Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom | Clone | Sample |
astrocade_rom_cass | Bally Astrocade AstroBASIC Cart | | | | | |
astrocade_vs1 | Bally Astrocade Viper System 1 | | | | | |
astrocde | Bally Professional Arcade | 1978 | Bally Manufacturing | | | |
astrocdl | Bally Home Library Computer | 1977 | Bally Manufacturing | astrocde | astrocde | |
astrocdw | Bally Computer System | 1977 | Bally Manufacturing | astrocde | astrocde | |
astrocmd | Astro Command | 1982 | Epoch | | | |
astrof | Astro Fighter (set 1) | 1979 | Data East | | | astrof |
astrof2 | Astro Fighter (set 2) | 1979 | Data East | astrof | astrof | astrof |
astrof3 | Astro Fighter (set 3) | 1979 | Data East | astrof | astrof | astrof |
astroff | Astro Fighter (Famaresa bootleg, set 1) | 1979 | bootleg (Famaresa) | astrof | astrof | astrof |
astroff2 | Astro Fighter (Famaresa bootleg, set 2) | 1979 | bootleg (Famaresa) | astrof | astrof | astrof |
astrofl | Astro Flash (Japan) | 1986 | Sega | transfrm | transfrm | |
astroft | Astro Fighter (Taito) | 1979 | Data East (Taito license) | astrof | astrof | astrof |
astron | Astron Belt | 1983 | Sega | | | |
astronp | Astron Belt (Pioneer LDV1000) | 1983 | Sega | astron | astron | |
astropal | Astropal | 1980? | Sidam? | | | |
astrowar | Astro Wars | 1980 | Zaccaria / Zelco | | | |
astyanax | The Astyanax (EPROM version) | 1989 | Jaleco | | | |
astyanaxa | The Astyanax (mask ROM version) | 1989 | Jaleco | astyanax | astyanax | |
asuka | Asuka & Asuka (World) | 1988 | Taito Corporation | | | |
asukaj | Asuka & Asuka (Japan, rev 1) | 1988 | Taito Corporation | asuka | asuka | |
asukaja | Asuka & Asuka (Japan) | 1988 | Taito Corporation | asuka | asuka | |
asurabld | Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Japan) | 1998 | Fuuki | | | |
asurabus | Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (USA) | 2001 | Fuuki | | | |
asurabusj | Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan, set 1) | 2000 | Fuuki | asurabus | asurabus | |
asurabusja | Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan, set 2) | 2000 | Fuuki | asurabus | asurabus | |
asurabusjr | Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan) (ARCADIA review build) | 2000 | Fuuki | asurabus | asurabus | |
asuscubx | CUBX | 2000 | ASUS | | | |
asuscusc | Terminator P-3 "Cusc" (SiS630 chipset) | 2001 | Asus | | | |
asuspolo | Polo "Genie" (SiS630 chipset) | 2001 | Asus | | | |
asylum | Asylum (prototype) | 1991 | Leland Corporation | | | |
at | PC/AT (6 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) | 1987 | <generic> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
at_keyb | AT Keyboard | | | | | |
at_keybc | PC/AT Keyboard Controller | | | | | |
at_mb | PC/AT Motherboard | | | | | |
at28c16 | AT28C16 2Kx8 EEPROM | | | | | |
at28c64b | AT28C64B 8Kx8 EEPROM | | | | | |
at29c020 | ATMEL 29C020 256Kx8 FEEPROM | | | | | |
at29c040 | ATMEL 29C040 512Kx8 FEEPROM | | | | | |
at29c040a | ATMEL 29C040A 512Kx8 FEEPROM | | | | | |
at386 | PC/AT 386 (12 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) | 1988 | <generic> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
at386sx | PC/AT 386SX (16 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) | 1988 | <generic> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
at45db041 | AT45DB041 | | | | | |
at45db081 | AT45DB081 | | | | | |
at45db161 | AT45DB161 | | | | | |
at486 | PC/AT 486 (25 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) | 1990 | <generic> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
at586 | PC/AT 586 (PIIX4) | 1990 | <generic> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
at586x3 | PC/AT 586 (PIIX3) | 1990 | <generic> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
at89c4051 | Atmel AT89C4051 | | | | | |
