Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom | Clone | Sample |
amiga_ripple | RIPPLE IDE Interface | | | | | |
amiga_toccata | Toccata SoundCard | | | | | |
amigo | Amigo (bootleg of Amidar, set 1) | 1982 | bootleg | amidar | amidar | |
amigo2 | Amigo (bootleg of Amidar, set 2) | 1982 | bootleg | amidar | amidar | |
aminosan | Aminosan (satellite) | 2010 | Sega | segasp | | |
amis2000 | AMI S2000 | | | | | |
amis2150 | AMI S2150 | | | | | |
amis2152 | AMI S2152 | | | | | |
amisvpci2 | Super Voyager PCI-II | 199? | AMI | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
amisvvlb | Super Voyager VLB | 199? | AMI | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
amisvvlb2 | Super Voyager VLB-II | 199? | AMI | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
amisvvlb3 | Super Voyager VLB-III | 199? | AMI | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
ampex210p | Ampex 210 plus Terminal (v3.0) | 1988 | Ampex | | | |
ampex230_kbd | Ampex 230 Keyboard | | | | | |
ampex230p | Ampex 230 plus Terminal (v4.0) | 1988 | Ampex | | | |
ampkr228 | American Poker II (iamp2 v28) | 1994 | bootleg? | ampoker2 | ampoker2 | |
ampkr2b1 | American Poker II (bootleg, set 1) | 1990 | bootleg | ampoker2 | ampoker2 | |
ampkr2b2 | American Poker II (bootleg, set 2) | 1990 | bootleg | ampoker2 | ampoker2 | |
ampkr2b3 | American Poker II (bootleg, set 3) | 1994 | bootleg | ampoker2 | ampoker2 | |
ampkr2b4 | American Poker II (bootleg, set 4) | 1994 | bootleg | ampoker2 | ampoker2 | |
ampkr2jsp | American Poker II - Jackpot (Spanish, set 1) | 1994 | bootleg? | ampoker2 | ampoker2 | |
ampkr2jspa | American Poker II - Jackpot (Spanish, set 2) | 1994 | bootleg? | ampoker2 | ampoker2 | |
ampkr2jspb | American Poker II - Jackpot (Spanish, set 3) | 1994 | bootleg? | ampoker2 | ampoker2 | |
ampkr95 | American Poker 95 | 1995 | bootleg | ampoker2 | ampoker2 | |
ampoker2 | American Poker II | 1990 | Novomatic | | | |
ampro | Little Z80 Board | 1980 | Ampro | | | |
ampscarp | AMPS Car Phone | 1998 | Motorola | | | |
ams40041 | AMS40041 VDU | | | | | |
ams40489 | AMS40489 ASIC (CRTC) | | | | | |
ams40489_ppi | Amstrad AMS40489 PPI | | | | | |
amspdwy | American Speedway (set 1) | 1987 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | | | |
amspdwya | American Speedway (set 2) | 1987 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | amspdwy | amspdwy | |
amsterd | Mephisto Amsterdam | 1985 | Hegener + Glaser | | | |
amsterdg | Mephisto Amsterdam (Glasgow hardware) | 1985 | Hegener + Glaser | amsterd | amsterd | |
amu880 | Ausbaufaehiger Mikrocomputer mit dem U 880 | 1983 | Militaerverlag der DDR | | | |
amusco | American Music Poker (V1.4) | 1987 | Amusco | | | |
amuse | Amuse (Version 50.08 IBA) | 1982 | Greyhound Electronics | | | |
amuse1 | Amuse (Version 30.08 IBA) | 1982 | Greyhound Electronics | amuse | amuse | |
amuse1a | Amuse (Version 30.08A) | 1983 | Greyhound Electronics | amuse | amuse | |
amust | Amust Executive 816 | 1983 | Amust | | | |
amzqueen | Amazon Queen (10005511, NSW/ACT) | 2001 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
amztempl | Amazon Temple (10299811, NSW/ACT) | 2009 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
an1x | AN1x Control Synthesizer | 1997 | Yamaha | | | |
anakonda | Anakonda | 1989 | <unknown> | special | special | |
anch386s | CH-386S-16/20/25G | 199? | ANIX | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
ancienta | Ancient Atlantis (set 1) | 2002? | Novotech | | | |
ancientaa | Ancient Atlantis (set 2) | 2002? | Novotech | ancienta | ancienta | |
ancientab | Ancient Atlantis (set 3) | 2002? | Novotech | ancienta | ancienta | |
ancientac | Ancient Atlantis (set 4) | 2002? | Novotech | ancienta | ancienta | |
ancientad | Ancient Atlantis (set 5) | 2002? | Novotech | ancienta | ancienta | |
andretti | Mario Andretti (rev.T4) | 1995 | Gottlieb | | | genpin |
andretti0 | Mario Andretti | 1995 | Gottlieb | andretti | andretti | genpin |
androdun | Andro Dunos (NGM-049 ~ NGH-049) | 1992 | Visco | neogeo | | |
