Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom | Clone | Sample |
real | Real | 1978 | Game Plan | gp_110 | | genpin |
realbrk | Billiard Academy Real Break (Europe) | 1998 | Nakanihon | | | |
realbrkj | Billiard Academy Real Break (Japan) | 1998 | Nakanihon | realbrk | realbrk | |
realbrkk | Billiard Academy Real Break (Korea) | 1998 | Nakanihon | realbrk | realbrk | |
realbrko | Billiard Academy Real Break (Europe, older) | 1998 | Nakanihon | realbrk | realbrk | |
realbrod | The Real Broadway (9131-20-00 R0C) | 1996 | Merit | | | |
realbroda | The Real Broadway (9131-20-00 R0A) | 1995 | Merit | realbrod | realbrod | |
realpunc | Real Puncher (World, v2.12O) | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | | | |
realpuncj | Real Puncher (Japan, v2.12J) | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | realpunc | realpunc | |
rebel5 | Mephisto Rebell 5,0 (set 1) | 1986 | Hegener + Glaser | | | |
rebel5a | Mephisto Rebell 5,0 (set 2) | 1986 | Hegener + Glaser | rebel5 | rebel5 | |
rebel5b | Mephisto Rebell 5,0 (set 3) | 1986 | Hegener + Glaser | rebel5 | rebel5 | |
rebound | Rebound (Rev B) | 1974 | Atari | | | |
rebus | Rebus | 1995 | Microhard | | | |
recalh | Recalhorn (Ver 1.42J 1994/5/11, prototype) | 1994 | Taito Corporation | | | |
recel | Recel BIOS | 1977 | Recel | | | genpin |
record | Record (Version 1) | 2000 | High Video | | | |
recordbr | Recordbreaker (World) | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | | | |
red5mam | Mini Arcade Machine (Red5, 'Xtra Game') | 201? | Red5 | | | |
redalert | Red Alert | 1981 | Irem (GDI license) | | | |
redbara6 | Red Baron (10119911, NSW/ACT) | 2002 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
redbarfl | Red Baron - Fast Lane (10160711, Queensland) | 2003 | Aristocrat | redbara6 | redbara6 | |
redbarjc | Red Baron - Jackpot Carnival (10160911, Queensland) | 2003 | Aristocrat | redbara6 | redbara6 | |
redbarnp | Red Baron (Pinball) | 1985 | Barni | | | genpin |
redbaron | Red Baron (revised hardware) | 1980 | Atari | | | |
redbaron_custom | Red Baron Custom Sound | | | | | |
redbarona | Red Baron | 1980 | Atari | redbaron | redbaron | |
redbird | Red Bird (bootleg of Space Firebird) | 1980 | bootleg (Codematic) | spacefb | spacefb | spacefb |
redclash | Red Clash | 1981 | Kaneko | | | redclash |
redclashs | Red Clash (Suntronics) | 1982 | Kaneko (Suntronics license) | redclash | redclash | redclash |
redclasht | Red Clash (Tehkan, set 1) | 1981 | Kaneko (Tehkan license) | redclash | redclash | redclash |
redclashta | Red Clash (Tehkan, set 2) | 1981 | Kaneko (Tehkan license) | redclash | redclash | redclash |
redearth | Red Earth (Europe 961121) | 1996 | Capcom | | | |
redearthn | Red Earth (Asia 961121, NO CD) | 1996 | Capcom | redearth | redearth | |
redearthnr1 | Red Earth (Asia 961023, NO CD) | 1996 | Capcom | redearth | redearth | |
redearthr1 | Red Earth (Europe 961023) | 1996 | Capcom | redearth | redearth | |
redfoxwp2 | Hong Hu Zhanji II (China, set 1) | 1998 | Afega | grdnstrm | grdnstrm | |
redfoxwp2a | Hong Hu Zhanji II (China, set 2) | 1998 | Afega | grdnstrm | grdnstrm | |
redhawk | Red Hawk (USA, Canada & South America) | 1997 | Afega (New Vision Ent. license) | stagger1 | stagger1 | |
redhawkb | Red Hawk (horizontal, bootleg) | 1997 | bootleg (Vince) | stagger1 | stagger1 | |
redhawke | Red Hawk (Excellent Co., Ltd) | 1997 | Afega (Excellent Co. license) | stagger1 | stagger1 | |
redhawkg | Red Hawk (horizontal, Greece) | 1997 | Afega | stagger1 | stagger1 | |
redhawki | Red Hawk (horizontal, Italy) | 1997 | Afega (Hae Dong Corp license) | stagger1 | stagger1 | |
redhawkk | Red Hawk (Korea) | 1997 | Afega | stagger1 | stagger1 | |