at89c52 | Atmel AT89C52 | | | | | |
at89s52 | Atmel AT89S52 | | | | | |
ata_interface | ATA Interface | | | | | |
ata_slot | ATA Connector | | | | | |
atacf | ATA CompactFlash Card | | | | | |
ataflash | ATA Flash PC Card | | | | | |
atakaast | Ataka asteroidov | 1992 | bootleg (Elektronika) | gnw_mmouse | gnw_mmouse | |
atamanot | Computer Quiz Atama no Taisou (Japan) | 1983 | Yachiyo Denki / Uni Enterprize | | | |
ataqandr | Ataque Androide - Moon Cresta (FAR S.A. Spanish bootleg) | 1980? | bootleg (FAR S.A.) | mooncrst | mooncrst | |
atari_cage | Atari CAGE | | | | | |
atari_cage_seattle | Atari CAGE Seattle | | | | | |
atari_cx85 | Atari CX85 Numeric Keypad | | | | | |
atari_dpc | Atari DPC | | | | | |
atari_fdc | Atari FDC | | | | | |
atari_maria | Atari MARIA | | | | | |
atari_rle | Atari RLE Motion Objects | | | | | |
atari_trakball | Atari CX22/CX80 Trak-Ball | | | | | |
atari1050 | Atari 1050 Dual Density Disk Drive | | | | | |
atari810 | Atari 810 Disk Drive | | | | | |
atariabc286 | ABC-286/30 | 1989 | Atari | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
atarians | The Atarians | 1976 | Atari | | | genpin |
atarifb | Atari Football (revision 2) | 1978 | Atari | | | |
atarifb1 | Atari Football (revision 1) | 1978 | Atari | atarifb | atarifb | |
atarifb2 | Atari Football II | 1978 | Atari | atarifb | atarifb | |
atarifb4 | Atari 4 Player Football | 1979 | Atari | atarifb | atarifb | |
atarimo | Atari Motion Objects | | | | | |
ataripc1 | PC1 | 1987 | Atari | ibm5150 | ibm5150 | |
ataripc3 | PC3 | 1988 | Atari | ibm5150 | ibm5150 | |
ataripc4 | PC4 | 1987 | Atari | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
ataripc5 | PC5 | 1988 | Atari | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
atarisac | Atari SAC Sound Board | | | | | |
atariscom | Atari Sound Communications | | | | | |
atarisy1 | Atari System 1 BIOS | 1984 | Atari Games | | | |
atarivad | Atari VAD | | | | | |
ataxx | Ataxx (rev 5) | 1990 | Leland Corporation | | | |
ataxx_80186_sound | 80186 DAC (Ataxx) | | | | | |
ataxxa | Ataxx (rev 4) | 1990 | Leland Corporation | ataxx | ataxx | |
ataxxe | Ataxx (Europe) | 1990 | Leland Corporation | ataxx | ataxx | |
ataxxj | Ataxx (Japan) | 1990 | Leland Corporation (Capcom license) | ataxx | ataxx | |
atc1415 | ATC-1415 | 199? | A-Trend | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
atc1425a | ATC-1425A (SiS 85C496/85C497) | 1995 | A-Trend | | | |
atc1425b | ATC-1425B (SiS 85C496/85C497) | 1996 | A-Trend | | | |
atehate | Athena no Hatena? | 1993 | Athena | | | |
atetb3482 | Tetris (bootleg set 6, with UM3482) | 1988 | bootleg | atetris | atetris | |
atetb5205 | Tetris (bootleg set 7, with OKI M5205) | 1988 | bootleg | atetris | atetris | |
atetris | Tetris (set 1) | 1988 | Atari Games | | | |
atetrisa | Tetris (set 2) | 1988 | Atari Games | atetris | atetris | |
atetrisb | Tetris (bootleg set 1) | 1988 | bootleg | atetris | atetris | |
atetrisb2 | Tetris (bootleg set 2) | 1988 | bootleg | atetris | atetris | |
atetrisb3 | Tetris (bootleg set 3) | 1988 | bootleg | atetris | atetris | |
atetrisb4 | Tetris (bootleg set 4) | 1988 | bootleg | atetris | atetris | |
atetrisb5 | Tetris (bootleg set 5) | 1988 | bootleg | atetris | atetris | |
atetrisbp | Tetris (bartop, prototype) | 1989 | Atari Games | atetris | atetris | |
atetrisc | Tetris (cocktail set 1) | 1989 | Atari Games | atetris | atetris | |
atetrisc2 | Tetris (cocktail set 2) | 1989 | Atari Games | atetris | atetris | |
atgame40 | 40 Bonus Games in 1 (AtGames) | 2012 | AtGames | | | |
athena | Athena | 1986 | SNK | | | |
athenab | Athena (bootleg) | 1986 | SNK | athena | athena | |
athlonxp | Amd Athlon XP | | | | | |
ati_vga | ATi VGA i/f | | | | | |
atjsa1 | Atari JSA I Sound Board | | | | | |
atjsa2 | Atari JSA II Sound Board | | | | | |