androidp | Android (prototype, later build) | 1987 | Nasco | | | |
androidpo | Android (prototype, early build) | 198? | Nasco | androidp | androidp | |
andromed | Andromeda SS (Japan?) | 1980 | Irem | | | ipminvad |
andromep | Andromeda (set 1) | 1985 | Game Plan | | | genpin |
andromepa | Andromeda (set 2) | 1985 | Game Plan | andromep | andromep | genpin |
angelkds | Angel Kids (Japan) | 1988 | Sega / Nasco? | | | |
anibonus | Animal Bonus (Version 1.8E Dual) | 2003 | Amcoe | | | |
anibonusb1 | Animal Bonus (Version 1.7R, set 1) | 2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | anibonus | |
anibonusb2 | Animal Bonus (Version 1.7LT, set 1) | 2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | anibonus | |
anibonusd1 | Animal Bonus (Version 1.7R, set 2) | 2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | anibonus | |
anibonusd2 | Animal Bonus (Version 1.7LT, set 2) | 2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | anibonus | |
anibonuso | Animal Bonus (Version 1.5) | 2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | anibonus | |
anibonuso2 | Animal Bonus (Version 1.4, set 1) | 2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | anibonus | |
anibonuso3 | Animal Bonus (Version 1.4, set 2) | 2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | anibonus | |
anibonusv1 | Animal Bonus (Version 1.8R Dual) | 2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | anibonus | |
anibonusv2 | Animal Bonus (Version 1.8LT Dual) | 2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | anibonus | |
anibonusxo | Animal Bonus (Version 1.50XT) | 2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | anibonus | |
anibonusxo2 | Animal Bonus (Version 1.40XT, set 1) | 2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | anibonus | |
anibonusxo3 | Animal Bonus (Version 1.40XT, set 2) | 2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | anibonus | |
animalc | Animal Catch | 2000 | Sammy | sammymdl | | |
animalhjb | Animal House (bootleg of Jingle Bell) | 1995? | bootleg | jbell | jbell | |
animalhs | Animal House (V1.0, set 1) | 1991 | Suns Co Ltd. | | | |
animalhsa | Animal House (V1.0, set 2) | 1991 | Suns Co Ltd. | animalhs | animalhs | |
animalhsb | Animal House (set 3) | 1994 | bootleg | scmaster | scmaster | |
animalhsc | Animal House (set 4) | 1994 | bootleg | scmaster | scmaster | |
animaljr | Exciting Animal Land Jr. (USA, Canada, Mexico) | 1993 | Nakanihon / East Technology (Taito license) | | | |
animaljrj | Waiwai Animal Land Jr. (Japan) | 1993 | Nakanihon / East Technology (Taito license) | animaljr | animaljr | |
animaljrs | Animalandia Jr. (Spanish) | 1993 | Nakanihon / East Technology (Taito license) | animaljr | animaljr | |
animalw | Animal Wonders (ver A900) | 199? | bootleg | | | |
animechmp | Anime Champ (GCA07 VER. JAA) | 2000 | Konami | sys573 | | |
animpkr | unknown rocket/animal-themed poker | 198? | <unknown> | | | |
anithunt | Animal Treasure Hunt (Version 1.9R, set 1) | 2003 | Amcoe | | | |
anithuntd1 | Animal Treasure Hunt (Version 1.9R, set 2) | 2003 | Amcoe | anithunt | anithunt | |
anithunto | Animal Treasure Hunt (Version 1.7) | 2003 | Amcoe | anithunt | anithunt | |
anithunto2 | Animal Treasure Hunt (Version 1.5) | 2003 | Amcoe | anithunt | anithunt | |
anithuntv1 | Animal Treasure Hunt (Version 1.9R Dual) | 2003 | Amcoe | anithunt | anithunt | |
anmlbskt | Animal Basket / Hustle Tamaire Kyousou (24 Jan 2005) | 2005 | MOSS / Sammy | awbios | | |
anmlbskta | Animal Basket / Hustle Tamaire Kyousou (19 Jan 2005) | 2005 | MOSS / Sammy | anmlbskt | anmlbskt | |
anoworld | Another World (Japan, V1.8) | 1989 | Sunwise | | | |
anpanbd | Anpanman: Let's Go! Ikunou Drive (Japan) | 2014 | JoyPalette | | | |
anpanman | Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Koujou (Rev B) | 1992 | Sega | | | |
anpanman2 | Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Koujou 2 (Rev C) | 2003 | Sega | naomi | | |
anpanman2a | Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Koujou 2 (Rev A) | 2003 | Sega | anpanman2 | anpanman2 | |