redhawks | Red Hawk (horizontal, Spain, set 1) | 1997 | Afega (Hae Dong Corp license) | stagger1 | stagger1 | |
redhawksa | Red Hawk (horizontal, Spain, set 2) | 1997 | Afega (Hae Dong Corp license) | stagger1 | stagger1 | |
redlin2p | Redline Racer (2 players) | 1987 | Cinematronics (Tradewest license) | | | |
redline | Red Line (v808, encrypted) | 1989 | Fun World | | | |
redline_80186_sound | 80186 DAC (Redline Racer) | | | | | |
redrobin | Red Robin | 1986 | Elettronolo | | | |
redufo | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO | 1981 | Artic | | | |
redufob | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg, set 1) | 1981 | bootleg | redufo | redufo | |
redufob2 | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg, set 2) | 1981 | bootleg | redufo | redufo | |
redufob3 | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg, set 3) | 1981 | bootleg | redufo | redufo | |
reel | Fruit Machine Reel | | | | | |
reelemin | Reel 'Em In (English) | 1997 | WMS | | | |
reeleminr | Reel 'Em In (Russian) | 1997 | WMS | reelemin | reelemin | |
reelfun | Reel Fun (Version 7.03) | 1986 | Grayhound Electronics | | | |
reelfun0 | Reel Fun (Version 7.00) | 1986 | Grayhound Electronics | reelfun | reelfun | |
reelfun1 | Reel Fun (Version 7.01) | 1986 | Grayhound Electronics | reelfun | reelfun | |
reelmtp | Reel Magic Turbo Play | 1999 | Accept Ltd. | | | |
reelpwr | Reel Power (0100400V, NSW/ACT) | 1998 | Aristocrat | aristmk5 | | |
reelquak | Reel'N Quake! (Version 1.05) | 1997 | <unknown> | | | |
reelrkfl | Reelin-n-Rockin - Fast Lane (10298611, Queensland) | 201? | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
reelrock | Reelin-n-Rockin (0100779V, NSW/ACT) | 1998 | Aristocrat | aristmk5 | | |
reelrockq | Reelin-n-Rockin (0101460V, Queensland) | 2000 | Aristocrat | reelrock | reelrock | |
reflexcrd | Reflex Cards (English, serial protected) | 1999 | TAB Austria | royalcrd | royalcrd | |
regence | La Régence | 1982 | France Double R / Intelligent Software | | | |
regency | Regency | 1996 | Krypton / Timorite | | | |
regulus | Regulus (315-5033, Rev A.) | 1983 | Sega | | | |
reguluso | Regulus (315-5033) | 1983 | Sega | regulus | regulus | |
regulusu | Regulus (not encrypted) | 1983 | Sega | regulus | regulus | |
reikaids | Reikai Doushi - Chinese Exorcist (Japan) | 1988 | Home Data | lastapos | lastapos | |
relief | Relief Pitcher (Rev D, 07 Jun 1992 / 28 May 1992) | 1992 | Atari Games | | | |
relief2 | Relief Pitcher (Rev C, 26 Apr 1992 / 08 Apr 1992) | 1992 | Atari Games | relief | relief | |
relief3 | Relief Pitcher (Rev B, 10 Apr 1992 / 08 Apr 1992) | 1992 | Atari Games | relief | relief | |
remote488 | IEEE-488 Remotizer | | | | | |
renaiclb | Mahjong Ren-ai Club (Japan) | 1993 | Fujic | | | |
renaimj | Renai Mahjong Idol Gakuen (Japan) | 1999 | Nichibutsu/eic | nichidvd | | |
renaissa | Kasparov Renaissance (set 1) | 1989 | Saitek / Heuristic Software | | | |
renaissaa | Kasparov Renaissance (set 2) | 1989 | Saitek / Heuristic Software | renaissa | renaissa | |
rendfgtr | Renda Fighter (Japan, main ver. 2.02, video ver. 2.03) | 2000 | Taito Corporation | | | |
renegade | Renegade (US) | 1986 | Technos Japan (Taito America license) | | | |
renegadeb | Renegade (US bootleg) | 1986 | bootleg | renegade | renegade | |
renju | Renju Kizoku - Kira Kira Gomoku Narabe | 1994 | Visco | | | |
replica1 | Replicator 1 desktop 3d printer | 2012 | Makerbot | | | |
repulse | Repulse | 1985 | Crux / Sega | | | |
resclunar | Rescate Lunar (Spanish bootleg of Lunar Rescue) | 1980 | bootleg (Niemer S.A.) | lrescue | lrescue | lrescue |
rescraid | Rescue Raider (5/11/87) (non-cartridge) | 1987 | Bally Midway | | | |
