cl65sc1cl65 
sc1cl65dpClub 65 Special (Bellfruit) (set 2, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cl65sc1cl65 
sc1classClassic (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1clattClub Attraction (UK, Game Card 39-370-196)1990BFM   
sc1clattaClub Attraction (set 2)1990BFMsc1clattsc1clatt 
sc1clb3Club 3000 (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)199?BFM/ELAM   
sc1clbdmClub Diamond (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1clbdyClub Dynamite (Global) (set 1)199?Global   
sc1clbdyaClub Dynamite (Global) (set 2)199?Globalsc1clbdysc1clbdy 
sc1clbrnClub Runner (Dutch) (unknown) (Scorpion 1)198?<unknown>   
sc1clbspClub Spinner (Dutch) (unknown) (Scorpion 1)198?<unknown>   
sc1clbtmClub Temptation (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1clbtmaClub Temptation (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1clbtmsc1clbtm 
sc1clbwClub Wise (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1clbwaClub Wise (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1clbwsc1clbw 
sc1clbxpClub Explosion (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1) (set 1)198?BFM   
sc1clbxpaClub Explosion (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1) (set 2)198?BFMsc1clbxpsc1clbxp 
sc1clinsCash Lines (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1) (set 1)199?BFM/PCP   
sc1clinsaCash Lines (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1) (set 2)199?BFM/PCPsc1clinssc1clins 
sc1clinsbCash Lines (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1) (set 3)199?BFMsc1clinssc1clins 
sc1clinscCash Lines (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1) (set 4)199?BFMsc1clinssc1clins 
sc1clinsdCash Lines (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1) (set 5)199?BFMsc1clinssc1clins 
sc1clinseCash Lines (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1) (set 6)199?BFMsc1clinssc1clins 
sc1clownClown Around (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1copddCops 'n' Robbers Deluxe (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1copdxCops 'n' Robbers (Bellfruit) (set 3) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1copssc1cops 
sc1copsCops 'n' Robbers (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1copsaCops 'n' Robbers (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1copssc1cops 
sc1countCount Cash Club (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1countaCount Cash Club (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1countsc1count 
sc1countapCount Cash Club (Bellfruit) (set 1, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1countsc1count 
sc1countpCount Cash Club (Bellfruit) (set 2, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1countsc1count 
sc1crocrCroc And Roll (Mdm) (Scorpion 2/3?)199?Mdm   
sc1crzycCrazy Cash (Global) (set 1)199?Global   
sc1crzycaCrazy Cash (Global) (set 2)199?Globalsc1crzycsc1crzyc 
sc1csclCash Classic (Global) (set 1)199?Global   
sc1csclaCash Classic (Global) (set 2)199?Globalsc1csclsc1cscl 
sc1cshatCash Attraction (Bellfruit) (set 5, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1cshataCash Attraction (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshatsc1cshat 
sc1cshatbCash Attraction (Bellfruit) (set 5) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshatsc1cshat 
sc1cshatcCash Attraction (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshatsc1cshat 
sc1cshatfCash Attraction (Bellfruit) (set 2, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshatsc1cshat 
sc1cshatgCash Attraction (Bellfruit) (set 4, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshatsc1cshat 
sc1cshathCash Attraction (Bellfruit) (set 3, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshatsc1cshat 
sc1cshatiCash Attraction (Bellfruit) (set 1, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshatsc1cshat 
sc1cshcdCash Card (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1cshcdaCash Card (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshcdsc1cshcd 
sc1cshcdbCash Card (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshcdsc1cshcd 
sc1cshinCashino (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1cshwzCash Wise (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1cshwzaCash Wise (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshwzsc1cshwz 
sc1cshwzbCash Wise (Bellfruit) (set 3) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshwzsc1cshwz 
sc1cshwzcCash Wise (Bellfruit) (set 2, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshwzsc1cshwz 
sc1cshwzdCash Wise (Bellfruit) (set 4, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshwzsc1cshwz 
sc1cshwzeCash Wise (Bellfruit) (set 1, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshwzsc1cshwz 
sc1cshwzfCash Wise (Bellfruit) (set 3, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1cshwzsc1cshwz 
sc1cshwzgCash Wise (Bellfruit) (set 4) (Scorpion 1)199?BFMsc1cshwzsc1cshwz 
sc1cwclClockwise (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1czbrkCrazy Break (Dutch) (unknown) (Scorpion 1)199?<unknown>   
sc1dagoDagobert's Vault (Dutch) (Elam) (Scorpion 1)198?ELAM   
sc1daysAll In A Days Work (Global) (set 1)199?Global   
sc1daysaAll In A Days Work (Global) (set 2)199?Globalsc1dayssc1days 
sc1dblchDouble Chance (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1dblchaDouble Chance (Bellfruit) (set 2, bad) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1dblchsc1dblch 
sc1dblchbDouble Chance (Bellfruit) (set 3) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1dblchsc1dblch 
sc1dipDiplomat (Eurocoin) (Scorpion 1)199?Eurocoin   
sc1discDiscovey (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1dreamDream Machine (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1drivDriving School (Global) (set 1)199?Global   
sc1drivaDriving School (Global) (set 2)199?Globalsc1drivsc1driv 
sc1drivbDriving School (Global) (set 3)199?Globalsc1drivsc1driv 
sc1drivcDriving School (Global) (set 4)199?Globalsc1drivsc1driv 
sc1drubyDiamonds & Rubys (Bellfruit) (Scorpion ?) (set 1)199?BFM   
sc1drubyaDiamonds & Rubys (Bellfruit) (Scorpion ?) (set 2)199?BFMsc1drubysc1druby 
sc1energEnergy (Dutch) (unknown) (Scorpion 1)199?<unknown>   
sc1finalFinal Touch (Dutch) (unknown) (Scorpion 1)198?<unknown>   