atjsa3 | Atari JSA III Sound Board | | | | | |
atjsa3s | Atari JSA IIIs Sound Board | | | | | |
atkgld | All the King's Gold (0152152, US) | 2007 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
atla_ltd | Atlantis (LTD) | 1981 | LTD | | | genpin |
atlantca | Atlantica (Russia) (Atronic) (set 1) | 2002 | Atronic | | | |
atlantcaa | Atlantica (Russia) (Atronic) (set 2) | 2002 | Atronic | atlantca | atlantca | |
atlantip | Atlantis (rev. 3) | 1989 | Bally | | | genpin |
atlantis | Battle of Atlantis (set 1) | 1981 | Comsoft | | | |
atlantis2 | Battle of Atlantis (set 2) | 1981 | Comsoft | atlantis | atlantis | |
atlantisb | Battle of Atlantis (bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg | atlantis | atlantis | |
atlantol | Atlant Olimpic (Italian bootleg) | 1996 | bootleg | trackfld | trackfld | |
atleta | Atleta | 1991 | Inder | | | genpin |
atm | ATM-Turbo (ATM-CP) | 1991 | MicroART | spec128 | spec128 | |
atm18mcc | ATM18 Mini Chess Computer (English) | 2009 | Elektor | | | |
atmega1280 | Atmel ATmega1280 | | | | | |
atmega168 | Atmel ATmega168 | | | | | |
atmega2560 | Atmel ATmega2560 | | | | | |
atmega328 | Atmel ATmega328 | | | | | |
atmega644 | Atmel ATmega644 | | | | | |
atmega88 | Atmel ATmega88 | | | | | |
atmel_29c010 | Atmel 29C010 Flash | | | | | |
atmel_29c020 | Atmel 29C020 Flash | | | | | |
atmel_49f4096 | Atmel AT49F4096 Flash | | | | | |
atmtb2 | ATM-Turbo 2 | 1992 | MicroART | spec128 | spec128 | |
atmtb2plus | ATM-Turbo 2+ | 1993 | MicroART | spec128 | spec128 | |
atom | Atom | 1979 | Acorn | | | |
atom_discpack | Acorn Atom Disc Pack | | | | | |
atom_econet | Acorn Atom Econet Interface | | | | | |
atom_sid | AtomSID | | | | | |
atombb | Atom with BBC Basic | 1982 | Acorn | atom | atom | |
atombjt | Atom (bootleg of Bombjack Twin) | 1993 | bootleg (Kyon K.) | bjtwin | bjtwin | |
atomboy | Atomic Boy (revision B) | 1985 | Irem (Memetron license) | wilytowr | wilytowr | |
atomboya | Atomic Boy (revision A) | 1985 | Irem (Memetron license) | wilytowr | wilytowr | |
atomeb | Atom with Eprom Box | 1979 | Acorn | atom | atom | |
atomicp | Atomic Point (Korea) | 1990 | Philko | | | |
atompunk | Atomic Punk (US) | 1991 | Irem America (licensed from Hudson Soft) | dynablst | dynablst | |
ator | Ator (set 1, 2 bumpers) | 1985 | Video Dens | | | genpin |
ator3bmp | Ator (set 2, 3 bumpers) | 1985 | Video Dens | ator | ator | genpin |
atrbonpk | Bonus Poker (Atronic) | 200? | Atronic | | | |
atrbtlma | Beetlemania (Atronic) | 2002 | Atronic | | | |
atricmon | I C Money (Atronic) (set 1) | 200? | Atronic | | | |
atricmona | I C Money (Atronic) (set 2) | 200? | Atronic | atricmon | atricmon | |
atronic | Atronic SetUp/Clear Chips (Russia, set 1) | 1999 | Atronic | | | |
atronica | Atronic SetUp/Clear Chips (Russia, set 2) | 1999 | Atronic | atronic | atronic | |
atronicb | Atronic SetUp/Clear Chips | 1999 | Atronic | atronic | atronic | |
atrwild | Wild Thing (Atronic) | 200? | Atronic | | | |
att4425 | AT&T Teletype 4425 | 1983 | AT&T | | | |
att610 | 610 Business Communication Terminal | 1986 | AT&T | | | |
att615 | 615 MT | 1987 | AT&T | | | |
att630 | 630 MTG | 1986 | AT&T | | | |
att730x | 730X | 1990 | AT&T | | | |
attache | Attaché | 1982 | Otrona | | | |
attache816 | Attaché 8:16 | 1983 | Otrona | attache | attache | |
attack | Attack | 1980 | Playmatic | | | genpin |
attackf | Attack (bootleg of Defender) | 1980 | bootleg (Famaresa) | defender | defender | |
attackfc | Attack Force (encrypted) | 1979? | Electronic Games Systems | | | |
attackfcu | Attack Force (unencrypted) | 1979? | bootleg? | attackfc | attackfc | |
attckexd | Attack (set 1) | 1977 | Exidy | | | |
attckexd2 | Attack (set 2) | 1977 | Exidy | attckexd | attckexd | |
attckufo | Attack UFO | 1980 | Ryoto Electric Co. | | | |