rescraida | Rescue Raider (stand-alone) | 1987 | Bally Midway | rescraid | rescraid | |
rescu911 | Rescue 911 (rev.1) | 1994 | Gottlieb | | | genpin |
rescue | Rescue | 1982 | Stern Electronics | | | |
rescueb | Tuono Blu (bootleg of Rescue) | 1982 | bootleg (Videl Games) | rescue | rescue | |
rescuefe | Rescue (Free Enterprise Games, bootleg) | 1982 | bootleg (Free Enterprise Games) | rescue | rescue | |
resdnt | Resident (040415 World) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_10 | Resident (100331 Entertainment X) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_11 | Resident (101209 Entertainment N) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_12 | Resident (110111 Entertainment A) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_13 | Resident (110124 Entertainment A) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_14 | Resident (110204 Entertainment A) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_15 | Resident (110311 Entertainment A) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_16 | Resident (140526 Entertainment A) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_17 | Resident (110411 Entertainment A) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_2 | Resident (040513 World) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_2a | Resident (bootleg, 040513, backdoor) | 2004 | bootleg | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_2b | Resident (bootleg, 040513, VIDEO GAME-1 SE01 set 1) | 2004 | bootleg | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_2c | Resident (bootleg, 040513, VIDEO GAME-1 SE01 set 2) | 2004 | bootleg | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_2d | Resident (bootleg, 040513, VIDEO GAME-1 SE01 set 3) | 2004 | bootleg | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_2e | Resident (bootleg, 040513, LOTTOGAME (I)) | 2004 | bootleg | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_2f | Resident (bootleg, 040513, LOTO PROGRAM V-RS2) | 2004 | bootleg | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_2g | Resident (bootleg, 040513, LOTOS SE01) | 2004 | bootleg | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_3 | Resident (070222 Russia) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_5 | Resident (090722 Entertainment) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_6 | Resident (100311 World) | 2004 | Igrosoft | | | |
resdnt_8 | Resident (100311 Entertainment) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
resdnt_9 | Resident (100316 Russia) | 2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | resdnt_6 | |
retofinv | Return of the Invaders | 1985 | Taito Corporation | | | |
retofinvb | Return of the Invaders (bootleg, with MCU) | 1985 | bootleg | retofinv | retofinv | |
retofinvb1 | Return of the Invaders (bootleg, without MCU, set 1) | 1985 | bootleg | retofinv | retofinv | |
retofinvb2 | Return of the Invaders (bootleg, without MCU, set 2) | 1985 | bootleg | retofinv | retofinv | |
retofinvb3 | Return of the Invaders (bootleg, without MCU, set 3) | 1985 | bootleg | retofinv | retofinv | |
retofinvbv | Return of the Invaders (Video Dens bootleg, without MCU) | 1985 | bootleg (Video Dens) | retofinv | retofinv | |
retro400 | Retro FC 400-in-1 | 201? | <unknown> | | | |
retrsam | Return of the Samurai (0400549V, NSW/ACT) | 1997 | Aristocrat | aristmk5 | | |
retrsama | Return of the Samurai (0200549V, NSW/ACT) | 1997 | Aristocrat | retrsam | retrsam | |
retrsamb | Return of the Samurai (0200506V, NSW/ACT) | 1997 | Aristocrat | retrsam | retrsam | |
retsama6 | Return of the Samurai (10117211, NSW/ACT) | 2002 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