sc1flashFlash (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1frpusFruit Pursuit (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1?)199?BFM   
sc1frpusaFruit Pursuit (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1?)199?BFMsc1frpussc1frpus 
sc1frtlnFruit Lines (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAMsc1fruitsc1fruit 
sc1fruitFruit Lines (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1funhFun House Club (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1funhaFun House Club (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1funhsc1funh 
sc1funhpFun House Club (Bellfruit) (set 1, Protocol, bad) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1funhsc1funh 
sc1goldwGolden Winner (Bellfruit) (Scorpion ?)199?BFM   
sc1gprixGrand Prix (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1gslamGrand Slam (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1gtimeGood Times (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1happyHappy Hour (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1hfccHi Flyer Club (Crystal) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)199?Crystal   
sc1hfccpHi Flyer Club (Crystal) (set 1, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)199?Crystalsc1hfccsc1hfcc 
sc1hiptHigh Point (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1) (set 1)199?BFM   
sc1hiptaHigh Point (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1) (set 2)199?BFMsc1hiptsc1hipt 
sc1impcImpact (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1kingsKings Club (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1lambLambada (Eurocoin) (Scorpion 1)199?Eurocoin   
sc1linxLinx (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1linxaLinx (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1linxsc1linx 
sc1linxpLinx (Bellfruit) (set 3, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1linxsc1linx 
sc1lotusLotus SE (Dutch) (set 1)1988BFM/ELAM   
sc1lotusaLotus SE (Dutch) (set 2)1988BFM/ELAMsc1lotussc1lotus 
sc1ltdvLittle Devil (Pcp)199?Pcp   
sc1magcMagic Circle (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1manhaManhattan (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1mastMaster Club (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1mistMistral (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1moonlMoon Lite (Bwb)199?Bwb   
sc1ofs56Only Fools and Horses (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1?)199?BFM   
sc1olymOlympia (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1oracOracle (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1pwrlPower Lines (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1quatQuatro (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1rainRainbow (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1reReel Cash (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1replyReplay (Eurocoin) (Scorpion 1)199?Eurocoin   
sc1reseReel Cash SE (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAMsc1resc1re 
sc1revoRevolution (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1roseRose 'n' Crown (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1roulRoulette (Dutch, Game Card 39-360-129?)1988BFM/ELAM   
sc1s1000Super 1000 (Deltasoft)1992Deltasoft   
sc1santSantana (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1satSatellite (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1satseSatellite SE (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)199?BFM/ELAM   
sc1scunkunknown Scorpion 1 'Super ?' (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)199?<unknown>   
sc1shanShanghai (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1sirStrike It Rich (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1siraStrike It Rich (Bellfruit) (set 3, bad) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1sirsc1sir 
sc1sirbStrike It Rich (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1sirsc1sir 
sc1sircStrike It Rich (Bellfruit) (set 4, bad) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1sirsc1sir 
sc1smokeSmokey Vs The Bandit (Mdm) (set 1) (Scorpion 2/3?)199?Mdm   
sc1smokeaSmokey Vs The Bandit (Mdm) (set 2) (Scorpion 2/3?)199?Mdmsc1smokesc1smoke 
sc1spctSpectre (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1spctaSpectre (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1spctsc1spct 
sc1spitSpitfire (Dutch) (Elam) (Scorpion 1)198?ELAM   
sc1sterSterling (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1str4Strike 4 (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1) (set 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1str4aStrike 4 (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1) (set 2)198?BFM/ELAMsc1str4sc1str4 
sc1strkStrike (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)199?BFM/ELAM   
sc1supflSuper Flush (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)199?BFM/ELAM   
sc1supsSuperstar (Dutch) (unknown) (Scorpion 1)198?<unknown>   
sc1t1kTop 1000 (Dutch) (Eurocoin) (Scorpion 1)198?Eurocoin   
sc1tiaraTiara (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1tornTornado (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1tornaTornado (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAMsc1tornsc1torn 
sc1triTri Star (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1triaTri Star (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1trisc1tri 
sc1triapTri Star (Bellfruit) (set 2, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1trisc1tri 
sc1tribTri Star (Bellfruit) (set 3) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1trisc1tri 
sc1tribpTri Star (Bellfruit) (set 3, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1trisc1tri 
sc1twiceTwice As Nice (Associated Leisure) (Scorpion 1)199?Associated Leisure   
sc1typTyphoon Club (Bellfruit) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM   
sc1typpTyphoon Club (Bellfruit) (set 1, Protocol) (Scorpion 1)198?BFMsc1typsc1typ 
sc1ultUltimate (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1ventVentura (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   
sc1victVictory (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)198?BFM/ELAM   

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