anpanmana | Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Koujou (Rev A) | 1992 | Sega | anpanman | anpanman | |
anpanmdx | Anpanman Kazoku de! Ikunou Mat DX (Japan) | 2011 | JoyPalette / SSD Company LTD | | | |
anpantv | Anpanman TV (Japan) | 2006 | Bandai | | | |
antar | Antar (Playmatic, set 1) | 1979 | Playmatic | | | genpin |
antar2 | Antar (Playmatic, set 2) | 1979 | Playmatic | antar | antar | genpin |
antcleo | Antony and Cleopatra (10163211, NSW/ACT) | 2004 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
antcleoa | Antony and Cleopatra (10177211, ASP) | 2004 | Aristocrat | antcleo | antcleo | |
anteater | Anteater | 1982 | Tago Electronics | | | |
anteaterg | Ameisenbaer (German) | 1982 | Tago Electronics (TV-Tuning license from Free Enterprise Games) | anteater | anteater | |
anteatergg | Ameisenbaer (German bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | 1982 | bootleg | anteater | anteater | |
anteateruk | The Anteater (UK) | 1982 | Tago Electronics (Free Enterprise Games license) | anteater | anteater | |
antiairc | Anti-Aircraft | 1975 | Atari | | | |
antic | Atari ANTIC | | | | | |
anto2495 | Antonelli 2495 | 198? | Antonelli | | | |
anto2614 | Antonelli 2614 | 198? | Antonelli | | | |
anzterm | EF315-I220 Teller Terminal (ANZ) | 1986? | Burroughs | | | |
aoap43 | AP43 (SiS 85C496/85C497) | 199? | AOpen | | | |
aodk | Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku (ADM-008 ~ ADH-008) | 1994 | ADK / SNK | neogeo | | |
aof | Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (NGM-044 ~ NGH-044) | 1992 | SNK | neogeo | | |
aof2 | Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGM-056) | 1994 | SNK | neogeo | | |
aof2a | Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGH-056) | 1994 | SNK | aof2 | aof2 | |
aof3 | Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden | 1996 | SNK | neogeo | | |
aof3k | Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior (Korean release) | 1996 | SNK | aof3 | aof3 | |
aoh | Age Of Heroes - Silkroad 2 (v0.63 - 2001/02/07) | 2001 | Unico | | | |
aovi15g | VI15G | 199? | Aopen | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
ap10 | Celviano AP-10 | 1995 | Casio | | | |
ap2000 | Epson ActionPrinter 2000 | | | | | |
ap2010cpu | AP2010 CPU | | | | | |
ap2010pcm | AP2010 PCM | | | | | |
apache3 | Apache 3 (rev F) | 1988 | Tatsumi | | | |
apache3a | Apache 3 (rev E) | 1988 | Tatsumi | apache3 | apache3 | |
apache3b | Apache 3 (Kana Corporation license, rev G) | 1988 | Tatsumi (Kana Corporation license) | apache3 | apache3 | |
apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 7) | 1987 | Atari Games | | | |
apb1 | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 1) | 1987 | Atari Games | apb | apb | |
apb2 | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 2) | 1987 | Atari Games | apb | apb | |
apb3 | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 3) | 1987 | Atari Games | apb | apb | |
apb4 | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 4) | 1987 | Atari Games | apb | apb | |
apb5 | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 5) | 1987 | Atari Games | apb | apb | |
apb6 | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 6) | 1987 | Atari Games | apb | apb | |
apbf | APB - All Points Bulletin (French) | 1987 | Atari Games | apb | apb | |
apbg | APB - All Points Bulletin (German) | 1987 | Atari Games | apb | apb | |
apc | APC | 1982 | NEC | | | |
apexc | All Purpose Electronic X-ray Computer (as described in 1957) | 1955 | Andrew Donald Booth | | | |
apexc_cpu | APE(X)C | | | | | |
apexc_cylinder_image | APEXC Cylinder | | | | | |
apexc_tape_puncher_image | APEXC Tape Puncher | | | | | |
apexc_tape_reader_image | APEXC Tape Reader | | | | | |
apf_basic | APF BASIC Carts | | | | | |
apf_cart_slot | APF Cartridge Slot | | | | | |
apf_rom | APF Standard Carts | | | | | |
apf_spacedst | APF Space Destroyer Cart | | | | | |
apfimag | APF Imagination Machine | 1979 | APF Electronics Inc. | apfm1000 | apfm1000 | |