reutapm | Reuters APM | 1985 | Acorn Computers | bbcbp | bbcbp | |
revenger | Revenger '84 (older) | 1984 | Epos Corporation | revngr84 | revngr84 | |
reversic | Reversi Sensory Challenger | 1981 | Fidelity Electronics | | | |
revlatns | Revelations | 1991 | Nova Productions Ltd. | | | |
revngr84 | Revenger '84 (newer) | 1984 | Epos Corporation | | | |
revx | Revolution X (rev 1.0 6/16/94) | 1994 | Midway | | | |
revxp5 | Revolution X (prototype, rev 5.0 5/23/94) | 1994 | Midway | revx | revx | |
rex6000 | REX 6000 | 2000 | Xircom / Intel | | | |
rezon | Rezon | 1992 | Allumer | | | |
rezono | Rezon (earlier) | 1991 | Allumer | rezon | rezon | |
rf2 | Konami RF2 - Red Fighter | 1985 | Konami | konamigt | konamigt | |
rf51w14cg | unknown Recreativos Franco slot machine (model RF51W14-CG) | 2003 | Recreativos Franco | | | |
rf57_932 | Thomson RF 57-932 RS-232-C Interface | | | | | |
rf5c164 | Ricoh RF5C164 | | | | | |
rf5c296 | RF5C296 PC Card controller | | | | | |
rf5c36 | Roland RF5C36 Sampler | | | | | |
rf5c400 | Ricoh RF5C400 | | | | | |
rf5c68 | Ricoh RF5C68 | | | | | |
rfcp168 | Retro FC Plus 168 in 1 Handheld | 201? | <unknown> | | | |
rfjailbrk | Jail Break (Recreativos Franco slot machine) | 2000 | Recreativos Franco | | | |
rfjet | Raiden Fighters Jet (Germany) | 1998 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Tuning license) | | | |
rfjet2kc | Raiden Fighters Jet 2000 (China, SYS386I) | 2000 | Seibu Kaihatsu | rfjet | rfjet | |
rfjeta | Raiden Fighters Jet (Korea) | 1998 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Dream Island license) | rfjet | rfjet | |
rfjetj | Raiden Fighters Jet (Japan) | 1998 | Seibu Kaihatsu | rfjet | rfjet | |
rfjets | Raiden Fighters Jet (US, single board) | 1999 | Seibu Kaihatsu | rfjet | rfjet | |
rfjetsa | Raiden Fighters Jet (US, single board, test version?) | 1999 | Seibu Kaihatsu | rfjet | rfjet | |
rfjett | Raiden Fighters Jet (Taiwan) | 1998 | Seibu Kaihatsu | rfjet | rfjet | |
rfjetu | Raiden Fighters Jet (US) | 1998 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license) | rfjet | rfjet | |
rflshdlx | Royal Flush Deluxe | 1983 | Gottlieb | | | genpin |
rfmpb | Pinball 2000: Revenge From Mars (rev. 1) | 1999 | Midway | | | |
rfmpbr2 | Pinball 2000: Revenge From Mars (rev. 2) | 1999 | Midway | rfmpb | rfmpb | |
rfsantafeg | Santa Fe Golden | 2014 | Recreativos Franco | | | |
rfsantafem | Santa Fe Mine (set 1) | 1995 | Recreativos Franco | | | |
rfsantafema | Santa Fe Mine (set 2) | 1995 | Recreativos Franco | rfsantafem | rfsantafem | |
rgum | Royal Gum (Italy) | 1993 | <unknown> | | | |
rhhc152 | Retro Handheld Console 152-in-1 | 201? | Orb | | | |
rhnation | Rhythm Nation (v01.00.04, boot v3.1.5) | 2003 | ICE/Play Mechanix | | | |
rhunting | Robot Hunting (bootleg of Death Race) | 1976 | bootleg | deathrac | deathrac | |
rhytngk | Rhythm Tengoku (Japan) | 2007 | Sega / Nintendo - J.P ROOM | naomi | | |
ribbit | Ribbit! | 1991 | Sega | | | |
ribbitj | Ribbit! (Japan) | 1991 | Sega | ribbit | ribbit | |
ribrac | Ribbit Racin (Lazer-Tron) | 1993 | Lazer-Tron | | | |
ridersrf | Rider's Surf | 1986 | JocMatic | | | genpin |
ridgera2 | Ridge Racer 2 (World, RRS2) | 1994 | Namco | | | |
ridgera28 | Ridge Racer 2 (World, RRS8) | 1994 | Namco | ridgera2 | ridgera2 | |
ridgera2j | Ridge Racer 2 (Japan, RRS1 Ver.B) | 1994 | Namco | ridgera2 | ridgera2 | |
ridgera2ja | Ridge Racer 2 (Japan, RRS1) | 1994 | Namco | ridgera2 | ridgera2 | |
ridgerac | Ridge Racer (World, RR2 Ver.B) | 1993 | Namco | | | |
ridgeraca | Ridge Racer (World, RR2) | 1993 | Namco | ridgerac | ridgerac | |
ridgeracb | Ridge Racer (US, RR3 Ver.B) | 1993 | Namco | ridgerac | ridgerac | |