attila | Attila The Hun | 1984 | Game Plan | | | genpin |
attiny15 | Atmel ATtiny15 | | | | | |
atturbo | PC/AT Turbo (12 MHz, MF2 Keyboard) | 1987 | <generic> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
atvtrack | ATV Track (set 1) | 2002 | Gaelco | | | |
atvtracka | ATV Track (set 2) | 2002 | Gaelco | atvtrack | atvtrack | |
atworld | Around The World (Version 1.4R CGA) | 2007 | Amcoe | | | |
atworldd1 | Around The World (Version 1.3R CGA) | 2007 | Amcoe | atworld | atworld | |
atworlde1 | Around The World (Version 1.3E CGA) | 2007 | Amcoe | atworld | atworld | |
au | Au (location test) | 1983 | Tehkan | | | |
aubam12s2 | BAM/12-S2 | 198? | AUVA COMPUTER, INC. | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
audiowerk2 | Emagic Audiowerk2 Digital Audio Recording | | | | | |
aurail | Aurail (set 3, US) (unprotected) | 1990 | Sega / Westone | | | |
aurail1 | Aurail (set 2, World) (FD1089B 317-0168) | 1990 | Sega / Westone | aurail | aurail | |
aurail1d | Aurail (set 2, World) (bootleg of FD1089B 317-0168 set) | 1990 | bootleg | aurail | aurail | |
aurailj | Aurail (set 1, Japan) (FD1089A 317-0167) | 1990 | Sega / Westone | aurail | aurail | |
aurailjd | Aurail (set 1, Japan) (bootleg of FD1089A 317-0167 set) | 1990 | bootleg | aurail | aurail | |
ausfache | Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf. Achse (Japan) | 2008 | Subtle Style | naomi | | |
auslalom | Autoslalom | 1990 | Elektronika | | | |
aussieby | Aussie Byte II | 1984 | SME Systems | | | |
aust201 | Austin Powers (CPU 2.01, display A2.00) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin | genpin |
aust300 | Austin Powers (CPU 3.00, display A3.00) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin | genpin |
aust301 | Austin Powers (CPU 3.01, display A3.00) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin | genpin |
austin | Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display A3.00) | 2001 | Stern | | | genpin |
austinf | Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display F3.00, France) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin | genpin |
austing | Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display G3.00, Germany) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin | genpin |
austini | Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display I3.00, Italy) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin | genpin |
austnew | Austin Powers (CPU 3.02, display A3.00, ARM7 sound board) | 2001 | Stern | austin | austin | genpin |
autmoon | Autumn Moon (1VXFC5488, New Zealand) | 1999 | Aristocrat | | | 3bagfull |
autoc15 | Autocue 1500 Teleprompter | 1988 | Autocue Ltd. | bbcmc | bbcmc | bbc |
automat | Automat (bootleg of Robocop) | 1988 | bootleg | robocop | robocop | |
automatm | Automat (bootleg of Robocop, Modular System) | 199? | bootleg (Gaelco / Ervisa) | robocop | robocop | |
autopapa | El auto feo | 199? | Gaelco | | | |
autorace | Auto Race | 1976 | Mattel Electronics | | | |
auvip800 | VIP 800 | 198? | AUVA | ibm5150 | ibm5150 | |
av2mj1bb | AV2Mahjong No.1 Bay Bridge no Seijo (Japan) | 1991 | Miki Syouji / AV Japan | | | |
av2mj2rg | AV2Mahjong No.2 Rouge no Kaori (Japan) | 1991 | Miki Syouji / AV Japan | | | |
avalnc12 | The Key Of Avalon 1.2 - Summon The New Monsters (client, Rev A) (GDT-0010A) | 2004 | Sega / Hitmaker | avalnc13 | avalnc13 | |
avalnc13 | The Key Of Avalon 1.3 - Chaotic Sabbat (client, Rev C) (GDT-0010C) | 2004 | Sega / Hitmaker | triforce | | |
avalnc25 | The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (client, Rev B) (GDT-0019B) | 2005 | Sega / Hitmaker | triforce | | |
avalnc25a | The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (client, Rev A) (GDT-0019A) | 2005 | Sega / Hitmaker | avalnc25 | avalnc25 | |
avalnche | Avalanche | 1978 | Atari | | | |