apfm1000 | APF M-1000 | 1978 | APF Electronics Inc. | | | |
apic | I/O Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller | | | | | |
aplan | A-Plan | 1993 | WeaShing H.K. | | | |
aplannb | Apricot LANstation (Novell Remote Boot) | 1990 | Apricot | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
aplanst | Apricot LANstation (Krypton Motherboard) | 1990 | Apricot | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
aplarail | Attack Pla Rail (Japan, AP1/VER.A) | 1998 | Namco / Tomy | | | |
aplatoon | Platoon (V.3.1 US) | 1995 | Nova? | alg_bios | | |
aplcd150 | AppleCD 150 | | | | | |
apldfac | Apple Digitally Filtered Audio Chip | | | | | |
aplomega | Apple Omega PLL Clock Synthesizer | | | | | |
aplsbon | Apricot LS Pro (Bonsai Motherboard) | 1992 | Apricot | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
aplscar | Apricot LS Pro (Caracal Motherboard) | 1992 | Apricot | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
apmj2009 | Anpanman Pyon-Pyon Ikunou Mat (Japan) | 2009 | JoyPalette / SSD Company LTD | | | |
apocof | Apollo Coffee (0151105, US) | 2003 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
apogee | Apogee BK-01 | 1989 | Zavod BRA | radio86 | radio86 | |
apollo_config | Apollo Configuration | | | | | |
apollo_graphics_15i | Apollo Screen | | | | | |
apollo_graphics_19i | Apollo 19" Monochrome Screen | | | | | |
apollo_kbd | Apollo Keyboard | | | | | |
apollo_sio | DN3000/DS3500 SIO (MC2681) | | | | | |
apollo13 | Apollo 13 (CPU 5.01, display A5.00) | 1995 | Sega | | | genpin |
apollo13_10 | Apollo 13 (CPU 1.00, display A1.00) | 1995 | Sega | apollo13 | apollo13 | genpin |
apollo13_20 | Apollo 13 (CPU 2.03, display A2.01) | 1995 | Sega | apollo13 | apollo13 | genpin |
apollo13_d4 | Apollo 13 (CPU 5.01, display A4.01) | 1995 | Sega | apollo13 | apollo13 | genpin |
apollo80 | Apollo 80 (Germany) | 1978 | Academy | studio2 | studio2 | |
aponow | Apocaljpse Now (bootleg of Rescue) | 1982 | bootleg | rescue | rescue | |
apparel | Apparel Night (Japan 860929) | 1986 | Central Denshi | | | |
apple1 | Apple I | 1976 | Apple Computer | | | |
apple10 | Apple 10 (Ver 1.21) | 1998 | Sandii' | | | |
apple2 | Apple ][ | 1977 | Apple Computer | | | |
apple2c | Apple //c | 1984 | Apple Computer | | | |
apple2c0 | Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5) | 1985 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c0de | Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, Germany) | 1985 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c0fr | Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, France) | 1985 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c0se | Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, Sweden) | 1985 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c0uk | Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, UK) | 1985 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c3 | Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c3de | Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, Germany) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c3fr | Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, France) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c3se | Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, Sweden) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c3uk | Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, UK) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c4 | Apple //c (rev 4) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c4de | Apple //c (rev 4, Germany) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c4fr | Apple //c (rev 4, France) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c4se | Apple //c (rev 4, Sweden) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2c4uk | Apple //c (rev 4, UK) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2cde | Apple //c (Germany) | 1984 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2cfr | Apple //c (France) | 1984 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2com | Apple II Common Components | | | | | |