ridgeracc | Ridge Racer (US, RR3) | 1993 | Namco | ridgerac | ridgerac | |
ridgeracf | Ridge Racer Full Scale (World, RRF2) | 1993 | Namco | | | |
ridgeracj | Ridge Racer (Japan, RR1) | 1993 | Namco | ridgerac | ridgerac | |
ridhero | Riding Hero (NGM-006 ~ NGH-006) | 1990 | SNK | neogeo | | |
ridheroh | Riding Hero (set 2) | 1990 | SNK | ridhero | ridhero | |
ridingf | Riding Fight (Ver 1.0O) | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | | | |
ridingfj | Riding Fight (Ver 1.0J) | 1992 | Taito Corporation | ridingf | ridingf | |
ridingfu | Riding Fight (Ver 1.0A) | 1992 | Taito America Corporation | ridingf | ridingf | |
ridleofp | Riddle of Pythagoras (Japan) | 1986 | Sega / Nasco | | | |
rimrockn | Rim Rockin' Basketball (V2.2) | 1991 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | | | |
rimrockn12 | Rim Rockin' Basketball (V1.2) | 1991 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | rimrockn | rimrockn | |
rimrockn12b | Rim Rockin' Basketball (V1.2, bootleg) | 1991 | bootleg | rimrockn | rimrockn | |
rimrockn15 | Rim Rockin' Basketball (V1.5) | 1991 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | rimrockn | rimrockn | |
rimrockn16 | Rim Rockin' Basketball (V1.6) | 1991 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | rimrockn | rimrockn | |
rimrockn20 | Rim Rockin' Basketball (V2.0) | 1991 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | rimrockn | rimrockn | |
ringball | Ring & Ball (Ver. 2.6) | 1995 | Microhard | funystrp | funystrp | |
ringdest | Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Europe 940902) | 1994 | Capcom | | | |
ringdesta | Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Asia 940831) | 1994 | Capcom | ringdest | ringdest | |
ringdestb | Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Brazil 940902) | 1994 | Capcom | ringdest | ringdest | |
ringdesth | Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Hispanic 940902) | 1994 | Capcom | ringdest | ringdest | |
ringdstd | Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Europe 940902 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg) | 1994 | bootleg | ringdest | ringdest | |
ringfgt | Ring Fighter (rev 1) | 1984 | Kaneko (Taito license) | vsgongf | vsgongf | |
ringfgta | Ring Fighter | 1984 | Kaneko (Taito license) | vsgongf | vsgongf | |
ringking | Ring King (US set 1) | 1985 | Woodplace Inc. (Data East USA license) | kingofb | kingofb | |
ringking2 | Ring King (US set 2) | 1985 | Woodplace Inc. (Data East USA license) | kingofb | kingofb | |
ringking3 | Ring King (US set 3) | 1985 | Woodplace Inc. (Data East USA license) | kingofb | kingofb | |
ringkingw | Ring King (US, Woodplace Inc.) | 1985 | Woodplace Inc. | kingofb | kingofb | |
ringo470 | Ringo R-470 | 1983 | Ritas do Brasil Ltda | zx81 | zx81 | |
ringohja | Ring no Ohja (Japan 2 Players ver. N) | 1988 | Konami | mainevt | mainevt | |
ringout | Ring Out 4x4 (Rev A) | 1999 | Sega | naomi | | |
ringouto | Ring Out 4x4 | 1999 | Sega | ringout | ringout | |
ringrage | Ring Rage (Ver 2.3O 1992/08/09) | 1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | | | |
ringragej | Ring Rage (Ver 2.3J 1992/08/09) | 1992 | Taito Corporation | ringrage | ringrage | |
ringrageu | Ring Rage (Ver 2.3A 1992/08/09) | 1992 | Taito America Corporation | ringrage | ringrage | |
rio | Rio | 1978 | Game Plan | gp_110 | | genpin |
riot | Riot (NMK) | 1992 | Tecmo (NMK license) | | | |
riotcity | Riot City (Japan) | 1991 | Sega / Westone | | | |
riotw | Riot (Woong Bi) | 1992 | Tecmo (Woong Bi license) | riot | riot | |
rip300 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