avalns12 | The Key Of Avalon 1.2 - Summon The New Monsters (server, Rev A) (GDT-0009A) | 2004 | Sega / Hitmaker | avalns13 | avalns13 | |
avalns13 | The Key Of Avalon 1.3 - Chaotic Sabbat (server, Rev C) (GDT-0009C) | 2004 | Sega / Hitmaker | triforce | | |
avalns25 | The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (server, Rev B) (GDT-0018B) | 2005 | Sega / Hitmaker | triforce | | |
avalns25a | The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (server, Rev A) (GDT-0018A) | 2005 | Sega / Hitmaker | avalns25 | avalns25 | |
avalon20 | The Key Of Avalon 2.0 - Eutaxy and Commandment (client, Rev B) (GDT-0017B) | 2004 | Sega / Hitmaker | triforce | | |
avalonc | The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (client, Rev G) (GDT-0006G) | 2003 | Sega / Hitmaker | triforce | | |
avalonca | The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (client, Rev A) (GDT-0006A) | 2003 | Sega / Hitmaker | avalonc | avalonc | |
avaloncc | The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (client, Rev C) (GDT-0006C) | 2003 | Sega / Hitmaker | avalonc | avalonc | |
avalonce | The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (client, Rev E) (GDT-0006E) | 2003 | Sega / Hitmaker | avalonc | avalonc | |
avaloncf | The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (client, Rev F) (GDT-0006F) | 2003 | Sega / Hitmaker | avalonc | avalonc | |
avalons | The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (server, Rev G) (GDT-0005G) | 2003 | Sega / Hitmaker | triforce | | |
avalonsa | The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (server, Rev A) (GDT-0005A) | 2003 | Sega / Hitmaker | avalons | avalons | |
avalonsc | The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (server, Rev C) (GDT-0005C) | 2003 | Sega / Hitmaker | avalons | avalons | |
avalonse | The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (server, Rev E) (GDT-0005E) | 2003 | Sega / Hitmaker | avalons | avalons | |
avalonsf | The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (server, Rev F) (GDT-0005F) | 2003 | Sega / Hitmaker | avalons | avalons | |
avcc | Advanced Voice Chess Challenger | 1980 | Fidelity Electronics | vcc | vcc | |
avefenix | Ave Fenix (Electrogame, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg (Video Game) | phoenix | phoenix | |
avefenixl | Ave Fenix (Laguna, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg (Laguna) | phoenix | phoenix | |
avefenixrf | Ave Fenix (Recreativos Franco, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg (Recreativos Franco S.A.) | phoenix | phoenix | |
avenger | Avenger | 1975 | Electra | | | |
avengers | Avengers (US, rev. D) | 1987 | Capcom | | | |
avengersa | Avengers (US, rev. C) | 1987 | Capcom | avengers | avengers | |
avengersb | Avengers (US, rev. A) | 1987 | Capcom | avengers | avengers | |
avengersc | Avengers (US) | 1987 | Capcom | avengers | avengers | |
avengrgs | Avengers In Galactic Storm (US/Europe 1.0) | 1995 | Data East Corporation | | | |
avengrgsj | Avengers In Galactic Storm (Japan 1.2) | 1995 | Data East Corporation | avengrgs | avengrgs | |
avg | Atari AVG | | | | | |
avg_bzone | Atari AVG (Battle Zone) | | | | | |
avg_mhavoc | Atari AVG (Major Havoc) | | | | | |
avg_quantum | Atari AVG (Quantum) | | | | | |
avg_starwars | Atari AVG (Star Wars) | | | | | |
avg_tempest | Atari AVG (Tempest) | | | | | |
avigo | TI Avigo 10 PDA | 1997 | Texas Instruments | | | |
avigo_de | TI Avigo 10 PDA (German) | 1997 | Texas Instruments | avigo | avigo | |
avigo_es | TI Avigo 10 PDA (Spanish) | 1997 | Texas Instruments | avigo | avigo | |
avigo_fr | TI Avigo 10 PDA (French) | 1997 | Texas Instruments | avigo | avigo | |
avigo_it | TI Avigo 10 PDA (Italian) | 1997 | Texas Instruments | avigo | avigo | |
aviion_4600 | AViiON 4600 | 1991 | Data General | | | |