apple2cp | Apple //c Plus | 1988 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2cse | Apple //c (Sweden) | 1984 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2cuk | Apple //c (UK) | 1984 | Apple Computer | apple2c | apple2c | |
apple2e | Apple //e | 1983 | Apple Computer | | | |
apple2ede | Apple //e (Germany) | 1983 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2ee | Apple //e (enhanced) | 1985 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2eede | Apple //e (enhanced, Germany) | 1985 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2eefr | Apple //e (enhanced, France) | 1985 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2ees | Apple //e (Spain) | 1983 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2eese | Apple //e (enhanced, Sweden) | 1985 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2eeuk | Apple //e (enhanced, UK) | 1985 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2efr | Apple //e (France) | 1983 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2ep | Apple //e (Platinum) | 1987 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2epde | Apple //e (Platinum, Germany) | 1987 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2epfr | Apple //e (Platinum, France) | 1987 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2epse | Apple //e (Platinum, Sweden) | 1987 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2epuk | Apple //e (Platinum, UK) | 1987 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2ese | Apple //e (Sweden) | 1983 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2euk | Apple //e (UK) | 1983 | Apple Computer | apple2e | apple2e | |
apple2gs | Apple IIgs (ROM03) | 1989 | Apple Computer | | | |
apple2gsmt | Apple IIgs (1991 Mark Twain prototype) | 1991 | Apple Computer | apple2gs | apple2gs | |
apple2gsr0 | Apple IIgs (ROM00) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2gs | apple2gs | |
apple2gsr0p | Apple IIgs (ROM00 prototype 6/19/1986) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2gs | apple2gs | |
apple2gsr0p2 | Apple IIgs (ROM00 prototype 3/10/1986) | 1986 | Apple Computer | apple2gs | apple2gs | |
apple2gsr1 | Apple IIgs (ROM01) | 1987 | Apple Computer | apple2gs | apple2gs | |
apple2gsr3p | Apple IIgs (ROM03 prototype) | 198? | Apple Computer | apple2gs | apple2gs | |
apple2jp | Apple ][ J-Plus | 1980 | Apple Computer | apple2 | apple2 | |
apple2p | Apple ][+ | 1979 | Apple Computer | apple2 | apple2 | |
apple3 | Apple /// | 1980 | Apple Computer | | | |
applecsc | Apple Color Screen Controller video | | | | | |
appledbdma | Apple descriptor-based DMA channel | | | | | |
applegsc | Apple Gray Scale Controller video | | | | | |
applepic | Apple 343S1021 PIC | | | | | |
applerbv | Apple RAM-Based Video | | | | | |
applix | Applix 1616 | 1986 | Applix Pty Ltd | | | |
appoooh | Appoooh | 1984 | Sanritsu / Sega | | | |
aprfte | Apricot FT//ex 486 (J3 Motherboard) | 1991 | Apricot | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
apricot | Apricot PC | 1983 | ACT | | | |
apricot_128k_ram | Apricot 128K/512K RAM Expansion Board (128K) | | | | | |
apricot_256k_ram | Apricot 256K RAM Expansion Board | | | | | |
apricot_512k_ram | Apricot 128K/512K RAM Expansion Board (512K) | | | | | |
apricot_exp_bus | Apricot Expansion Bus | | | | | |
apricot_exp_slot | Apricot Expansion Slot | | | | | |
apricot_kbd | Apricot Keyboard Interface | | | | | |
apricot_mono_display | Apricot Monochrome Display | | | | | |
apricot_video | Apricot XEN Video Slot | | | | | |
apricot_winchester | Apricot Winchester Controller Board | | | | | |
apricotkb_hle | Apricot Keyboard (HLE) | | | | | |
apricotxi | Apricot Xi | 1984 | ACT | apricot | apricot | |
aprikb | Apricot Keyboard | | | | | |
aprissi | Apricorn Super Serial Imager | | | | | |
aprpand | Apricot FTs (Panther Rev F 1.02.26) | 1992 | Apricot | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
apu2a03 | RP2A03 APU | | | | | |