rip301 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display A3.20) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
rip302 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display A3.20) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
rip310 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display A3.20) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripcord | Rip Cord | 1979 | Exidy | | | ripcord |
ripf300 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display F3.00, France) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripf301 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display F3.01, France) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripf302 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display F3.01, France) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripf310 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display F3.01, France) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripg300 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display G3.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripg301 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display G3.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripg302 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display G3.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripg310 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display G3.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripi300 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display I3.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripi301 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display I3.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripi302 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display I3.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripi310 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display I3.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripl300 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.00, display L3.00, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripl301 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.01, display L3.01, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripl302 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.02, display L3.01, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripl310 | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.10, display L3.01, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripleys | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display A3.20) | 2004 | Stern | | | genpin |
ripleysf | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display F3.01, France) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripleysg | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display G3.00, Germany) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripleysi | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display I3.00, Italy) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripleysl | Ripley's Believe It or Not! (CPU 3.20, display L3.01, Spain) | 2004 | Stern | ripleys | ripleys | genpin |
ripoff | Rip Off | 1980 | Cinematronics | | | |
ripoff_audio | Rip Off Sound Board | | | | | |
ripple_counter | Generic ripple counter | | | | | |
ripribit | Ripper Ribbit (Version 3.5) | 1997 | LAI Games | | | |
ripribita | Ripper Ribbit (Version 2.8.4) | 1997 | LAI Games | ripribit | ripribit | |
risc2500 | Kasparov RISC 2500 (v1.04) | 1992 | Saitek / Tasc | | | |
risc2500a | Kasparov RISC 2500 (v1.03) | 1992 | Saitek / Tasc | risc2500 | risc2500 | |
riskchal | Risky Challenge | 1993 | Irem | | | |
rittam | R&T (Rod-Land prototype) | 1990 | Jaleco | rodland | rodland | |